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<br /> '!'�OgTfIDR W!'P�i all the fmprovemcnta now or hereafter erxted on the prapeity.and aU easement�,appurtenen�es,and
<br /> fi�cWns nuw cu h�r a pert of ttw pco�perty.AU rqdao�.menu and addtdona ehell also bo cavered by thls Secwlry Inswmcn�
<br /> All ot tbe fae�oin8 is rofemd a in this S�curtty�nswrnent es tda"Property."
<br /> BORROViIBR aD�►6FVAI�3TS Ituri I�orrowr�is tawfculty sc�sed of tha csmte hezefiy canvcycd urid he�tha rlght w ga�t�►d r
<br /> couvey tba Praperty a�d tlut tBa Psepaty la uau�cumba�eG. except for encua►brebces of rxord Bunowor wwrenta and wW
<br /> defead goaaally t2ae dtle co the Property e4Bainst aU claims and deraands,subkct w eny eacumbrance�of cecord.
<br /> 'ii�IIS SB,CURITY II1SIRUMBNT oombiaes unifomi cava�ants far aational usa and non•uniform oovenents wlth Wnited _
<br /> v�dadana by jsula�Cdon to e�nstimte a unifoim soc�uity inswmaat covering real prope:ty. -
<br /> UN�ORMCOVBdVAN!'S.Bomowu and I.endar covenaat aad egcee as followa:
<br /> 1.FAy�e.at ot Pr�ncip�l�nd Iut�rest;Prcpayment and l.at�C6arges. Hotrower shWl pmmptiy pay wh�u dao tha
<br /> prLicipal ofeudiniaeston the deistevideaced by tho Nom and aay prepaymwtand latacharges due unda tbe Note. -
<br /> Z.Pbnd�ta7'�uceswnd Iaauraaa. Subject to upplicable 1aw or to a wriueu waiva by L.eadet�Bamower sha11 pay to
<br /> L�der oa d►e day mant4lY PaY�ts are due under the Not0. �mtll tho Note is paid in full�a sum("Funds'�for.(a)yesrly ta�ces
<br /> and a4s�meata which may am�n prioxlry over tbis Seciuity InatNment as a llcn on the PcoP�Y:N) Ye�arIy leasehold payments
<br /> or gi�ound ratts on tde propa'ty�if eny;(c)Yeatly hazaM or propetty insutauee paetniwns:(d)Ytarly Aood insuraaae piemiums.if
<br /> anY:(e)Y�Y m�t8�$a��►if any;antl(�aaY sums PaYabl�by Bcumwu to I.ender.in a•,�rdmica with the
<br /> pmvLdons of p�ragrtpb 8�in IIw of the payakttt of mortgage insaranee premi�ms.'�u.se ite,�ns am c�aUed"Bscrew Items.,, -
<br /> L�er�der uiaY�at ay dme,eo�tCCt and hold Funds ia aa emaunt not to e�ccad the a�ximum amouac a lander f�a fcdsrelly related
<br /> mottgage loaa may mqa�e fo�r Borrowec's e�raw axount uader tha fodetel Rql Bstete Seulanent�COCediues Act of 1974 av
<br /> aa�aded fran tirt�e w daie,l3 U.S.C.Sectton 2601 et s�q. ("RBSPA'�,ualess anott►u law that applies to the Fnads sets a lessa
<br /> amount IP a�.Lra�der m�y,ei aay time.colloct and hold Runds in en emam�t not w a�caed the lessa amaunt L,e�da may
<br /> estimate the euau�at of Fiands due on the basis of cuirrnt dat�and reasonable estlmates of expendiwn.a of Pot�a Bsaow Itams or
<br /> othavvLsa in 4c�ndanae with appli�abb laa.
<br /> 1ho Fund�ahall ba held i:►an lnstiwdon ahose de�osits sre insvsrd by a faferal agaaay.Inswmoniality�a eadry(including
<br /> i�nda.if Leader b sucli a lasdbiDtan)or in eny Federal Home Loan Banic.I.eader shall apply the Funda m pay the Bsaow
<br /> Itaas.La�der mqy aot diarge Boimwar f�holding and applying d�e F�nds,annually analyzing t�e escrow account�or�crifY�B .
<br /> tt�e Hsaow Ioems. uaLess I,ender pays B�rower iataest on the Fnnds and applicable law pamirs Lcader oa�caal�a such a charge. .
<br />. Ho�va,Era�d�s m►y reqni�e stxrowrt to pay a onaume c�cge fpr an u�daic�i est�e mA repwting savioe aaed 6y .. . .
<br /> I.a�dei in aonnocdon w[tb d�loan..untcss epPliceb3a law pmvldes�4the�wtsa, Unless an agteemeut ia mode os spplicable+�v
<br /> rcquicp iataest Oo be pRid,Leada shaU not be required W pay Hu�rower eny intarest or earNngs on ttte Funds.Bonowet sutd
<br /> I.cn+ta msy q�ea in wriwag.howava�diat Intaest shall ba paid on tha Funds.Lender shall give to Bomawer.aW�ont charge.�an . .
<br /> aonusd�000untb� ot tLe Funds,showing aedits aad debita to the Funds aad tha p�cDase fa whicb each d�Dit to the Plinda was
<br /> mtle.T�e Fiu�ds ace pk4gtd at addidonal eaauiry fa all sums sxurad by d�is Seauity Ias�umea�
<br /> If tba Puad�held 6y i.asda exaad dxi amouats peemiuoa to bo hnid by applicable law.Leader s6all account to Boa+owa for
<br /> d�e eueas Fu�ads in aceor+dnoa with the nquiruaeats of appllcabk law.If the a�nount of the Funds held by L�enda et aay dwa is
<br /> not a�cimt topay theEaaaM Iuma whea due.I.e�War a�aY so aotify Bocrowrr in writin�md�in euc6 ca�e Bo�mwa sf�ll pay
<br /> b Iraida d�nnauai aooe�acy W malra up tLe defidGncy. Boimwa shall matae ap the de6ciaicy in no mae d�an twtive
<br /> �Y P�P��•�I.ehder's aole discredna.
<br /> Upon�tln full of ari sams secu�ed by thfi SouultY In�a�n�LaKiei shall P�P�9�►d to Borran�ra my F1�ada
<br /> heW by Lenc{�c,If�und�r pocqgraph 21.I�shau aeQufre a eelt the Pe�operiy.L�eoder�Prior to tl�e ao4uisUion or sab of the
<br /> �ropKCy.ahl�,ip�pty any Fimds Ueld by Lmder a da dma ef acq�itim o�s�la a�a cxedic agalnst the aums soc�aed by tliis
<br /> �App�at Age�b. Unks�apptic�bk law paovides aLawls0.��ts reoeivod by Le�x'unda P�ra�pt�v
<br /> 1�od 2 sl�il 6e aQptied: Srat,ou�uY D�P4Y�i aharges dne usida the Note: eaoond,to amounts P�Y�b�'A�2
<br /> t�ird.to in�dux foucth.0�pincipal duo:and 1�st.to�ay lau ch�rs dne uwkr tba Note.
<br /> 4.Crar�en L1eas. Boemwet sitiill pq►�Il tuus.�nants►chwc8es.6oes aod impoat0ions alnt'butabk to the Prdpetry
<br /> which may�tin ptloairy oves thia Sautity�um�ai�ad lernLaid p�ymenm a�atnd�eats�!f any.Barce�sdali pay these
<br /> oblig,ftioat in da mann�t ptavided to paat�raph 2.a if not paid in that mant�a.Bocmvver ehall pay tliem oa titaa d�roctly w the ..
<br /> peroon��►ad pq�ent Ba�owa ah�il pcomptly fiuntsh m La�der all aotic�es af amounts tu ba p�d imda tdLs par�ph,If
<br /> soQO.uer m�trn t�pyroait�airoai�►.s«r6wa sn�u p�nmp�ly r�h to Lmda r�oeipts av�ng the paymmts.
<br /> Ba:ow�er alw�l pnompd7►discl�8o anY lia�which Eas pri�oQity ova ditv Sectuity►Instrnenait unlm Barr�oMer.(�agcoes in .
<br /> �ing b d�p�►iom�t oTr tha obligat�t axnted 1ri►the liea is�a mmnv�aoapt�bk te Lencki;(b)oonte�s ia goad fsith the liea
<br /> bY.a dde���enfa�aeaxm of tbo ti�n in�I�egal ProoeedinSs whk�D in the I.�nde:•s opinion ope�te w prevwt tbe .
<br /> antaaeement of t�1i�4 a(c)secores fmm tbe 6uldei of the�m an ag�ament satidacooey m L�d�snbordin�tng the liea m
<br /> thia Sea�rtty�t�f Laider daa�mines that any p�t af d�e PivpQty is su�bjja�to a lie�ahich mt��attaim prla�ty over this
<br /> Sea�riqr Intiqvioe�L Laarler m�y�lve Bo�r�awdr s aot�oe ida4tifying t�e Hea.Bam�ret shaII s�dsfy tAe 1im or n�aoa ar mo�e
<br /> ot tha aaioas�1[ath above withia 10 daya of tha givIng of natio�
<br /> Rone aoTi O,io
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