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<br /> �R,.,.,- �F. .. � .,n v��... -. .. -_.. . '" ' _ _ _• . . ' .. . . .. - .. .. . ... .� .. ... . ._. ...... ...� .. .� L•__
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<br /> O�Ynxnu►may no longer be coquiced►u t�+�opdon oF L�nder.it mattg�o lnsturnco cover�o(in i6o unount and far U►o perlod -
<br /> thu Lcnd�r e�quim�)provlded by a�inaurer�pp�+OVad by L�►da�in bxomcs+►v�11�bb�nd�t obt�inal.Sorrowcr ahdl ay the
<br /> p�emlums roqulrod to m�intain m��g�o In��u�:ioe in cifc�t.or ta p�avlda a loQU r�*�.�rvo�uacll ttto rcAuitcment for m�rt�,e � -
<br /> in�ur�nce dnde tn�cootd�noA wlth�ny wrlttd��.nt betwan Bonowu�nd Lr�tdar or�ppllc�blo 4w.
<br /> 9.Io�pcctbn. Leadrx a Ita sgent nuy mnlco�a,wnablo cntriw upoci and inepocHone of tho Propaty.Lendu ehall gtvo
<br /> Bo�rowa nodco u the dme of or pdor w an ln�pecdan apocitying masonabb causo for the inspecdon.
<br /> 30.CondemwtNon. 'lt�e pmceods oP any award or claim for demaBes�dlrect or consequeAdai.la connocflon with any
<br /> op�demn�tbn or otbEe nking af pny pazt of�he Prepaty.a�[or conv�yanoe in llw of ccndemnation.are bueby esstgned ac►�
<br /> sMll 6e p�id to L�endsr. =
<br /> In tbe eveat oi s wtel Wdnng of tde Pmpe�tY,tks psocxoda ahaU be appliod ta tho awns secured by this SxiuIty Iaswment�
<br /> whaher ar aa theA dne.with aay exass piid to Bamowa.In the evoat of a partW taldt►B of tho ProPe�►Y in ahich tho fair marret
<br /> value�f.the Pmpaty uamodiu�ly befom the teldng is aqual w or�reates than tba ataount of Wa suma sec�ued by thia Sxurlty
<br /> insazuneat iromediately beforo tLe mldng�unbss Bor�ower and L.euder othetwisa apoo in wrldng.tbe suma secnred by this
<br /> Security InsuunreAt shtll ba reduoed by ths amount of the prcceeda muidplbd by the following fracdon:(a)tue toml emonnt of
<br /> the sums e�curod imn�lely befora tha taldng.dividod by(b)the fetir market valve of the Property imnaediauly befae iho
<br /> tdcing.Aay baW�os sha11 be paid to Sorrower.In tho cvent of a pectial taldng uf tha Ptopeity in whIch tbe fair msrlcet val�ce of the `
<br /> pmpecty immediately befara the talcit►g is less than the amount of the sums secured immedia�ely befam the taldng� unkss
<br /> Bnnower and I.ender othawlse egc+e�ia wri6ng or unkss appllcabla law otherwise pmvldes�the procaeds stiall be applled to tba
<br /> sums exuced by th�s Seairlty Instruznent whetbes or n9t the sums are theA due.
<br /> It tho Propaty ls abandoned by Hormwex.ar if.et�er aotke by Lendor m Bomowu that the condemnor offers to raaYe an
<br /> awatd or eeule a clatm for dunagas.Bomowu faila oo respor+d a Leader wlthin 30 days aftes ma date die nedoe is g[ven,Lender
<br /> is suti�ior�zecl t�oolloct and apply the prooeods.et its apdon�either w resto[ation or repait of dte Propaty or w dte aume sac�uod
<br /> � by this Securib►Tns�vmea��,ahether a aot d►ea due.
<br /> Unks�L+enda ead Horrowcr Whuwlss e&roe in wrIt�aB,enY�tinn of piocaods to princtpal sdatl aoi axtand or g�tpone.
<br /> � tbe dua d�te of t1�e moathlY PeYme�ts referrod to in paiagcaphs 1 and 2 or change We amauat of such paya�ents.
<br /> 11.Son�awu Not Re3ease83��bauaea By Lender 11io!a Wafver. Bxteasion aY�the tlme for paymeat o�modificadoa
<br /> �� of smaedmtion Af the suma eectued by thia Securlty tae�umeat�anrod by I�r to eny a�iu fats-�of Str.��vsr�alt �.. -
<br /> mt apera�a ta releaso fhe 1ia�fit�ty of the orlg�n�t Bo�rnwa cyr Barmwer's�taces�rs in inte�est.Lander sball not be req�ed�o �
<br /> � eomma�oe Prooee�t�6$�a�aat a�q►�in �nta+est or m�Suse w mcterHl dme for payment or otha�a�se modifY aiaordmdai of
<br /> die sums seciuod by th3s Sociulty Iasuumwt by reason of any de�t mada by the arj8inal Bonowu or Bo�rower's a�s
<br /> in iaoxait.Any fabeahnoe by Lenda in axacising any rlght or remedy st�alI aot be a waives of or preclude tl�a ex�e of my
<br /> �ta�y. .
<br /> 13.Sraaeo�t ud�n�►Bo�ndi Jotnt aud 6everal LL6itiqi Co�aignen�.The coveaanta sud �oaneets of this
<br /> SocurEty 1n:aun�aot ah�U bind aud beoef'u t6e s�ooassors and�ssigns of L�ead�aad Bamwa.snbjoct oo the provLioca of
<br /> p�r�L 17. Bam�ya'a aovauass and�gr�manu stull be,�niat wd eaveral. Any Hauower wbo oaadgioa Wia SeQUitY
<br /> in�aumak buc doa noe exxutie d�e Naa(� �S oo-s3gnin8 diis Secur�iry Ins�umaic oniy a mactg�ga�aad ooavay d+�c
<br /> Bo�eoaet`s hlecdt ir�ibe Ycapaty unda t2a tesnu of tt�i„s Sec�uity IsatiumeaC(b)is m►Pe:aoo�llY��8��P�Y d�e e�ms
<br /> ae�cured by tb4 Sa�rity Inatnurra��aod(c)agcea dnt La►da�ud aay other Ba�mwa may agroe fa exta�d.modifY.fa�ba�a
<br /> m�e�ny aaoa�rood�tione r�tb rega�+�w the t�ms of this Socucity Insaume�et qr the Note althout d�at Bormwa'a oonxn�
<br /> 13.Lo�C�a. If d�a ben eecurod by this Sx�rlty LW�urt�ant is su�jxt w a ttw wbicd seta muina�un 1an clvrges.
<br /> md dwt Inv b�all�r iateepretad so t6ri die in�at a otMx lo�n cb�rges oollected ar w bo collected in oonnectjon wltb thc baa
<br /> axooed the pamitled limit�,d�en:(a)�ny a�h Zan�htr8o at�ll be nd�oed by tba amoant nooes�7►b roduoo da chaitgo b the
<br /> p�mit�d lia�aM{b)any siuns slnadY aollxtoed from Harmwar wl�ic�oxoee�od pamined Wnits wip bo rofiu�dod so Bace�oMa.
<br /> I,��der m�y chooee ta matuo thia retiu�d by reducin8� P��owcd �mder�he Noee er by �c�ing a diroct paymeat 10
<br /> BotmMer. If a nfimd reduxs pt�l.tha c�dixxion w1U ba u�ted as a pectlal pcepayaa�t wIthout ar►Y D�Y�►t�h�ge
<br /> �Nutioes. Any notioe Mo 8eaower provided fa ia tAlt Socmiry Iastnunatt aball be givm by delivering it a by maili4g it
<br /> by tirst c1�s mdl�mless applLabb Isw requires nso of�oot6a c�od.The not�oo ah�II be dicecoed oo tbe PY+epany Ad�re,v ar
<br /> �rty od�c addresa�d�by notiso b I:a�dec.My notio�e a.T�nala stnll be glvea by fnat cltss m�il�o Lmader'�
<br /> �dd�rsa t�od 6enin a any otMt ad�L�eatbr dGdAntes by notioe 4o Baerowea Any notioo provided fos in this Socurity ,
<br /> Ia�t s6�U bo dxn�ad w 6ave bem gtvaa�o Bo�rowet c+a�TRnder wha�given�pmvided in this p�taQh.
<br /> 1�Go�e�iq Law;Seresab�. lhii ��iry Instruroeut shall ba gove�nod by fedaal isM aod tLe law of tse
<br /> jprttdietion in�►L�icb the Ropa4►is be�sai.�n the event that any provis�on a clau9e ot this Secwo�qry Ins�ummt a t1�e Nae
<br /> ooafiicts with applk�able iaar.r�e6 oonflkt s1�U nat�ffect ot6ar pcovLskns of d�is SxwtIty Instcumau ar the I�ot�e which can be
<br /> gtvea e.�xt wIthout the ooafliaiag Puvisim To this ead the puvisioos ef this Soauiry Iastn�meat aad tbe Note are dect�od on
<br /> ba�n�esbie.
<br />- Fotnr 30Zi R190
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