:�;,�: ' , 'f,..i'� ,, . ��. �f-t�'k'd�+?.n_�ri 7+�rt'�'c,:1:.%' � . .
<br /> l� ,h � � ,. .. .. . . , ,,, ._�<,_.�..�.., __ ---
<br /> - . ., . •��- ,j,..9y�,r+ f �.'i.`��'}���,,�,�r' . _ ..,. ... , i _ .•r���lr1c �
<br /> ,1''LMIr.�,;....�,)�co�lJoNk4.1Y0.H�"���r�g��?I�,V K�"'v-..,�' ' •.....-�11'MlA�4lDtML'Yr?„+��'+�f .---- ..e ..._ �
<br /> ._._..�_ .._.�......,.. _ ...y._._,� _ _. _
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<br /> r,.=....� -'r.�i:�':rr.i�;ka*s.ss_�:,.""f3ifi� _ �E.=.t„�.. -_----
<br /> �9g.,.�l�i �
<br /> �7. Eminsnt Oantin.Lender la hereby aealgrtod alt compeneatlon,awarda,dema�es and o paymqnts or rellof(herelnaQter �.
<br /> "Procesd�"l In conneoUOn with avndemnutlon or ui�er iatdnp af t�a Pro=sar�y or RsR thereot,rn tor aonveyanee in Iiau ot condsmm• —
<br /> tion.Lender�h411 be ent�ted et Its optton to commencs,tpp�ar In and protecute in ib own nams any aaUon or proc�edirtp�,and
<br /> ahall aiso bs entitted to meke eny aompromfas or setttement In conneotlon with auch takinp or damnas.�n ths sv�nt any par�on ot
<br /> th�R►oporiy Is ta taken or dam�ped,L�nd��shail hws ths option.ln Its sols and abaaiuts dlea�eUon,to apply atl euoh Proce�dti
<br /> aRerd�duaUrt�thsretrom sll coab and expens„Inaurred by It in conn�atlon withsuah Proceeds,upon�ny ind�bt�dn�s�ound
<br /> hcrcby nrid In euoh grAar ne Lenda►msq determina or to appiy ell such Prooeede,aRer woh deduatlone,to Ms restor�tlon of tlN �
<br /> PropMy upon sua�condldom as Lend�r may dete►mlrs�.Any�pp118aUon of P�oc�eda to Ind�bUdness eh�1i not exWr+d or pa�S�no
<br /> the dus d�ta oi any psymsnb urtde►the Nots,or aun any dNaatt thereun�lsr or b�reundsr.Any un�pplled 4undi�lu�i b�ptid b
<br /> Tnntor.
<br /> e. PMfarm�ne�by L�ndK Upon ths ocaur�qnes of a�Ewnt of Gtautt he»unde►.or it any nct b teken or leaal p�oas�dinp __
<br /> commenced whiaA matedally�ifeata Lendera intera�t le ths Property,Lender m��r in Ib own disar�tlan,but withoutobllgaUon to do
<br /> s�.artd without nottee to or demand upon Truator and without reteatinp Trusto►tr�m any oblipatlon,do any aet whiah Trusta fu�
<br /> apraod but falle to do end may atso do aRy other aat it de�ms n�ceaary to prol�at ths eeaudty hereot T�uato��halt,tmm�dlaldy
<br /> upoo dsmand therofor by Lefl9er.p4y W Lsndar a8 ceate nrtsl expenoes InaurreA end aums expandad by Leader tn conneatlon wIC► `
<br /> add�d 4o,lhe In�dsbtedrtess tiecu�rod hereby�de�atwti rtot inaur an�y Ilabt Ity becsuae of anyth�npnt�may�do oh�om�ta�0o
<br /> hoteuneNr.
<br /> s, M�a�daw�Oaf�ri�U.Trustor shall ke�p ths P�op�My In aomplkna�wHh all appltoabls laws.ordinance�and roputt�ans
<br /> �NaUnp to indunriat hypien�or snv�ronm�ntal probatfon(aolNctively r�te►r�to hsreln as"Envl►onms�al Law�'�.Trui�stWD
<br /> ic�p the propsAy{rss trom ali sub�nees dNmed to bs hwrdous Ar toxio under�ny Emironmsntat taws(colt�ctivN�r ntert�dt�
<br /> hs�Nn u Hau►dous Mated�ls'�.Twsbr hsreby warantd and ropresents to 6+endw that thsro aro no Hatl�rdous Mal�rlals onor
<br /> under ths P►oPerb►.'fivstor h�r�by apreea to indemnKy and hefd hsFriit�Lender,It�dirscbra,otNeore,er++DbStee�a��^�+� ..
<br /> �ny su�sw�s to Lenders In�t hom and agatn�t any and alt cutm�,dama�es,Iosaes and tlabllit{�ea�ri�lrro tn aanneatlon wNh
<br /> the presmes.uss.disposai or tranaport ot any H�zaMous Mate�ts on,under.irom or about tho Prope�ty.THE FOREQOINO
<br /> tp, AsNp�wnsnt ql R�nb.Trostor hereby aesi�na to Lender ths ror►ts,lasue�end profi�o!ths P�operty:provid�d th�t fitf�
<br /> eha►6 unUl ths ocaurronae of an Event of Def�uit hereunder.hnve the�IpAt to colleetand rotain such roms.iasues and Proflts a tA�y
<br /> bacome due and payabie.Upo�ths ooaurrencs of an Event of Dehutt Lendsr miy.ettAer In person or by eanL wtth or without
<br /> brinpin��ny tadon or prxeedlnQ,or by a recelver appolnted by a couR and without repard to the adsqway ot its�saurity.�1N'
<br /> upon nnd take posseaalan otthe Property,or any paR theroof,in its own nnme or in the nnme of thsTru�tse,and do anracb whkh tt
<br /> deems�ecesaary or dostrable W preaerve the valus,markstabllity o►rantabflity ot dte Props�ty.or any paR thereaf or inta�eattMnln.
<br /> incroas�s the incon�e theretrom or prnteat tho seeudty hereot and,with or without takiaA possession of Ne Property,�w toror
<br /> othervrise colteot ths reMs„iasuea and prABta theroof,inctudtnp those paet due and unpald,and apply ths asmu.lew cwb uid
<br /> �;�t,f t,psra�8n as��llan�sSd�IrsQ s�l�ayn�teas,upon any indebtedneaa aecured herebri atl in such order as UndK
<br /> may determine.The entsrinp upo�and tnkinp poaaesefon of the Property.the cotkeUon of suoh rents,laeues ano proiits anci tlis
<br /> appfieadon theroof as atoreseld,ahali not cure or walve any default or rtoUce of detau�t Aereunder or tnvaildate sny aot dorn in
<br /> responae to euc1�detault or pureuant to auob noUce ot delauit and,notwithaffindtr�y the continuance in pomseasion of ths ProPertyor
<br /> the colleoNon,receipt and appllcaUon of rente.isauea or profim,and Truatee end Lender ehalt be enUtled to sxercl�s eve�p�ipht
<br /> providedtotinart�►ottheLoan Documentaorbylawuponoccur►e�eeof anyEventotDetault,InctudfnpwithouttlmitnUon theri�Btto
<br /> exerciss the power ot eate.Further,Lender's riphts and reinediea under thls paragrnpb shall be cumutative with,�i��Tw�
<br /> Ilmitationon.Lenders�iphtaand remedfesunderarry asstOnmentoilesseaand nntarecordedegatnstthsPtoperty.
<br /> and the reoNver ehati bs liable to eccount aniy.thoas rertts actutliy received.
<br /> 11,Er�nb af OdauN.The tollowinp e'halt constltuAe an Event ot OetauR under this Deed of Truat
<br /> (e� Failure to pay any instaliment ot prinai�Af or ir�teroat ot eny other eum secured here0y when duG
<br /> (b) ADroachofordetaultunderanyprovlatoncontainedintheNote,thlaOaedMTrost,anyoftheLOanCxumer►te,or�ny
<br /> otl�er Ilen o►et�eumbranoe upon the PropertY:
<br /> the Propert�r ortan poAlon thereofhorintereffi U�ere�n r proceas ehait be entered apalnat T�uator which ehnil become a Aan on
<br /> (d) There shatl bo flled by or apainst Truetor or Bonower an aeUon under any preaent ar tuturo tederat,�or�hsr
<br /> racei�ver oWBqutdator of Trastor ort8orrower otrot all or a y part o�f the?roperty,ar Uie�rsnte,Iaauas or pro m thereot,or'�r�ntor
<br /> or 8orcower ahatl make any yeneral saslDnmant for Ma beneHt ot aredltoro;
<br /> (e)The�sats.tranater,leaee.aaeipnmeot,corneyance or tur�her encumbrance of atl or sny paR o!o�any fnteroat Inthe
<br /> Ppermi�d to�aeute a leataya of the Prope y that�does not cnml°�n nn optton to purahaae and�the term o whteh doea not eXCeed
<br /> one year.
<br /> (� Abnndonment ot t�e Properly:or
<br /> (p) IfYrustortanotenlndividuat,thelsauanca.sale,transfer,sssipnment,conveyanceorencumbrartceotmorethanatotat
<br /> of.�_.percent ot(tf a corporeUon){ts isaued and outatandinp stock or(if e partnerohip)a tatet of perceM ot
<br /> paAne�ahtp Intereafa dJrinp the period th�a Deed of Troat remains a Ilen on the PropeRy.
<br /> 12.R�n�diM:Aa�NDOn Upon MhuM.tn the eventof any EvBnt of Detautt lender may.without no8ce exa;eptae requirad by
<br /> taw.dealare atl Indebtedness seaured hereby to be due and pay�bte and the same ahail thereuRon become due and payeble
<br /> without any presemment,demand,protest or notice of any kind.T�oreaiter Lertder may:
<br /> (a) Demand that Truateo exerciae the P011VER OP SALE gra�ted hereln.and Truatee sha�l thereafter cauea Trusror'e
<br /> - irKerest In Me P�operiy to be eo�d and the procseds to be disVibuted,ail in the manner provided In the Nebraaka Twst Oesda
<br /> ACt
<br /> (p) Exerclaeanyendaqrinhtaprovldedforinenyofthel.osnDocumentsorbyiawuponoCCUrrenceotan!►EventofDeleulx
<br /> and
<br /> (c) Commonceanaatlontotoreolosethis0eedotTruetasamortgage,appofntarecelver.orepeciticatyentorcsar►y0tthe
<br /> covenents hereof.
<br />� No►emedy here{n coMerred upon or reserved to Truak�e or Lender ia intertded to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,���en
<br /> � loan Documenta or by taw provided or permittod,but each shall be cumutative,shall be in addition to every other remedy g
<br /> - hereunder,!n the Loan Documents or now or hereaiterexisting at law or in equlty or by stetute,and may be exe�cised concur�entty, _
<br /> _ �.,.7�nnn.lneltv er s�uY�nt�elv. ----°
<br />.a j'�,�r�1�2N.The Trustee may resign st any Ume wfthout cause,8rt�t t ender may ai anr ame a.ia wiu�v'i+.v6'vov orr�•-� _
<br /> - aucceaaor or substituteTruatee.Trustee shail not be Iteble to any pariy,inctuding without lim(taUon lender,Borrowar,Tcuatot ora�y
<br /> purchaser of tlte Properly.for eny�oss or damage unleas due to reokiess or willtu�misconduoL and shail not Oe requlred to takeany
<br /> ". a�Uon In conrtection wiM the enforcement ot this Dsed ot Tnist�nless indemnifled,in writinp,for ati coats,compenaatlon or .
<br /> � exper�eea whiah may be esaoolated therewlM.in addiuon,Trustee may becoma a purchaser at any eale o!the Properly Uud[dal or
<br />,� under tha powe�of eaie granted Rereln);poa�pone the sate oi alt or aryy portlon ot!he Property.ag provided by taw:or seli the =
<br /> properiy as e whde,or i�sepa►ate parcels or Iota at Trustee's discretton.
<br /> 1 q, F�tat�E•aasnses.U the event Truetee eelle the Properly by 8zerelse of power ot 8a�e,Trustee shalt be enUUed to apply _
<br /> � c�ny sate proceeda 8�st to payment ot all costa and expe�ses of exercislrtg power of sate,inctuding etl Trustee's fees,and Le�er's , _
<br /> n9
<br /> and Tnistee's ettomey's teea,ectuatty irtcurred to extent pe►mftted by appitcable law.In Me event 8orrower or Trustor exerciaesany
<br />;� right provtded by I�w to cure an Event ot Detau�t Lender shail be endUed to recover from Truator a�l costs and expenaes aCluatty
<br />-= incurred 8s n resuit qt Truato►'e detau�R Inciuding wilhout Iimitetton atl Truatee's and attorney's tees.to the extent pe►mitted by
<br />_= epplicabte taw.
<br /> r y
<br />