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�. ,,,�•a,,,�,n�g, .. , �,.- �.�...-._., ..r..�,_.;�.,��,J .. .. <br /> •..ronb r. ,. .. .-a..•..n-,�l_r�l i�I' � <br /> •. �pi}r+o�'.�.r- �.,{ <br /> �. „ ,•�'"'�"-!�IV'!�3`!�IH�1 _... <br /> n c ti -__ .. "'_ <br /> ti• _ . . . .. ' . ., ,. ..•, 1.'vw' ._. _ __.._..,va <br /> ,. .. . .. . � Y^1'1�. ;{�QrS��;,r;Wf��.�rr`t;S.��.r•f{f�# _�� -- <br /> L�iru <br />. _._._.. �_..,.�,....,.....,,,....�..._.�...�_ _ !lQ�������,..i31114��"'�Rp�� . -.•::,.".-1,_,_., <br /> w � <br /> t � a��e �.��i 1� c. <br /> t�..:- <br /> t6.Futur�Afirana��• U{ton request of Borrawor, �onder muy,at ito optlon, mako nddltlonal and tuturo advancoa and re- � <br /> aovincai to eorrewor.�UQFI BOM1tR4Hb 8Rd fOEi�YORCCS,�1Hfi lntereet tP�or�en,eha0 be secured by thla Deed ot 7ruet at no dme shatl <br /> !h�prinatpal�mount ot ths tnd�ebt�dnss p eau�ed by thta Deed of'f�ust,not tncluding sume aWh ohov r�s preater.e sacurity ai thia <br /> Oeed ot Truat,ex th�orl al prinol at amount eteted herein,or 545,800.�00----• <br /> ae.IMNIC��'►�t. <br /> (�) �awM No!R�INMd.Extenaton of the tlme tor payment or modification of amortl:ation of the eums aeeur�'b�y th� <br /> pked�f Truat flranUd by Lender to any eucceaaor In Intare�t of Borrower sheli not operata to�elea�e.fn any msnnsr, <br /> of the orlpinal Borrows�and 8orrower'e euaceaaors in interea��ender shatt not bo roqutrud to cammence proceedings againat <br /> �uoA aucc�nor or reius�te extend Ums tar piyment or otherwlse modity emoRlzatfon ot the aums secure0 by thls Oeed of Trust <br /> by�eaeon of any demends mads by the orlpinai Borrower and 8orrawor's eu�cesaers In Interest. <br /> �b� L�nd�r's pow�n.Wlthout aH�atinp the ifability ot any other person liabte lor the payment of any oblipatiGn hereln <br /> montloned�and without ettsatinp ths I len or charqe ot thta Omed ot Trusst upon eny portion of the Property not then or theretotore <br /> reteaasdasseauritytorthetullsmountotallunpuldoblf�atfons,Lendormey.lremUmetotimee�=o�ehl�dulpencee IIh�� <br /> peroon ao Ileble,(li)extend ths msturiry or eAer any Q1 tha t�ms ot any euch obllgationa,(ill�g rt�on or all of the PrapeRy. <br /> or rcconvey,or aeuee to be releaoed or reconvoyuti at any tim@,�t 6endor'a opUon any parcet,po <br /> ��q�ke or nleais my oth�r or additlona�aecurlty tor any obU�ation h�rofn mentioned,or(vf)make compsatdona or other <br /> atranpemenU wfth debtoro In retaUon thereto. • � . <br /> (c) Fa�M�nnc�br L�nd�r Not�Watr�►.Any torbearance by GBnderin exarci�tng any tipbt or�emsdy hereunder,or <br /> otherwtf�dfo�d�d by appticabte law.ahall not be a waiver of or preclude the exeralss ot any su4h dpht or�emedY•Th� <br /> proaurementof Insuranc�or ths payment ottaxes or other Iiens or ahar�es by Lender shdl not bea wafverof L�nd�r's MOhtto <br /> 8cce�erats the m�turlty ot the Indebtedne►as aecured by thfd Deed af TruaL <br /> td� gt�c�atoe�and Assigns 8ound;Jolnt�nd 8w��a1 L{sWUqt:�P���•The covenents and agreemente heroin con- <br /> tained ahell bind,and tha rtphte he�eunder shett tnure to,tha respective succsasars and asalpns of Lende►and Truator.A�i _ <br /> covenanb end eproements of Truetor shatl be Jolnt and several.The captfons end headinps of the paraproPhs of ft►is Oeed of <br /> Trust are tor convenience onty end are�ot to ba uaed to fnterpret or define Me provisiona hereof. <br /> (e) Rpwat ta NcNc�s.The partiea hereby request thata copy o!any norice of detauft hereunder and a copy of nny�otics <br /> N <br /> ot ale hsreundQr be mailed to each paRy to ih�s Ceed af Trust at the address aet foRh above in the manner presc�ibed <br /> applicnble law.Excbpt for any ather nottce requlred under epp►teabte taw to be given In another mannet,any nottes Rrovidsd <br /> ior In thb Deed of Trust�hall be�iven bY malli�0 such notice by ceRiited malt addreasad to the other partfes,at the addresa set <br /> torth above.Any notlao provided tor in thfa Deed of Trust ehail be efteaUve upon meUing in the manner deaipnated <br /> Truttor It more than ons person,notics sent to the add�eaa set tarth above shail be rtoUce to all such persons. <br /> �� ��p�yio�,Lender may make ar ceuae to be made reasonable entries upon and tnapectlons of tl�e P�oprrty,provided <br /> thet Lender rhatl qlvs T►uator nottce priar to any auah lnapoction apecHyinp reasortabto cauee theretor�elated to�ender's <br /> interest tn ths P�opert�l• <br /> (e)p�conv�ymw.Upon pnyment of clt aums aeaured by thia Deed ot Trust,Lendei ahntl requeat Th+stee to r000�vsl► s <br /> � Propsny and sfidi eurc��m3$��T���!n°�`-'"��dencfng lndebtednesr�aeaured by thla Deed ot Trust to Tru�vO• <br /> Truitss ahall roconvey the Properly without werranty and wtthout eharge to the pereon or persona topaiiy enfiiiie��+er�a. <br /> Trustor ehall pay atl coats ot recordaUon,II any. <br /> (b)P�nonal P(�pKtyi <br /> g�urM�AprNnsrnt�Ae addidonat eeaurity tor Me payment ot the tJote.Trustor hsnby p►anb <br /> Lendar under the Nsbraaka Unitorm Commerelti Cade e seourity intereat fn all Nxwrea,e4uipment,and other peraonat p <br /> wsd In conneetion wltN ths real e�te or Improvements loceted thereon,and not otherwlee deotared or desmOd to be a PaK ot <br /> ths roa►ssqt�sswired hereby.Thla Inetrument shaii bs conetrued as a SeeurHy ApreemeM under eeld Code,and the l.hsder <br /> shul hav�all ths�iphte an�remedies of a secured party under seld Code in sadldon to the�iphb and�emediea areated under <br /> and accorded the Lender purouaM to thls Deed oi'f�ue�prov�ded thet Lsnder's dphb and remed�es under this parepnPb�hsll <br /> be cumuiative w[th,and io no way a ilmftatlon on,Lender's dphb and r4medies under any other eecudty eproement eipnsd by <br /> 8ortower or Trustar. <br />_ �i���E�umyrancs�.Truator hereby wnrtanla nnd�epresente that there la no d�or'otherecontract��6`slrumMt or <br /> ��Sa�d�p}��,leass or purcha8e Contraat desadbin�ali orat�y paR ot the Propetty. <br /> apreemeRt eonstkutinp a Iisn or enaumbq�nce apatnat all or any pari of f�e Properqr(co�leatively,"Liene'7,exleUnp as o!the <br /> date at this t�ead ot Tniat.end U�at any encl ell existinp Uene remein�nmodified except aa diaeloae4 to Lender in Tru�tor's <br /> U <br /> written dlaotoaum of tiene and encumbrances Provided tor herein.T�uttor ahall tlme►y peAorm all of Truetor's oblip� t� <br /> covensnb,reprea�ntatlona nnd warrantles u�aer any and eti exisiUnp and tuture Uons,shall promptty torward to Lender coptes <br /> of a�!eotices ot datautt�ent fn connsallon with any and etl exlaUng or tuwre Uena,and shell not without Lender'R PTbr wdttsn <br /> consent in�ny manner mod(t�the provielona of or attow any tuture advances under 8ny extadn�or fuWre Uen�, <br /> ���d p�yn�M�.�n�eas otherwlae required by taw.suma patd to Lender herounder,inatuding wHhnut ltmNstlon <br /> paymenta ot prinolpal due end owie irom Tru�onnd Qo►rawa in such �rdar aa Lender In Ita eote dlscr�etl�on deesns datcabl�. <br /> �ndertotheemountn a <br /> �k�g�,��p�ty,l}amr provlaion of fhia Oaed ut Truat coMlict�with applioabte law or la deoiared Invalld bt atherw ss <br /> 8� <br /> unenior�enbte,eunh confllct or invatidtry shall not a1teM the other provisona ot tAla t18ed ot Trust or the Note�A►c�►ca� <br /> qiven eHect wkheut the aonflloUnp proviabn.end to this end the provislona of thta Deod M Trust end the Nots ars declared to bs <br /> eevemble. <br /> p�Twn�,41�s terms"TruatoP'and"Borrower"ehatllnclude Doth afnputcr and pturat,and when the Truator and rrower <br /> sre the aame pereon(e),thqae te►ms aa wod in thle nead of Tniat shatl be interehanpeable. <br /> ' � (m)p���p yw.This peed of Trust ehait be govemed by the taws of the StRte of Nebreake. <br /> Troator has executed this Deed of Truat ea of the date w�itttten o e. <br /> fiD OB C� � u b <br /> 11ELANI L OBOYLE T�b�r e <br /> . <br /> .: <br /> a <br /> l <br /> '� <br />_,, <br />:� <br />� � .. . _ . .. _ . . _ . . . _. <br />