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<br /> � OEED AE T�il1�T WITH ��1RE AOVANCEB -
<br /> 1v TMtS OEEO OF TRUST,Is msde as otthe 2�th day of $ep� ��S-�b�r and amo��
<br /> � ED11ARQ 11 OBOYLE b MELI►NIE L OBOYLE , hueband end rife
<br /> the'nustor. ' �
<br /> 3015 Brentvood P1 tir�nd Ieland Ne 68801-7222 `�
<br /> whose mt�I�n��ddtess is (herein"Yrustor:'wAelh�r on�or rtan�, _
<br /> �Try�� Five Pointe Bank. a tlebraeka Corporation ,
<br /> whoae mellinp addrets ia p'0. Box 1507 t3send Ieland, NE 68802 ���� «�q���,and
<br /> ��efl�8ry� Five Painte Bank _ ,
<br /> who�e mnilinp addreaa is Z035 N. Broedrell tirand Ielend. NE. 6880�-1507 �h«��H��,
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONStQERJ4T10N,inctuding Lsnder's extenslon 4f eredit IdeMlfled Aemin�BDNRRD 1l OBOYLE
<br /> b 1lELAHIE L OBOYLE (herein"Borcower",whether oae or moro)and the trust hersin aret�ed,
<br /> the ncalpt ot which ta hereby acknowledged,Trustor hereby Irrevoaably grar�ta.transfe%aonveys and assipns to Tius1N. �N
<br /> TRU8T.WITH POWER OF SAIE, for the benetit and eecurity of Lender,under and subf eat ta t1�e tem�a and conditbna AereinsfU►set
<br /> torth.the� ro�y. p��
<br /> LOT TEiI t�e�_, ��Fa'7iiR�i�3)A BitEH'f�tIGTi oti8BI'1Z�.i!?i. CI?Y !?F i3P.A�3D ISLAlIL�, ,
<br /> Together with ail buitdinps, Improverro�te,flxturea,streets,alleya paeeaQeway�,easementa,riphts,pdvttepes end�ppur�e-
<br /> nartces lacatsd thereon or in anywiae pe►talninp thereto,end the rente,lssuea artd protita.roveralons and ren�alydere ttN►vof�and
<br /> wch personal properry that Is anacheA to the tmprcvemente ao aa to consdtute a flxWre.inaludinp,but not IIr�Ned to,he�tlrg and
<br /> coolln�equipmenx and topether with the homesteaa cr marifal Interesis,it any.which Intereats are hereby retse�ed and watwd:all
<br /> of whicsh,tnaludin�reptacement�tnd asididons thareto,la hereby dectared to be a part of the roal estats sscurea bytlte Ii�n otthii •
<br /> Ceed ot Trust and ait of tha tore9olnp be,inp referred to herefn aa the"Properly'.
<br /> Thla 12eed oi Truet ehatt eeeure(e)tho peyment ot the prineipal aum and Interest evidertced by a promisfoey note or eredit
<br /> a�reernent dated �ptee�er 27th 199� ,having a maturriy date ot agtob r Sth 2000 �
<br /> in 4he odgtnat pdnaipal amount of S 42.500.08 �and eny�nd a�t modiflcaUota,exWn�tons tnd ren�we��
<br /> thereot ar theroto and any and ell tuturo advancea and readvanCea W Borrower(or any ot them tf moro Men one) hereunder
<br /> punuac�t to�ane or more promlasory notea or eredit a�reeme�te(hereln calied°Note'7 tb)the payment ot otlisr�m�adnanad bl►
<br /> Lsnd�r to prcteot ths�eour(ty ot tha Nate:(o)the performance of alt covennnte and aansmenp o!'rruslor tMfo�h henin:and(d)ait
<br /> proaer�t end tuture Indebt�dness utd obtipattons of Borrowe�(or any cf Mem H more than ons)to LenAK whefh�r d(roat Indirsct,
<br /> absotuq or coMtnpsnt and whetther ad�inp by note,puaremy.overdraft o�otherwise.The Note,thts Desd ot T�uit end any and a��
<br /> otherdoauenathatsecure theNot�orotherwrise oxecuted In conneotlon therewith,inaludinp without IIm(taUon�uar�ntea,seou�ity
<br /> •g�eernents and aasfgnmentaof Ieases ertd rents.shetl be refe►red to heretn as the"Loan Documente".
<br /> Ttustor coree�ar►ts and eprees wNA Lender as toltowa
<br /> 1, pa�nt pf�nd�bNd�sa,All indebtednees seCUred hereby shall be paid when due.
<br /> �. TNN,1Yustur is the ownar of tAa Property,hae the ripht and auMority to corney the Property,and wartanta th�t the lien
<br /> creatad hereby la a firat and prlor Ilen on the Property.except tor Ilena and enaumbrancea set torth by Trw�r in w�itlng snd
<br /> dslivared to Lender befone exe¢utlon of Mts Deed ot Trua�and the exeoution and detivery ot thid Deed of TnmZ aloas not vlolaN mny
<br /> coritact or other obltpA9lon to wAlch Trustor fs eubJeat
<br /> 9. Tixs�.As�►b.To pay before detinquency all taxes,apeatat aasesement9 and all other charpeu agstnat 4hs Praperly _
<br /> now or hereatter levied.
<br /> 4. (nWr�.To keep the Propedy tnaured agafnst damege Dy ifre,herarda fnaludecti within the term"extended co�►ertse".and
<br /> such othe�harards e�s Lender mey requlre,in emou�ts artd wnh compantes aaceAtaE�e to t:ertder,naminp Lender ee nn additlor�t
<br /> nsm�d Insured,w(th toas psyable to the Lender.in oaae of loss under such polleies,ffie Lender i�autl�orized to sdJusL collset nnd
<br /> comprombs.�ti c�alma thorounder and ahall hava the optlon of apptyinp att or paR of the insuancs procs�d�(q toaery Indebl�dnw�
<br /> secur�ed hemby and In euah orderae lsnder may dete►mtne,(ii)to the Truetor to be uaed br the repsiror roetontloe oi tM Prop�ty
<br /> - or(IIQParanyotherpurpoaeorobJecteatletactorytoLenderwltheuteMeotlrtgMellenotthlaDeedotTruattarthetullunountsecured
<br /> hereby before such peyment ever took p�ace.Any appticatlo�ot proceeda to indebtednes�shail rtot extend or postporte tht dus
<br /> = date of ar►y paymente urtder tho Note,or cure any detautt thoreunder or hereunder.
<br /> 6. E�crow.Upon writto��demand br Lendar.Trustor shatl pay to Lsnder.In suoh manner aa Lender mey deaipnsts,eulllWeM
<br /> —n.—•' �..���....�u..�n..f N.n t.ub..rinn.�n.it�.va.n.�mnmar►fa afld AZAsT Chst��itilt
<br /> auma ivbtia`vie�on�'soi iv�rajao..v�..v...�..A�,.o....�......-.--•---._..___.�,.,_.._.-�.
<br /> � the p�operty.(Iq the premiuma on the properiy Insurertce reqoired herounder,and(III)the premiume on an�mortyepe inaurance
<br />� requi�+ed by�ensler.
<br /> � 8. MeMUnan���Rpafn�nd Compllanoe with L�w�.'iruator shatt keep the Properly tn Qood eondtUon and repatr,sAttl
<br /> pvompty ropufr. or roptace a�ty Improvsment whfab may be damaqed or deatroyed:ehali not eommit or pennit any wet�or
<br /> � da►tlriaratlon ot the Propetty;sheil not�emove,demotlsh or subatanUapy alter any of the improvaments on the P�opsrqr.shtU not
<br /> � eOmmt;eufMr or pennit nny aat to badone in or upon the Property in vtoiatlon of nny taw.ordinance.ot tsQ�u�atto�5 and aAUI py and
<br />_� promp8y disohar9e at Ttuetore cost and expense ail Ilena,enaumerences and charqea levied.impoaed or aaesMd aWintt t�s
<br /> propert�►or aml pari iF►ereof.
<br /> �
<br /> 0
<br /> �
<br /> !:i
<br /> 3 � � 1 '!
<br /> �
<br />