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» .r r-.r-..--.-.�. ... <br /> .. �� ' <br /> ` � . .. ....- ' " .. ..�.- ' __"'_�......_--'-_- - _. <br /> ` _ . / . - _ _ ' _ .- �'.__. <br /> ��-.i����'1 � <br /> TO PROTECT THE SECURITY Of THI8 TRUST OEED.TRUSTOR HHRBBY COVENANTS ANO A(3RHE9 A6 FOLLOWB: <br /> 1.PAYMENT OR PRINCIPAL AND INTERESY.7rustor ahali promptty pay wnen duo the pr�neipnl ot and intorast on tha Indobtednass evidertced by <br /> ths Nots.Md sil other ohargea and faes es provlded in the Note,and the p�inalpel ot nnd intereat on any Future Advartcea secured by th13 trutt Ooed. <br /> g,WApitANri OF TITLH.Ttuetot ia lawluliy selzed and pa:wo:..^ed of goad nnA Indeleaelble titte and eatete to the Propnrty horoby conveyed and r <br /> ha.s the Nght to grant and convey tha Propeny;the Property is lrae and ctear of all liens and encumbrancea except tlena now at rocord;end Truator will <br /> warrent and defertd lhe titie to the Propery►a9o�nst atl ctelma and demande. <br /> 3.MAfNTENANCE AND COMpL1ANCB WITH LAWB.7rustot shali keep!he Properly in good repelr and condltlon and sholl not Commit waete or permlt <br /> Impakment or detetioratlon of the P�operty and sha11 compiy with ihe pravtslons of any lease It this T�ust Qeed Ia on a leasehotd.No improvement now <br /> or hereatter erected upun the Propert�r shall be altered,removed or domollahad wlthout tha prlor&1wd not cammlt tsufter oripemryiltTanytact to be doae In oh <br /> eN laws,ordtnances,reguiations,covenants,conditlons and restrlcttona ettecting the Propert�r <br /> upon the Property in viotallon of any law,ordinance,reg�iet►on,covanant,conditbn or restrictlon.Truator chall completa or restore promptly artd In goad <br /> workmanlike manner any impmvement on the Propeny whlch may be dema8ed or desbaYed a�d PeY.when due,atl ctalma tw labor pertormed and matertat3 <br /> hirniahed lhe�etor and tor any alteratlona thereot. <br /> 4.tN3URANCE.Truetor,at ite expense,wlli maintain with insurors approved by Boneficiary,insurance wfth respect to the improvements artd personai <br /> property.aonsNtuUng the Property,against�oss by Nre.UghtNng,tornado,and other perita end heserds covered by standerd extended coverage tndarsement, <br /> In an amount equol to at teest orie hundred peaent(1002b)of the tull reptacement value thereof and insurence agatnst sucfi other hazards and In euch <br /> emounts as Is cuatamarlly cartied by ownere and operatora of eimltar properlles a aa Beneticiary may requfre for its protectlon.Truator wltl oomply wltA <br /> sucfiotherrequirementa as Beneticiary may trom time totime requent Ior theproteetton by Insurance of the Interesto otMe respecrive parties.All insuranca <br /> policbs meintained pursuant to thls Trust Deed shall name Trustor and Benet�lery�►s tnsured,as thelr respeedve interesta may appear,and prav[de that <br /> wi�thet e provislon�s8o peragr�aPh Bther of T�ust r shalsd i�irerf w Beneflciary thB Oflgl a poie cies oef lensunrance and rpenewaes thereof or mom C°�opf�� <br /> sueh pottcle3 end renewats thoreof.Failure to furniah such Insurance by TNSta,or renewals as required hereunder shali,at the opUon of 8eneficinry, <br /> conslitute a defautt. <br /> 6,1'A�(Eg�A8$ES8M8N1'9 AND CHAFtGES.Trustor shNi pey all taxes,assassments and other charges,inctuding,without IlmitaUot�,fines and Impositbna <br /> atMbutabla to the Ptoperty and leasehold paymonts or ground rente,if any,beto�elhe same becama dellnquent.7ruator shall prompdy fumisA to benettcfvy <br /> alt notloes ot amounta due under this paragraph,and in tha event T�ustor shall maka payment directty.Trustor ehall promptty tumish to Beneitclaryr receipte <br /> evidencing such payments.Trueto�shall pay all taxes and assessments wMch may be levied upon BeneflCiary's Interest hfn+et�ar upon thia Trust Oeed <br /> without regard to any law lhat may be enacted imposing paymant of the whote qr any part thoreot upon tAa BBneflefary. <br /> B.AODITAONAL UENB AND PROTECTION OF BENEFICIARY'S SECURITI'.Trustor eheil make rill paymehta of interest and principat�nd paymenb <br /> �����jg,}�nnA Axpanses conlracted to be qaid to any existing or aubsequent Ilenhoider or 6eneflclary,under et�y exisGng oa eubsequ�nt <br /> mortgage or truat deed betore the date they are dellnqueM or tn defaNt,and prampUy pay anq tlischarge any and aif otinn Nb�+s,otairsss os�rsl�Clt <br /> i�this T���Oeedeor the Note raterredrto herein,orin eny p br oe s bsequent wst deed,or if any aot on or p oceed ng Is commenced whlch m natotia�lldy <br /> afteets Betteticiary's interest In the Ptoperty.lnc�udtng,but not Iimited to,eminont domaln proeeedings,proceedings involving a decedent,noticeof eale <br /> by Tntstee,noUee of datault by Trustoe,mon9a9e forec�osure aatlon,or 1f Trustorfalis to pay Trusta's debte generaliy as they became due,lhen Benefki�ty. <br /> at Benefldqry's opUon and without ttotice to or demand upan Ttustor and wNhaut�eieasing Tntstor hom any obllgaUon heteunder,mtiy maks such appsrar�s� <br /> disWrse euch sums and take euch actton as ia necessary to protect BenetiGary'o tnce*eat.Including,but not Iimited to,dlsbursement of reaaonabb attanwy'� <br /> faet,payment,purchase,contest a eompromise of any encumbrance.charge a Uen,entry upon the Properry to meke repalrs,or declar�tion ot d�tault <br /> yndK th►�Trust Deed.In tha event that Trustor sh�tl fait to procure fnau�ance or to pay caxes,aaaesamsnte,or any other chvqss a to mak�any payrtunb <br /> to argr�xladrtq or subsequent Ilenhoiders or existing or eubsequent beneticlarlea,Beneflelary may proeure auch Inaurana and mak�wch p�ym�nt,Qr�t <br /> st��lt mt bs obllpated to do so.My amounta dlabursed by 8enefieiary pursuent tothia Paragraph 6 shall becoms�dditlonal IndabtWn�u of TruKOr Mcund <br /> by Nla Truai Oeud.Such amounta ehatt be payabte upon nutice lrom Beneflciary to Truator requessting payment thereof,and shui Mar Inbrat trom tM <br /> date of disburaement at the rate payabte hom tima to time on outstanding prfneipal under the Nots untes9 paymi►nt o}Interest at sucls rats would bs oonVary <br /> to appllcabto Inw,In which event sueh amounta shall bear fnterest at the hiphoat rete p9rmleslbte unde�eppltcable law.Nothing contained In thi�Pin�raph <br /> 8 8ha1!requfre Benetfclary to incur any expense or take any attion hereunder. <br /> 7,ASSiGNYENT OF RENTB.Benefkfury shait have the rlght,power and authoriry during the oontinuence ot thia Trust Deed to colteet lhe tenta,tssuea <br /> and protite of t�e Properiy and at any persoeal Property�ooated thereon with or without taking possess�ou of the propeAy aNected hereby,an►i Tn�stor <br /> hereby absolutely and unconditionaliy asstgns ali euch renta,issues and profils to Beneifciary.8enetktary,however,hereby consente to the'Pruatot't <br /> cotlectton end retention ot such rents.�ssues and protits as they acwue and becomo payable so�ong as Trustor is no1,at euCh tlme,ln dofault with re�psct <br /> to payr+tent ot any Indebtodness secured hereby,or in the periormance of any agreement hereunder.Upon any such default,Beneticiary may at rsny time, <br /> either in pe�eon,by agent,or by a recefver to be appo�nted by a court,without notke end without regard to the adequacy of any secur�ty to►tl+e�ndebtednese <br /> hereby eecured.(a)enter upon and take possess�on ot the Property or any part thereot,and in ite own name sue for or otMrwise colleCt euah rente,lasua <br /> and proflb,including those past due add unpafd,and epply the same,tess coste artd expe�ses of operatlon and colie�tton,Inctuding rensoneDie attome�y'� <br /> teee,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,end In euch order as 8enetkfary may determirte:(b)perform sueh acts of repair ar proteetbn as may be <br /> necassary or proper to conserve the veiue of the Properly;(e)lease tho same or eny part thereof tor auch rental,term,and upon such conEitlo�aa ke <br /> judpmentmey dtctate,or terminateor adJustthe terms and conditians of exlsting leases.Unless Trustor and Beneflclary thereof agree otherwise Mwritinp, <br /> arry epplication of renta,issues or protits to any Indebtednesa secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due date of Me instatlmertt payrnents as <br /> pnwlded in seid promissary note or change the amount ot euch instailments.The eMering upon and taking possesston ot the Property,the collection <br /> ot suah rents,issuas and protiis,and the appiicatlon thereot as aforeJaid.shaY not walve or cure ar►y detault ar notico ot detault hereunder or invaiidate <br /> any gct done pursuant to such notlee.7ruator atso assigns to Berteflciary,as further security lor the partom�anee ot the obllgatlons seeured hereby.eU <br /> propaf�rente and all montes which may have been or mey hereafter be deposNed with sald Trustor by eny lessee of the PropeAy,to secute the payment <br /> o!any rent or damages,or upon detault in the peAormance of any ot the provistons hereo},Trustor agrees to deilver euch rents an0 deposits to�eneticiary, <br /> Oellvery ot written notice of Bonefktery's exercise ot the righte grented herein,to nny tenant oc�upying sald premises shall be suHicient to require said <br /> tonant to pay rent to the Beneticlary untfl turther nottce. <br /> 8.CONDEMNATtON.if tilte to any pan ot the Property sha11 be taken In condemnatlon proceedfnga,by right ot eminent domaln or similar eetton,or <br /> — shall be sold under threat of wndemnatlon,all a�varde,damages and proceeds are hereby assigned ertd be pafd to 8oneticlary who shall appry <br /> suth awsrda,damages end proceeds to the aum secured by this Trust Ooed,with the excess,it any,paid ta T�ustor.If l7ustot receives flny nofice a <br /> other informatlon regarding such actions or proceedinga.Trustor shatl flive prompt written notice thereof W 8enetleiary.Benettciary ohall be <br /> ° Ite oprion,to commence,appear 1n and prosecute in Its own name any such actlon or proceedings artd shaM be entltted to maka any compromtse or settlement <br /> U,�anaeelnn wlth env such action or proeeedfngs. <br /> 9. FUTURE ADVANCFS.Upon request of Trustor,BeneNdary at Beneticlary'8 optlon,prtor to reconvayance ot the Praperty to Trustot,may make ' <br /> — future advances to Truator.Such tuture advances,with fnterest thereon,s�all ba secured by thls Truat Oeed when evldeneed by promisFOry rtotes statlng <br /> that said notos are secured here0y:provided that at no time shali the secured prinafpai end tuture advances,not InCluding sums advanCed to proteet <br /> the seturlty,ezceed two hundred percent(200oh)ot the originat princlpal amounts seeured hereby. <br /> f0.REIUEOtE9 NOT E1tCLU81V6.Trustee and Beneficiary,and each ot them,shali ba entitted to entorce peyment and pertormanco ot uny Indebtednes¢ <br /> or obiigallone secured hereby end to ezorelse all rights and powers under this Trust Deed ar under any other agreement executed in eonneetfon herewllh <br /> — or eny Iaws eow or heroaftcr in torce.notwlthslanding some or all ot the such Indebtedness and obligatfona seeured hereby may now or hereaRer De <br /> — otharwise secured,whethe�by mortgage,trust desd,piedge.llen,assignment a otherwise.Neither tho aceeptance of thls Trust Ueed nor ite enfacement <br />-- whether by court actlon or pursuent totho povier of sale or othe►powers herefh contalned,shali preJudtceor In any manner aNect Trustee'e or BeneHclary'e <br /> rlght to realfie upon or entorce eny other securlry now or hereafter he�d by T�ustee or BeneNcl6ry,ft being egreed that Trustee and Beneffsiary.ana each <br /> .-� • <br />_ � <br /> _ _ _ <br /> -y -__-.- -__-___--------- __ _- _ _ <br />