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-- � ; „� �I�� <br /> �.�C`'.Moi H�,.:' <br /> . <br /> ,,. . .. , <br /> �*r„ . , . . . .. _. . . ,_ . .. . .. <br /> . , .. . . � � -. — <br /> y . _' _ <br /> r,_,.:___ _- . <br /> ....�--"°,_... <br /> • • <br /> MOTIFICATION OF 1i$E OR TRUST DEED ;'�_5���� <br /> TO gECUR�PER�ORMANCE�F O�LI�ATIAN "'�- <br /> Th�undenipned her�by aaknowlsdp�s end und�rHinds thal ths doaument to bo exeouted by tflo undoralpnod 1�n truat deed end no!a ,__ <br /> mortpape,and that ihe power of e�ts provid*d lor 1�th�t�ust doed provid�ts subntxntlaliy dfHersnt ripht�and obilpatlons to th�tru�toc than a <br /> mortpsgs in the svent ot e detauit or breach of obligatlon. 95 <br /> Oated and execuud on the <br /> 30th d�y of Au ust .19 �prlor <br /> to executlon of th toll ln Tru Oeed ' <br /> Mic ael L. Smal]. °bg=t x"" s�g1��sX -- <br /> resident • Secretary Treasurer <br /> TRU8T OE�D <br /> THI87RUSTOEEp.madsthis 30th dayot_ �u �t ���~~ <br /> by and among .� <br /> Highland Par� Las�n CompanY, a Nebraska Cor�oraxioa _ <br /> whose mailing ad�reas la S24 South Webb Road, Grand Island NE 68801 <br /> ,•. (h�retrt"Truetor"�;md V�ion Bank and Truat Com an Grand Island Sranch <br /> � �whose matung addreaa i� �008 Nosth Webb Road P.O. B�x 516b Grand Islt{nd NE 68801 <br /> (hsnin^r.aatee');end �n�p� B� �d Trust Co an Gxand I,slaad Bra�ach �� <br /> whoes mallinp olddress la 20d8 North Webb Etoad P.O..'�ox 5166 Grsad Ieland NS 68801�nsn�n"#���fiaiary"1• <br /> FORVAlU/1BLECON9l�ERA710N,Truetor irre�ooabl�g�anta,transfero,aonvqyeand+�esignetoTruste�.INTRU8T,WITH POW�Rt)F SAL�, <br /> tortA�bar�efi{and�eautlty�olBeneticla�r.y�derandaub]ecttotheterm9andcondltloa8ofthlsTruatO�sd,thetotlowtnpd�:crQt�edry Nibris�:I • • <br /> �e�cated ic� ' H81 . _ <br /> Lot 1t�ro iZ)s Wsatgate Third Subdivieion. xall County. Grand Island, Nebraska. '. <br /> TO�ETHERWI;Hi es�tson'uDlet�e ecoverinp A raalpro�pert�ra►nypoRion A��of;�tllnterusta,st�t o�ot�ICtalms�boMt�ni�u+d�in <br /> th�E�ai prop�tty� � <br /> equlty In th�rai propsrqr: all hamestesQ�x�mptiom whlah an heroby rel�assd�nd walv�d: all�as�msnu,►Iphb-ol-way,t�n�m�nt�. <br /> h�ndll�m�nt�:iltalt�nd q�o rlQMaand profib,wnterrlthts;all riphh tiUs�ndlnt�ristotTrnstor.Inandtoany lendlylnp wlthlnM�ripht-ot-w�yot <br /> ar�y ftr��t or htqhway adJo�Mnp ths r�a�property;�nr and all buildlnp�,fixtun�,lmp►ov�mmU,and appurt�nanC�s now or Asrtattrr�rootod <br /> tM��on or b�tonpin�thento.(he�efn nNtredto as"Imp�4v�msnt"or"Improv�m�nts'7;and any�nd iil aw�rds mad�inrth�takirpby�min�nt <br /> domAin.or by any proceedfnp or purohase in tieu thereot,of the whote o►any p�rt oT the�eal property.A!t of the forepoing eatste,prope�t�r nnd <br /> intereat conveyed to Truatee herefn cotlectiveiy referrad to as the"Property". <br /> Fpq THE PURPOSE OF 8ECURIMd: � <br /> (a)The paymentol inEebtednesa evldenced Dy Truatur's note or guarantee("Note"►dated <br /> auguec �v• 19 " <br /> inths prfnalpalw�n al 4►�L �undred Fiftv-Fine Thoueand and 00/100 *++ *� �* ** "�"''' ** �`�''`�_...Dnll�ro <br /> ts 155,000.0� �* *� �* #* *�` �,topetherwtihlnterestatthsratoorrateaprovidedtheroln,andthepri�+elpatandlntereatonany <br /> tuture adrartcee evt4o�rced by promiseory notea or gui�antses atuirtg they aro eecured hereby,and any anA all renewals,modlttoattcns anr¢ <br /> exten=ionatAereot.both pdncipal and intereat belnp payable In aoeordence wHhtheterma eetfoRh theretn,whleh bythfa reter�nco is m�ds a plsl <br /> - hereot_ <br /> (b)The pedarmcnce ot each agreement an0 ccvenant of T�ustor he�eln contained;and <br /> (cl The paymentof any sum or eums ot money whicA may be here�ker peid or edranobd by tha�tneticiary under the terms of thts Zruet Oee�, <br /> topsiher wltif i��reot thareon at ths tate p�ovided in the"NOte". <br />