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<br /> ol tAem,ahatl be antitted to enforce thls Trust Oeed nnd any other securlry�ow or hereaker held by 8enellcfary or Trustee in such order and manner
<br /> es they ar altl�er ol them may In thel►abaolute dlscretlon dotormtne.No remedy heroin Conierred upon or�ecerved to Truatee ot Benetictary i0lntended
<br /> to be exclusiva ot any other remedy hereln a by law provlded or permitted,but each ehatl be cumulative anb shall be in edditlon to every othor nm�dy
<br /> plven hereunder or now ar hereafter existfrtg at law or In equity or by statute.Every power or rernedy provided under thls Truat Deed to Truates or 8enetici�ry
<br /> w to whteh euher at them may be otherwtse entitied,may be exerclaed,coneurrently or IndopondoNty,trom timo to dmo and as otton ao mny b�QCamcd .--
<br /> expedtent try Truatee a 8enefic�ary und either of them may puraue fnconslstent remediea.Nothing horein shatt be conatrued aa prohibiting 8�naifciary
<br /> hom seeklnp e detictency�udgment against thp Trustor to the extbnt suah acticn is permltteC by►aw.
<br /> 11.TRANSFEii OF THB PROPERTY;ASSUMPTION.If all or any part of tha Praperly or Interest thereln is sold,transfetted or otherwise conveyed
<br /> by Truator wittrout 8eneftclary's prlor wr►tten consent,excluding(a)the creatton ot e Ilen or encumbrance subordlnate to thie Trust Deed,(b)a tranaMr
<br /> by operadon of law upon the death ot a Trustor who is a Jolnt tenant or(c)the grant ot any teasehotd Interest of three(3)yeare or less which doea not
<br /> conteln en optlon to purchaso,such actlon�a a breach of this agreement,and 8ertefldary may,at BeneNclary's option,declere all the suma securod Gy
<br /> thia Truat Deed to be Immadfatety due and payable,pravlded,turther,thie Trust Oead may. at 8eneflclary's optlon,ba deciared imnsediately due arM
<br /> payable,if(t)Tnastor fe a partnership and any interest In ihe partnership te sotd or asalgned by eny means whatsoever,or(2)it the Trustor ia s corpo►atlon
<br /> and a transter of the mejoriry atxk ownership interest in the corporatbn ocaure,or the Trustor corporatlon mergea in any form witA enather corporatlon
<br /> or entity.Beneflclary shall have walved such option to acceierate if.prlot to the saio,transter or conveyance,8eneficlary and the pereon to whom the
<br /> Properiy la to be sold a transfor�ed reaah agreement In vniting that the credit ot such person la eatlsfactory to BeneHclary and that the interest payabte
<br /> on the sums se¢ured by thls Truat Doad ahail be at such rate as 8eneflciary shall requesG
<br /> 12.ACCELER/1TION UPON OEFA�ILT;REAAEDlEB;SALE.Thu laflure by the Trustor,w makeany payment or to perform any of ths terma and condltbns
<br /> ot tflle Trusi Desd,or the tarms ane conQitlona ot the Note,or any renewals,maditfcadons o�extensions thereot,or the faflure to make payment o!any _
<br /> offiet indebtedness,pdor or subsequent to thia Trust Qeed,and secured by this property,or the death of one or more Trustors shali be a breaoh end
<br /> detauft oi this Trust Deed and the Beneflolury may deRtare a deisult and mey declara all sums secured hereby Immedlatety dua and payable and the
<br /> eame shalt there upon become due and payabte wlihout presentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind,provided,Trustor shaN have eny statutory
<br /> right.to cure the defauit before any nodoa of default and demand for sale may be delivered to the Ttustea.Thereafter,8aneficiary may deiive►to 7rustee
<br /> a wririqn daciaratlon of dofault and demanC for sele.Ttustor sgreea end hetehy grenta that t{�e Trustea shall heve the powev of sate of the Propariy and
<br /> if BenaYlciary decldes the Properry ia to be sotd it shat!depoaft�vith Trus{ea tf+is T�uat Deed and the Note ar notes and any other documenta evldencing
<br /> expendRures secured hareby.and shalt detiver to T�uatea e wrltten notice af dotault and elc►atlan to cause the properry to be so�d,and T�uetee,in turn,
<br /> ehall prepare a s(milar noGce in the form required by Iow,which aheil be duty flled tor record by Trustee.
<br /> (a) After tha(apse of such tlme as may be�equired by taw}oilowing the recordation ot Notice of DOtault,and Notice of Default and Notice of
<br /> Saie having b�en given as requlred by law,Trustee,witRout demand on Trustor,shell seil the Property,if not redeamed,in one a more
<br /> parcels end In such order as Trustee may determine on th9 date and the time and place designated in said Nottce oT 8ale,at pubtla euction
<br /> according to law.
<br /> (b) When Trustee sells purauant to the powers herein,Trustee shell apply the praaeda of the sele to payment o}the aosta and expenae�ot
<br /> axereising the power of sate and of the sate,inctuding,without Ilmitetbn,attorney's fees end the payme�t of Trustee's Fess ineurrsd,whieh
<br /> Truatah'e Feea ahati not In the aggregate ezceed the tollowing emounta based upon the amount eecured hereby end remtininp unpald at
<br /> the time scheduied tor eale:6 percentum on lhe balunee Ihdreoh, pnd then to thcs Itema in eubparagraph(o)in ths order there etat�d.
<br /> (a) Atter paylnp the iteme specified In sut�paragraph(0),If the eafe ie by Trustee,or It the eate lu pursuant to Judlclat foroelosurs,the proCe�da
<br /> of ee�ehall 6e epptled in the toltowlnp order:
<br /> (t)Cost of arry evldonc�of dtle procursd In eonnectton wlth eueh etls and ot any revenue tranater be repuind to bs piid;
<br /> (2)All oblfp�tbm eeeured by thia Trust Oesd;
<br /> (3)Junior truu Aeed,�,mortpt�qea,cr othor Ilenhoiders;
<br /> (4�The remunder,it uny,to the porson tegelty entitled ihereto.
<br /> 13.AiP01NTNENT OF SUCCESSOR TRU8T8E.8eno�i:iary may,Irom tlme to tlmo,by a w�itten Instrument executed and acknowiedged by Beneficiary,
<br /> maiNd to Trultor tnd recaded fn the counry or countles in whtch the Property la to�ated and by otherwlse wmplying with the provisbns of ths appiic�ble
<br /> tawa of the State o!Netr►aska eubstitute a successor or successors to the Trustee named herein or acting hereunder.
<br /> 14,II�ECttONB.8enefleiary,or ite egente,representaGvea or employeea,are authotlzod to enter at any reasonable Ume upon or in flny parl at the
<br /> properryfo�the purpose of Inspecting the sama end far the purposa of perfaming any ot Me acts d Is authorize0 to portorm under the temis o!tha T�uat Oeed.
<br /> 16.OPTION TO FORECL08UR&.Upa�the accurrence of any breach ana upon the dectaratlon of detault hereunder,Boneficlary ehall have the opNon
<br /> to faeclose this Tru�Daad in the manner provided by�aw for the loreelosure of mortgages on reat prqperty.
<br /> 18.FGREBEARANCH BY BENEFICIARtl OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVEq.Any torebearance by Beneflclary or Truatee in exercising any ripht a remedy
<br /> hanaunder,or otAerwfse attorded by eppticebfe Iaw,shail not he a walver of or preclude tha ezerclse o}any such right or remedy.Ukewise,the w�lve�
<br /> by Benellciary ar T►ustes ot any detault of Trustor under this Trust Oeed shatl not be deemed to be a welrer of any other or simllar detaulte subsequentty
<br /> oocurcinp.
<br /> 1f.eEPLEFIC�ARY'8 POWERS.Without affecting or►eleasing the Iiabiily ot the Ttustor ar eny other perso��lab�e for the payment oi any obifgl�tion
<br /> Aerein msntfoneC,and without aftecUng Ma�fen or charge of thfa Trust Deed upon any portion ot tha Properry,Benefittary may,hom tl�ne to dme and
<br /> without notiee at the request of one or more Trustora,(i)release eny person Itabla,(Iq extend or renew the matutity ot alter any of Me terma ot any suoh
<br /> pblipatlons,(Nq grant other Induigences.(Iv)release or reconvey,or cause to be reteased or reconveyed at any time at BeneHciary'e optbn any p8rcei
<br /> or eil ot the Property.(v)tako ar retense any other or additional security tpr eny obifgation hereln mentloned,(vi)make settlament8 or othar artenpementa
<br /> with'1'tuetor In relatlon thereto.A�I Trustora shall ba�ointly and severally obtigttted and bound by the actiona of the Beneifctary ot any one ar more Truatot
<br /> as stated tn Ihis paregraph.
<br /> 18.ATTORHEr F�ES.COSTB AN�E%PHNSES.The Bene}iciary of thla Trust Oeed Is entitled to the payment ot attornoy's tees,costs and expenses
<br /> as provWed in thls Truat Deed,except as otherwise prohlbited by law.
<br /> 19.R�CONYEhfANCE 8Y TRUSTE&Upon written request of BeneflGary and upon payment by Truatot oi Truatee's tees,Trustee ehall renonvdy to
<br /> Trustor,or the ryerson or personu tegatly enNtied thereto,without wananry,eny portion ot the Propsrty then hatd herounder.Recitats In such recomey�ncs
<br /> of any mattef6 or fec19 ehall bo conciu&tve proof ot the truthtutneos thoroof.The grantee in any reconveyence may be described as the petaon or persons
<br /> legally ontitled thereto"
<br /> 20.NOTICES.Except tnr notiees,demands,requesta w other commuNeations requfred under appiiceble�aw to be glven in another mttnner,whanever
<br /> �--------T•..dw..v T�uatm nlune nr m�uon nn�nnllra firv.��uflnn�wennue u�►tet�un.nettr�nf delault end neUe�ot saiel.demanda reauesffi or other
<br /> .�:�„..��. _. .._'
<br /> communlcallan wlth respect to thls Trust Oeed,each such nottce,demand,requeat or other communicatton shat�be In wr�ttng and shall be effective onry
<br /> It the seme Is delivered by perSOnat servlee or Is malted Dy eenlfled mall,postege prepald,eddressed to the address es set torth et the be0lnning of thfa
<br /> Tn�st Dead.Any pa►ty may at any time change Its address lor sueh noticea by dellverinp or malling to the other party heveto,as aforesald,a notice ot
<br /> sueh change.Any notice hereunder shatt be deemed to have been given to Trustor or BeneNalary,when glven in the manner deslgneted hereln.
<br /> 2t.iiEOiIEST FGR NOTICE.Trustw and 9eneNcfary hereby request a Copy ot any noHce of dotsult,and a copy ot any notice o}eflle theteund8t,De
<br /> mai�ed to each person who ts a parry hereto at the address for such person set tarth In the flrst paragraph ot this Truat Deed.
<br /> d.GONENNINO LAW.This Trust Deed shall�e governed by the law8 of the Stete of iVebraska.
<br /> 23.SUCCESSORS AND ASSIONS.Thla Trust Deed,and etl te►ms,conditbna end obllgatbns herein,epply to end inure to the benefit of and Wnde
<br /> all parNea hereto,thelr heks,�egateas,devfsees.personat representatives, successora and asgipns.The term Beneflclary"eh�ll mean the owner and
<br /> hoider ot the Nota,whet�er or not named as Beneflclery hereln.
<br />- • .
<br />