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<br /> s.HpaArd or Properiy Insuranoa Bonowu shatl keep the Irmprovements now exlsdng or h��an t�Pro�+
<br /> insund egainst bss by firo.ltazarda fncludad wld�in Ne tesm "axwided coverage" and eny other h�rds.lnaludiAg ilonds cr _
<br /> flooding�Yor which I�der raquires iasucenca This insurence ahall 6o roaintsdned ln tha amouna and for tbe perloda thu Lendu
<br /> requirQy,The�surance,ca�cicr provldi�g thc insumace r,b�ll te chnscn by Banoeier s�tbfoct to L.ender's eppmval which shell not ,
<br /> be umrawnably wt�t,heid. 1f Bomowu faiis w maiumia covap�ge desaibed above,Leader may�at Lender's optbn, obtain
<br /> oover$ge w pr�tect Leader's rlgtits in the Propeaty in acoordance wIth pAra�[aph 7.
<br /> AU insurauce polldes and reaevuels abaU be acc�ptable to Lender end shail include a standard aastge8a clause.Lender eha11
<br /> hava the right tio hold the policie,v and ra�swals.If Ltada requires.Hon+�wer sh�ll promptly glve to Lenda all rocaipta of paid
<br /> p�ruaiums and renearal notias.Ia the ave�t of loss.Bormwer shall gtve psompt nodca to the insurenca c�rier�nd Lenda.L,endu _
<br /> may a�1ce�oof of loss if not made promptty by Boarowu.
<br /> Un1as9 Lrendet and Ho�rowa odieswlae agi+ae in writlng.jnsivanoe Pmcee�s siu�11 ba�yplied W acstaradam or s�gair ot tl:e -
<br /> Ptopaty damAgod,if We restoratbn ae rqiatr is economk�iPy feaslble u�d La�da's aaurity i�nat lesaenad.If tha nsWrxdon ar
<br /> rep�is aat awnomically feasibb a Laukr's sacurity aouW be lessened,tt►o tnantanca pcaceoda ehsll be epptiod W tha suma
<br /> socured by thi�Suuriry InstrumerU,whother or not then due. with any oace�a paid to Borrowv. IP IIoirowu Abandona the
<br /> Propaty.or doe�not enswa vrlthin 30 E�y�a natke f�em I.encki�lut eho insuranca can�a tw offerod to aeplo A eWm�IhoA
<br /> LaMa utiy collact the inaurence ptocead.�.Lenda rtury we tGe proceeda to[epah or nstote the Properiy a to p�y sua�s secumd
<br /> by thia Secuttty Ia�sumet��whdha ot not tha►due.�t1io 30�y petlod wiU begin whan the notkx+la givcn.
<br /> Unkaa Le�det ond Borrowa otliarauo�oe�n wrtdn8�snY+�PP�ation of proceeds ta prtncipai ahall not e�ctend or postpone
<br /> the due dato of the monfhlY PaY��nte rotand to in psra,g[�plis 1 ead 2 or ehanga the artwunt ef tlu�pvyma►b.If unda pa�a�►h
<br /> 21 tha Pmpaty ia acqulred by I�,Hoimwer•a rlght to any insurs�nce polides wid pmce�ds nsulting G�era damnge to d►e
<br /> p�opaty pricx w the acq�isidon stuU pacq w Lender W tha oxtnat of the suma sactued by thls Searmity Instrumant Immedieroly
<br /> p�rior w the acq�iaidon.
<br /> 6.Oocupan�y�A�eaervation�Mpi�a�tenswa and Prota�lon ot the Pe+opatyi Borrawer's I.aain AppUcationi l.wse6oldn.
<br /> Sotmwu shall accnpy.establ�rth.and use tha pronaty ag Bomowa's p�incipal res�noe wlthin skty daya efte�tbe exacutbn of
<br /> this Secuiity L�tcument and sball continue w axupy dte I�mpaty at Boaowa's prineipnl residcuca for at le�t orw year after the
<br /> date of oocupancy. unlesa Leada�thawisa egcoes in arldng.which conxa�t et�all not bo unreasombly withheld�or unlacg
<br /> eutenneting dreumstancas ea�sc ahich are boyond Botrower's c�ntrol.Bornower ehaU noc des�oy�damaBe ar impair tha Pnopaty.
<br /> a11ow tha Fropaty to det�iorate. a comm{t wesse on tha�ieopaty. Bonower si�sit ba in c�nfeuit i€aay f�,'f�� str
<br /> pr�g�ahether dvll or cdminal, is begun thet in Lender's good faith judgment coWd result in forfeiaue of tha Propaty or
<br /> o�hetwlae matexlelly impaft the lie�cnated by thts Secnrity Instnut�ent or Leaida's socuirlty interest. Bornower may cun stxh�
<br /> �)etault and xdnatata.as pmvtdod in pecagreph 18.by causing t1►e actton ar pmceodin8 to be d�nissed wItb a rullng tbat,in
<br /> Iaender's good faith daem�na�on.lxocl+�de,v forfeiwre of the Botrower•s�ntaest in tha Pt�qx�sty or oilia materisl impa�ment of
<br /> tha 1kn aeaud bY���Y�t a I.eader•s sxurIty interavt.Honawa shalt also be ia default lf Bonower,d�ring t!�
<br /> baa oppNcatbn process.Save matutAlly falae a�inaccurate information or s�ts W Leader(ar faikd w peovlde I.eudet wlth
<br /> au� nwtaial infeematton) in aonmction with the loan evldenced by tho Noto,iueludiug,bnt aot limiud tfl�repraserttedons
<br /> caaomniag Botrowa's occupene,y of tbe Pmpeity as a prk�cipal resWertca If Ihie Securlry Ins�unent is on a teusehold,Boaower
<br /> shaU oomply wlth all the provlslons of tha lease.If Bosower ecquires�as Wle to the Pi+opaty.the len.se8old msd tbe fea dtk ahail
<br /> not aKrge ualass L+eader e�re�w to tba merger in wrtting.
<br /> . y.Ptnt�xdcai of Leadrr'a Rf�Ms in the Property. If�arowa faits to prsform the oove�ar►ts end agxoemans oantained ia
<br /> this 5acusIty ItnWmu►b oe there is a ie8�P�8�?��Y s�i&s�►tiy a�bet Latdet's rlghts in tho Propexiy(sucb as e
<br /> Pi��8 fr+�P�Y.I��.[or condannatt�n ar forfe,inue ar tp mt'aoe mws or ngulotions)�then I�enda ma�y da and pny
<br /> far wlwteva is neoeuary to protoct the vNue of tho P�pperty and J,re�da's rlgbts tn the Prapeity.Lender's�ctioas may�nclude
<br /> �Y�B �ny swna secural by a ika wbich t+as prbrtty oves Ws SccurIty Iasuuraw� appeacid8�a cou�, paYinB seasonaEle
<br /> atoomays'fas�ad aatering on tho Y�vpaty L�make npaira.Atthovgli Leader a�ay teka actiot►unda tbis pena�aph 7.Leader
<br /> doc�noc hsva to do ao. "
<br /> Aay e�nounta dLsbvrsed by I�eadrs uadec thia pma�aph 7 shell bo�omo addidoael debt of Roimwet secured by this Secutity
<br /> Ia�t UNess Bonowu and Leaider �ree to otha te�ms of Peyraart,thaa emounts sh�ll baer intr�est froxn the ds�e oi
<br /> dtsb�usement af thm Note rataand st�ll bepayable,wIW interest,upon aodce fromLenda to Bonowa ral�8 P�Y��
<br /> A.Morf�s�e Insurnna. If La�cltr required unortgaga insuranca aa a coadidoa of making tt►e laan secared hy thls 3acurIty
<br /> Insmmu+►t, Harower sheU pay the permtums required oo maintain tha mortgage�nsurance in ai�iact. 1f,fo;any reasae. the
<br /> mortge�a insuranoe covaage erquired by I.eader lapses or aases W be in ef�'ec�Bonowu shall pay the�rendwns reyuired w
<br /> obtain coveraga suBs�►tially oquivaleat to the mortgage insuianca,provlously in effa�t.at a cost eubstantially cquivaknt to tha
<br /> oost to Bonower of the mortgage insufance prevlously in affeck fcom an altanata maztgage iruuru appcovod by Leader.If
<br /> sabs�dally eq�ivakiu mortgage insurance coverage is not ava�ablo,Boimwer shsil pay to Lendv e,ach m�nth a sum equa!w
<br /> on�twalfth of tho yeariy moitgege insurance pnmium being paid by Horrower ahea the Insurence coverage lapsed or o�sed to
<br />- be in effa;t.Lender wW eec�pt, use and retafa these paymeats a4 a loss r�va ia liw of mo�tgega iasuwnco.Loss rressava
<br /> Fo�s04e�roo
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