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<br /> P�Yro►aus awy no longa be required�at the option of Leader�if mo�tgage fnsurauca covaaga(�mnount and for tha pertod
<br /> th�t Londer roquiros)provide�by en insumr appmved by Lueda agaia b000mcs availabie and is obtained.Bamnw�x shall pay the
<br /> pnmiums requined to maintain ew:tg+�ge inaaruiae L�ellxb��F1'ovide t bss rexrve.undl the requinmeat for mortgage
<br /> insu�acs atds in txs��9nca���ith r.ny a�tit!en�gccement between Bomnwts and Lu►der or a�rpllcable law. �
<br /> 9.Ia�pcction. I.eteda a ita Ngrnt mty molte rea9awbb anMa�upan+�nd intpecttons af the Ptopeny. LCAdCt B11tll$IYD
<br /> Boaowa aodco at tho tlmme of ar prlor to m L�apxdon specifYNB reasotybb c�uao ftx tha inapecdon.
<br /> 10.Condnsw��iow. 'Che procoed; of any Awud ar cLlm far dArtuige��dinct ar consoquentiol.!n connxtien wtth w►y
<br /> corutiernnadon ar otha mtiing of eny part of tbe Prapaty�or ta eunvey�nce in Iku ot oondomn�tlon�am hereby a�signod and
<br /> ah�l1�be p�id to L�da.
<br /> In the avcnt af t�tatal te,ldng oi tbe ProQeriy.tho pixxeeds�hall ba applicd a U�o emma socured by�hts Socurtry Iaswma►�.
<br /> whetfia or not lhon duo.wi1A�ny eaaoa�pid ta Bonawa.In the aveat of a�wd�l tatdng of the i'toperiy in whkh the[�ir merret
<br /> vUue ot the Property immedWaly betae Ueo Wdng i�equ�l t�or gre�a than tho�rnount of tha wma aaurod by Qils Sxurity
<br /> Inqrun�ent immedW�ely betoro tho pJ�ing�un3ata Bomower u�d L�da othetwlso ugcoe in wrldng►tha aums aecutod by thts
<br /> Socurity In�wn►ertt�htU bo raducod by�he amount of t1�e praceed�multiplied by tha folDowing fnctbn:(�)the toW amaunt of
<br /> tLe sums iecurod immodiMely before the nidng.dlvidad by(b) the fiir m�cet v�luo oi the Properiy inunedW�ely before the
<br /> nlcit�g.My bd�ce�tmU ba pid to 8o�ewer.In tho event of a pArtW taidng of tt�o pcoperty in which ibe fiir mulcet value of the
<br /> propeity fmmodi�tely bafao tho Wcta� is tes� tiwn t�ia anaunY of tha sam.a scrurc�immediately before the tal�g, unk,ts �
<br /> Samwer�nd Lender othawl�e�+oo in wrldng a un{ess nppllcable law otf�arvjse provldes,the proceods shali 6e applied to the
<br /> svms stcurod by thia Secudry Tnstrnmratt whetha�or not the suaas am tttcn dud.
<br /> I�the Propeety is abandoned by Borrowu.or if.��ter natioe by Lender to Boimwa that tha rondeau►or offe:s w malce an
<br /> awmd or aettio�clefm fa damagas.gocmwa fails w�nd to I.endu within 30 dsys afta tbe date tha aotloe fa givea�Iraidx
<br /> iu suthaizod t�o colbct end apply the pr000eda,at its option.eituer to resto�aelon or repair of tda Proputy or ta tha sucps staued
<br /> by this Secndty.Insuwnent,whether ot not doen duo.
<br /> Unless L�nda and�arowar othawlse agree in wrEdnB.�9 gPP�don of praooeds�u princiyal st�all uot eawid a postpone
<br /> thedcad�te otd�e mantbly payma►tse�efcaod w in pe�agrapt�s 1 ad2 orc�hauge tbe amount of such paya►ents.
<br /> il.Baerawer Not ItdeAacdi Forbearanoe By I.enda�r19t a R►aivd�. Bictensbn of the dtae for paya�ent or modificulon
<br /> of:nordw�ton of the suma sxund by tt�is SecurIty lasuumeat g[aaoed by La�dex to any suooessor ia intaest of Banower sheil
<br /> not opaaio iir�a iba iir�ii�ty of iiis arlg�nat B��r Bo�.rts's as�s��tt iai�ress.I�da sha�!s�ci be r��tQ �
<br /> t�anmp�e pmoxdings a�tnst aa�y�or in inurest or�efuso w eat�end timtme fa paycneat ar othuwise nwdity emarduNian of
<br /> t�e anma secuned by this SecuciEyr Instnunent by reasa� of eay dan�nd made by the original Bamwa or Barowa's suooea.�as
<br /> !a lutaest.My fosbar�uxa by I.enda in a�ccrcising aay right or remody shall not be a weiv�of or preclude d�e eua�else uf aay
<br /> r�ght a t�nody.
<br /> IZ.S�a.�es�ors and At�es Boundi Joint wd Sever�l Li�DWtyt Co�ners.1t�e cov�nts end agca+nenta of tht9
<br /> Secudry Lu�meat ehall bi�d and beaefit the succe,as�o� and a�signa of La�da and Bamwa� subjeet oo da pievialons of
<br /> p�gnq,b Yl. Bo�s+owcr'e coveaanis and agreerr�atta st�tu be joinc and savcrel. any Bamwa who oo-signs this sec►uityy
<br /> �nurumamt but dxs aot m�ocuta tl�a Note: (a)is oasi�g d�is 5ecwtty Inso�umeat ady t�o maigage.6�ant ead oonvoy tt�
<br /> '. Bomn�'a inte�est in the Propaty uadu tha Wias of thts Seciuity Instnnna►�N)1��Pa'��Y obligated Ou pay tt�se aua�a
<br /> eocumd bY this Secw�ity Insteurnm�and(c)ag�ees dut I�da eud any otber B�mwa may egcae w ea�tta�.modify,f�or
<br /> aaik�e my x�commod�don+wldi ngacd to tha ta�as of thia Sacarity tnateument ar the Nae witfwut that Barowei's aanfeaL
<br /> 13.I.o�n Char�a. If the loan seaurod by this Sec�utty Inswment is subjact t�a law whids�as maxieaua►faa charga.
<br /> and ttut l�w ia 8ualiy int�ap�+etod so tbat the inucest ot�tber toan cdarges collnctod ur oo ba collected in connocflon wit6 tho!an
<br /> - excead tho percnitud WN�.then:(a)any such la�a chaiga sha11 ba teduoai by the amout►t nacsssacy to ndnco tda chuga W the
<br /> , pamiuoa tiu�t�ana(b)aay sums atn�ay couccocQ�om aamwu wt�ict►e�ccodaed pumiuea timita+�uvat ee refuneea m Baa�aa�r.
<br /> I.endet uuy cho�ae to m�ke this rrSuud by reducing �bo prindpal owod undsr tha Note a by malcing a dl[oct p4ymeat�o
<br /> Barower.It a refimd radaaes ptMdpal.the ndt�don aN bo mated as a partial pnep�yrna�t withart aaY P�Y�►���
<br /> atda the Nooa
<br /> . 14.Notiote. Any�oticce to Bamwu prevIdr�t'ar in thia Sxudty Instcumeat shell De glven by delivexing it oa by mailhig it
<br /> by Sirat clats mail uakss�plicabb law nqu3ns use of atwther method.'lUe notko shall be diroctcd t4 tho Propaty Addness or
<br /> any other adde�ss Bamwer designaus by nodcss'to I�dtr.Aay nottoe to Lenda sball be glvea by�rst clav mail to 1.ettda's
<br /> addc�aa statod haein or my ottxr ad�rGas I.eauks designates by nWioa to Bormwer.Any nodoe ptevidad fa in dils Securiry
<br /> Ia,stnwuut slwit ba daemed w havo boen givcn ta Boirowa a Laider whan glvon a9 provided in this par�pli.
<br /> � i$.Gpvernins Iaw=Se�erabttiy. 'it�is Stcurlty Ltstn�nteat shall ba govaued by fodaal law and tha lAw oY the
<br /> jnrl�dicdon In which the Propaty 3s locaud.In the event that eny provision or cleuse of this Socurlry Inswment a t1�Note
<br /> ooaflict�wlth applicabla iaw.such contlict st�all not affext otha provisions of this Securtty Inswment or the�iote which can be
<br /> givta et'tb�x wlthout tha cot►fli�itig�rovision.To thia end du prov4aions of thia Sa�rriry InsWment end the NoW aro dacland L�
<br /> ltesaverable.
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