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<br /> �q7�"'7 L�L+��''9
<br /> NUN•U�iIPORM C.OV�NAh"�'S. Borrowcr end Lender futthGr cavenent und Qgrce os followR: �.. '�"'"�"�'• �
<br /> 17. Forecto�uro 1lrooedu�e• If I.��d�t'roqul�rs►{m�n�latc pAyment �n fi�ll under pnragrapb 9.Lendec may lnvake.the
<br /> po�ver of sato w►d any othcr rcmcdiea permittod by sppllcntile Inw. Lendsr ahnll bo endded to collect all expenses incurred in
<br /> punsuhng the nmedies prnvldod in thia pa�agnph l7.lnoluding.but not Uiaited to�rcasonabl,s a�ameys' fees and costa of tide
<br /> ev[dence.
<br /> It tt�opowes oq Mie M fnrdced.�'r��c�:i u a::.2ics a�t�:tn�t in e^_e�a c�i�rty tn whteh�ny�esrt of the �
<br /> �ropeet�i�ioa�tal�ud�nuY d�notioe ia tloe m�nner Pre�caibal bY• bie Isw to Son+nxer�nd to
<br /> n
<br /> tl�othrr P�r�on �p�b�d by a�bk Iww. A[ter the tlmore�ul�+cd by ip�lka It�w,Tn�stee,�11 aWe pu�lc
<br /> notke d,de a tUe pa�wr�.ad in ebe a�er racribaf by sppfictbk irrM.Tsustee.wdihout demand on Bo►�nwer,
<br /> ehW�ell ehe Pooperty�t pubUc inclbn to tl�e 6�best bidder�ft ta�e N�f10 i�[I��O!ADII Illldll'�h!tl1711f�LE�III
<br /> the noHoe o�aile M oae or more parodt�uod in�ay onter TrwQ�e detcrmine�•Tn�stee may poatpone eale of a0 or any
<br /> p��d p�t�p�+uperty1yy pnbilc annouaeaMe�nt�t the ttma Rnd plaoe ot r�ny prevtotisty schalulM s� Lender or its
<br /> �tnd�enea�u.�purcbaoe the Ih�o�'tY a:�say s�2a
<br /> UP��P� 4�7� '1'rusteo's dad coaveyio�the
<br /> vt ot tLe pr�oe b1d,Tr+titte eluU dd[ver to t�e put�'+haea'
<br /> Ycnpaty.T6e eedt�in 4be Tsu�tee's deed�116e prlm�fi�de evidenoe otthe hut1�ot tt�e atateme�tb made tLee+eio. „
<br /> Te�u�sMx aPW7►We 9sooads ot tLe sde 1n tLe foDowlug orders (�) W�l oods end txpe.nses ot exerdrdr� t6e
<br /> powa�ot sr4,�tLe ak,4�iu�i�tbe pY�t ot the Tetuta's t'as w�aaY9 inwn+ni.not to e�coad 96
<br /> ot tle prin�'1p�1 wauat o[t� �ate Rt tte.time ot tl�e dedar�tion a[ def�ulf,aad rea�oa:bk atto�,i�s �+r
<br /> Pa'sitled b�iaw;(b)to�e�aas seared by t6b Seaudtr L�tnu�and(c)a�y ezee�to t6e pe�so�s or pemo�
<br /> leW,y entltled W k.
<br /> la. R�toiarer�noa Up�n payment of aU Furns savral by diis S�auity Ins�ent,L+enckr sheU ieguest Tn�stoe w
<br /> �+econvey dee Property und shtlY swtsuder this SecurIty Instrnnxnt and all aous evideutIng debs saural by this Sctivrity
<br /> �pu�t t�T�s�oo, 7Yustee shall cc�nvey tt�c PropeRy wlthout wa�t anry pnd without ct�erge to tha ptrnon or persons
<br /> IegaU9 endtled to it Such pason or persons stiall pay any rxordatlon oosts.
<br /> 1g S�b�itute'TivRtee. I�nder.at its option,raay from dme to tIme n�ove Tiustea andappoint s sucx�cssor tsustee to
<br /> Yny TtusWe �poiated heratnder. Wtd�t o�nveyana of the P�+n�xsty, tbe s�coessor watac sh�ll suace�to all tho titkt
<br /> power and dune.s con�fared upon'l�usue h�ein end by applicabk L�w.
<br /> Z0. e�tar NMIa�s. Bonowa roqnesta that ooples of the noflces nf default aad sa{e be sa►t tq Bimnwa's ad�lress .
<br /> which is thaR �topaty Addc�ess.
<br /> Riae�s to t�Security Imhvm�en� If one or u�one ridera are oxecuted by Harcowa and Koorded Wgaha with dde
<br /> Secucitgr Ins�uneat, the anveau�ts of es�ch stich rida eha11 bc inco�po�etetl into and sbell amend and supplement the
<br /> cav�ants 8�1 ag[+p�tnSnts of this Secvrlry Insnument as if the ridet(s)wet+a ln a pazt of this Sxurity Insmuaent
<br /> j�hocTr sppIic�bk i�o:(ea}j. `
<br /> . �Concbminium Ride,r �Greduatod Payment Rlder ' �GmwIn81'AuitY Ri3a
<br /> .,; ,
<br /> • �pLnnad Unit DeveIopment Rider �Otha[Spocifyl �� ���
<br /> • � BY SI(3NIN(i BBLOW.Samwa aoo�pts aad agcres to tbe te�ms contvned in l�ages 1 tluvugb,'4 of this Scwrity
<br /> ' . Insteumait and in�y�ida'(s)execuoed by Barawer and recoiddd wtt3�tG •
<br /> WI� Wi� : •
<br /> . �r �. - —
<br /> 'i1�1019A,S H,:SttR l F , " V ICKtE.D S1lfl.i�
<br /> t�, .. ���
<br /> H�xrowtr . �t
<br /> . .cs�,,� is�,,>
<br /> s«,�.�« � • � �
<br /> . ��i • �n
<br /> STAZE OF Nk�RASKA, FW.L ` _ COU°�Y�'
<br /> (fi thi.� 29th d�Y of S�P�emE�er. 1935 ,befone me,thc uadersigi�c3.;NolarY
<br /> PuMic duly aommissicned aad qualifial for said oounty.Aer�o�wIlY� 1FiG1'�bS H Sltfl_t FF AKD VlQC i E.�.1
<br /> Sll'1'LIFFF�RSB�4PD /1t�D lY1FE
<br /> , .w me known ro be the
<br /> identicai pason(s)wlwse n+me(s)are subsaibed Un the temgoing insuuma�Y iiod ai,�lnwwiaciged the exaxttion d�ercof to be
<br /> their voluntary acc anddeed.
<br /> Witness my hand and nwarial seal at CiRAt� I SLAPD ia said county.t�e
<br /> datc afoi�.c.�id. •
<br /> i9 d �
<br /> —«t....��n:...� _ , � Nc�tuy i'UEIIc
<br /> ���IM��lINMI I�%���
<br /> 1�U'IRUS'IFE:
<br /> ' 'tt�e uadaaigoed Is the holder of thc noYe or notes securaf by tt�s �aed of T�ust Said e►cKe or notes,wgeti�rr witb dl
<br /> otLer ia�tedness gxured by th�s Dab of 71ru.5►.have been paid tn ti�ll. You ace tsereby dU+ectod to canoel said nate or aotes
<br /> a�J this Dad of 71ust,�vhich ere dellverod heerby,and to roounvey.wit�ous w�tranry.nll sd�e estate now held by you eu►der
<br /> this Deed of 11n�st to the pesson or prrs�ons kgaUy en6ilal thereto•
<br /> Date:
<br /> IPag�I qf I puger)
<br /> .
<br />