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' . ,-.l'',7 ' t'�/�np �vp�i .. <br /> • 'Y�Mt� f�Rhr <br /> .. ' ' . . �I+�Aw+ -e. .���M" ..._ ... <br /> � � � - •; -wt..�ra•-.. � —_ _. — _ � _ - � ��������rL�Y ---_ <br /> ..T. ,..,..... _��_ <br /> . �. , . ���� _ <br /> .. ��` _ _•✓ ^�"wr�� .� �.�.."' _v �_ <br /> ._...�r."!��� '-�o�7ID'�� ��YYc���cv.-... <br />.. ...__..._- . .��-- . . ._ .�,..a..�._.� <br /> --- --- � --� .. _ �.T----� - - - ----- --- <br /> � • <br /> ��'� �ll��/�F• -. <br /> ��� <br /> '7. Condtmn�tbn. The proceeda of any award or clnlm far danwg�.direct or con�equentlal in connectlon with uny <br /> condemnaaon or other tuking of any part of tho Property�or for conveyance in Qluce of wndemnat�on.ure hemby msslgned <br /> and shalt be paid to I.ender to the ext�nt of tha fuU umount of tha indebtedness that rcmnids unpuild under the Note and this <br /> Security Inawment 1.¢ader shaU apply suoh procads to tho reducdon of the lndebudness under tho Note and thta Secudty <br /> in9mimenti fir�t to any delinquent umounts upplled ln tho order provlded in Pdrugraph 3. end then to prcpoyment of <br /> pr�ncipal.,An applia►don of We p»cceds to tho pdncipul ehNl not extend or posqmne the due dnu uf the mor�thly <br /> poyaients,wt}�ch�e refen+ed 4o in�Paragraph 2.or cbengc Wo umounc of such puymenta. My exceag proceoda ovcr cu► <br /> amounr�+equired w puy aU ouuutttdttig indebudnes9 under the Note shnl!ba puid ro tho endty legally entIded therero. <br /> & F�e�..Lender may ooUxt fax ond chnrgea authortzed by the Secrctary. <br /> 9. Grouoda tor Acoeksatbn ot Deb� <br /> (a)Odault, L,ender may.except as limited by reguladona lRSUed by the Secretary in the case of puyment default�, <br /> requlre immeQiate payment ln tt�ll of aU aums secured by thts Securtty Iastiument if <br /> (i)Sorrower defaulls by faUing to pay ia fuli any manthlY pnyment requLpd by ihts Securlty Utstrument prior <br /> w or on the due date of the neat monthly payment,or <br /> (U>Barrower defsults by faiUng,for u pedod of thirty days,to perfarm nny other obligatlona wntained in this <br /> Security InstrumenG <br /> (b)Sak W[thout Credit Appruvpb L.ender ehaU,if pemilned by appllcxtble law and wlth tbe prlor agpmval of the <br /> �,require immediute payment in fWl of aU the suma secured by thia Suurlty Insm�rnent lf: <br /> ����(ot�her tftan by devlse or d�tj by th Bonowe gttr dl ar part of the sold ar <br /> (ii)'the pcap.,"rty ia no!oxupia!by the purcheser or gmntee Aa hig or her prindpal restdeuce,or the purchsser <br /> or granue does so occupy tha Pnnperty bat his or her credit has not bcen approved ia accordance <br /> with the regulremeat�of the Saaetary. <br /> (c)No Wwivw: If circumstartoes accLr that would pelmit I,ender w require immediate payment in full.bat Lender <br /> dc�s aotrcqu�ire such pay meacs,Lender do�s aot waive its dghts witb�espect tn subsequent events. <br /> (d)ltegu4tloms of HUD Secret�rY. In many circwnsteaas regWattoas issued by the Secretary wiU limit L,�de.�s <br /> dghta, in the case of payment defaults, to reyuire Lnmcdiate payment In fuU and foreclose if aot paid. ltiis <br /> Socucity Insuument dces not authorize acaieration or foreclosure if aot permiued by regnladona of the Sx�etary. <br /> (e)Mort�ge Not Insured. Borrower agrees that should this Socurity Insuument aad the note secu�ed thereby rtot <br /> be ellgible for insurence under the Nadonal Housiug Act w(thin 8 mo�tths fmm the <br /> date hei+wf.L.ender may,at its opdon end notcvItbstandIng anytding tn Paragraph 9.roquire immcdIate paya�ent in <br /> full of all sums securcd bY this Securlty Insunment A wriroen statement of any nuthorized ageat af the Secm,tary <br /> date�l subseque�t w 8 rtqnths from the date hereof,dxliaing w Ins�u�e this Savritry <br /> �nxtrument and dte note securod thereby�sha11 be d�conclusive proof of such iaeligtbiliry. Notwlthstand'mg <br /> the foragoing,this opttom may aoi be ea�enisai by Lender when ttie unsvailability of insur�nce ia solely dae to <br /> L'ende,�s feilure to nemit a mortgage lnsurance premium to the Secreuvy. <br /> 10. Reim�kmmt Borrower has a dgbt to be ninamted if Lendu has required i�edlaze payment in fuli becc�use of <br /> gonow,u's gell�n to pay an amount due under We Note or this Security Insuumant Thfs dght applies even after foreCloaure <br /> pmoeedings are instiNted. To reinatate!da Soctuiiy Instrument,Borrower shall under in a lump sum all amounta nyuired w <br /> bri�g�Bomowe�'s account r,unent thc enteat they are obligationa of Bo:mw�r under�his Sewrity Iasuument, <br /> foreclosura costs aad nasaaable and cus tuy attomepa' fas aad expenses pmperly �ssociattd wtth the forxlosure <br /> eff�g U n reinstatemeat� by Botmwer�, this Saudty Instrument and the obllgadona that it socures shsll cemain in <br /> if I.end�cr hwd na n�yaircd tcnmediate paymeat in full. However.Lmder►s not roquirod to pemiit c�einstatemeat if: <br /> (i)I.eada hay aooepud reinspuement aftcr the commenameat of fareclosure proo�ings within cwo yeazs iinmediaoely <br /> preading the oommenatnent of a curr�nt fonclosurc pmceoding,(ii)�+einstatement will p�+aclude foreclosure on dtffar,�t <br /> gmuads in the tunue,or(iii)reinst�tement wlll advasely affa� t Wa grIon'ty of the IIea creatad by this Sewriry Instrument <br /> • il. Bomowtr Not Rdaroed; Forbarana by I.eadet Not a Waivtr. Sxtrasion of the da� of payment or <br /> modiRcadon of amardzedon of d►e sums sa�uc+ed by this Secudty Insauma►t gianta!by Lender to aay suooessor in iata+est <br /> , of�wer ahall aot operate to relaise t}xi l�ab�ily of the o�ig�nel Horivwa or Borrower's sucoessor�n 3n�. L�d� <br /> sha11 not be uired to commence prooeedin$8 a8einst��►y suceasor in inta+esi or refnse ro e�uatd dme for pa�nent or <br /> � otheKVise mod�'i y�on of the sums sa�u�ed by tt,is 5acudty Instrument by reason of any demar,d by tbe <br /> orlg�al Bormwer or Borrowar's suoasaors in intaest E1ny fosbeamnce by I.ender in exea+cIsing any rlght or cremedy ahili <br /> aot be a waiver o8or preclude tho eaercfso of eny dght or nmedy. <br /> 12. Suooe�ors�nd Asei�n+Boand;Joint wd Ssv�rp!L�tbflttyi CaST�ne=a. T6e covenants aada�+ee os of this <br /> Sccueiry Iast�ument shall bind at►d baie&t ti�e suocessors end assigns of I,ender end Bornower,subjnct to the provisions of <br /> Pa�ph 9(b). Bo�tuwe�g oovenants aztd menta shall be joint antl�everal. My Horrowet who cw-slgns this Securlty <br /> Instntment but dues aot execux the Note: (a�co-sl�tl�is Sea�dty Iasnunient only w mortgage,gc�u►t and con�ey tt�at <br /> B�iawet s intenst in die Pmperty under the tera�s of this§er.�rlty InyWmen�(b)is aot peisonalCy obllgated to pay the sua�s <br /> secumd by this Sacuriry Iastrumen�nnd(a)agrees that Lender and eay othas Banower may a�e w extend modify.Yorbear <br /> er make any eceorriawdadons wltb regatd to the teims of this Securiry �nsuumcnt or the Note wimout that Bo:rawe�'s <br /> cousent <br /> 13. Nottoes. Any noda to Borrower vtded for In tG[s Secuiity Insuument shall be Riven 6y de8veting it or by <br /> maillng it by first cictss ma[►unlessappli le law requires use of another method. 1he no$a shall be dIrxted to tt�ee <br /> ' properry.Address or any other addrtss Bomower d�aus by nada to Lendcr. Any noflce to i.ender shall be given by fi�st <br /> �l�ss mail to Lende�s addr�ess steted haein or eny adMess Leatder de.cIgnutes by notFa to Bomower. Any�odoe� pmvidcd <br /> for in this Security Inctrumsnt sLall be dcemed to have been givea to Bo�mwer or Lender when gtven as provtded in this <br /> ph <br /> �14. Goyerot�Lsw; Sevqrabn[ty. 7his SecurIty Inshumatt shall be goveined by Federal laa and tho Inw of the <br /> jurisdicHon itt whkh the P�nperiy ia tocatod. in the event that any provls{on or clause of tWs Securlty Inshvment or the Note <br /> conft;qs with appIIcable law.such mouflla shall not affoct other pmvisions of thls Sawity Instiument or dte Note wh[eh can <br /> beg�ven� effect aritttout the conflicdog prnvision. To this end the provisions of this Se�uriry Instrwnent and the Note are <br /> declared ta be sevembiG <br /> 15. Bonuwei's Copy� Bomower shall be given oae conformal copy of this Secunc 'ry Insttument <br /> t� �nment ot Bmfa Boanwe:unoondttionally assigns and transfers w Lender aU the rents and revenues of the <br /> Property. Bomower cwtiiorizes Lendar or La►drx's ogents to wRect the rents aad nevenues and hemby dirocts e,ach tea�nt of <br /> thepireperty to pay the nnts m Lender or Lender's agents. However.prior to Leadc�'s eotioe to Bormwer af Bomowe�s <br /> bna�cb of any oavenant or agraement in the Secwiry Insuumen�Bore�o�ver aball aollect end roceive all rents and revenues of <br /> the Roperty ag trusiee for the benefit of Lender end Boirnwer. 'lt�is assfgnment of cents consatutes an absolute assignment <br /> and not an assjgnment for oddidonal security only. <br /> If Lcnder gives nntice of bieach to Borrower. (a)all nenta xeoeived by Bo:mwer shsll be held by Bomower as hustx <br /> for benefit of Lender only. m beappliod W the aumc secured by the Security Insaumen�(b) [.ender shnU be entided to <br /> oollect end reoeive all of the t�nta of the Property;end(c)each tenant o4'the Property shall pay all rents due and unpa�d w <br /> Lender or Lender's agent on Lec►de�s wriuen demand ro tAe tenant <br />° Brnrnwer hos noi executcd any prtor assignment oF the�nts and !�s not and wW not pedoan nny nct thut woutd <br /> prevent Lesede�r from exercising ito righta under this Paragrnph 16. <br /> Lender shull not be r�oquind co enoer upon,mlre control of or mnintain the P�opaty before or after�ving no�oe of <br /> breact�w Borrower. However.Lender ar e judtctallyapported recciver mny do so at siny time there Is u breacli. Any <br /> appUcadon oi rents shall not cure or waive any default or invglIdate any other right or remedy of Lertder. This assjgnment of <br /> rents of the Property shtill taminnte when dte debt secured by the Socurity Insavment is paid in tWl. <br />_ (Pagt 3 of I poges) <br />