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,.._,.. ......... <br /> ,. . . , . . <br /> �� �...r.,z�.,..,�� � .4 `�• <br /> . -'{�--1�. .. , . . - <br /> ,,;_ .,v.�.�-x.���m�..:.., . -- ... �- .___ ._ .. _.. - <br /> . . .. .. <br /> , ��t -.3��;�-� . ._ , . ..�_.----- <br /> _ - - , _ - - - <br /> . ' � <br /> Ti��fi��l�`t i� ` <br /> p�Ul�?r!!�34�AunffNt�uM •�+�•� �� �c'+r . <br /> �.. <br /> The foL'�wing sue adc(cnda to the Morlg�Qe. Pl�a�e check Ihe�ppliu�►ble adcleEiJuin,'l he�dd�ndum che�kcd�hafl he incor�arntec!into,nnJ _ <br /> rccardn!wilh,qie Morlgage. 'I'he tcnn"Mor�,gHgc"sh�ll bcdec�ncd to iuclude"i�crJ vf'{'rusC'if.ipplirablc. <br /> �l�A and Fn�HA AUD�NUUM � <br /> � 29th y Septeirber 98 . <br /> TH iSTAX•EXBMPT FINANCIN(3 R 1DBR is made this dn of ,19 ,and is <br /> incarporaled into�nd shall be deemul to amend and supriemenl Uie Mo�lgage,[)eed o�Trusl or Secu�ity peed("Security InstrumenC')of the <br /> s�medategiven by tl►e unacrsigned�'B�rro�;�er")t�o.�.ec��ife�Bcorro��ver's�Note(�"�1� 'e�' lo�x _ <br /> ("l.ender")of the same date and co�•ering the�iroperty describe�l in Qie Security Instrument anJ loc:ated at: <br /> 1322 S L 1 N001_N A1fEt�/UE C�tAND �SLMD. t3� 68801 <br /> [Prorecly AddressJ <br /> In addiGon to the covenants anJ agreGnents made in the Security Instn�ment,liorro�ver and Lendet fiirther cosenant and agree lo amend - <br /> Paragraph 9 of the Modd Martgage Poim,entitled"(lrounds for Aacleration of Debt"as byadd'sng addilional g�ounds Coraaelcration as <br /> follo�vs: <br /> • I�nder,or suclt of ils suocessots or�essigns�s may be separate instrument assutne res�Onsibility for a�suring rompliance by the Borro�tier <br /> wifh the}�rovisions o[this Ta�c-Bxempt�inanci��$Rider,may�equire immediate paymemt in full ot all sums secure�by this Security <br /> iestrument if: <br /> (a)Aq or part af the Properly is sold or othenvise transferral by Borrower to a�urcheser or mlher tr�nsferee: <br /> (�)Whocannot reasonably be expecied to oau��y the property as a{�rincipal residence►vithin a reasonable time alier the sale ox <br /> . �ranster,all as provided in Section 143(c)�nd(iK2)oC the llaternal Revcnue Code;or <br /> � (a)WhR has h�d a present ownetsl�ip�inlerest in a principal resiclence during any part o(the three•year period ending on thedate <br /> af the sale or tc�nsfer,al!asprovided in St�tion 143(d)end(i)(2)af thelnternal Reve�ue Code(eauept lnat"100 percentu shall be <br /> substituted for"95 peiant or more" �v1�eFe the latter ap�eacs in Section 143{d}(1));or , <br /> (ui)At an aoquisition custwhich isgccater than 9U�ercent o[tlie average area pu�chase price(greater lhan 114�eratntlor <br /> targeted arc�residences},all as provided in Section l43(e)and(ij(2)oithe Internal Revenue Code;or � . <br /> , i ' �::; , <br /> . (ivy�Yho has a gto�C�mily ine�me in exassof the applicabie pen�an'tage of a}�plicable medin�z famiiy iucome as���avidtd in � <br /> S�;tio�ti 143(� and(iX2)of the�nternal Revenue Code;or , • <br /> - (6)B�ROwer 6ails lo orcupy ti►e pro�xrt�?ueuribn)in�he Se�::tirity Instn�ment�v�haut prior tvritten consent of E.ender oe its <br /> suooessorsor aa�ignsdcscribed a!Qae beginningof theTax•Exempt Cinanang Rider,or <br /> (c)Bonower omits c�rmisrepresents a fact that ismaterial�vith respect to the prouisions of Section 143 of the Intemal Ravenue Code <br /> ia an applicaiian for�he loan�ecured by this Security lnstrun:ent. <br /> . Itet'erenasare ta the lnternal RecenueCode as ame�ict�l and in e(fe�:t on the date ofic�uanae o[bonds,the prc�eds�ef which�vill be <br /> usecllo tinana the Security k:��xu�unt and are deemeJ to inctude Uu implementin�rer�'f;KOns. �. <br /> BY 51GNtNG BELO�V,Rorrow�ec accep:s nnd agrees ta the tenns m�d provisions in thisTax•Exem� pt Financing Rider. r <br /> gonou�e� <br /> Septerrber 29. 1�95 � <br /> Dale orro�cer VI (1 . ���— <br /> VA D90RTGAG�ADDfiNDUM 1322 S ���'i00t-b AVENUE <br /> C�tAt�D i S1.MD. NE 6'Bt301 <br /> IC,so Iong as!he Dluttgage is autstand ing,allor any part o�the propehy is sold by Dorro+��er�si{:ioui Lendei s priun�ritteiz . <br /> con�ne.other th��n n tr�nslerby devis�,den�ent ar by oper�tion otla�v,the Lendermay,�t I,ender s oplion,�c��m al!ihes�:ms secureJ by tlie <br /> Niorlgage to be anmediately Jue and�nyable. <br /> BQno�:1r <br /> SepLe�er 29, 1995 <br /> Dale Borto«er <br />