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<br /> =•,i."--.- _sw..:,.. - —° - - --
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<br /> ..-. �eb.... .�.. , �- _. . . ..,..,....ae� -_ ` —-
<br /> '_._:__.____,�..__....,�:_.. .� - . . ...._ "
<br /> ______.W_._�.____.._ . _._c . . ..... .. .
<br /> _�__'_'_�_�_ ' � .-_�_.__ .�.__""__'�.......'"".__._.....�._..........� ...T'Y._...___—'_"u ._A.
<br /> � � � � �.
<br /> �9�� �.Of 6432
<br /> �1aps� A�lor� ona aonth prior to th� dat,� when aaah texss,
<br /> spscial ass�s��aas►ts wnd pr�aiwn wiii b� dus. 6aid �ums to
<br /> b� h�id by ths L�r►Qsx' in txu�t 'to pay ths tsxea, s aini
<br /> h
<br /> ess�ss�aents arad insurauc� prsaivas. 1�ny dstiai�nay the �
<br /> o,.�;unt ot anv aQartAate �ont.�lY paym,�nt (prinaigai{
<br /> int�r�s�, taxe�, spoa�al aeAee�meats e�ae a.nsurena� prenu.wa)
<br /> shali aoitstitut� a ds��ult. The arranga�nRU►t.s providad for
<br /> in icY►3r t�c�y��a�aph a�e !ar thc ��ed �rat,es�tion o! the �
<br /> i�sid�r, asid entail no responsibil�ty on the part o! the
<br /> La�d�r or Trustes.
<br /> 9. x! Horrawer� tail to perlorm the csovenants and
<br /> agrao�nto �arein �ga�lsri�.r��, Lazidar mny da a�nd pay !or
<br /> whn�v�r ir nsassoary to protsat the value of � propsrty
<br /> and Lsnd�r•s rlglsts in thspr ops�rty, inoiu8ing ths paying o�.
<br /> a�y a�as eecured by a Z9�en whieh has priority aver triia.
<br /> sao�,tSty latstrua�a�tt; a�ppnaring i;t aourt, paying �aaeonabl�
<br /> attox�sy ts�as and entering tha propertY to mako repairs.
<br /> Atny " �ount disbur's'�sd by Lsadsr and�7r thie parag�capti �ha11 �
<br /> � bscosw� an addi�ion�l dabt o! 8orrowers saczt�red� by this
<br /> �sourity l,t��ts�mosnt, ia 3�ear in.tex�st from ths date o!
<br /> di�bu�ssa�n� en� sa�id �ount, toq�th�r with the theY► unpaid
<br /> prineipal aaouat, ehall bsar infi.�rest at ths higheat law�u�].
<br /> rat�a wntil retuiidad by 8osrowsrs.
<br /> ' i0. Sorirowezs eoveia�nt and ngrea tba� a teilur� to .
<br /> aak� anY p�iy�ent, eitlier �."tncigal or iri�eirest, on tho aat�
<br /> ����� h�oby N�oii d.us and pAyabia or b failura �o aonply
<br /> �ri#�a any ot th� aovanesata and ngraas�ants hos�ia aad� shall .
<br /> aaus� ths ahoi� �ua ot pon�y hereby ssaussd to bsaomda � �
<br /> �. i,aa�adie►tsiy dus aaad a�iisat�ibia at the option ot fi.he L�ndv�r, ,..
<br /> and L�nder sltall ha�ra tha,riqht to aause ieotise of dsla�l.t
<br /> #o bir qivsn and t.tt� pr�i.ee� ta ba sold a� proviflad h�.~els�.
<br /> ii. T� proa�ada o�f any aandeanation Awasd ar+a h�aby .
<br /> as�3.qtl� and shail bs paid to Landax� a=td shail Io� applisd �ta
<br /> �u swa s�eur�d by �:hia seaurity instru�ent, whath�r or not
<br /> thu3 dus, rri�h assy sxc�wis paid to Borroxes�.
<br /> ' �Z. Auy �ct,�snsfons or �ilications o! tih� loan �
<br /> grarit�d 3by Ia�nder to any suac�s�or i.n isiterast o� eorro�r
<br /> s�ell aot �ap�rats to rsleasi �a linbility af tha oriqinal -
<br /> 8orr�ou�rs or Borrowrr• suaaassors in iatsrast. l,ny
<br /> torb�uranas by Lsndsr in exerc3sing any right or rasady
<br /> sns3.1 not ba a aaiver of or praaluds tihe oxercise o! any
<br /> riyht or xw�dy.
<br /> . i3. �ny notias to Sorroxera providedt �or iri tb3s ,
<br /> seaurity instr�srent shnl.i b� givsn by deiivering it or me�y
<br /> �mii it by li�t alass aaii u�nl�ss N4braska lav requires use
<br /> o� anothsr mett►od, at the Borrowers° last knoWn a�dtess.
<br /> 14. Th�s seaurity ir►stru�ent anfl ths note wh3ah it
<br /> s�cur�s she11 ba qovsrnad by Nobraeka law.
<br /> 3
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