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<br /> , ; , , ;: .r,. .�, S1 3
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<br /> i ��ttil 'iJ� ,��s::;4�t�Z.,,��31,, �� �y3a�'�"t�p�,`,L
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<br /> �b.1a�6�2
<br /> lg. Lsndsr ohail giva notiaa to Bosz wera lollowing `
<br /> Aorro�t�rs� Yer�aob o! t�ny anv�sa�� or Aqreement in this
<br /> s�aurity agrs�w�at aad tha acts �ithiah 'it se�urss. The
<br /> notias sl��i spaai�ys (a) tho detau7.t, (b� #hs aation
<br /> r�ctuirad to ott=� th� d�i�ttta.t, (a� a date tzot less thaa --
<br /> t�t�ztY (30) dl�yd lrom tt►� tiets tt�e aociae� i� giva,� .�+ _
<br /> Sos�oxers by ��t.tah the dslaul� �ust be aured, and (d) that �-
<br /> Pa�iis� !o aure tha de�nu3t ora or be*o�e the c�at.� specified � �
<br /> � i,n th� notic� �tay resuit in aacalarr��ion o! the �uu escured
<br /> by this deaurity agrs�t atid ru�a18 0! the prapezty. Tlse
<br /> notias �hail lurth�r intora Boz rowars of th�r right to
<br /> r�instnts, sltsr aao�i�ratiori, end the riq�tt to bring a
<br /> court ao�ien t,� ���� tha nonsYia�enas oY a detsv].t ox any , _
<br /> oth�r dwls�se o! 9o�rowsrs to aaaeisration and an1�: =f .
<br /> d�tault fs not curad, o�► or bstora th� date apeaitisd ia� the .
<br /> notias, Liuidax, at her op��:a�a, n�►Y requir� immndi.�tsly .
<br /> payirant in full o! all e� �aqu�ed by t.�tia seaurity .
<br /> agr��nt without turthas dsn�dt etzd may invoks the po�er o�
<br /> sala and usy ot.her re�►ad3as psraiitted by I�Tebraske� law.
<br /> I,�Snder s�o].l be sntitled to aolisat all expensss inout�ed its
<br /> pursuing the re�edias pra�v�.ded in this perngrapb, iticluding
<br /> but not limited to �aa�onable attarney fee� and oosta of
<br /> tit.Z.s svicl�►as. ,
<br /> t6. If th� power oi Beia is invn�CSd, T-r�aa�e�a ah�22 .
<br /> raaord a natiaa ot detault in saah aounty in whiab any part
<br /> � o= the psapexty is iciaated and sh�ll uaii aopias of �uoh =
<br /> notiae tta ths marussr prosaribed by Nsbraska law. Truat�s
<br /> sha11 g�vs publia notiiae o! sals t� !he psraons and in ths
<br /> atarfn�r prarcxibsd by Nsbraska 3av. �ustae, without da�nnd '
<br /> on Aorrov�rs, �chall �411 tha prop�rty at pu�blia auation to
<br /> ths bi.ghut bidder at the ti.�w and piaae amd under �he torar
<br /> desigttate9 �.ti ths rto'�i.ae o� �aia ia one or moxo peroele and
<br /> �,n an3r ordar Ttuste� datsrmira�. Tru�tss ma y. poa�t,pone s�i�
<br /> o! aii or any parcei o! �ho propos�y by pubiia announa�ssnt
<br /> at th� tiis ru►d plaas of ar�y prevtousiy sah�dulod sal�.
<br /> �wndar o= hor designae may puYahase the propsrty nt nny „
<br /> � sale. �
<br /> Vpo1a r�c�ipt of payaant oi the prioe bit9, Trus�� s2fa11
<br /> daiivsr to t.he purcha4sr Trustee�s DesB aonvayin� tba�
<br /> , pxopartiy. The l'scit��r it� ths� Trw�ts��r D�ad shall H� pximn ,
<br /> taai� a►videno� o� the truth ot tt�w ��at�wntr u�d� tlhars3.n.
<br /> ' Tiia Ts�staa shaii apply tha pxoaeaQs oY sala �.z�. ths
<br /> lollowinq ord�r: (a) to all expenees ot the snie in�sd.a�clin9,
<br /> but not li.aited ta, Trutstes's t4�e as p�rmitted by Nebrffimka
<br /> 3aw and raa�soaabie attorney teeot (b) ta a13 sums �acur�d by► .
<br /> this s+�curity agr�sm�ntt �8 (�) �►y excesa to the person nr
<br /> parso�►� lagaliy entitled to it.
<br /> i7. IIpon aaaei�ration una�or 8a�ragrnph 16 or
<br /> abandon�aafc ot the property, i�ender �{in person, by ageat or
<br /> by judiciaily nppointed reaeiver) ahali be entitled to ente�
<br /> 4
<br /> ----- ---- �-�+°_._-�----�-�---=--=
<br />