- _==`_`iasrrJ�!'l,'"�'i��;:i!7:tY'�r�7'tlr;'il,.*'.4;�,.,....�- . ;,��.;.�::.,. . 1. ..
<br /> ._raa� 'r, , . .,q(,/,:yt:;Sl'� °��.(• ,, � . I . ��.
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<br /> _.. .. .�.�..�9„� _.., .. ..�
<br /> r, _ , , . "_'....__ '__—. -- -.._ _ __- .
<br /> �-..11i M"—_�cf.4i.��iw --.
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<br /> • • • .-
<br /> �a�m�.� zu� �� �am� r� �A�,*��e�s `�5�1(1��2 .
<br /> 1. Horrc`r�rs ahnil pay vhan du�, th� prinoipai +snd
<br /> i,nG�r�st as provid�� i,t� uaid no�o.
<br /> �_ a�i nsvnanta� reaaivad b�r �id� sbaii b� tir�tt _
<br /> agpli�d to ndva�ass �hioh nt�y� hevs ba� mad� by L�rtd�r enn
<br /> thsn to ia►tArsst duo end la�t to ths prinoip�i dus.
<br /> 3. 8orro�rsrs sha►ii pey eii gsnsrai r�al �stat� taxas
<br /> aad spaoial ass�ss�snts aqainst th� grop��y bators the �as�s
<br /> bocoss dsiinqusnt. .
<br /> 4. It Lmnd�r datorminoa �ha►t any gart o! the pzgpo� -
<br /> ia stabisat to a ilin, ahioh ia or �ay at�ain �siority ov�r
<br /> tA�.s ssauriL•y instrua�nt, I�snder atay giv� Horrororers a notiae
<br /> idsntityinq tha ].i.en attd 8orrowers shdll satiaty the lien
<br /> vithia tan (10� days.
<br /> 3. Horsowara shall retain posass�ion a� tha preAisee
<br /> ot nil ti�as, exaspt as nay bs oth�swi�a agreed by the
<br /> partis� in writi�ag.
<br /> 6. Horro�ers shnli maintai.n the buiidings and
<br /> i�xAy�nts and all pmr�onal psopert� aola uadsr t.�te
<br /> psrtiies� instaliment s�le �ontraat, in qood aondition and
<br /> rspair.
<br /> 7. eorrovors A�ieXi kesp the i�proveassits on said
<br /> presi�s� ins�xred against los� by lir4 aad hezards facludad
<br /> Nitl�in the torm "sxtend�d aoveraqs� Por their insurabls
<br /> valus and policies tor tho sa� sha�li i.malud�s a �tat�d�sd
<br /> aortqag� olause shovfnq i�en8er harein. =n �e av�t o!
<br /> lo�s, L�nd� aay s�aks proo! o! �oss it not prosptiy naQ� by '
<br /> Horrox�rs. =nsuranaa proasada slaal.l bs appli�d to
<br /> r�storation or repair a! the propertiy danaqad, wniws both
<br /> partie�r .o�rvia� agr�a�, �cc�gt i! rsst.oration or rsp�r i�
<br /> not �acnosiaaily les�a►.ib].e or L�ndsr•s �acurity i� not
<br /> . l�s��ad, oth�raise, said proaeedri shaii bs paid on the d�bt '
<br /> � 2�rsi.n, wh�t�ter or nwt ttisn due: . .
<br /> Onlass Lndor and �Horro�ers othsrwi�a agres in wri�ting,
<br /> . any payauit.s or provesds tron insuri►nas �ahali aot �xt�rnd or
<br /> �� postpone the dua dn�e of th� awnt;hly paymsnts providaQ ia '
<br /> raid aoto, or ahang� tha aawutst ot ths paymants.
<br /> 8.. Bos�ro�rera staall pay to tha Landex: i! Le�der so
<br /> r�qui.r�, tagether .w�.th and ia addi�.i.on to �hha r+�c�ttlar �
<br /> aorit�hly pay�nts of prinaipal and intsrest, on the de�ta �et
<br /> lorth !or tha ��kf.ng o� the pay�nC eaa2s manth. a sum as �
<br /> sst�blishad by tha iander equal to thv ta�ties �d speoial
<br /> �ss�sost»ta �axt dus on the promisee, plus Lh� pr�iu� t1Yat
<br /> will next b�aoa►e due and pnyabl� on itisuranae pa►�,iaies
<br /> a�vsri.aq the premi.eeo, divided by the number ot mon�he to
<br /> a
<br /> _=--�M�.r-•..v R�;�"°w�.�-,��'.�;�;�:;au:�r;�•�=w�w�,c-- -- - :
<br /> �ae� s�z+ :^^•e r-ec��r�i�v ris�=�e�ra.�. �x �
<br /> �..� � w'i �q'�,�{g T t.':. . ..t-... - -`t�'."'Y�i .- - -- -._�_--
<br /> � ��,LYn'�*�rt ���c°•�'-'�1fli��',t'` �r- ��,��y.�,�'y:�,-T;�'',���fi1k�r --� — — —
<br /> . �1�,�„FF\,T/�:�f�'+�4Yo'r' R'°'iT .w��rr :.i -!� .viv'l.N'J.• T :YR �•a _. _ .
<br /> �� .±Il":ri�l,t4»'i,�•YR:..��.qi=-L+.�.zl�a� ..`.'���. �T�..... �o. . . 'S� 4._� � .�, _ ...... � ,.-__-----
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