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<br /> s.HwM or Property I�raaoe. Borrower eh�u 1caP tl�e impcove+naita now exiadng or 6errafter erxtu!on ttia Prop�ty —
<br /> �ns���f eg�!ne�lass !�y firo.harards Encluded wltt�fn We tecm "exlrt�ded coverage"and any other ha�rd9�including floods or
<br /> tbodin�,Eor which Lend�x m4�rp inaurNCe.'il�ls lnsnrat�oe shall be maintainod in tho amounta snd for the periods�bat Lepttler r
<br /> requi�,The inaurance c�nrla Provldin8 tt�a in�adaU be cho�a�by Borrowes subjo¢t to�.eader'e approvat wlilch al�all uot
<br /> 6o umwonably wi�ht►eW. If Hormwa faits w m�fanin covec�ge decceriibal above.Laedu may.�La►der�8 OpSI�A�Obf8I11 _
<br /> covex�ge w prooect Lenda's dghts�n tho PrApa'tY ia accadance wtth pan�raph 7.
<br /> AlI jCfitI8DC0 AD�CIQ1 ffild I�16Wi1�8 Q�1�Z10 A�b W IRi1dE!YDd B11A�I�AC1IId4 S 8�8IG 1�OttB8S0 C18tIS0.LEZI�!811811
<br /> 11SY0 t110 dgllt tL!hOld th0 pOUC�EB�11d i�CA0Wi1S�I�LCAdCt tEQU�'Gt,HOH+OW�t 811�U]nOnlPt[Y gtYC t0 lAKtdGr eu toustpia vi y�niu --
<br /> premiums md raawal not�ca.In Q�e avmt of bs�,Dorrower stuD give prompt nodca w dx�insu�anoo�ier r�nd LEr�r.Leader �
<br /> msy m�proaY oi lo�s if not made pmmpllY bY Borrowcr. �be appliod to rosto�adon cx np�ir of the
<br /> Un{oss�.enda aad Borcowet othawlso agreo in wrIW►8,3��nee P�
<br /> �Y�8�+if the re�aadon a crpatr ts a�onomk�llY feasibb end Lenda's socnrIry is not la�seaed.If the raata�don ar
<br /> �ir is aot aeonomEcallY teasibb ar Lenda's aocurity would bo ksser�ad.the insurnnoe Pmooe�g sball be applied W the sums
<br /> aecund by thia Securlty Inatrument, ahetha or not then d� wltb eny access peld ta Boirewer.If Bomuwer abandons t6e
<br /> Fie�eriy.oe dogs aot sr�swa cvtddn 30 days a nQdca from I�1er that tLn iasutaoon c�crirr hss affaed m satle a clalm.ttxn -
<br /> t�euder may eolLoa We ias�c�r���m•y�e tho proceeas w r�Gr ot nstore 1he P�apescy or co pay sums sec�rea
<br /> by►tdis Secu�ry Taauumait,whdha or nut d�due.'nte 30-0ay petiad wlll begta whea tba notice is givea.
<br /> Uakss I�a�drr and Bouower otl�wise�in addng,eny appli�don of pmoa+ds m prtr►dpal shall aot extea�d or postpone
<br /> the dne date of t6e monthty'p4Ya�eata refe�red to in p�eqgrp�hs 1 aad x a ct�ange the unount of tba psya�eata If w�peragraph
<br /> 21 ihe Pmpa�y is acquired by I�enda,Botmwa's rlgbt to eny insaret�ee polkies and p�aoeeds re�IdnB fmm damaBa to ibe
<br /> pcmpert�►P�OC Lo the ezxluisidon sh�ll psss to LenAa to tbe m�oeat of the sums eocuted by 1h1s Securitj►Insteumeat Lamodiauly
<br /> Pria t�o tbe acqui�ton.
<br /> f.Ooa�pwacy Preaervatbn�N�f�inteml�and Pmtecdoa dthe Prophrtyi Borrower's Loan Appticatios;3ndaeholds�.
<br /> Bolmwa sh�ll aocuPY.asmblish.and use the PcoPeety►a�Haaowa's pdacIpal resida�oe withiu ai�cty daya afta the pcecutbn of
<br /> this Sauthy Iastturnent end sd�all condnue to occupy tbe PmpeitY a�Bonu►wet's prjncipal resitktioa for at leaat oae y�ldkr tha
<br /> �t�a�r, ms�Les�dts�-�+a„a�v in wiittng, v�hicb oonxat sbaU not Ue uarasonably wIdil�cla►�or unkss
<br /> exkawttng dceamstances e.xiac which ace bayond Hormwa's eoaurol.Bacower st�U aot da�tmy,dem�Be a Lapair thc Aropaq►,
<br /> �liow the 1'mpaty W desaiosate.or oommit was�e en the Propaty.Barowu ada11 be in dafauit if any fafe,iwm ac8on a
<br /> pr0000diog.whether dvil a criminal.is begnn that in E�enda's good f�ith judgmwt could n,4ult in forfeiWm of tbe Pi+oper�y ar
<br /> omaat9e a�taiat�►imp�r the ues created by t1�fis se�auiry rn4a�ua�enc a I.eader•s eoauiq►insa�est.Bamuwa roay care such a
<br /> def�it�od re�a,aS piov�led iu�puap�ph 18�by csusin8 the actlon nr pr000edin�to he dignis9od allh a:nting tbat.m
<br /> t,a�d+er•a gooa Lka aaerminatioa�precludes rorceiUue or tbe Barrawer�s mweat in tha AYipoety ar other matai�l impa�mmt of
<br /> th+e lian c�+e�ted by thi.v Soc�ultY�n�me°t a I�Nlar's securiiy intae�.Bm�w�r adatl aL�o ba in defaWt if BaQOwa.dudog dre
<br /> loa�s�plic�on pc000s,�.gave�nataiailY false or inaeeivaLe{afarmetio�n or�io I.endes(os failed to psovida Laider�vith
<br /> any to�Ll lafann�m) in c�a�� wIth the bau av3deaood by dte Note. inctudin8,but not li�aited tn�ae�tatlona
<br /> oonoa�g gpnrower's occupanay of tho Acoputy�a prindp�i ra�ce.lf this Sec�uity Inat�meat la aa a k�old.Barrnva
<br /> eMll oom�y�►itb ail the poviaions of the ka9a.If Bo�cowa ae�uins fee dtla m d�e Propaty.d�e lwehold mad the fee ti�e ah�ll
<br /> not maga unkss Ltnd+er a�ors to Wo rnerSet in writing. .
<br /> 7.Pr+aRatio�d'l.ea�kr's ltijhtg h t6e Prop,erty. If Borrowa fails W�artoxm die covemnta aod ag�earicats ooamined in
<br /> tLis 5aa�ity Ins�ma►;a tbe�o is a kgal Pmc�ir8 d�t n�►Y dg�Y affact Lenda'a righta in the Propaq <a�ch�a a
<br /> ptnoeeding i�b�n1�uP�Y•P��fa oondeauWion or fafoi�uas a te enfo�ee 1�wa a ngul�ti�xis),thea L�aWa may do�D�Y
<br /> fa alwt�va is necsuuy to pzotecc tbo vsd�e of tha Pmpeety+�nd Irenda's rlghte in the A+opaty.I�enda's acdona may iarl�s
<br /> P�►9'�S�►Y eauas �by s llen wh�h has p�rlry ova obis Sacurlty Iasaummt.apPe�ia6 ie►ao�t.PU►ia� se�oo�bb
<br /> auomeya' fas�ad a�tain6 on d�e Pmpe�tY oo make repatra.Altbough I�eadu mry teke a�oa uada this psqgs+ph 7�L.todar
<br /> docs not havetodo so.
<br /> Any a�nounta disbiusod by Ieader unda thia pa�raph 7 s➢�ll beoome ddidoma deb�t of Hormwa secured by tLiw Socutity
<br /> InW�aa►�. Unlesa 8ar�war a�ad Leacler ag�e to otba oaws af p�,ymeat�tbae amoiwts a6�11 bear intaa�t f:om tl�e date of
<br /> disb�aseana►tat d►C Nc�a raie and ahall be payabb.wu6 iat�cesR upon tiodee fcom Leuda t�Bamwu re4�8 P�Y�L
<br /> S.Mo�je Im�uranae. If Leader requi:+od mortgaBe instu�nca as s�omntlidion of making ihe Waw sx�aod by this Security
<br /> In�nnnpnt, RoQrowa ehall�ay tha praniums t'e4u�ed to maintain the martgage �asaranca in effact. If.fa aAy re�on,tha
<br /> mangage.i�anoa oo�erage requirod by I.cad�lapsas or ceases oor bo in effact.Bamwrx shall pay tha�aniums raqua�ed to
<br /> oW�n cwaege subataatially a4uiwaleat w tho mastg�ge inau��oe pnvlonsly�n effact�at a aost substmti�elly aqutvaleat w the
<br /> � t�ost to Harower of dse nwin�gage i�ra�P�Y in dfac,�fmm an altemate mortgage instuer appmved by L�nckr.U
<br /> substar►d�lly equtva1eat mo�ge iasur�cx covarago is�t avail�bb,Hamwex sl�ll pay m Leada each month a sum equal to
<br /> a�wiwtlfH�of tho yeariy oio�tg�go�uanoe pc�czni�mt bein8 Pai�l bY Bmmwer when the in�u�nce ooven{ge lepsed or oeasod o0
<br /> be in effxt Lantta wiil axept.use mid retain thcso paymaats as a bss reswe i�liw of mq�tg,oge inauru�o�a.Los�re,wve
<br /> - Forn�aoza oroo
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