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<br /> Y' �- � � � � y �� �� sc .c , �"7�Q4'�S4M1Ma1�..i..�,r>�1b1MY�'�7,�WPs°''f+'z'I3��"�T�m +m�►�w•!�w�' _
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<br />. . .. �-e��maour�a— c.-........ ._..... .._.. . .. ... ... ... . ..
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<br /> 'POaBTHBR W1TI�uU iho Improvamcnt�now on c�naRa aeetaf on tho propaq►.end aU e�xmente��.rnd =
<br /> iixnuea now a ha�adta a prt nf�he propaty.AU repLcanent�u�d rddirions ahW ateo bo oovered by�i�Securlqr u��ir�►ntic.�t� �
<br /> AU ot the fareQain�ie refac+cd w in thi�Security Inawment a�the"P�opacy." __
<br /> BORROWBR COV�IAN'PS thst Honowa ia 4wfnUy eeised ot the estate hereby ounvayed end bas the right to g�ant and _
<br /> oonvoy tbe Propaty aad th�t tha P�opmty ts unencuml�eted.exctpt ta encumbranca�of racord.Hoaower w�tr�tta and wlll
<br /> dafe�nd generelly the dtlo to tho i�oprny qgafnsi all aWma and decnanda�subJect a any encumbsances of ncord. `-
<br /> w.w►wwr w�awwr�m�wA Vt...»«.7f' w�w.M� www�+�� ��r�w�i w�.���10wM wwweato tvjth ��t�f{!!Y� �.
<br /> iHtJ .lObNt�►a a a�u anvaru�a�a w+uvasw www«. .�..ww
<br /> vartadona by Juriedictlon w cansdWte a uutfarm axadtp inswme:tt oovellag reat propeny. r"
<br /> UNIIAORM COVBNANTS.Baruwa and I.ender oovenant and agroe as folla�vs:
<br /> 1.P�yment ot Peinc[pal ead Intereati�WY�eat pnd Late C6ar�es. Boaowu sbsll PromPaY PaY wben due the _
<br /> principalof and iate�tun thedebtavtdatced by tlioNma md aaY pr�aYmnnt and late chargesduo weder dta Nota.
<br /> �.F�nds for Traa and Inanniaae. Snhjxt m appllcabSe law or to a wcitten waivu by Lmda� Ba�rowu abatl pay to
<br /> I�enda oa tda d�y monthlY paSm�atts ara duo urtAe�r the Note�nndl the Nota�S pak!in fi�il.a sum("Fands")for:(u)YearlY te�ca
<br /> aad�ia whkh enny�in prtoriry eve.r d�is soc�ultS►Ios�umcnt as a�liea on tho Prapa�%1�1��.�
<br /> or ground nats an the Property.if enY:(c)Yearly baTard or propaty insurance pre:niwns:<�Y Y
<br /> �Y:(e)Y�Y�a�P���•if any;aud(�eaY sums P�Ysbk by Harowa oo I�euda.in�xa wlth tLo
<br /> provlsiona of paragraph 8.ia lien of the paymeut of ma�age 3a�ureaoe prentiwna'Ihesa items am called°Hea�ow Itrara'
<br /> Ler�da may�at any Wne.c�llxt eac!bold Funda in an amount not tn excad ttt�a ma�cimnm amount a lender fa�t fedaally releud
<br /> rooetgaga loan may require for Bon�ower's es�oa►ecoount unda the fcdual Real Bstate Seuk�t Procaduna Act of 1974 aa
<br /> arnendod kona dma to dma.12 U.S.C.Sxtion 2601 et aeq. ("RBSPA").tmkss euother law dwt applies to tbe F�nds sets a ksser
<br /> �mount If au�L�de�r may�ac any dane.colkct and hold Funda ia an emount not to eacxed the icsser emouat Leader may
<br /> espirnate We amount of Fuada Que an tba bas�s of currtat dam aad�easanable esdma�of e,�peaditure�of fhdue F.scrow Iteans a
<br /> otherwlsn in acoords�ce wId�epplkx�t3si law.
<br /> 7he Fwida shall!so heLd ia an inslitution wh�o deposits aze insured by s fedaal ageacy�iast�uwwtalitY.or eadtY f�B
<br /> itnAer,if iaider ia such an lnstitudon)ar ia an�r Fede:sl Home Lqan Bad�.I�endrl skaU apply the PYmds u►pay the�ow
<br /> Ioems.Lanaa may nos cdarge somowa for holaing ana eQplying a�e Funas,ananal�►analydns n�e escrow acoanat,a vaiir�s
<br /> tho Bx;mw Itana,unks�J.ader y�ys Hae�owrr int�st oa the Funds aad applicabb law paa'dts Lender w msil�e auch a ch�rga
<br /> � HQ�rover.Laider nu�y reqWre Bamw�m pay a oao-titmo chargo for w indqseadeac real esn�e�c repadng servkx wed by
<br /> Leader fa oaiaa�on wW�this 1oen.unkss i�plicavble jaw provtlas WhawlAO.Unle�sm agteunatt is m�de a apptkxbb la�v
<br /> reqt�res iata�esc to 6a peid,Lendes sha11 noc ba raquired ta pay Botmwu any intaxest a eamin8s on the F�nds. Baerowa aad
<br /> Leackr may�ee ia wrIti�zg,howavu,t6�t intaest stwll be pwid on the F�mda.I,ender shall gtve�u Bosrowa.wlthout charge,�n
<br /> ' annt�l aocoundng of die Fw►ds.aliowing aodita aiad debits to Wo Funds uod tba pwpoae fa atiich�t debit to dio Fu�ds wu
<br /> matle.'IUa FaMs�re p1cdgad as additional aecnrtty for all suma securcd by tbis Scauity Ia�t
<br /> 1i tbe Fuads heW by Laadar exceod the aaeounts parnitted to be held by applicabb law.Le�da sha)1 acoount to Baaow�r fa
<br /> ihe exo�s Funds in acc�,�nce with tho requficrmmta of�Qplicabk law.If We amovnt of the Funds held by Leada u any time is
<br /> aot�t t�pay the 8sexaw ttems wha�du0.u��Y so notif�►Boimwa ia wridas.anc1,in m�cb ca�o B�xnowa ahwll p�y
<br /> b I,Gnder tbe ambmlt neoessucy to m�ka up tbe defieieocY.BoROwu sttatl msica up tha de�iaiCy i[i nu uwro th�ua twelve
<br /> mondilY P4Y�tS•+�LuWer's sole disarotloa.
<br /> Upon payment in full of�il sutps eoctued by tt�a Secarlty Ins�uma��,L�ida shall p�omPtlY mti�d to Baao�at ny Fluids
<br /> he7t�by I�aida.If,under pr�g�ph 21�I�nda ehell acquine aer sell the Piopaty.Landes.Prla to the acqaia�oA or"sele of tbe
<br /> : A�paQy.ah�ll apply aay Fuuds lteld by I�entler at t4e tMe oY�cquis[dnn a sab at a ce�t a�gainat ibe sums savted by dds
<br /> Socurity�+cnau.
<br /> .. 3.AppYqtio�d Panteate. Unkss apptk�ble law�v�dos othawL9o.all pa►yments raoeivod by Lrend�x unda p�ha
<br /> 1 wd 2 shoU be applk�d: �cst. to anY P�Y�t�Ses due twda d�Nota s000nd.w etuounta p�yabb nnda p�pb Z;
<br /> . d�d,t�int�est dua:fouith��o princlp�l due:and 1ait,to any lata cha�ges d�e under the No�e.
<br /> A.Chartai I.ieaa. Harowa st�all psy all taxw. a�ents.cl�r8es.fines and imposlt,itons etuibutabb w the Prope7ty
<br /> Nhich msy utain giorlt�ova this Socudty I�suumeat,and kasehold payaxttts��rowsd:ents,if any.Banrovrrr shall p�y tbwe
<br /> obll�dons ia the m�cmer pmvidcd in para�aph 2.ar if aot ptid in that manaer�Boimwer sl�ll p�y thrm on time dfinctlY to tb
<br /> pereon owed paya►ent Haaawa sbalt pmmptly fianish w I�es�da stl nolioe.s of amonnts to be paid nnder deis psu�raph.Tf
<br /> Bwtowet m�alces thtse payniatte ditectly►Son�nw�shall OrompttY tlaaish to I.eudert rao�pts�vldeacia8l�P�Y�m.
<br /> . Bomowrt ehsll P�P�Y��8d m►y l�en wl�ich l�as prlo�itY rn►eR this 9ectuity Ia.�trummt unless Bomower:(e)agt+aes in
<br />-- � wrUing t�tha paymeat of t6o abligeCton sec�red by the liea in a a�anner ac�ept�ble ao Leada;(b)contests�n good faith d�e lkn
<br /> •:by.or defends egat�ist cufarcaaa►t oi the llea in�kgat DrooeeainSs which ia the L�cta's opinion opaeta to pnva►t the
<br /> .eufamane�nt of N�e lien;oq(e)sxurea fcom the holder of the lian an agoeaaait�'aq�►u�I�nda snbosdEaadn,g the lien to _
<br /> �his Secu:iry Insaumeat If LenOer deuxminea that eay p�t of tLo Prqiaty is aubject co a l�a wl�Ch msy�ain prlority over this
<br /> Securtty Instwt�eint,I�da may gtve Bomnwe�a nodce idatdtjr�tg the liea.Bon+owea shaU satisfy the lien or talro one nr more
<br /> of the acdons sei funh ebove within 10 days of thd givlag of notioa. -
<br />- . Foret�04� �ri0
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