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<br /> � �V V,����
<br /> �P�yn�onts may ao Donger bo requlnd.�t tba opdm of Lendu.U matg�ge inaucmce oovmage(in tha anwuat a�M fa the perlod --
<br /> �h!+t Lsndes reguires)provlded by an tnsursr apgrov�d by Le�tdcr again bxomes availabte and is ob�in�9oirower ahall pay the --
<br /> premiuma ra�uieed o�m�inuin matg�ge lntnranca in eftecb a�ro provlde a loss re�avo.undl the e+equirement for mortgaga `
<br /> insut�ce mds in ecr.adance wllh eny wrItt�en tg�eema�t betwoan Bomower and Leieder or epplicabb Iaw. C_
<br /> 9.IaspRCtba. Lender or its�ent miy make roasoaable�euuWes upon and�napocdoua of the Praperty.Lea�er s�sll gtve
<br /> Barrowa aatbo�t tuo dmc of cr prlor to en�nspecdon specifYlnB raasonabla cause far the�nspection.
<br /> 10.Coadaanstbs. 1ha�+ooc�e,dn of eny award �claim far damages.dinact or consequeatFal.in connxdan with any
<br /> onndan�stlon ar a6et midag of eny pnrt of Wa P�rop«ty�ar for�onvaysaxx m uw oi oondemnarQn.ere i�uY e�i�nco ma+ __
<br /> efiall be p�id to Leudet. -
<br /> In die eveat of a total p�ng of We P�opaty�tba pr000eds s1�siU ho yyplied w the auma sac�ued by thls See�rTty Lu�ument,
<br /> wtnther a nM titeu due.wlth any exc�ess peld to B�cowa.In tLe evtnt af a pardal�in8 of the Pmpaly in which the f�r warloet
<br /> vafie of the Pmpelty innmedtately bafan the taldng is aqual to a�eaus tlum the arnount af tho ewns socurad by tt�is Secrorlty
<br /> iasuumait immcdiately befarce tbe takln�,nnles� Boa�nwes and La�da othawLso agioe in wrldng,tl�e sums sectu+cd by this
<br /> Security Instrumeut sl�ll be x+ed�eed by the amow►t af tho procaeda multiplbd by the folbwing fnctbn:(a)tbs wrol a�aonnt of
<br /> t�e sure�secu�ad tmmedl�iety bda�a tha i�king,divitkd by N)tha fs�tr nmtl�et ert�of tlte Ptogt�ty bamodi���ly b�ftx�the �
<br /> taldng,My bilonca stull bo pnid m Hamwa.In tha�v�t oY e pRtttetl ta&ia8 of tha Pioperiy in wJ�cd the f�ir madcet vaIue of tha
<br /> prcpaty iau�aediauly befae tl� taidng is kss than tbo amount of tLa sutna�lnunodiauly befae tho tatin8. nniGS.v
<br /> Bonowc and Lander oN�rtse a�gcoe in a►rldag or unl�ss applk�blo law othe:wLse ps�nvides,tt�Pr000eda shall be appliad ro tha
<br /> sua�a oecured by d�ia SociuIty Lu�umeat wbetha or�at da sums ara tha�dae.
<br /> It the Prope�ty is abandoned by Barnwer.a if.afta nodoe by Laider to Bo3mwu that tbe oondannar offere w malco an
<br /> awaM ar seub a cleim for d�m�gea,Barnwer faiL�to aapond w Lenda wlthin 30 days at�er tha dato the notioe ia givm,I�enda
<br /> is aut6odud tm oollect and apply tba prooeo�la.�t fita option,eitha w restondaa as repair of ihe Prop�ty�w tha sunos eocurod
<br /> by tt�t Saauity Iastrumait,wtktt�er a�aot thea due.
<br /> Ualess L�da and Ba�mwa othe�wlse s�ea in wddn8.a�►Y ePP�ion of pmcaods w princlpsl shall aM extaM or postpoee
<br /> dia dua date of t6e awathlY A�Y�cs cdarrad w in pna�rapha I and 2 ar chaage tha amouat of such pAymart.v.
<br />- !3.Eaxsarsrs I3a!�:Fa�xaaaee B; �l�7s�a�a8sw�: E�c�Qf t��f�x�or madi6c�rfon .
<br /> of�no�tion of.tbe sums�ectrred by this Sacvrity Iaswakut gnated by La�dex W�uuy s�caes9or in iata�tt oY Hamwts s4�1
<br /> not opa�le b reiea�tda li�bility of tba atgiaal Bamowa or B�rower's s�xassore in inurest L�eader sh�ll not ba roq�irod�a
<br /> e;ommeaca pmoeodings��uy suoo�or in tutatst a refi�se w�d dme for paymeat a od�►lae modifY amoct�adon of
<br /> tbe wms�ecurod by this Securlly In.�umeat by reason of�any demand toada by the oiigin�l Ba�towet a Batowor's a�ooesso�s
<br /> it+imrse�t.Aay fabear�noe by L�endes fa o�addng any rlght a temody si�eU not be a w�tver of a p�eclude tbo aacercix af my
<br /> �ar rea�ed
<br /> Sroceeon aed A��s Bamdt Joint aHl gever�l Lbibi�ty:Co-s�ere- '11�e oova�ants and �earxab of dds
<br /> Security Iaswa�eat ahall bind and b�8t tha s�oes9oQS and assigns of LR,�des aad Bo�rowa� swbject te t�c provlaions Qf
<br /> p�aph 17. Ba�ro�r'a oovmmts and�C+eanenta shall ba joint and s�vaal.Aay Barowa wb co-stgos thia Sectuity .
<br /> raaonun�t but aoa�na exeeule a►e xote:(�)is eo-slgning ems seeartcy rns�uma►t enly to rnatgege,gt�at r►e ooavey that
<br /> Baaoaa'a�ia the Propaty undar the tams of this S�curiA'Instrun►a�G(b)ia not Da�Y��a P�►Y the a�ms
<br /> socxned by thia Secudty Insorurt�en�and(c)a�eas that l,�t�.let and any otder Bamwer may agoee to�a�odlfY.fafiear or
<br /> ��ica sny�oocNUnwdulons with cegard w d�e tecros of thL9 SeeudtY Insuun�eat ar the Note wltiwvt that Borrower's coas�t
<br /> " 13.40�CE�ar�as. It tbe tan sxund by this Saauriry Inswmwt ls subjeCt tn a lsw wt�ict►sats muimum loan ch�a�g�,
<br /> s�al4 That Lw b fia�lly int�apeetad eo tbat the in�a odia ban charges c�llected a W be wlla�fn caocbctioa�►ith ita loaa
<br /> �::aeed d�e pamiaed limite.tben:(R)�ay s�ch laa charge ahall 6e rad�eed by tha trtwunt nooe.�y mo r�eduoe d�e ch�age n�he
<br /> �crmimcd limifi and(b)any au�atre�dy colla�tcd fcan Bonowa whkh atcaded permttted livaim wIll be refunded to Boerower.
<br /> Irendrr may cMosa to a�ek�e this r�fuod by trd�aclqg ttee prtndp�l owed under tha Nose a by ma1o�$s ali�pY�t w
<br /> Bamwra V s refund reducp p�iaciptl.the red¢cdoa NIU be terated as a p�etW p�peyment wtttaut a»y�p�paymmt ch�rge
<br /> undec tfa Nola
<br /> 14.Natioes. Aay notb��o Boerowet pravlQed for in this Sacurity instrummt shA11 be givea by deliverlag it o�by mailing it
<br /> by fi�i clsss aqdl�utleas yrplkabb law rtquires use of m►otha method.Tbs notjoe s6�111re dieoctod w the P�ro�aty Addcess or
<br /> any otha�ddt�ass Bamowa designates by notice[o LeaGe:.My notke to I�ender s6all ba givea by Srst cl�t mail eo Latda'a
<br /> � Addiess snt�ed ba�e�n or any dha acidtess La�der designates by notioa W Bomowet. Any nottce pnavIded for in this Securtty
<br /> In�trunneat siu�ll be deemed to dave boa►giv��o Bouowrr or L�rnder when gieea as provtded in d►is p�r�h.
<br /> IS.Governies Livvi Ssverabil�t�. 'lt�is Socurlty Insaument shall be govanod by feder�l 1$w and the Iaw of flio
<br /> j�on in ahich tho Property is lax�ied. In the evont that any proviston or clauss of tdfs Secur'rty J�o�u�e�t os the Note
<br /> 000flicta wltA appllc�bb taw.such wNiict sl�all not affea othei provtdons of this Secusity L�uuma►t or dte�tats which can be
<br /> givm effxt rvltha�t the coat�t�g provLslon.lb tL1t ead Wo yrovL�iona of this Se�auIry In�t and tha Nate a�a doclarat w _
<br /> be eeverebb.
<br /> Foree�8o�i 9r�o
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