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<br /> �b:�.gatl.�a�e secured heroby whi�h m•ay now or hereaftex be othex-
<br /> wise ssc�ared, whether by mortqa�qe, dead of trust, pledqe, li�sn, .
<br /> ass�qnmont or othorwiae. p�ither the aoc�ptanaa og thio DaQd o!
<br /> Truat n�r ita onforce�!+�en�, wheEheac by aourt aatian or purgua�a� to
<br /> ths powsr o! eale or other powerr h�rel.n eonta�n�d, rhall preju�
<br /> dia� or in nny manasr affeati mrust�o�s or 8onsliciary�s rfght to
<br /> realize upo� or enEorcd eny otY�er aecurit� n�w or heraaftier hs3d
<br /> b Trus�oe or 8ene�iaiary, it beinq nqr��d Ch�t Tru�ta� and Be�a-
<br /> f�aie�n► nud eaah of k,her�, ghall be eri��tlad to enYor�e thie Deed
<br /> .._ �.._
<br /> of �rust a�ad e�ny other eeeuzity now ar AQreaiz�r beid ,�� �=+a
<br /> Boaeficiary or Txustee �,n such order �nd manner a�e they, or ei-
<br /> thor of them, may ia their abaolute discretioa determine. No
<br /> remedy ��rein conterred upon or reee�CVed to Trus�ee or Benefici-
<br /> ary. is intended to be excluasive o� any other remedy Aerein or by
<br /> law provided or permitted, but eact� shall be atunulative and ahall
<br /> be 3a addition to evory other r.emeap giv�n hereunder or now or
<br /> hereafter existing nt law v� iA equity or by statu�e. Every
<br /> power or remec�y given by �uy �f the loan insts�waents to Trustse
<br /> or H�enefici�ry mr tu whiah either of the�n may be otbe�wise enti-
<br /> tled may be sxercised, coacuzrea��y or indepoadentiy� from tl.me
<br /> ko time and as often as may be deemed e�cpedieat by Trustee or
<br /> Beneficiary, end either of the=n may puraue iriaoasistent remedies.
<br /> Nothing herein ehall be aAnatruecd as prohihitiaq BQnQ�iciary from
<br /> seeking a def�.cienay judgment agaiast Trustor to the extent such
<br /> action ie permitted by law.
<br /> 15. �Qaruest for Notice. Trustor h�rebY recNests a capy of
<br /> eny noi�iae oi de=a�3.� a�r� �Lat an� aatias s�f s�t Q lzereunder be
<br /> mailed to Trustor at the addresR set fozth ia the first paraqrnph .
<br /> of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 16. �,p�+oint���* o� Su�essor Trus�,ee. Heaeficfary may�
<br /> from, tin�e ta tirae, by written instrumant executed and ackncwl-
<br /> - edqed by Beneficiary, mailed to Traetor aad 'recorded in th�
<br /> County in whiah the property is located and bX othexwise com ly-
<br /> iaq with the prov3.s:inne of the applicable law o� the etdte o� Ne-
<br /> b�aska, sulastitute a succe�sor or suc�cessaxs to the Tzuatee named
<br /> hereia or acting hereu�der. �
<br /> � 17. SL+CG@�SQ'i"S and A�si�ns. Th�s Deed df TrUtet a1pp11eB �0��
<br /> and inures to the� benefit of, and binds all parties hereto, thei.r
<br /> hei�rs, leqatees, 8evisee�, personal representatives, successors
<br /> and essiqns. 'Phe term "Sone#iaia�ry" ehall �aean the owner �eiad
<br /> holder o� the aote, whether or not aamed es �Beneficiery harein. ,
<br /> 18. �qnaf�c±arv�s �2owera. Without a�fect.f.ag the liabil3.ty
<br /> of any other pereon liable for the Fayment a� auay �bliqe�.ion
<br /> herein meritioned, and witbout affecting the� lien or charge of
<br /> this Deed of Trust upon any portiion of the property not then or
<br /> theratofore rel�ased as security for the full paymant oE all u,n-
<br /> ptli.d �bligation�, Henefici�ry may, from time to time aad without
<br /> notice:
<br /> (a) releaso any persons so liable; . �
<br /> (b) eatend the ma�turity or alter any of
<br /> the terms of any such obliq+�tioa;
<br /> (c) grant other indulqeaces;
<br /> (d) release ur re-convey Or Cti1l98nt0 be
<br /> Y@1B88HG o= re�conveyea ai aux Li� �� ��—
<br /> ficiazy�s option, any parcnl, pvrtion or ail
<br /> of the proper�yj
<br /> (e) take ox rele�se any other addi.-
<br /> tianal security for day obliqd�ion herein
<br /> mentioned; oY
<br /> (f) make aompoaitions or other arrange-
<br /> ments with debtors in relation thereto.
<br /> 6
<br />