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,. nMznrnl .. Y:u�v� .):„ r�+ . � ..�,.. <br /> '�f_- •n�tl +Y yS�A` !' r :{ � . <br /> 'i g ' •.+.,.;:,xY��ry�. j '�� .f.,�i <br /> a.,"..:';. . _ -� - <br /> „ <br /> � ; e <br /> . . . . � _ �.� <br /> ., o,;qS�S,lr.. . .kt'c.Y . - , _ .. ... <br /> ,. . ��.. :. ,. .,, ' �. . .._.:�._.��._•.:c_. __r.:•�..o�- .i... �:!� -- — - --- <br /> - � ._ •5:�.::. �,_-- _- -1 <br /> ,�.ti�.. _ _— _-_ . . <br /> w. , <br /> � . �y�, 1o�5i9 „ . <br /> �b) commenae on nation to �Aroclose <br /> this Deed Af Txuat ae n mortgaqe, appoint a � <br /> receivex, or speaifically enforce any of the <br /> csovena�ta hereo�; � <br /> (c) de�.iver to Truatee a writt�n decla- <br /> rati.on of de£ault and demand f�r edle, aad a <br /> writtea notfce of default end electil.on to <br /> h�f�Of� mr�ia4nr�a i etareati in thA T3rODQ1'�Y t0 _ __ <br /> be sold, which notiae �Trustee ehall cau�ae to <br /> bA duly fii�d for reaord in th� official rec� <br /> ords of the aounty in whieh �he prap�x�tX is <br /> loaeted. <br /> 1�. r� .losuza bX P�we�o�9ale. 8hould Ben�ficiary elecE <br /> �o toxsaloso lay Qx�rcisa o! the gawor of sa1Q herein containe�l, <br /> S�m�tiaiary sha�ll nati.fy Truatae and rshall depQBit w�.th �x�ustee <br /> tl�is Dood of Trust and the not� and such seaeiptecand evid�nce of <br /> expendituram made e�nd secured hereby as Truatae may requfre, eaed <br /> upon request of �fae Beaefiaie�y, the Trustae shall �ile for rec- <br /> ord, in the Register of Deede office in the County where the <br /> praperty is located, n aotiae of default, settinq forth the name <br /> of the Trustor, the Hook nnd Pr�qe or pocuad�at No. af thie Deeel ef <br /> Treist ea recorded in eaid Req, ister ofc Deedt� office, the legal de�- <br /> �cription oF the above-descrfbed real estd�e dnd that a breach nf <br /> en obliqatioa, for whirh eai.d rea7. estate was conveyed as secu- <br /> rity, has oacurred, and settinq fosth the nature of such brea�ch <br /> �nd ths Tr:sats��� c].ect3ca #.� s�ll the r� g�t�ta to sa�isf�r fihe . . <br /> obliqatioa� and a�ter the lapse of not less than oae (1) manth, <br /> the Trustee shal], qive writtea not3ce o� the time a►md place o� <br /> sale whiah may be between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the p�rem- <br /> ises, or at the Courthouee in the Cawaty whereir� eucb property is <br /> located, describinq the property to be sold by ite legaT descrip-. <br /> tioz�, eaid natice to be published in a aewspaper of genernl cir- <br /> culetioa i.n the County wherein such property is loceted, once a <br /> week for five (5) conseautive weeks, the laat publicatic�a �o be <br /> r►t least ten (10) dAys, htit not mor� than thirty (30) days, gx'iar <br /> to Che sale; and the Trt�stee shall then sell s�i.d proper'�y at �he <br /> and place desi.gaated fn the notice, in the maaner provided <br /> by law in effect at the ti�►ne o€ filinq_said notice, a� public _ <br /> auction �v the t�.qhest bidder for caeh and shall deliver to suah <br /> puzch�set e deed to the .property sold, coneis�ent w3th. �the law in <br /> � effeCt at the time. <br /> Upon raceipt of paym�nt of the priae bid, Truetae shall de� � <br /> ltver to the purchaser, Trustee�s deed conveyiaq the property <br /> �sold. Re�t�ital,s ia the �rustee�s deed sba11 be prima facie evi� <br /> denco of •�the�tsuth of the stetemen�s made therein. Trustee shall <br /> , apply the proceeds of ti�e sale in the following order: (a) to <br /> � . � all rensonablg costs aad .espenses of the sale, incl�adiaq but not . <br /> ��d to, Trustee�s fee� of not more than 1.5�! of the qroeB <br /> . s�tle price, reasonabie �attorney fees �nd costs of titl�.evidenCe; „ <br /> (b) �o �Z� sums secured by this Deed af Trust; aad (c) tithe es- <br /> aesa, if any, to the person or persone le.gally entitled thereto. <br /> Any person, includiag 8eaefiafary, mr�y purchase said property at <br /> �e:id sale. <br /> The person coaduatiag the sale may, for any c�ase he or she <br /> deems expedfent, poatpone the sg�e from time to time un�il it <br /> shall be aoa�pleted and, in evesy suah case, aotice of pog�poae- <br /> ment shall be given by public declaratfon thoreof by such persoa <br /> _ . . . ,--- ° `--- .__� d�i�3 r_� L�.� z�. ..� tC <br /> AL LIIE' 'Gltt[8 �II�[ �'til4'C ZQlSL QFiF7V1t14IIRi tVi f+sac v�asv� �,"i.�v�+.�v�� � <br /> �he sale is postponed for lonqer than one (1) day beyond the date <br /> desiqnated in the notice og sale, notice thereof shall be given <br /> in the same maaner as the original notice of sale. <br /> 14. Remediss Not �xciusive. Truatee and Beaeficiary, aa�d <br /> each of t1�em, shall be entitled to enfarce p�ymeat aad pexfosm- <br /> ance nf any indebtedness or obliqatio� secured hereby and to eg- <br /> � ercise all righta ancl powers und�r this Deed of mrust or under <br /> any loan inatrument or other agreemont or any lawe nor or hereaf- <br /> • ter enforced, notwitihstanding same or a11 of the indebt�d�uese and <br /> 5 <br />