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<br /> i�. Qev�rninq, Law. �his D��d o� mrust ahe�11 b• govpxnsa by
<br /> �1�� lawi ot th� B�aC� of N�bra�ka And, in �ha ovont any on� or �
<br /> mor� o! th� pxovisions canle�ia�d in thi� D�a�d n! Trust, o� th�
<br /> �c��:c� bL ayiy o�4�0� ocaurit}� im�trer�9a�� g�k�►�n ;n aAnnaati+�n with ;_
<br /> �his transaction shell b• �or �y r�ason b� h�ld tA b� iavalfd,
<br /> illegal or ruiaa�orci�alalv� in a�ny raap�ck, e�uch iavalid9.ty, ilZ�-
<br /> qa�lity �or unrn�oraea�bllity shs�l not e�toat �aay oth�r provi.B�ons
<br /> o� �bia Dead o! T�CUat, but eh�r Aeed o� �ruet ehall bn ar�n�tr�ed
<br /> i.a a. i�....s a.z. i.v a .....1�`._� @�!.Stts+t!�a�h7iz Y1YOV�.S�.OII ha6 never _
<br />. . . av �p wv�,ae-•�:�rarar�� ar.rv�� . . � . . .
<br /> beea contai�aed hexein or therein.
<br /> Zp. `f�ect of o baara�nce. �ay forbeAranae by H�ne�iciary
<br /> aX Trustee fa exercisinq aauy right ar remody here�nder, or other-
<br /> wise affordsd by appll�abLe law, shal�. not be e► waiver of or pre-
<br /> alude� the exeraise of iuc►y euCh rig�t ar remedy hereunder. I,ikQ-
<br /> � wise, the wa,iver by, Benefi.ciary or Z'rustea of +�y defanit qf the
<br /> Trustor undar this Deed o� Trust shnll ttot b�e daeated to be n
<br /> wai.ver af a�y othar or si�il+�r detaui� sub�equently oacwrrimg.
<br /> 21. �,e-connavanc� by True�teg. Upon written request of the � '
<br /> aenefiaiaxy etat�.nq thet e�ll swas secnred hereby h�►ve been gaid,
<br /> and upan surrender of this Deed of Tru�►t aad the noteA�byh���_
<br /> T�ustee for aancellation and retent�.on and upon pmy�
<br /> tor of Trustee'$ fees, Trusts�a shall re-coavey to Truator, o� the ,
<br /> . person or persona legaliy entitled thersto, without wa�rrenty, any ,
<br /> portian af the property then held hereuader. Recitals ia su�ch .
<br /> re-conveyance of anX mattere or faata shall be conalueive •proof . ,
<br /> Of t�iB �1Fnt�ifuiaesa t�rereof. tirnri�e�e� #.3t t2�� �s-es3tsss�-� , _ : .
<br /> be dRgcribed as "the persan or p�rson� �].egelly ontitled thereta."
<br /> 22: aoc��tanc� liv Trua#�g. Truatee aac.epts �hi.s truet when
<br /> � this Deed o� T�ust, du�y �executed and a�lano�l�d�ged. 3.s made a
<br /> public recorct a� provided by �aw. �
<br /> IN WITNESS WAEREOF, Truator has eyte�uted thie Deed ot 'Trv�st � ,
<br /> on the da�e fi.rst noted above.
<br /> ,
<br /> -,�
<br /> .. � ���� " - .. � -
<br /> „ Kev n�ieuer , ,
<br /> � . ,' T�mtn e J. Se r � ,
<br /> MTrustor" .
<br /> �, '
<br /> , STllTE.�F NLBR�lSR�i ) ,
<br /> . ) ss: • -
<br /> COUf1TY o�' Hl1LL ) '
<br /> On this `�* day of _ - , 1�95, before me, the
<br /> under�signad, a► Notary Publ a'du. y conw �sio:ied and qualSfied for
<br /> snid county persannlly came iievin Hauer and Tammie �. g9uer,
<br /> Husbaad and Wife, knowa to me to b� the ide�atical persans whose
<br /> names arR sub�cribed ta the foreqoing Deed of Tzust, nad
<br /> acicnawiedged the e�cecution thereof tc be their voluutary act 8nd ,,
<br /> _ . ..._ a��a._. _ ... _..- -- - --. _ �.
<br /> _ _ _ ,
<br /> �ioow�a��wr } --
<br /> . c�►�w� �
<br /> �asaa��t�
<br /> otaslr P c
<br /> My commission eupires: �C� 0�3, /,�r.
<br /> Ltl�lc�W�E/h1�rs/d�ad
<br /> 7
<br /> ---- - - .__. . _.. ..__ . . ._. _. _.. _ .__
<br />