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<br /> 11. Ey�nts of De�fault. Any of the following events sba11
<br /> ba d�emed an e�vent of default hereundes: •
<br /> (a) Trustor shall have failed to make �
<br /> payment or any installment of in�tere�t, prin-
<br /> cipal or prinaipa� and interest or �ay other
<br /> suias secured hereby whe� due;
<br /> (t,� Th�aro haa nnntsrrerl a bret3Ch c�f Or _--
<br /> default under any term, aovenaat, agreement,
<br /> condition, proviaion, representation or war-
<br /> ranty contained in tbis Deed of Trust, the
<br /> . note or any other loan instrument secured
<br /> hereby;
<br /> (c) Thero has bsea a default by the
<br /> Truetar ia the paymoat of a�ay prior �� Aubse-
<br /> quent lien or eacumbrance in respect to all
<br /> nr any part of the property;
<br /> (d) Trustor shall file a voluntary pe-
<br /> tit3on in ban�ruptcy or shall be adjudicatied
<br /> ba�nkrupt or insolvent, or shal7, meke an as-
<br /> aignment for �he beaefit of creditors fn re�
<br /> spect to the propertyp or aa action to ea-
<br /> force any lien or encumbrance or judqments
<br /> againet the property is �ommenced.
<br /> 12. Acce?eration upon aefmult. Ia the event of any de- 4
<br /> fault, Beneficiasy may decl�re all indebtedaess s�acured hereby ta
<br /> be due and payable, and the same shall thereupon becom� due �uud
<br /> payable wit�out aay presentment, demand, pxotest or notice of aay
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Beneficiazy may:
<br /> (a) either atn person or by ngent, witr:
<br /> or without bringinq any aation or proceeding,
<br /> or by receiver appoiated by a court aad with-
<br /> out regard to the adequacy of any socurity, .
<br /> enter upon and tak� posses�ic�a of the prop-
<br />� erty, or aay part thereof, ia its own name or
<br /> in the nama of t�e Truatee, and do any acts � � ,
<br /> � . which it deems necessary and desirable to
<br /> � preserve the value, market�bility or rent- , �
<br /> � ability of the property, or part tklereof or
<br /> ia�eres� therein, increasg the income �here-
<br /> fram or protect the security hereof, and,
<br /> without t�lcinq possession of the psroperty�
<br /> sue for or otherc�ise ca11�cL the rents, is-�
<br /> . sues aud profits therecf, i.ncluding those
<br /> pagt due aad unpaid, and apply tha sa�me, less
<br /> costs and oxpensea of operatioa and aollec-
<br /> tion, includiag attorney fee�, upon any ia-
<br /> debtedness �ecured hereby, all in su�h ordes �
<br /> � ae Heneficiary rnay detenaine. The enteriag , �
<br /> upon ar�d taki�g posaession of the trust es-
<br /> tate, the collection of such rents, iasues
<br /> and profits and application thereof as afore-
<br /> � safd shnll not cure or waive �ay default or
<br /> nobice of default hereunder or invalidate �ny
<br /> ac� and in response to sucb default or pursu-
<br /> aut to such notice of default aad, notiwith-
<br /> ��-- L- °-----'•� .t� j w �i �1��
<br /> -- SLEtAQ1l1tJ L11Q 4�7l1L1ilYOti�iO ilf �IVOOV`vvrv��
<br /> property or the collectioz�, receipt and ap�
<br /> plic:atioa of rents, fssues or profits, Txus-
<br /> tee or Beaeficiery may be entitled to exer-
<br /> ' cise every right provided for in any of the
<br /> lean instruments or hy law upon occurrence of
<br /> any event of default, including the right to
<br /> exercise the power ot sale;
<br /> 4
<br />