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^IV>'Ii�n••�Ry{-•-��.. . i:7�... <br /> '�^:/Y.!]A'.��K+ ' ���1' <br /> . . ... .-C4 " <br /> .� � ai.1:j�v.>A.'....'. . .. <br /> � . ..R. . . ,iJ,. --__- -.v. ..._ .. . �._.--_ .___— _— ' •• _,.•..._. <br /> e�(Jy�..�.....�.. _. .. . . <br /> . . , ,g�� ����� � <br /> � w .� <br /> the Bex�eEiciary and contaia3nq an additioaal provision that the <br /> poliay cannot be caaceled w�thout prior written no�iae to the <br /> Seneficiary. Ia case of lass under euch poliaies, the Benefici- <br /> ary is authazis�d �o adjust , coilect and c�mpromise all alaims ,_ <br /> thereuader and shall h�►ve tbe option af applyinq all ar part of <br /> the insurance proaeede (i) to a�ay indebtedaess securerl hereby and <br /> in suah ordex as Beneficiary may determine, (ii) to the Trus�or <br /> ±., Y�n ,�ca� fnr the rent�ir o Y res*.ora�ion of ths Prop�rtY or (iii 3 <br /> for �aay other puap�se or ols ject satisfacto�y► to Benezicie�ry wii.u- <br /> out affecti�ag the lfen of thia Deed o� Txust for the full arnount <br /> seou►red }�+areby before such payment evrer •�r�ok place. Any applica- <br /> tioa of proeeeda to indebtedaess shall no� eatend or postpone the <br /> due date of any payments uader the Note, or cure any default <br /> thereunder or hereuader. <br /> 6. S�ndemnatfon. I� the event the proparty� or aaY PA� <br /> thereof, ehall be taken by emiaent domain, Bennfieiaxy ie enti- <br /> tlec� to collect and reoeiva all compensation whiah may ba peid <br /> for any property taY•en or �ox damaqes to property not taken, and <br /> tona�redua ioaaaf tha�ind�btednesattsecured h�ereby o�tonrs8air�r <br /> end xaotore �he properly ec� taken. <br /> 7. Performance�v 8@n�iciant. Hertefiaiary may, but ehall <br /> have no obl�gation to, do au�y act which Trustdr has etqreed but <br /> failed to do, and Benefiaiary may also do aay act it deems neces- <br /> sarv to protect the lien h�reof. Trus�or agrees to repay, upoa <br /> demand, any suma so expettd8d by Beneficiary for �1�i8 ab�ve P� { <br /> posss, auid any sum so ex�ended by Benefiaiary sha11� be added to <br /> the iadebtedaess secured hereby aad beanmee Bonaldliebilityibe- � <br /> her�of. Senefiaiary shall aot iacur �ay p � <br /> canse of eaythiag it may do or omit to do hereunder. <br /> .. g. ����nt of rients. Beneficiary shall have the right, <br /> pov�er a�nd r�uthority�during the �continuance af this Deed of Trust <br /> to collect the rents, isaues ead profits of the property and of <br /> any personal property 3.ocated the�reon with or without tnkinq pos- <br /> �:�es3�A a� `�.he pz-�s�rt� ��#s�ted hereb�, �nd Trustar herebY a�bso- <br /> lutely aui�l �nconditi.onally assiqns All suCA rents, iseues and <br /> � profits to Heneficiary. B�neficiary, however� herebY ccnseats to .,, <br /> Trustor�s collection nnd r�teation of suah reats�, issues and <br /> profits as they accrue and beaome payable, o0 1�ag as Trustor is . <br /> not, at such time, in defna�lt with respe��C to pAyiaent of anY in- <br /> debtodness secured hereby, or ia the pexf+arm�nce of arty agrc�emant <br /> hereunder. If any event o� default described hersafter in re- <br /> speat to this Deed of T�cusrt shall have occurred a►nd be �ontinu- . �• <br /> ing, Heneficfary, as a matter of right and without no�Gice xo • <br /> Truator or anyono clainuLng under Trustor, and without regard to <br /> tbe value of the trus� est atie or the intrerest of the Trustor <br /> thereia, shall have the siqht to apply to any couzt having jurisa <br /> diction to appaint a receiver of the property. <br /> 9. ins�ections. Beneficiary, ox �ts agents, representa- <br /> tives or workman, axe aiathorized to enter at auy reasonab3.e time <br /> upon or �.n t�ny part of the property fo�r tihe purpose o� inspectiaq <br /> tAa same and for the purpase o�E performing sny of the acta it is <br /> suthorized to pesforxa und�r the terms c►f anY loaa instrwneats <br /> es�cuted by Truetor. <br /> 10. '�'r'�AafeY' OF P?'c�ne�l:v. I� 811 or any part of the prop- . <br /> artv nr anv interes� of Truetor therein i8 sold� transfsrred or <br /> further encumbered without the expxesa or written aonsenz oi <br /> Benef3ai�ry, Benefiaiary may, at its sole optfon� declare all <br /> aums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and pay- <br /> able and proceed to the remedies available to it under the de- <br /> fault provisione cantained herein. <br /> 3 <br />
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