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<br /> replacementa aad additione therato, are h�reby declared to be �t
<br /> part of the reel estate aonveyed ia trusti hereby, it being agreed
<br /> tha�t all of �he foregoing shall be hareinafter reterred to as the
<br /> "Propertiy��. .
<br /> (a� the pa�ymeat of indebtedness evidenced by
<br /> lYt�tL�TL01'ili ll�iLn 1,�i CiVttll ttCti.to uoacwi'~i.w +« �«L-� �~�'�"�
<br /> r---
<br /> cipal���um �f Eighty Thousand and Na/DOLLARS
<br /> ($80,000..p�o�, together with intereat at the rate
<br /> provided tlnerein, or the principal and interest oa
<br /> any future advance not to eseeed �he tota�:.
<br /> principal sum initially secured hereby ae: � � . :
<br /> evidenced by. promissory ndtea atating the� ar�
<br /> seCUred hereby, and e�ay and al]. renewals,
<br /> modiiications and eateasiQns of euct� t�o�es, bath -
<br /> principal a�ad interegt ou the aotes being payable
<br /> ia acaordance with the terms set fnrth therein,
<br /> which by this refesenae is hesebX made a part
<br /> hereoF;
<br /> (b) the performen�a of ench aqre�m�nt and
<br /> covenan� of Truator herein aontaiaodt a�ad
<br /> (c� the paymant o� any swn ox swne o! raon�y
<br /> v�hiah may be heree�taz paid or advenasd by 8�ne�1-
<br /> ciary und�r t?ao i�orms os �hie I3oed oi Ts�t�B:, La= -
<br /> qether w�.th interes�e thereon at the rate provided
<br /> in the note.
<br /> To protect the security of thie Doed cf Trust, Trustoz'
<br /> hereby covea�nts and agrees ae follaws: ,
<br /> 1. pavment of Yndebtednesg. To p8y when due, tihe prinai-
<br /> pal of, and the intorest on, the indebtsdaes� evidenced by the
<br /> note, charges, fees e�nd a21 other sums a� providad in the loan
<br /> �,n�3�rl�ments. .. .
<br /> 2. 7citle. Trustor is the owner of the prop��e��► :�d has
<br /> • the right and euthority to eaecute thie Deed of Trust 3.n respeCt
<br /> ;� � tn the Property. The Trustor wnrrents that the ,lien Created by
<br /> thf.s Deed of Truet is sub ject only to a prior D�ed of �x'ust filed
<br /> aqainst the Praperty �p ft�vor of Five Points aanlc �ad recordad in
<br /> - the Office of the Hall County Register o� Deeda as Dacument
<br /> 95-10009 and �a�ustor further werraats that the.,Qxeaution and
<br /> � delive�ry of thi� Deed of Tsust does not �rioleEe any contraat or
<br /> � othez� abli.qation �o which Trustor is satb ject. ���
<br /> 3. T��e}��nd Asssessmonte. To paX, whex� due, ell �axes,
<br /> speaial assessinents and all othar charges aga�.ASt the property,.
<br /> before the sr�tte become delinqueut, and, in the event Benefiaiaay
<br /> shatl �o require, to t�dd �o the payments required uadea' �he uote
<br /> , eecured hereby, such amount as may be sufficfent ta enable. 8�ne-
<br /> fici+�ry to pay such taxes, assessments or other charges as �hey
<br /> become due.
<br /> 4. ReQa3.r. M�inten�}ce and U�e. To not commit waete on or �
<br /> dan�aqe to ttne property and to use due care to prev�nt othere from
<br /> so doiag; to ksep the property in good conditian and repairi to
<br /> keep the property free from mechanics or other lions not ex-
<br /> p�es�l.y �unorflsnaterl to the lien herenf f to aoi maice, sus=es �i
<br /> .' permit any nuisctnce to exiet ncr to dim3nish or impair the valuo
<br /> �: af th@ properLy by any act or omission to act; and �o comply with
<br /> all requiremeats of law witb respect to the property. -
<br /> 5. ;nsu�,cance. At all times during the tesm hereof to keep
<br /> , the Property ineured ayainst damage by fire, hazards 3.ncluded
<br /> within the term ��extended coveraqe", and such other hazards as
<br /> Benefic3�ry may require, in an amount of not less than the re-
<br /> � p�.acement value thereof and wi th companies acaegteible to Benefi-
<br /> aiary, iACluding a standard mortgaqee clause with loss payable to �
<br /> 2
<br />