i ...rGt;`: .. ::•�ti�c�•Y+�i;� . . . ; , ;;/. .+1
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<br /> . ': � .. .. .. /f . - _ ' __ . -.r_ __---..—_" _ .
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<br /> ��95 -106�8F
<br /> pn�ph z.«cbnQo tho.nw�nt or s�ct, paymmw. My e�oa�pooeeas ovcr�u nnounc raquiroe to p�y au ouws�dln�
<br /> incSebtedtx,At ut�dor the Note md this 3ecurtty Insuuma�t stutll ba pid to tha eutiiy kgally et�dtl�ed theteta.
<br /> i.F�s. I�kr mtgr coliect fea md clu�tgea atthotiaod by the Sact�de�y.
<br /> 9.tiroaxb�ar Acoelesatioa at Deb�
<br /> (�)DdawM. Lender mty.axxpt�3Uaited by reguWiona isaued by tAo Soaetacy ia me cxte ot psymeat�ei�i�. °
<br /> toqui�Immedi�te p�ymatt ia fu11 of atl a�ms aecured by thia Soctu[ty I�attmnaet ff: _
<br /> (i)Bo�ro�ra dafaull�by fiUina e�pay ia fiill ary moalhlY P�Y�t+�9.uiced by tbla Serurlty Instcumatt ptlor to a
<br /> o�tbe dne dws of d�e neact manthlY P�Y��a
<br /> (ti) Bamwer ddaiil� by faiN�ag,for a palod of th6tY dal►e,w puforaa �ay otha obli,g�dons oont�ine�in dils
<br /> Sacur�iry Iastiumant
<br /> (b)B�ie Wtt�cr�Ce�di�Approval. I�stu�11.ff paat[t�d bY�Dliabb law snd wW� the priar appco�►al o�d�e --
<br /> Secr�t�y,roquit�e i�nmedi�te payment in fi�U of dl aums exured by thia Socurity L�saunxnt i�
<br /> .(i)AL u pnt�:t6e Pro}�ty a a Ix�etictal iaLac�t ln e�owniag all a p�t af the Ranaty.i�sold a otluswba
<br /> aa�tafdrod(otha da�n by dev3ee a desceat)by the Bonowa.ead
<br /> (i��be Prq�aiY is not oocupbd bi►the P�c�axr a gaatee in hia a ba prin�3p�1 naiaanoo.a the pucctu�a ac
<br /> �aatoe docs eo oocupy tLe Prq�a�ty but h1s a hes credit tus aot baa+q�proval in�000rdsu�oe wIth d►e roqu�ata
<br /> of d�e 3ecret�ry.
<br /> (c)No�►dva. If drr,um:pmxs oce�a ttmt aould�amit I.otida w raquim immediate peyaieat in ti�ll�but L�enda doa�
<br /> �aot raqWm auch pnyments.LaW�d0ea not waive ita righta w�b�pect t�aubeeq�ent�eats.
<br /> (�R�t�qa���q. tu uawnr dreuroaienoes cagul�'�as fs�d by dx�ars�y c�!! ]inssit Lar�lc's =
<br /> rigbta ia die cao of payment dafiWb co caqdm immodiate paymcnt in fl�ll�ad farxlaae�f not pidd.'Ibis 3ac;urity
<br /> Taruument doos nat sutl�aixe Aooeksption a farocloaue if notpamitted by regul�loas a[the Saretsry. .
<br /> (e)Mact�qe Not L�wre�. $onowa�tcos dut a4ouW tt�is Saaatit,y Inatrwnant�nd tbe Note aecu[ed tba+eby nat!�e
<br /> eli�ibb fa i�oe m�da the N�tion�Hou�ng Ast aId�60 d�ya from tbe d�1e baoo[,Laadx c�sy��t it�aptio��od
<br /> � not�vi�3na anything m p��caph 9;;mq�CO twaseaia�e p.ymeac ia talt of au� �ec�co by ads sa�riq►
<br /> � ; . In�tnummt A W;It�ea�mmt oi rinY�udia�iud�t ot d�o Sa�Y dMed atit�eQ�aat�0 50 dtys from d�e dre
<br /> heieo$decliuiaa w in�r0 dds.Sectuity Inauurnent�nd tde No�c sec�at�d diaeb9.et�all bo deen►ed aonchMlve proot of
<br /> aocb ineligiMl@y.N�g tAe fore;oioa>th1�optloo m�q►uot be eatercisad by Lak1a whpi the Wn�vdl�ilby of
<br /> inaiu�xx is solety duo to I.endv'.t fiu'4u�e w c�it a n�artp�ga ioswrrioa pnaaimn to tl�e Sperwry. ,
<br /> 10.Rd�t�e�� Barnc+v�r h�a rigbt w be r�do�ed if La�da hn�roquieed in�nedi�e p4ymont in liill bocauio of
<br /> Hac�a's t�i4re b py ao�unt dne wida We Ndn a tliis Sacnrity ins�nmmt 7�4 r�ght�ppYia avm�a fnrealoame
<br /> pr0000di���re k�ted.To reloua�o tbe Saamlty Inauomant�Banower�lull lmder ia a Iump am all anounOS requirod q br�
<br /> Borm�rar's�coamt c�nr[ent iosludiog.m tho e,�mt th�y n�e obii�doos of Hatn�wa unda thls Secwity t�r�truaaent,fo�aaowrc •
<br /> ': aow�nd ce�too�bie �n0 cuaoau�y ucotnays' feea•aad eapanx� propaly aaacialed�rith dio faecbeuca praooading.Upan
<br /> .`.��I AO[tlplYt$r Wf SOp1�Il�►I!W[Illillll�il'i!!I 1bD ObI�4�1113 fI�$!Q�eI1�II[��11 CffOCt Mm�E Y�JNfI 110[ ,
<br /> � .�.. �4�,� P�9�� !n ittU. Haw�vcr. Ireadcr Is nut toquirod 10 pamit� �: (n La�da!uu apoa,pled
<br /> n�muirmd�t ailat tho co�unmcert�'it,of forocloeure prooeedinga wi0hin ttvo ya�ct immedi�eiy pteoedit�tha oomma�oem�et of
<br /> • au�nat fanqc]on�o Prooeedio8+ iil) �t wil� proclude fa�ecloan�o on d�'ere�t�nounde !n the fupue. ak (iii)
<br /> e�dnw�emeAt w�i11 dver�ely�'ect the priarity of tt�e lia�ctaMed by thi,s 5acurFty Insbn�axat
<br /> � il.Bore+uw�r Net Rdea�+d3�urbear�ace B�I.eeder Not�Witrer. Bxoeaaion of tba dmo of p�ymmt a a�odific�tioa
<br /> of�moetiradon oi d�e aunu eocura4'b!�this Saavrlry lnsuumat gauatad by L�eader to any sucees�tor Lt �nta�est of Baro�a eh�il
<br /> uot yxsale b r�3we tk l�ab�lity c�the ae�nal Boaower a Barowa's suooesscx la inea+at.L�ender sh�ll not be cequirW m
<br /> ' , eomn�eoca prooeoAiog��3n�t aay sucoessor in iaoa�t a refueo tp axta�d dme far payrt�ent ar otha�►�ae modify�una�dralian of
<br /> .� tbe wms eecure�by 1!�5ecurlry tnstmma�t by teeson of aay dan�nd mde by tha aigiml Banawc ar Sormaver'a suooea�ncs
<br /> � ' ia inte�My facbaaaea bY I.atda in e�acising any right or rrmedy etu�tl mt bo a a�ivar of or pneclude the exa�ejse of�ay '
<br /> rightoc tt7nodY•
<br /> y � ��4R(NE)qsoa� v.o.ame innia�.: .
<br /> �, �•+� '-..� "
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