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<br /> �95.1U6.36f6
<br /> ' a.t�tre,Ffooa�sa Alher Hamra I.ara�ce. sorrower au.tl lnsure au�OV�aa•the'�iropeny.Mt�tba aow in
<br /> ' oxisu��ca ar suh::�uaitiY cz�cted.a�aiast twY haa�.c�ualdce�aad cQnttn�acl��lieclnfltea Rne�Bor whf�h L�edn requi,+es �-
<br /> inau�ncx.�i�x�h�il be mwinuLied ia the�nna�u►n aad fa the perlods t6�t La�da req�res.Bas�cwu ab�U alw iaa�m
<br /> aU tmprova►�ta on tl�o Prapaty.aheif�er now in exiataxe ar sub�equeady aoc�od.�Bain:t loa�by tlooda to tbe e�ent roquirtd
<br /> by the Serretary. All inaur�t�co alid!be c�rriad with oom�nles��ved by Ler�x.The insutanoe policks nad�ny nx�owals -
<br /> shd�be beld by Lender�ad ahatt incl�de loas gayab�lo clauaw in f�vrn of.�ad ta a fam eooephbb w.L�dar.
<br /> Ia tho evcnt of los�.Harcwa ab�1l gdva I�er Lan►adL�se aotjoe by mail.L�endes mny make proaf of loaa if nat m�de
<br /> P�PaY bY Bama�ua Btch lnsu�ace eqapany coneaned is baeby wthodzed and dieeated w aake pi►yma�t far sucl�toss
<br /> di�tly to La�der.inatead of ta�8amwa and to L�enda jdntly.All a any p�rt of tbe insur�aca pmooeds may be�pplled by
<br /> La�der,at ib bptioa.either(a) to tb tednctbn of the iadebiedaeas und�r die Note and tGis Saattlg►Insaumoat��rat tu�ty
<br /> deliaq�xat�nounas�ppl3od in the aGa in p�r�3.ffi►d dia w p�ep�ymwt of prlaCip�.a(b)w tda nstorodon a npair of
<br /> die cim�lgeei Fmpaty.Any�pplicadon ot the p�ocaeda w she pr�1 a1Wl aat�tead a poatpane the dne d�e of d�e monthly
<br /> WY�ts which m refand q tn p�gtaph 2.ar chfage tt�e amamt of a�ch p�ymcals.My oncess�pnasada ova an
<br /> ano�t rnqui[ad w pay W outannding indebte�ess imda tda P�Tote�nd dda SaaaIty Inatramait aheli ba paid to the w�tY�9
<br /> �ntitled diad�.
<br /> In the avmt ot farecbstme of thi�Seputtyr InstnmAait a olha�er of t�le oo the P�apesty that w�dn,Auisbes the
<br /> ipdebtalness,vl rt,ght,tida ind iau�est of Bouowrr in aad to lnsur�ae policks ia faoo s6W p�ss to tbe p�u�chaxt .
<br /> S.Oa�p�c��Pe+eservatbn,lH�i�na wnd Prota�tion d tiee Propaf,�i Bon�awa's Laao Appiia�tbni I.q�e6Wd�.
<br /> Bacc�e�ra ehaU oxupy.ea�bliab.and use 1bm Prapaty as Bairoaer'a prjacipl restda�oa wIthin skty dsys aRer tho�cecution of
<br /> thia SocudiY�t�ad ib�lt coadauo b ooeupy the Propa4Y ae Bamwa's pdncip�l resWaioe for at kast oae yar atDa ihe
<br /> date of oxap�ocy. nnlas tbe �Jaxeauy daamixs tbis reqniraneat wW cause w►due t�ardship fa Sonowa. a unleas
<br /> a�i�ua��g ciFCUr�steaoes �ist wt�b ara bsyand Banowcr's ca�►orol. Ha:rowrt chsalll a�lfy Lpeder of �y ea�euuatlog .
<br /> cica�mu�cca.�3ariawa shaii aoR c�ort�it�vaaoe a��uoy.d�m�ge ar�y da.�yo ii,�s�j►v��ti�R�, ty i3 {
<br /> detaloeMe,res�oaa6le w�ar and tar eac�plecl.LaWer may inepoct d�e PmpatY ff the Aropaty is vadnt a ab�odonW a tt�so 1o�n
<br /> is�a deHuit.I.ertder msy tate teatomble�cLba to p�ate�ct�ad praaave auc�vacaat a abmd�oi�ed Plo�ty.Barc�oMrar ataU vso
<br /> be in default if Bamowa�durin8 the loon�PP�P��•�►ve ms�siWy fal�e ar iwocurata infaem�tion a�to
<br /> I�eodec(a f�iled to providG I+C�uler aIth aay m�W infomWion)!n caru�tion adtb tba bm�vlde,aoed by the riote.6►cWdinB.
<br /> but�ot Waioetl tv.rgxe�eandons coocanin8 Bo�mwa�a acc�PencY of ttre P�c+pary ae a princi�Y t�slda�ca if tblt Secuciry
<br /> �t is an �fe�elwl4 Baro�va�6all oomply wIth tha prov�atan� ot tAe lana.If Bamwa ecquins fee dtle to tue
<br /> Ptopeity.the leaae�oid�a�d�ae dtb aiWl aot ba magod anlcss I.etida�tg,tees to the mo[ger in wrlting,
<br /> i.CM�r�a to Ba�e+owmr asd Pro�eeftos d I.endrr's�b is t�Peqkrtj. Baao�va ahall p�y dl govaammral a
<br /> muuic�l chtr�es.Gnea�d imposidoos d�at�ce not included in p�r�graph 2. Bant�wa al�ll pay iLe�e oolydigatiunt an tims
<br /> . d�pCtly 10 th0 EGtItY N�h�S ONp�d10�L It fWu[O tD py N011ld�YlS/�,ly�OCt L�dldC['g in�CtO.St�ft dl0 YDQQ�1ly.IljlOd
<br /> L�tier's nq�at Ha�oxa sh�ll po�uptly fumf�h to Ls�der raoei�Me evlda�c�og thesn paymmt�.
<br /> It BOrru�er f�ila 1�mat4 t�se payimaits a tbe p�yineats nq,aiaad bY P�B�+�2.a fafif b perfadi eay otba wvewata
<br /> �ad�ta aona3nod in thb Securlt�►Ina�meat�a d�re la a legat prooeedbo�thu auY d;�nwc�ntlY aBax I.a�tfei'a�w ip
<br /> tho At�patp(arcA►n a pcaoeoding�n brotauptcy.fa ca�demn�lion a ta eafaoee itwa a rogul�tians,�.thea I�axkr mqr cb�d
<br /> pay alWaver B neass�ry w prote�at tbe v�luo of the Pcopaty aad L�der's eigttt�ia the Ptoperiy,�8 Da�+mqnt ot tu�,.
<br /> h�rA in�ooe aod odror iLe�ns ma�tiatad in p�gr�ph 2. :
<br /> Aay�mts disbureed by IRadx m�dar this peeagnqrh sh�il bocano�aldit�on�l debt of Botrowu md Ms seCitred by this
<br /> Securlty�Tl�we amounts e6aU Eaie intarst fmm ttisse d�te oP diibureaiaa���t tde Note tat0.wd at the optloa of Laulor.
<br />. sdatl be immodie0ely dne�nd payabk.
<br /> 7.Ca�dessatio�. Tbo pcocmeds of aay awxd a cl�im fa d�ges,direct a oonsequentW. M caux�on wtth �ay
<br /> �ar ahar ntln�of�y pm�t of ttre Propecty.a fac ooavay�noe In pl�e of ooadannt�tion.m haeby assl8ned wid
<br /> eha11 be pid�o L�eadsr o�ttw acc�at of the full�aount oF the in�k,l�ednass thu rd�ina unp�id m�drt tbo No`e md dils Sacurity
<br /> lnstivmdnt I.a�et alaU�pply aud�pc000eds to t6e rod�ctiou�f d�e int�ed�t�ss ut�tbe ATo�e aud this Soc�uig►Lumua�rat�
<br /> � �aat a�ay A�oquent�oouota rppliod in th�ard�:provi�od ia pr�grapb 3.md tbea m p�yioeut of R��Y�
<br /> , ef tbe pc�000ed��tba peincip�l afWl not ax�ead a poetpa�e�ho dne d�e ot tha montbly paymeata,wi�icb aro iefemod to in
<br /> ' ��4R(NE�naea) aayaa� �nn�aw: _
<br /> � �: 'ti .'1�.
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