,�°i i.d • , iii-i��'�N' . . . .�if'.""Y�. Pl;fIJ �R .. �
<br /> •`�., �, .n `��, . ,. .._. ._ _.
<br /> � � ,.. .... p . '..:'ia.r�:.'Z'1...�i e" -_ __--- .
<br /> �� ��?,�,'W��,�'�, . .... � - „ . - ._,,. _.'-=- `-..�-------..o..,t. _-. �� .
<br /> �,lI�C�.1�`--.> �� �_ "`- --..___,..l. — _
<br /> _ _._-..,_�__..��..rna�rw���i±F�tv�savvma.�c-�r+..S.?�L3',.��'v-����.�. --
<br /> - �— --_ _�.:._-r:...u--�-
<br /> _ -- - ��_---- -"� - _.._
<br /> . QIT{EYC�IRAIRF�S� 7LY11�RiKS'�L'�its..'117YM`��ii11�f�M1v�a�r:+u�x., .sA1•••••••�•^.uc:nray..s.=..�.. -- � . �- . . . -.�
<br /> 'l�.Suooe�a�af�d M�ti�sdi Jdst��d Severnl LMbWl�i Ca31pa�. Tl�e cov�"�d ��this
<br /> ' �urtty IrWturcicat sb:+ll blud attd 6:acflt etta�tccer�:o��td asgign�of Le�tda aad Hosrotv�'. aub�xt ta dte p�mvt!!o�t��f -
<br /> p�r��ph 9.b. Barro�vrs'i oovanata�ad a�reaneuri etull ba julnt�nd ieva8. Aay Boera�ru Mbo ot}algw thlt Sa�ulty
<br /> Ins�umoat Dut does aot executa tho Note: (a)la co-atgatng dus Secucity L�unkat a�ly to rt�oetgsge,Br�at�ad ooavey d�t
<br /> Barto�ru'�mtaat ia the �Y��ro)����Y���P4Y the aun�
<br /> soc�ed by ttti�Sxurity .'. �� end aay othu Bot�cwu msy agroo to eacwid,madlfY�fabe�r a
<br /> matm sav�s:wIth rsR�b�crl+o� f�s 8dprdt�r Inslrumeat ar iLe i+�n�s wlt�cut ttyt�arn�'a cav�ent.
<br /> 13.Notioa. Aay nodoe so BaroNa pmrlded fa la this 3acurlty Instiumaot sball be�ivea by deliva�Ing it a by md1Mg it
<br /> by Crcst cL�e mail vnless�pplk�able law raqulres use of awtha mn�od.'lUe aotloe st�ll be dhected tfl tLo Prarpaty Addross a
<br /> r,y other address Baaowcr ae�aataa by uo�ca m r.eAaa./1ny aodca w l.enda etun be glvm by 6rac cLss an�l m L�da'e
<br /> ddce�a atited hae�n a aay address I,ender designate�by nodcxi t�o Bamwa.Any natkx pmvlded fa in thfx 5ecurlty Inaaumeat
<br /> ahall be deatied a have bea�givtn b Bato�vu a L�rder�hen givea as provi8ed in dds pngcapb.
<br /> 14.Covdtniy L�w;SievuabWt�. �ia 3ocurlty Inst�uQaart ab�U be govetuod by fedei�ai ta�v aod 16o itw a� die
<br /> ja�iedicdoa in which d�e Prapaty is k►cated.Ia d�cvent dat any provlaion or cW�so oi thie Securfty Lu�uaxnt or tbe Note
<br /> conflicta ivlth applicabb law.auch aonflict ab�ll nnt a�er�t other prov#sions of this Soaaity Inatramatt or tbe Note whicb caa bo
<br /> gfivw effoct without d�e oonflictjng provlaion.lb this ead tho prnvlsione of dda Seciulry Iamumeett aud tbe No3e�+e declmd to
<br /> be xvaablo.
<br /> 1S.Borrower's Copy. Baimwcr ab�ll be glven one coaffamcd copy of thia SocurUy Inatnuna�t
<br /> li.A�saa�t o�Rests. Barower �w000d[docally �s end te�t'as to La�da ail Wo nAn aud mv�a�es of tha
<br /> PROpaty.Barnvrer auborizp Laider ur Lander'a aaeaata�o o�llacx she t�atis md tavennea end heReby d3�ecta each toaant ot dw
<br /> �Y p P�Y tbe ra�ta tv I�ia a Laader'e+igeuta.Howaver,Pdar oo L�x'a noticc to Baerowu of Ba�roMa'�bwch of
<br /> any c�vewnt at t�nan la d�e 5ec�iry�n�aa.�sa�o�ra sn�ri ooux�w�a mccive au nne�od nvcwcs�mo ii�uir o -
<br /> tcu�oe for tho 6aKSt of LaiQa ead Barowa.Tbis avi�uaeat of nuta canadtuoe,s m sb�oluta a�.dgamrat aad not aa�t
<br /> �'cs�dditiooal eec�uity only. , �
<br /> If I�aider glvGS aotka of MracL to Bormwar:(a)all nats t�exived.'�by BaQOwa sb�ll be heid by Baarowra�n�ruawe foi�, .
<br /> ba�efit of I�►da only.w be�applied to the a�nu secured by tl�s Sacurlty Ynauuuimt;�b)Laber a�ll bo eadtled to collect�ad
<br /> roodves W af tbe tdus ox d�e P�o(�aty:oad(c)each ce�►�nt of die P�opeaty ehell pay all renta due and uapid m Ladei a L�ender's
<br /> ngent aa Larlar's wriueA decr�nd w tba m�an�
<br /> 8oaowet 1ua not eseCUtod enY piio�r a�nmeat of the tente ad has aot and wW aat parfv�m�ay sct tl�t woald pmvmc
<br /> �t�eir fmm ta�a�ing its rtghts w►da this�agr�ph 16.
<br /> � Laidrr el�a1�na bc req�iced w wtes upnn.nka a�atrol of ar m�ttda tbe Prape�ty betae a afla�iviug no�foa bf bcr�c�to -
<br /> HortoMer.How�svbr.I,enda a a jedid�llY�PP�ted nodvar msy da a�at�ny dma tba�e ia�U[acl�.Aay�p�icatioa of n�its
<br /> d�ll not cura cr walve r►y def�lt ar invdid�ta�ay Mba rlght at raqtai�T of Laidu.Tt�b�a�t of reats af t6e Pto�ty► �
<br /> e6�fU 1am6we when dia debt securod by the Seauity Insauman is p�W ia 8u11. ,
<br /> NON-UNDPORM COVBNAIVTS.Boa�owar+pd I�f�ntha cavenantmrd�ree as follaavs: : ,
<br /> 17.Faroclowre lh�oatdmr�tt Lmder r�qt�ieIDedi�b p�pe�it i�flu9 nder�p'�9.I�eader��l�r�ol�e 1he `
<br /> pa�er at nle od u�otlwr re�edta pese��ed�7�PAYcabk bw.t.eader slall be estklad to eofiect M e:petm�ircQred
<br /> I��t�e re�edb ntde�r tYit p�r�t�pi �7�(�elydly�6rt�ot Wtited tay rdpc�a�ie�hEor�er'[eei ad ooM�of
<br /> tiHe e�ideao� .
<br /> It t�t�po�er af sde M inW�ed�Te�t�e�tt retoM a�otioe ot defR�it ia e� dwdy tr wri�'� ayI�ast d tre
<br /> Propeet�i�loated nd�6�1!aW cup;es d fa�eetioe ir tYe��ar prdarikd�y appli��apte rw��o earrnwer aa0 b txe
<br /> ot�parod w'�crib�d 67.PWi�b1e�.n.At�ar tie ti�e req�rea�y,ppliabte 1�.�e e1�aY�iro pbYe aotioe or
<br /> tafe to�peasors and ta ttie�ar�er pracrlbtd b��p�WtitDle iaw.'i5�tee�wit�t de��d at Borrowar al��d tre
<br /> Proppt�at pnDlic amctlo�to!b��l�t�Wder at t1e tta�s awl pboe�ud u�de�tle term�de�pu�ted t�ttie aotioe nt Mle
<br /> io o�e ar �o�re p�roel��d t�aq order Tro�tce dd�ea.'l5ruxtee ma�po�tpo�e�le d�Y oer aa�{arod ot tl�e
<br /> �-�RlN�7 t�sos) Py�6d• InNI�N:
<br /> 1�• �.k���i"1t�
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<br /> ;:T.,�.��i���'ia�'i.rA�Y�i'i '1.w' �ars — _ --- - __ .a .- - --- --
<br /> -. e!c,r.s�..,Ar.m.,,c:�t:l -'.SA'���47��� fT.I. .
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