. . � �..� L C�-1, , i ..'S-..-.-�._. . . . _ ��. C4 _
<br /> .. :t- - �--..��- _' � ' _ -{�:.� r_�, S Q'r�'.
<br /> . �- L..�C.�_... � _ ' . 9,- '
<br /> ��.� . . . • � �.lb ' T
<br /> �a "i_ r 4�� �'t�t" _ --_ - . . �� � - ' ti—_: _.�a` , - r.i=+-=^'- -
<br /> r�. .>„�.' , s s d.' ^` : ' � . � r-. -- — � ` , y�--y-.i.— 1 __.
<br /> ( �G ; ,�n�r.,` t '�' \..�<�`, _t � --.iT' ' . +#� i '
<br /> - '� ..c y tk ' • � ..s �� ` . ' .e� 4 � ' .. � !'' .�( `c� , r.�,�<`i. r � �
<br /> - �� • '�c . �. •t 't' . _ . . . G-
<br /> � f'( �F � v k- ��,
<br /> � �: c u. , `� . -r �c , • • `C ' ��t, - . `� <<
<br /> .. . � .F. jF� . . .�7- . . .� [ . •_ it`+.� .. � � . . �� . - 4a _• .Y.`.. . � `�` �4. `•C,, '
<br /> — �_��\• ' ' . •_�_�rw.lr�. ` ` _ _ .
<br /> ` .� � � . . . . ` � . .
<br /> — �4. ..: � � � � . � l ` ���~ ���d'i�iva�teiy � `
<br /> � ' p��c�t by��ouat o!the pm�Qs�p1ie�by me faltowiag fras�on:(a)the wtal am�nt o!�e sums secure
<br /> rac
<br /> � ' 6eEore th�taking.divtQed by lb) the faIr markct vetue oi t�e Froperty bmrtr�dintcly Befo�e �e taktng. My Daiaace sbalt be p�[d to
<br /> -- .. . � . 8orca�rer.Li�he evem'af e part}�l ta6�ing o!the $ropecty tn wE�ttia fa{t msr�et valur af tho Fraparty immedIatsly 6efo:e the takiag ,
<br /> •,�.•� ( i�tess�an Q�e a�wuni of�he smms secured immediateiy be4'ore tLe takiag.unt�a Bosra�ver aad Lender a4ierwise agree in aririticc►gor imta¢s` `
<br /> ,, _
<br /> - . , appliraDie�aw otheiuri�e pwvtdes.tD�pro�ats s3ssll�e e�tied to the sums�ecured by th�5ecuriiy iasvucaent vihe8►er ar not 4�e Bums ..
<br /> -; =--- - - -- are Qen due. ` °
<br /> du
<br /> - .~:'�� ;� It�!u t�rapr.�tjt�abandoaW Dy Eorrower.at if,aRer aotIcc by l.endet w Borroaer thu,the condemnor offers w make aa award
<br /> � ` � r� � oi r,ente a claim[ar daa�g�a.Sarrower faits to cespotsA to l.ender afthin 30 days oftet tDe Qa�the aotite is gtven,Lend�r is au�orit.ed
<br /> �_ ,�� :` - --`. ---__�colte�t and apptg dse Qso,ce�s.at its aptian. ei�er w restoiation or repair of the Praperty ar w d�sums secured by thts Sec�rity _�
<br /> ---
<br /> �� •<. .� . .. . _ _ . - -. . -
<br /> tastrument, wh�er or aut d�a due. , '_ � ' � �
<br /> `..�, . , � , ; Untess I.endor anQ 8orroGer o�e:a�ise agree in wrltim8,�Y aPP�c�lIon of ptoceeds ta prm�pal shali not extead�r postQoae .
<br /> .•°� referred to in ara ha 1 and 2 or cLaage thc amuunt nf sar$Qayments• .
<br /> . , the dua date of the muaQily p�ymentE P S�P �
<br /> • ns
<br /> . 11.BograwerNot���o��B9�ende�'Nat a Wnivec Ex�asiun of the wne for Qayment ur madifkation of
<br /> ; %', ` , amottization of Qs�s�s secured by thts Sec�uig►Inswmeat grai[ted by I�nder ro anY succe.ssot in inte�est of Borrowex SLaR nat operate . ;
<br /> ,/�yf '. `,o u .
<br /> � to release the liati�ityof the or�gaalBormwer or Hor�wePa succossors in iat�re�t. Lcnder shaD not be�eqnited ou rommeac�s pmceedings
<br /> ;. -�;`', 8gaiast;my yac�.surin mterest os tefuse to ear�ad time for paytaent arotI�eswise modify amortoatiau oftbe soms seaued bytt�is Serauiry .�.f
<br /> me
<br /> � .,, � Instrument by�eason of acry demau�made by Qie origtaaD Bo:rower br B�rmseer's a�sors ia iaterest. Airy forbeataaoe by Lender ia
<br /> ,'� . . ,•;� eaertisingazry rtg,ht os remedy shail aat 6e a waiver of or preciude the exercise of aay right or cemeedy- • - ::
<br /> 1Z.Suocessora end Ass€�ps Bamtd;�ofut�Sevetr�lldaDSlity:Co-stgaera Ttis covenants and agreemeats of tlils Seearitg ',�r
<br /> - � 'y.�..`�,� • Inst�nent s6aflbmd aad 6ene8t the sutxesso�s snd asstgasof I�nder and Borrower.subject to die provisioas,of paraBtaPF�17_Bormwer's �� .
<br /> �. , ; ..'.
<br /> � � ` _ :s.,,�.;;:.1 , . covenantg aad a�eetneais sBaII be joiffi�s e v e r a l. A a y Borrower w ho c o-s i g n s t h i s S e r u r i t l►I n s�m e n t 6 i rt d o e s a o t e x e c a t e t$e N o t 2:
<br /> , . . - :� : .. .(a)-isoo-slg�tng�Is Seauity-Ta.str+�_�*-vniy.w..mortgage.:grant and..cQAK�:}tH�ai Borrower's intetest in dia�erty.rtnder[tre tErms af
<br /> . .. ._. _.. .
<br /> �
<br /> ` f � tLis Seauityr (b)is not pezsonaItY ubligated co PaY tfie smns secuse�by�is Seauity Insdrmae� (c)a g r e e s tbat Leddei--------- h
<br /> r„�„��.P�^ � �=
<br /> � ` ::.'� ant!aay oBier Borrower may agrze w e�en�,moddy.foi6ear o:icaice say xxammodatfoas w i t h ieE a N m 8 i e t e r m s o f t b t s 5 e Q u i h► " . ���,�';
<br />- - ,�� s :
<br /> „ . Inss�meat or the IQrne arahnut t�at Bormwer s coasent a�Y�
<br /> --i::.. :'...,. 13.Lnan Charges. Yff the toan s�by t5�s Sew:iry Iastrament is subjece w a law whic6 sets maxha�•Wan charges.an4 �,.,�:
<br /> ` , .. . ,: . ,, ;;: tb&t iaw is finaUy e��pteted sa that ihe mterest ar otltet-loan cGarges coltec�ed or Lo 6e coIIe�ed in.cbanectina.tvi��e taan.exCeed�_ •,'>;'r,..-
<br /> :��' peimitte�limits.�tiap:.fa)an3+sucb loaa�arge sLaU be�edaced try tLe amouat IIecessary w reduce 4►e cbarge w�e perraime�limi�and ' t�—
<br /> ,�' t�irs c"Ube tefUndeB w Borcower.I.ender may choase tn maYe � .
<br /> ���- -.._ �_. . _@)�l+��collecied fmm�orcawcr whlrb exceeded Pe*mired � - - — -
<br /> � �is reflmd by reducinS ths P�ccypal owed ander�e Note or by maic�a�Paymeat om Sono�ir�r.tt' . . �
<br /> 'pat ,
<br /> _� , , , ._ eeducdon anUbe a�eated as a pas�aal P�epapmeat wifhout aaY P�P�� �e'u¢�er tt'^��ote. . _
<br /> � 14.Notfces. Aay ac3�m Borrower pmvideQ for in tt�is S�r Instrumeat sF�i��iven by delivering h oi bY mi�tng it bp : -_
<br /> . ' �:'�i'; • first ctassma�7 ua!ess applicabte taw ceqaires as�of anottEer method. 'lTie aorice sl�aD be d�d to t��L�BIIj�AddtCSS Of 8L}r OSICT .'�- _
<br /> ..�,,,.:...
<br /> -� :, . .. �: .,���};. a d d c e s s B o r r o w,�s 5�s i�a t e s b y a c t'u e m L e d�A n y n o 8 r e t o Lender shall be g i veu[ry first class ma7 ea ILa�der's addtess stated heretn �,�•,�`
<br /> ,:: �:•:> � �.F'�;;f'�`'�' or a�pr otLer ad����.eader de�nates hy noti�to Bortower.An}r nodce pmveded for in @tfis Seanrity Iasuu�t shaU be deemed w have � -
<br /> i;%i',;�r`t:`�� �_ '�1`.-�, been given.io Sairdvver or I��when givea as pmvlded in 8us parag�apb. � � `�
<br /> 7�1t� �, �-'
<br /> � ,,� � .� ,,! 1S.C:a v�r n i n g I.aR;Seve�u6ility.This Seauityr iastrumem shall ba govemed by fedetal 1aw aad me few of dre jurisdiaion in -
<br /> � ; -. . '° ; �
<br />-.:�. ,,. ;, ;. .;t�r�. Nluch dta Ptope�g•'Es Iocated. In the eveeatt mat any provision or ciause of t�'s Se�uriry,last�nent or the Natc coaflicts w i t b app II c a b t e .
<br /> n
<br /> , ', F 1aw.sicsti wnff�,�:9 nat affeq other pmvisions of this Secuiir}r Instmment ar the.Note�hIch can 6e given effect wiikhout the conflict�, ��
<br /> �:';.:;'::�`;: �:, •:,.'..�•�. —
<br />-�: „, � pmvision To t�s��d the pravisioag of d�is Sesurity Iasuumeat aad tl�e Nat�tue declar�d to be savemD2�. __
<br /> ���' ' �� � ° ' � 16.Borrawer'sCo Hoirower eball be given one conformed copy ot the•No�end of this Secnrinr Iastrument. ' --
<br /> ,,,,,.,•:,.:..�;: �. -...__
<br /> �r',�� ,:..`, rr,�� �� If aU or mi�j patt of dte Praperty or a..^�5�nst tn it f� --
<br /> N��,::;'_`r-;;;;:.�� �• iT.3l�aaslerotttiepropertyoraBensfcctalleiterestinBorrower. _--
<br /> '���s��%3;. ' -'• �• sold or vansferred(or if a beaeficia}interest in Borrower 1s sofd or uenst'erted anA Borr�isnut a natnral persan)ard�ont Leader's . _:
<br /> .�.:,�„�rss��#.� prlor wriuen co�;.�,.txader may.at its op�.cetNire immedlate psya�e:�i in tYU.of aII eroma seciued,by tbis SecvritY Instn�eni . � _
<br /> "��-;�'� r�'.•`_R� Hawever.9iis��shall not be eaercdsed��ader if exerclse g pmtu't.i�i+�i�l+federal law as of the d��'�f�ia Security Instrumzr� -
<br /> '� �f{`�'�.r,'
<br /> ,;�;,', ,� If p,er►�er gxeccisest�Ls op6on,Lender shaU giveBorrower nodce aL��sceieratton. Ztie nattce�`pmvide a period`of uot tess.,' :.
<br /> �"�`��.;� . ? ttian 30 da s fmm Qie date the nodce is detivered or matled wUhin which Soriower must pay all sums sec�ed dy tLis Secutity lnstrumsn� `:---
<br /> -��Iirv�t��;..• . r,�it. Y� h :w:;;
<br /> `` '_� 1f Bonower faiIs m a Stese smns prtor to�e e hraSan of thls rlod,Leader may iavoYe temedles permiued by this Securiry
<br /> .��'�:i�� -. .;�... F Y xD . Pe � --_--
<br /> ���+����� ' " �� Ltstrumeat wiaLoat Porther notice or demand on Borrower: � . � -
<br />_�. ::.•, �• �. ,: ;�::;.._
<br /> ��:,r,y�;:. . '•'' '18.�easower'sRi�►t W Itetuslate. If Bonower meets certain a�Gidoas,�orrawer aha11 have 4ie tight w 6ave enforceme�: w.:-
<br /> �;..,�3;;:.;..,
<br /> �"; , rc..,�,.t�:•,.�;•:� of thls Sec�uity H�sument discoatinued at z�r time pdar w�e earlter c�:r�)>S days(or sucb o�er perir�as applIcable 1aw may speci��:• ��=•-
<br /> �,•`�'--''•:•-; for reinstatemem) �efore sas x��e Froperty pursaant to any►power of sa1'e con� in tLi4 Secar��lS�sttument: or(b)eutry c�s, ��_
<br /> '�'�"-:�-"'••'' ' .*� judginent enfosciag Qils Sectuity�suument.Thase condiriors r.re Qiat Borroaet:(a)pays L�der all sums vl�icbthen would bs due and�r� '==-
<br /> � .. !=-°;:_�:
<br /> . r, '�: •*� • this Securuy Instaament and tL�Note as if ao acceleradon ea�rred:(b)cvres any defauts�Saay,mher oc:enanss or ageements: (c)DaYa �___
<br /> �•'�....'�'. �:. .,. '�'� all expenses imc�d in enforcing this Securiry Instr�ungat, inoluding,6�t aot limiud m.reasonabie�eys'fees;aad(�taYes sir�.,TM • _.-
<br />- ' = :�. •�Y-:!. —-
<br /> - acdon as Lender may rasanaDty require to assvre that 4ie tten of this Sec�aiay Iastrumenb Leuder's rig�ss i�the Froperty and Boaowee� . •
<br /> "'`':.•' � �) obligptfon w pay the sums secured by this Securlry inswment shall continue nacLanged. Upon reinsmtemeat by Borrower.th�s SeecIIi6.6� � _
<br /> �� � . �7 ' iaP;i
<br /> "'�- � .*�. �`•'__
<br /> .. Farm (page 4 of 6 pages) '�";-
<br /> := .s:._
<br /> i� , - Wa�leb Uxument Systrav.lnc. ����
<br /> , � Borrc,wer's tnUl�bO��„�"�"
<br /> °� .. . �'�' .
<br /> ' �.';. '
<br /> _- _`. •'�' • • - .
<br /> „ �' . ,
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<br /> � ' � . ' • . . � - • . ' _ •, .. . � ' ' . . . � . �A� .. �1 � :!.� ..-'. .
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<br /> � . . ` i. . . . . • . ' '-
<br /> . .
<br /> A:�n.. . _.. , . . . . , . . . . . •
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<br /> ' - . . • . . . t,-.. • . . . . . . - .. . . . . .. . .
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