;., . , g "� .(j 1`.f�.'i�j __ _ � . s;w-u�tv+..�•. -- . . �_ M,�,, L , k k t t� g
<br /> � �t' `.�*� �'� �. S h�'s`:�-` �Y��;�'� � _ �.._._—,�'��h'�'� �.,��t. 'T—c ._r
<br /> , .�r-�:.L�? . ,``j'c':. —s°f:i�, o � -.a .�,f �- -F �� T _`�:::�;3�4.`�:..—...,aE..-.'�Ha���t .. �
<br /> �� � < r�,�a� ��.
<br /> - , - t' .. .4 S � . ya� .C �G{T . . .,C
<br /> .� '`��. :` .Y ��',4 -S� � r 'z, �.`�, �s � ' . "s�. ,r . �. t .
<br /> . < <t� t
<br /> 'r ._ .r�.. � s'. s+c-� ; � ' ' � . �.�> . m.n....
<br /> .c ,, a n. ' .s. `br ' ` 'c £.' .. n :cF` �yNrs rv* � .� '
<br /> � `t s+ .Gi " . �. < �. �- �-c � . f�..A�' ' v .. ' < '• , � i . ! ..$';rc ,
<br /> 1 .k5• r ....`\�..` t ,. � tF 'j 1� i� ,�' .[_ [S V• ��,�y .
<br /> _ .•.�.�. ."t;'._'�, . - � ' .t. ..G ' . _
<br /> ' ..h�.i.a._ �` `:il... • • . .
<br /> t. . , • . ,
<br /> - .4. ..•4• � . ' � ' ('. .
<br /> - - :,�. '�;�` : : . � . ���- ������ �;`' .
<br /> - '•c.::°4� . ,. . ceaewa!aoticea. 1n t�e eveat af Ioss,Barrowa sLall g[v�Pmmpt no�e w[Le lasuraace catrier and I.ender:LEnder may maYe proaf of
<br /> _ •�' �oss it not made promptty Dy Borrower. . � � .
<br /> Un�e'ss I.e�ter aad Barror�er athe�agree m urciriug,insataase pmceeds�hall�e,applled ro tesLOratmn or reg3ir af�e
<br /> - _ " � , `},�i r p�D��Y damaged.if the cesmration or repais is ecoaomieaIIS+feas�le aad Ieader's sacmlty is nnt tessenad..If d�resmtatioa ot repair , ''`�
<br /> ' • ai '
<br /> �"�. � ' �oWd be fesseQed,�e insu�ance pracee6s s6aU 6e appl�d ta ahe soms seaired bg this 4
<br /> • � , i3,aat eoocomiratty feasihle or irader's sccuriry :.? '�.
<br /> - r,-�.. - :', g��y�ort� whetter ar aot then Cua,with amY ea�c�sDafd w Hanower.YP Bortoc�rer a6aadons the Ropercy.ar does not ans�ver .
<br /> � . ciimin30Qaysanattcxfromisn8er8�aeH�eit�arancecerri,.�rLasa�tosAa£ea�im.tdicnl.endermaywtfecttLcinsurauseQraceeds.. -
<br /> - ' �'',`-~°�"".�.,��""`�. Lguder aaay uss 0e Dmeceds to repair or�estore the Froperry ot w Valt�suured by this Seturity�nt. whether or not tiien �
<br /> — ."�• ,;.` , dne. T6�30-dsy pertod aiD be6Ia whca�e aotice isgtv�u. : , `
<br /> ,...
<br /> , a
<br /> �:�-�'.�:T--�._�_, [tnte�s Lea�st_au0��[mvtsr a$elwise.agrass�writtng,nnY aPDlisat�On af procee8s tn principat shell not eaceud or postg�one •
<br /> : � � --—the daQ Qate ot t�o a�nnII,lY PaY�ents�+eferred to in pisagrapLs 1 aa4 2 ar ctiaage d�amowu or'dnc qayuxa�: Ii ur�s��gr:�� , �.
<br /> . • _ F, tb
<br /> �e Pcoperty is ac�uuued Ay l�nder,Bormxcr's tight w any atsuraacs potisfes stt�praceeds resutttag from dama8e w the Pmperty�stnr o.
<br /> . : ��' . ; ', w the esquisiti n ehaU pus to Le�s,Q.�eRr to•Q�ie,.te�xt�tt of ttse snmns.�s�e�c,uwr�ea Dy�a�1s�SecuritY Ins�t tr�med�t��Y pnor w�he acquisuioa. �.-,
<br /> ° ecur e1.��,. •,. ���st,, *,,�,.,�
<br /> .'''f.� ; -y... 6.Q�Q��i1��tuwI21 1�aaLO��.I�,{�QL�'��rILSC{Ai�a�YW��.y1 Difi+VY�ir�aW'��N4�W�71!�IG��1� ` . �Fr�.':
<br /> �� },- .Bor�awetnhallocc�r.establLsL.an�usetIleProgertyasBorruwer'sprimipalresidencewhhfiusuuydaysaftertheexeeutionofthfs�Secaricy
<br /> . Insuua�eat and e5a11 coatiaLe to occuPY��P�S►as Burtower's ptiacf�al residence for at teast one Year after ohe daoz of ocwpancy. , .
<br /> � ,.,,` • uniess Ixnder b�erwise agrees tn�ag,wetc�conseat sEall no3 6e uarelso�bly wtt�ttetd,or ualess exteaaadn$oa d�or cammit � -
<br /> . •. are beyaad Bo�ro�er'a eoatrol.Boaower shaaU not desteoy.dama$e or impair tlle Fraperty,altow ffie Property ,,:
<br /> U '
<br /> ,whqher av�7 or crim�al.is begun�at m -x*�
<br /> . , � waste on die Pcopert!►.Borrower sbaD 6e a�dab�IIt�iF anY forfeimn �ction or prQaed�g �,_�,..
<br /> ' � . . . � Leeder'a goa0 fai�jrcd�at cauid resolt in farfeinne of dte Propecty ar o8ietarise materiallst imDait the lien created 6y dus Securi►Y > ��
<br /> rcd b 18,isy ransmg Q�e �:: ..
<br /> `..� , ';: . � �: Insm�ment or�'s security iaterest. Borrower m�y aue such a d�fantt aad remstate.as provided in para8rap �,,,.
<br /> . � . . �. • aainn or praocedmg m be dis�st�with a mtiag tbat.in Lende�'s gooA faitb detecmiaatiaa,Precludes fo:feiaue of the Barmwer's inr,ecest -
<br /> _ � 'L.;.:.-`=---•�" • * or ' inttrest.
<br /> . , , � Bonower
<br /> . . � : __.__._ .-� �tP�Propettyrotv2�ermatesrial-imy►airmeat ofthe-t�c�eated by�L�,.Sa�tt,.�.�._-'"'�"_..... ..---.......__�.---.-.-------.-.-.- --.-
<br /> . ma -. .........._
<br /> l.ende�s � '•���„
<br /> ::; ' also be ia detautt tf Bocrower.dnrfag the laan appl�Catton pracess.gaae mat�rially fatse or ina�carate informatIon or s�ts to L�ndet� �
<br /> - �-�---r___r_,_...�..���:=- ia w�aa�ith 6ie Io3n evide�ce0 U9 ti�Note,iacIadisg.bui aat limited . ���,1i�
<br /> ���. . (or ta�ed m provlde Leuder wiSi any materta{mfa�nati�a} isan a teasetiald, •��-=
<br /> , . ;`, , w.representa�i.oag tancem�ng Eorrowe�s oaupaacy of t�e Prapercy as a principal ces�e. �f th�5ecurity instrc�ment ��,;=
<br /> BonoWer sLall camply wit4 a11 the pmvisions of the lease. If Borcower acquires fee title tn the Property.the teasehold and @ie fee tuIe ��,.
<br /> >. � . . _�:� .
<br /> • ,.�. . - @ie er ia wnqsia . � -- - -- -
<br /> : �,, shaU nor merge anless Leaaer agrees to e t�erg ' 8 -- ••`�'`�.:
<br /> ., � �. -- - - _
<br /> - • 'Ll �'�' •. T.Prote�tou of I�euder's Rights ta ttte Peoqeriy.If Bonawer fa�s w perform the coveaants and agce�entg coisniaed in ,
<br /> � _
<br /> � .-� , � ---- - -BiisSepuig(InsCarmea�.03 theie is a 1ega1 Proceediu8 t�t.ma3►$j�9 affest Lender's rigS�in"the Pmpe�tY(sutb as a pmo�eEiaB -
<br /> the e
<br /> `�' ` ' in 6w1an1ptc�► pro6�te.fos wndemnation or fotFec re or��fort�tawsarreguI�io�s);f�-�+eads:aag da ac!!�ay fo=-^'lmt�:a�ls-- �- --_—
<br /> necessnry w.pmtece�he valQe of�e Propeny and LeadePs rights in�he Property.Irr�der's acaons may}nc�da paytag a�ry sums securoc! .,._._-
<br />.�; ;.
<br /> • �:,: by a 13�wI�h Gas priority over dtis S�rity Iasuniment.apgzarin�in coart.➢aYfiB r2asonabie auameys'fees snd e�rfag on die Yroperty _
<br /> . `:;y;s::•:t' '' w 1�e�eFairs. Al�uugh Lender e�.y mYe ac6oa uader thia P�S�DD 7.Lender does not�a�e to do so. • -
<br /> -.�a•�: .
<br /> - ,�..;;:�ri:` r f My amou�dlsbwsed C��zuder under �is paragraph 7 sLaU become adQitional d�bi of Borrower secured by th25 Secutiey �,�°-�-
<br /> N„'.�'` . :.r :: e . Insaumenr. Uatess Bor,rocver and'I.ender agee to offier terms of paymen6 d u s e amann� s i�a a i l6ear iaterest fmm tl�d�te of � -
<br /> ':;f. •;:'•::.'.',s;�;:�:,� . disbotsetnent at the I1ota rate and s6aU be paya8le,wim iffieiest.upon aodce fmm Leader to Borrawer reqaesdag Vayment- ' ::
<br /> � � �" •.,. S.Mortgags Insarance.If Leader requued mortgage fiasurance as a coad"uion of m�8 dce taan seaued by dsis Security =_
<br /> ' •���:��_'�.'�`� �� r to maintain tha mortgage 9nsvrance im e�.`7�t.If.for any reason,the moztgage _,.-
<br /> ,r_, . ;,�,�+,;: 1nst�eat, �ormarer shaU pay�e gsetaImns equired ---
<br /> ; �;�,... ,.:,. ..: tn obta;x►4overaBe --
<br /> ti' ' }, w� ,, m����savetage tequired by leer�ca lapses or ce�s�s to b e in e ff e c t,Bo a ower shaU p a y t�C�emnm�s reqa�ed . --
<br /> « , ' s�maliy equhraleffi w the mor�;e insuraace prevtousty ia e�6,at a cost.sabssandalIy eg'�;valent to�e cost to Eom7a^°�r af the .
<br /> .�t.'" '"•.11�'.',�Rr4t
<br /> ��-�`i•''';,.�.�;.� , mortgage insntance previously in effict,from an a]temmlte mortgage iustuer ap,proved 6y L�:ndet.If sabslaatiaDy equivs�tem moitga8
<br /> .�. � �` insurance coverage dsarsi available,Honower shall pay to Lender each mou0 a sum equat tu one-ta'e1f�3 of�e yeattymortSa80 iasuranee
<br /> r��t�..�.:,Ff.:F,�.i M - ..c_'
<br /> 'i�;�J'1`,,,<f:.��:' premi�m beiag paid by Borrower wA+en tha insurance covernge iapsed or ceaseA to be a�effea.Lender wlllaccep6 use an�reafisa the�e
<br /> �s'��i'n�.�,.-'��� no lon at�e o flon of Leuder,iY •
<br /> -.���„`� �;__.�-� • paymests as a toss.nserve in 1�c.�t��rtgage Insu�utct.Loss tesQSVe paYmems may Ser.��t�d.. P .
<br /> ���t^•�.°'�.' mortgage iasurauce coveragie(in�'u�c"..ount aad for the perioA a's�1�.eader requIres)pmvidec�L*�an finsurer approved by 1�Cr aBam.
<br /> ��`�7 �• 6ecomes ava�able�3 is o�tafiIIed.Baaoaiei shail pay 0e pnati�s recNhtd w a�ah�ain morts'a8e aRUiance in effea.or tts�srovlde a
<br /> '�' loss reserve.ann7 tls�cequirement for m4������ce eads io'accorQaace wtth any ariuen agreement hetween 8orrawet and Lender
<br /> `'. ��
<br /> _• ..i�;''_.+ 9 .
<br /> �� \'... ot$pp1�1C�d'Y/. . .
<br /> r`:r.;,` �i - 9. aa. Lender ec ixs ageai may make masonable enuies upoa aad �ns of the Pmperty.Len4er s6alf gtve . .
<br /> "„ff�t�"` • � • . .
<br /> ' s'��!t��'" •, '� Bonower aotice at�e time of or pr��s w an inspection speciA�r�Br�asonable canse fot die�ec6oa
<br /> :. t�...; .4W�,�,, "'�.
<br /> _ : 10. Condemnation. 'Irr. }groceeQs of any award or claim for damages� daect cr.conseqaential:m canaeedon with aay •
<br /> `��";�i, ,: conQetnaation or other r�icing of a�y part of the Propeny.9r for wnveyance 1n lieu of coa�'raunadon,a�tierehy assfgned and shall be �
<br /> � n���-� u j�.�. , paie W Lender. • . _
<br /> ' ;�`' '`�pe�� _.''� . In the event of a wml rJcfng of�e Property�4�e pioceeds shaU be appfkd to Ece sums secure0 by�is Secutiry Instr�metu, --
<br /> . . •''�`'�'`�',•.;�`" ' ' a1►ether or not�en due.w;th an;��.a:ESSpaid w Borrower.In tha even[ota yartial taYimg eF6�Paoperiy in wh[c6 the fau ciaricet vatue _____
<br /> �� .:�,::,:.r�:,r
<br /> � ��. ,;'�,�,�i�;,�����;�• of the Pro�erty immed�ateIy tnz�:s C3.e salcin8 is equal w�or preater �aa the amount of�e Aums secured by 03s Securiry Iastrument
<br /> �;a;..�: ;,., � ..s9'�. lmmedIatety Qetore 4�s tak'�,r.,�4,s�orcower anO l.ender oQ►erarise agrec in writing.the ss�secured Dy�1s Seairiry Tnsuument sbaL --
<br /> t ��: . �. • , ----
<br /> .,i._;;�.;• s�. .�.� 3028 4 age 3of6 pages) "='�
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