;'i�>:._ T-`� '.f_ < . . /t� `�.L� ,I f --
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<br /> � T�- . , _ t , j�,. __ l 1 �t _ �,A . . � . A _� . ', .. _ '_'�_ sr'�` _`-._t�...e-F
<br /> r--'
<br /> . .it•` . c ��- ' .. < , . - f�, � p � .. .t t.. � ,f .
<br /> A ti� y, , , . � . � • 4' `� .
<br /> � } e.'�t. . , ,+ ` ..;- .k , 'k�c .r . .S. ��,• F'µ� , .,� " �
<br /> , G. �.3 i.5, : ^ . �� �� '�r - i.. ��. � f - �`�� . .
<br />. . - .. S. , �c-� �,. . . , .. .. . . ° � -. ��. . .. '� _ _.`/.-.
<br /> _ • � '.i.''�_ �Y.: ` ` . . ' ' _ " • . t� _ ' ,. .., �� r ' �t�
<br /> vb . .. ...r� 'c . .. . . . - S) �` • `�� �. , • • � , . ,'�� .
<br /> • , � , .. � `�i+,`<o- s ,�4.� k.. 'L 1.0-
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<br /> �. ` G�' y • . • ` ' . ' ` i
<br /> . `` . . �7 �. . � . , ���� i����� � ,.
<br /> • v'.3 . �i. �'.
<br /> • `= It�Strwaent aud me oDl'�attons asc�ued keseby shafl cemain fuUy eSe�tive as if no asu�eratioa 1►e1 occurreQ Hownver„�is rtg�t to ..
<br /> ' . ' re3nsta� shafl aat a3�ply tn the cast ot acceietadon under parsgrapb 17. ` `.° .:',.`_
<br /> � " . 19 Sale ot PIo4e;C6ao�e olLaan�ervtces.The No�or a parda!inteiest in 0e Notc(together with thts Securiry(nstcum�at) 4 .
<br /> e �
<br /> -- - _- . . ' may be sotd oae ar�note 6���iffiout prior abttce w Bflrrower.A saIe may resutt m a ct�ange in!he eatity(&nawa as the'Loaa Suvicer') .
<br /> �"'- � ehae eoIIeas nson@�Iy paymenrs due under @te Note a�dus Securfry Inst�umeu� Therz a3sa may Ds aas or mcrc changes of the I�an '`
<br /> ,` . .�� Servicer eu►tetated o�a safe of the Note.(f�ere is a change o€tLe Loan Senricer,Bozrower wW De g�ven written aotise of Qre cbange in
<br /> ' ac�corAance witb yaragrapb 14,abuve aad applicabia taw.lhe notxe w�l state the name aad addcess of the aew Laaa S e r v t c er a n A t h e
<br /> -=----".—� .. :d�tss��IL�?►gsvmxats P1uw1d 6e made.T he An t l c e w i l l a l so ca n m i n a n y a 9�e r i u f o�t i u a c e q a i r e d 1 s Y a g P l i c a ble law.
<br /> ' '� 20.Hazordons Suh�nnrea.Bamwer sha11 cut canse or pemut die prese�e.�e+a s p w a�: ',°.• --
<br /> pwaf:sah�.:>r rc.....s4�;�^� -. _ � .
<br /> � that is tn violatian
<br /> � Suhsmnces on or m the pmperty.Bortower shall not du,aor elIow aayoae else to Qo.eaytl�i�S a�g t���P°�5►
<br /> . -`` : ,:`� af�ry Eaviro�eatal Iaw.lhe pieced�ng two sentences sball not apph►to the Presence�use.or storage on 6ie Ptopetty af smait quantities "
<br /> . ;.: f. of Harar�us S�tisrances that are generalty�ecagnued ta b�appropriate m aonnal resi�eadal u3e.a aad ta mai�tea�ace of the Rope:tY• ,
<br /> ••j , Borrawu sbatl P�PUY 8�Lea�es wriuen notke of az►y imestigarioa.claim.demsnd. fawsait or other actiun 67► �Y
<br /> ,, goveramQmal or regulatory.ageacy or Fr4�P�3►urvoivingthe Ymperty and aay Hazarda�s Sbbsanoe or Eaviroamcntal Iaw of whicb � :
<br /> Ha ard ,;
<br /> Borro�ver das acmal�owledge.If Boirower leazns,or is Qadf'ied bY aaY g°vemme�l°r regatat°ry au�ority,dmt a�r temovat or other .,,
<br /> •:,.• .: ,:� tt rake aA necessuY cemedial acxions �` :.
<br /> � remedtation of a¢y Ha7arQous Sabstamce�g the•�iOPenY is a�ss�.�t4ower s6ali pmmp Y en
<br /> .:;:x�'��• , �;i�,�'
<br /> �.• �`: �:'. ', -� t ia asco�•atu°wah E mmpmental law. ,"'...
<br /> ' . • �:';q ' As used in th's paragapb Zi1.'Aaz�daus Snbstaaees�are ti�ose sabstances defm�as m�dc or harandous suhstauces bY
<br /> . � ..
<br /> - �F�vtmnmental Iaw and Qte folIowing snbstances:gasoli¢e.kecosene,o@�er ttammabie ur toate�mleum pmdaas,to�[ie pesrietdes�d
<br /> ' . , - •. nerbiciaes.volan7e solveass.marertaJs ca�g asbestos el�yae, aad ' 'e nats.�nsed�'m mis D�L zo, .
<br /> _. ... :.r,,.:•.,��-.° .
<br /> ;,:,,..,
<br /> Ot f0INa1d fd�I03ChV ID2� . �•
<br /> . :. _..:- .. ..: .. . - - - - � - -of �tmsdtcuon w � r[Y is.l _ . �ea1!b,.--... ..... .......... . .
<br /> � . �•Eiiv3romnen7:il�i:atn'm�ans� ral--laws and Iaws the . . . here prape • acated W � �
<br /> `� . emriro�ental protection. ;
<br /> � � . .� ,- PI8N�I3ffORM COdENANTS. Borro�ver and Lender furB�er coveaant and agr�as fo]Ioovs: . - _ :
<br /> . , �, .
<br /> • ,�; ; Zl.Acceieratton:HemedIes. I�der sbnD gtve noflee to Sarcowes prtor w aoceie�n foltowlQg Borra�s6reac� �,
<br /> :,<::`• ' _ ��y�cenant os�greement in Wis Sec�[ty Instr�rat(bat na;Dr[ur ta accelerettoa ander parngraDb 17 tmiesa npplis�ble � .
<br /> g� �
<br /> ��-., :... %'• :. .; .♦..,
<br /> ' . ' [aw praviiT.es o1&�)• 1�e IIotfee L'3�9D-sp2�IfpS(e)tpt��efitolt�N)th2¢C�o1�[eq�4o C13;etht deYtt�(¢)R d?tCsuot lCS9. _. '.n,
<br /> � tGan 34D cTays framtfle date tiie notice Lv gtven t�Bonower.�ywi�ich the def4ultmust ba cmed;and(���s faitmre to care the ,� ?;,_
<br /> � reavlt�n a�e�n�On o f W e sinms�,6y�S S�9�n s�'� ���'
<br /> • D
<br /> '� .". --def�aIE�-or8ec�t�,►2t�L2dsG^,�.3ta ° ^ m�l' '�'�
<br /> •.k....• -.;: . pad sa��'Fttie 1'eopestg.'l�e ne4ic�e s�Il tmRhes infosm Bor¢�er ot ttie rtght W reln�te� tee a�tt an�t�right4a-" ��
<br /> ;�' ,.: *' 6atng ra�tt�ri actfoa�ass�at t�$�euce oY n defantt m:�q athet defe�se o4 Borrow�rto Accelera4[on aud s�•Itthe .r,.
<br /> • � � � cIetauEt�c�nt c�eeda�s+ns 6efore the date specifte�ta the nottce.Le�desa3 ILs optton�y requtre[mmeAista DaYtuen4 i¢�!hA yu:_
<br /> . , c
<br /> . mf aD sa�us se�1��is�earrity Inslrameait wfthoai Qtuther deman�l aa�l map i�o�c the power oi sale and any other � ���:
<br /> . . ¢u =
<br /> . �'�. . u Ie law. Leader�s91D 6e entltled W coIlect aD expease�iac�eed in pua�ing the remedies . -,-_'
<br /> , .�;;.� . ee�xd.ea peamitte8[hY PP�� --_---
<br /> _ . provfi�Y;xi4En thts paraY�raPb 21,inctudinS,�ut noi IImited W,e+�sonabie s�tor�eys'fers aad t�sts otti3Ie ea$dease. :';�s�;;
<br /> ' ' tithe poweroislle ds i�o�ed.11r�steP shali recarda�ce oldefnt�Ft in each co�ntY tn�lilch smy(�tott�1�iropertg �'
<br /> � � Is locate8 andshaD mafl cdpies oYsaich uastce[n tIIe mannez�erlby appllw6Ie tawto 8orroweiand to ibe ot�-pexsonv [�
<br /> . � : prescribed 6y uppl�ge taw.After the ttm$req�.�by applia+ble law,Trastee s�ll gfive pablic notYoe crEsz3�z to t�e persans 4.;-'
<br /> . '�'•r¢ and in t��er preseribedbyapptic�62e law 4�fee,wfthont demand on Bortower,sl�i seD the Pmpeuayat pablic aucdon �:':--
<br /> ; 1 -
<br /> `; -
<br /> � '�� � to the f�bidder at ths dme stnd place and ent3er the terms desfgnated in the not[ce ot sate in oae os mon parcels and _ __
<br /> ��.; ;�"�%' :,r.t fa any oFder 1Yustee detcrmiara.�se ma�+Dos�pone s�e ra4at'I or nny parcel olttee Prapert9 bY PubSic annau�ent at =--
<br /> z , 4�Froperiyst any s�te. ...: --
<br /> � the tIme aad ptace ot nny prsviou�j awtteduled sale.Lender�R'�:r�esig�cee mp�Pureh�. t .
<br /> ����;:�,���' Uponreaiptofpaymentdq�tieprtoebid,Trosteeataal?�-v�tt�6`u��shaserTrastedsdecdco�eydmgthsProperiy. . _
<br /> '�s':�' - i.. 'l�e redbol8 In t1�e Trostee's deeAsLati be prlra�C�duu evidemce of the�o7f�3ca atatemeeta made thern3n. Tru�ee aI�D apDjY =-
<br /> --,�.*. . •..�;�r�
<br /> � � '- tE�e Pioceeds of the sate in the foBowtng ord�s C��w ad�cos�s eud e:pensea o!eaerctsfaS dn Po�rsr'c{3',sa1e,ond ttu sate, . -
<br /> ,'�.��� , ��`; ir►ctudi2,g the payment ottha 1lrasiee's fees gstaaQy tnsorre�not w e=ceed 96 of tfle prtacdy�'i s�o�t of the ao�at __
<br /> , .•_ :. -
<br /> •• ' r, t�e ttm�.of tho dectaratlon of defaalt.and reasana6ie attotneys'fees as permdtte8 b�Iav�(b) to all:s�s secored 6y Wi9 ;�-
<br /> .'�:�•<;; , . ,
<br /> Seca�i�y Xnstrament;an�(c).anY excess to!8e person os persons 1ega4y entIttsd to it. ��.;_
<br /> u ; �; „ � xZ.Recoaveyance. lJpon paymeat of all sauis secareA by this Securlry Ia:gtramem. Leader �:l request Tnastte w � -
<br /> _;,�.`:�w::;,:�::.: reco�ey the Yroperry and shall surrender this SecurIty Insaumeni and all notes evidencing debt �i�ed bY diis Sectulry �. .��.
<br /> . .��:; Ins�xept �to'frnstEe.Tcus�e sha�.�recamtey the Property�i�it warranty aaQ without chasge to the�a or persons legalty �•.>•-
<br /> - ' � e�i4e�w it.SueL person os pe�+ca ahall PaY az►3!recorda�e�costs. , f_-_
<br /> _ .. ,'.`-�i• Z;.Sn6stitute 7Yastee.�der at its opdoa. may fron time to dme remove Tn�: and appoint a successor ttustee w ;°
<br /> . • ..,i azq Trvstee appoi�ed heteunder by an instruraeat recorded In the counry in wlilcL tbis Seccry'ry I n s tr u m eut is recorded.Wi t Q out =::=-.
<br /> • . ,: ��.ti comeyance of the Propeny.the successor uustee shall succeed w all the tide.Wwer sud dn�es confeaed upon 7'nsstee herein �--_.-.
<br /> . ' ,. � .t� and� , e Iscable taa. �y T
<br /> �Y PP� �. --
<br /> �.` -- - ?a.Requegt tor Notices,Borrower requesta tbat copies of tha notices of default ae�sale be sent w Bonoaer's addresa �'s-
<br /> - ` w]u�is the Property AdQress. •'�'",
<br /> , . ' •�... li . ..
<br /> ,
<br /> ., : ..�. ' (gage S of 6 P�)
<br /> � ',� aasvm�Sru�.�c. ,
<br /> ,� •# . Boeovrrr•,tnla�b
<br /> . , _ry�i+:: j ' ,
<br /> ', .�.
<br /> � . ' � ' ' � _ . . . . . , . • . � ,.r . ` ' ' ' , ` , , - � ' • . ,
<br /> ` � - -- - --- . ' ' .. � _- �-- ,.. �. . _ , .. . .. .. ' : ..
<br /> -. . . 1 . .rr,. . . .. � � . . . . .. .• .. . . . � . . ., , . . , � .� � .. � '' � , . .. • � .
<br /> � _ � � � - � , � . . � �' • i . �� � ..'`r.l � � . ' ' .. ' � • . .'1, 5•�• ' � ; . • . .
<br /> ' . ' , • .. . . . ' . . .. . . ! ..1 � � ' . . ' . . . . . .i. . .
<br /> � " .-'
<br /> . . .
<br /> . .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> . ... . � � ... .... - � . • i . ' . .:.. . . . . `.
<br /> ___ • . • ' '� • .. " . ' , � ' . ..` � . . . . .. . . . • . . ..
<br /> _ , .. .. � .. • -' , 1 , ' , ; . . t ' .� �. . . ' , . ' . ' . .. : . . � `'1 .
<br /> 'F: � ' .. - � � . . � � . .. „ � • , . � � • •
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<br /> . . . , . . �-. � ' ' � . . .._r. _ _. _.._.
<br />