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<br /> � THLS SECURTTY INSFRtT�fENT oombine,s m�form covena�ns for�tional �Se ana nonimifarm covenaars with limited � ' ,
<br /> , 'n� �'�` � variaaons Isy�isdisxioa m consti�a�iform seaniry insh�ent coverm8�P�'P�Y. • ' v
<br /> -- '�� �`_ , • • UN�HNt �OVENANTS. Borrower ancl Lender coveaaat end agree as followa:
<br /> �`` .. . � 1.Faymr��i Pria�3pat and ImLere�FrePaYment and I�te C6arges.Borrower sLai!prampdy pay when due the pr�a1
<br /> �- ' ` .,- of and intetest ou��t evideacgd by�he Naie aad aay prepayment and late cbarges due�n4er the Piote. `
<br /> — `,. '4.�ds��u�es antD ya�taence. SaD�act to applicable law or m a wtittcn araiver by Lender,Borrower shaII pay tn I,ender ,
<br /> _ _.�'; 3� , ,."
<br /> -• • •. oa�„cay monS�Iy ps�aents arc�e nuder tt�Na�,mtt��e No�is paid in fhll,a sam('Fimdsh for:(a)YearlYtaxes aad assQSSmeatg
<br /> ..�, .
<br /> � ` ,,,�;,tT,s, .. _ wbirhmay.affaifl.DitO�Y ov�i t�I,s.S�►Ins�nellt as a lien an Qte erty:(D)Yeatt�'[easehold paym�ts or ground renrs on�e ,- -
<br /> j . - - � �
<br /> __. .
<br /> : :, FmpertSi.if anY;(�)YearIY 6atard or pmpe�ty itisor�ce ptemfim�s: (d) Y�j9� �Vn-�Iii�� it�cy.:s; ;r",�,"i3'�'�-o . .
<br /> ;� f�
<br />-_� c,. .. ;• . . :,��,•�.Wss premiums.if aery;aad E��3►�PaYBble by Borrower tn I�ender.in accorQance aisb the provt�ioa`s of p�ragraph 8.in lieu
<br /> `. �_..4• .'�'.'�!�
<br /> ,• 4 af ihe Qaymeat otmortgage insurance premiuma 7bese iiQms aie cailed'F�cr4witems.•Lrender may.at any tima.colIect and hoid Fit�ds
<br /> - ,: �,,: �, '`. • • in an aawIIat nat rn e�ooe�d ttre mau6num amouat adeader for a faderal3y cetatrA mortgage loaa aaey cequfre for�orrawer's escrow -
<br /> .., `..�. `. aaouat un$er�e federal Reaf Estate Seettllement Fmcednres Act ot 15r1k as amenaed fcom dme to tDcne. l2 U.S.C.4 Z601 et �eq.
<br /> S "
<br /> . . . (`RESPA'),anless anatlter Ina sbat applies m@te['unAs sets a tesser amnunt. [t�n.Lend�r may.at any tfine.colleq aad 6old Funtls in •.
<br />= ' . , an amouat aot ro'exceed the tesser amau�t. Leader may estimate�ta nmo�at of.Fnads daQ ori•the basis of a�rrent data aad t¢asonxble ,�:.
<br /> . _ .: ;_`,.; estUnates of eApendf�rcs of tl�nsre $ssrow items or a�erwise i�uccorQanee wlth appticnbie taw. ',.
<br />_ � :. Ttie Fu![ds ahaU be t�eld'in en tastimtton veL4se deposILa ate insuted by a federal agena.y.instrumeataliry.or e�tity(isctnding ��
<br /> � "� �. Lender,if Le�der fis suc6 ao aatiwdoA} or in aay Federal Home Loan BaaY. leader eha11 appJy the Funds w pay th�Sscruw[flems. r�'�
<br /> . , . •' •I.ender may aot c5arge Berrower far holdiog aad a�piying EE1te Fwtda.aa3nuaUY ana{yzin$the escrow ascaum.es verdym$the '��xow Soem�.
<br /> Soe�.
<br /> aalesv I.�der pays Boirower,interest on tLe Funds and aDD1ic��ie faw p�it�Leadei to.maYe such a c6$sge. However.Lender may -
<br /> ��-.;'. . _ ._. ind real est�ta�c servi�eused by L�s m�o�on cvi�fhis toan. � ,
<br /> _ .. _,. . . ., Botm�er m pay a ac�ehatge for aa �nd�t ��
<br /> .,.�:_ . .. _ �... .. ... ... . ....�-D�- ------ ° � ---- � ' -
<br /> ..... - -�-�--�--._._...--�--..
<br /> . .,`. anless ap lieable!aw pmvide,s othetwise.UWess an agreement-is mzde�bi sp�tfrable�Gaw iequiies ia�ie�"to b�{said;I�enIIer shallnot-be---�- -
<br /> �-•.�.:'�:.-_'_ :�•�:_;i:` reqnired w pay Eanowes arry mtcrest or eaming�s oa the Fnnds.Bosrawer and 1.�nder,may agree in writiug.tioavever,t5at inierest sLa11 �;P.,°
<br /> ,'` , � be yaid on the Ftrads.Lender sual!give w Borrowec.without cbarge.an armual accounting of flte Funds.showing credits sad debits�to -
<br /> !
<br /> -� �e,Puads 2nd the pnrpose for whtrd�each debis m the Fimds wasmade. The Ptu�Os are pledged asaddItional.s�c•urityfor a]lsnms sewred ��'`� .
<br /> .._,. .< < by��,y Securir�Instntment , ' _.,...
<br /> • "' �r• •� � !�' If the Fuads hetd by LenAer exceed d�e am�ts permiL� to be Getd Ey appfleabte iaw.t.snder sTiaU accouni to Baei�aavei for:.
<br /> �. •� ;
<br />__ .,,t,<,., tfle excess Fuads in aoeordauce wdh Qte requinements,of appi�a'b:a iaw.Tf dte ammmt o��e P�ds 6eTd by Icnder at a�o�e is net �,�-
<br />_� � . � sa—f�"icieni w pay the Fscmw�w�n due,T.en�may su ana3y Bo�rower�w�idtrg��[ci,iu sm�r - n.-I�d�-r- � — -_-
<br /> _, _. _ B
<br /> u,
<br /> ffie amouat neces.s�r w make up the deficieacy.Ec�mwer stgII maYe up 8�e defictraicy m no more tban t�+et�e monS�ty pafznents.at � � ' _
<br />-a�' ��;',• ' • '�" , ` �';`� LeaQer's sole discre�on. �" . u_::_-
<br /> � �• ' . � � U on m full of all aums sewied by mts S�r.�"s�llustrameai. l+ender sLaU pmarp8y�fuBd to Borcower ary ff4mds tie1Q � i;y.:-
<br /> Q FaYment� . -_
<br /> ' , by Y.+�er.If�under paragtaph 21,Lender sHall acquire or se�fl�72roperty,Lender,prior to the acquisidon or saie of the Fr,�ercy.sball , �;^�
<br />�.�:: , , • �� _.
<br /> - • .' �•'��,- '' : • aDP%Y�Y Funds hetd Dy Lender at�e time of acquisiaon or��as a eredit the,sums secure6 by tLLs Security Ioabnanent. , _�
<br />- `��:;,.. , , ��._' 3.APgI�an of Playinenfs. Unless applicab�e ta�►pmvides otherwfse.aU paytneass r�ceived by Lender�der ParagraP3�s 1 �-=-
<br /> = .. ,� �'- � and 2�s4alt be app�iui:firsc.to any prepayment ch�es c€�e�er Qie Note;,second.to amaunts payable under patagiayh Z:tL'urd.w _ ._
<br /> '�:'�'�'�:'.•r� � 3IItes�SI.due:fowQ1,tn principal due;aad 1ast,w any ia�c�a��Qae imder�e Note. —
<br /> `'; ,r' ---
<br /> .,;,��1tAr�;S'��� �`.:�, --� r
<br /> . ,�,.^. •z. , �4.C6arges;tdens. Bo�wer shaU pay atl taxes,as�,.�5ss.�nrs.charges,fines anQ imp�sons auribwabte m the Ft�s'.'y which �.
<br /> . :;��r .��� ,. ti�a3+�ain priority over�Is Security Ivstrument. an4leaseEo:S g��ments or gra�d reab.�aay.Boaower s�U pay these a�i,�rt�!ns iu _
<br /> - ! � '�' �. Q�e waimer pmvid�ia pazagraph 2.or if noi pai�e�tbat maaner.Barrawer abaU pay them an time directly co Qie person otve��ueat. -
<br /> ;�,_:�:':.:'.:: '-+i�, � Borrower snail ptompttyr Ncnish tn Lender all acr�s oY anon�ta to De paid uuGer this paragrap�. If Bomawer makes Q�ese payments ' __
<br /> -,� ,;%.. �: ,•:�:i�� directlY.Bmrcawer sLall P�PUY furaisb to L�en�..°�'�c�cei�cs evidencing me payment�. - �
<br /> -�—:.�..
<br /> `'��.��,.. �...� ' � Hvimwer sTiali promptty disrfiarge aay Gea a+5��.s.�ioriry over�is Seevriryrasuumea�tuitess Bormwer:(aTa�ZS i�wrlting � ----
<br /> � k� to me paymeat of�e obligation secured by the lIed fin a aa.�::s acceptab2e w Lender;(b}wntests in good faith the tienby;or defeads
<br />-�,..� ;.:
<br /> "����=a:•'�' agalast enforcement of We Ilen ia,tegal Proceedi�gs a�5fsi�m t$e Leader's oymtaa oper�ta w prevent tiue e�forcemeat�of R�•€ien;or(c)
<br /> ' � '"'"';= sec�es from 9te holdet of tha lien aa agrceme�s�avsfactory to Lendes su6ordinadng t�e IIen to this Suairiry Instrumen�. If I.enQe� _
<br /> - `'�'� , • :,;' det�rrminac.s tsat an an oP the Fro is sub� to a lien whicb ma a�fin riority trver ttils S y giv
<br /> �x m at Y P P�Y � Y P ��t��+ Leader tna e
<br /> � Borrower a natice identifying Pae tien. Botrower shall satisfy�e Uea or tatce one or more of fhe actions set forQ►above arit93n 10 d�ya _
<br />�♦, � . _ of,�e giving oP notice. ` ' =:.-_
<br /> .*'~..�• '.:. 5.Hazard os Property t'n,.�nce. Bama�uer sLa�&�p d�e impmvements noa existmg or hereafter erected an.nhe Praperty x:-�-
<br /> �.,. ��i�,..r. � . . � = -
<br /> - •�-�:,.,�_,;��,.:.�. . insured against toss 8y fue,harards iacluQed w��a cha term extr.nded coverage and any o�er l�rds.�sGr.�iag flooCs oT f]oodtng,for =
<br /> �..,-�..;: ,,-r:,� afiIeh Ixader cequires iusurance. T6is insurarae s�aD be m�mtained in tlee amounm aaa for 8ie perFe���at Lead�r'requires. The _
<br /> •:>; .'.' ' �� ��vrance carcter pmvi�ing the insurance ahnll be choser►by 9onower subject tn Lender's approval�v'�..::�•s�a11 aot 6e•unrr,asonably � _-___
<br />�'�� '�� � �:.� a�eld.If Borrower faiis to malnmin coveraga dessfib�!a:�s:e,Lender may.at I�nder's aptIon,obtai�c�verage w�ar,ct Lender's -e=
<br /> •''. •'y m the Ro m socordazue wUh paragrayh 7. , �. ,
<br /> -:-�. _� � : � ���:� �w �T�' . __
<br /> � ' •;� � . ' Atl insurance pollciesan0 ceaewals s6a'.E.Qe�sceptaSle to Lender and shall incIuEe a staadara aor�ctavse. I.enQer sf�all have _
<br /> { y '�"e rigt�t m ho1A the pollc3es and renewals. IP ke��requires.Bonower shall prompily give to Lender aD r�°.,gats uf paid premtums and N—_
<br /> - � .. .. _ .:r_ , . �;,,
<br /> ' . • • Faim 3028 4I90(pago 2 ot6 p�ges) _-
<br /> ' � . wa ucn noa,mru sy�rem.,.�. ' . tro�.wtaa�� .��� � .
<br />: r ' � �
<br /> .;,�-': . ,
<br /> _ _ . . , . .
<br /> � . .
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