'�', ' �,,. ,� ,�'�z .. ,:�;�ny.�; , .�.,r.�. .. �,� r _ _ -„ :�1 -.
<br /> * _L s.{ . . . �,�.ti Q �'f _ �h4C�-- .. : .
<br /> - � �-
<br /> ` 1
<br /> .'+��4 . �• ur._ ' - . � �� - , - �
<br /> _ � � . . 4'� , a z'- r ^ ,v�e�Y` , .�•
<br /> _i'- .",��Ff' ._ . t {.t ,r <<.�r . . .v , ,�`. �Gr o L � t - � { `,�7 K:-
<br /> . , � r. A ''�''i'>.� ct` �` '�'� t 7 '4 t �` � '� ,�
<br /> �n . ��" ' :•'�,�;" " . . . _ .
<br /> � ` 4 'f .. • � � � �� ���.�D� ������ . • ` f ,
<br /> t �. .�E.� �`.. � �� 5� �tH or �roperty Y�sa�smc� �arei �tlae imprapemea�s now ex:sting ar hetea&�i�encted on ahe ` .
<br /> � .;`•,F�..�,:. .`: ;�;:`�_ pc�opertY insamd ag�dnst Ioss by fu�.i�ids iactnded withia the term"exoendea oovardge°�si any othes�,iac�udiag
<br /> -{�:. �4, . `. "< � Raabs or IIaodiag,foi whir�Lender requir�s�.This�ce sball 6e�ai�iaed im the amaums`and far the peria�s .
<br /> =;� . � ' ' ` tl�at Leader tequfi�s.1�e ins�lxance canier providing t�e ins�uaaoe s?�all be�chos�n by Bonower sub,�e�t to Lender's approval
<br /> . ' . ,�f��' _
<br /> ,. ,�,�' w�ich shall not.be�reasonabxy wit�eld. if Barcawer f$iIs to maintain►ooverage descra'bed abave.'Leader maY,at Le.nder's_.
<br /> --- �. �, ,.�,c.� �. .� ogtion,obtain caverage to piotect l�der's rigbss in t�te Ptapetty ia accozdance wI+th paragraph 7. . :;�.'
<br /> ;::`zG.; '.; . .. : All iasardn�e PolisIes and tene�lals sitall beacoeptat�Ie ta Yendet and sball iaclmde a standard,mortgdge claiase:IxnBer ,.. ,
<br /> , ` '`:t` shalt have the rig�t co hold the policies and reae�vals.If Lendes iecln�es,Borrower sball Qiomptly give to I�ender aIl rece}pts of
<br /> . �,��:4 ��� �. gafd piemiumg and ren�wal aatices.In the event of toss,B�srawer shaU give pro�t untics w the insuranoe eanier an:l Lender. ,.
<br /> ` ' �, �,ender m�y maks pr�nf af lasa if noi made P�mPUY�I►Bosmwet._ � - • �
<br /> �: � ��:� � 'Qntess,�.eusier aad Boaoerer otheswise agree in wrItbn$,in.�ce pros�eds sl�ali be apglied w r�Wrarian or nepair of the � •,
<br /> � s� `�- E�togetiy dazn��cl,L the restoratian or repair is ec�nomtrally feasible and I�ndet's sec�rlty is not te�s�ned.If the c+estoration or
<br /> ��....��zi�._ .� � - c
<br /> z .. . � �. �•�` �; repair is�aot ecflnomically feasi'8Ie or Isader's..���ity+would be Iessr�.tt�e ins�nce praceeds sbaIl be applied tn the sums ; .
<br /> -�:` �•. . setxued by tt�is Security lnsmimeat, whether ar aot�ea du�.wilh an7►eu�Paid tu Borr�w�.If Bormwei abaadons the �.
<br /> =`�" � • . .. Property,,or doxs uoi answer within 3a days a notice from Ieader tl�t.the�ce e�rrier�as�tiffered ta set8e a claim,then "�'
<br /> �.. ,
<br /> � ��.
<br /> � ` Lender may oollect the-Insu�aace proo�da. Leader may use the pr'cr�ds w ce�ir oz �estore fhe ProPe�g;or w pay sums .�r;
<br /> �., . . .
<br /> � �'. secared by this Ser,�tIt3►Insttuaaent.whether or aot thea dae.T6e 3Q-day peciad c.-�38egia whet�the u�zs�'�: . "'�
<br /> '.'' - . Unless Leader aiid Boirower otherwise ag�ee ipe cvaiting,anY aPPlic�atSon Af pmcee�s to principal ���zoc ext�d or -
<br /> " ` postpane the du�data of t�E montiily P�refeaefl to in Pa�~�hs i and 2 or cd�ange�iie amouat af��g�i�. If . ��-�':
<br /> � �mder pazagraph 2t the Pmperty is aequired by I.ender:Sorrawe�'s ji�r to a�r i�suiaace policies aad pmi��hltmg fra� *`°
<br /> � ;+.: ;<<.�:,. _ -,_
<br /> �... _ . damage w tHe Pmgerty prlor to tfle acquisition sliall pass to Leader.t�2�ext�t a�r�.a�ums secuzed,Dy th�s�$y,insuume�u ��°,
<br /> . 4 I�diatelY Prias ta the acg+„�i�a. , • : , . . ,
<br /> i�," �a._.
<br /> �� ' . 1 .. d.Occapauc9,�&�ance and�rot.�ttoa aY t�e PrOg�ty;�:�s�eti's Y.�san Apgit�a;�.e�seknlds. •.��
<br /> :� :� . . .. �. Borrower shaU occupy,establisTi,ant�gsa�Property as�Barrower's�ctpal resisl�xe wIthu}s�.?y days after the s��s�f F;�`:
<br /> . . • '�
<br /> � . � �.. , . _, _
<br /> - . . .... . . ... ...... �>;-..
<br /> . . . -�-this� -Instcaffieat-aud-sl�aI!-coui�=w.accaPY-��P�►.es�?armwar's_gnaclgal_t��efor_at_least oneY�.�_. __.._. .- T:
<br /> �-, : -: ;. • _.f_':. Se�utt3► �;:
<br /> _'�r. . the date of aocnpaucy.anless L.enQe:otheiwise agsces ln writing,w..a;7i�conseet r�a'�.not be�nreasonably wItl�heId.or unIess �_.
<br /> �• . " shall mot ��
<br /> , � '•�;, �tg�cIsc�mstances exist arhich aza bej►o�d Borcov�er's conuol. Barr4w.�,r destroy. damaSe or impai=�the.
<br /> � Property,•atfo'w.ths Pmperty w detesforate,or commit waste on ihe Properiy.�wer shal!be ia default if a�r forfeiture _--
<br /> --. �:,_ -',� •' �'.', �: gewh orcrlminal.' begnn � sgaadfaithjadgment ' o _ .-�.o
<br /> ar�ioa Or g�din ether civ� �s ttiat m L°r,:�ra' conld r�u1t in forfe�ture £the
<br /> u. : �: . ,. �.. - - . - - - � . _ _
<br /> �,:_'_.y_ ' � property or at5eiwis materIaUy Imgair tlie lien-created this`Secux,ity Insttument or I.Qndea s secarity interest.Borrower may _ , --_
<br /> s�. .,;--„ ,- - -aue stu�a def�t and re�nstate,as p�avYded�i paiagr�p�.1 8.by caus"sIIg t h�a c�a n or p r�i ag to D e d l s n a i s s e d w i t h a n il i n g _ —_
<br /> � •... . � �ai, in Lender's gaod faith detr.rminat�on,precludes�Orfeinue of 3he Bo�ro�zr.'s iaterest in the P�perty¢s:�hes riza2eriat --
<br /> t'��=A;,.:. .
<br /> �<;��.v, , � 'smpai�.�nt of the Iiea aeaze�by tbis Seauiry Iasav�cns•or I�nder's securup.�terest.Boirawer sHall alser.�iff default,if�
<br /> ��� , , mate�all false�s inaccuc�te saformaiton or statpments w L�ader(or�ied . -
<br /> --. .`.. , .. Bomower,durIng the loan applua8oa pnac�ss.gave Y
<br /> ' '�,s�:;, w provide I.ender with a�r material infa�ntion)ia connec�ion with m`a 2oan evId�nced by tbc�'�te,including,6ut noi�.� --
<br /> � ' , , . ,. ,�>'�%�i . w �nta��cns conreming Boirawer's��capaacy of t�e Pmpeaty as a princlp23 residence.I�o�is Security Insuument is cnn.�
<br /> �..'1_.
<br /> ��..�-. . � . ' y IeasehoId, Bormwea shali co�aly with ail the pmvislons of the lease: If Eo�r asqui�es fee title w the.Pcoperty.'tfte .. - -
<br /> }��. .; . , . . .
<br /> .�,1..;::,;:_:•,:'`;.;.°'� Ieasehold aad th+e fes t�tle sball not m$rge untess I.ender agnes to the merger ln wrstmg. _
<br /> _��;.�.'. :�� . „ 4; 9.Ptotertdan oY Lcader's Rights in the Ptopertq.If Bc�rrower fa�7s to�erfo�rm the cave�ants and ag�ements contamed in
<br /> -��' :.-�,;!�::. ,"•;Lt � tbis Secuiity Inst�umestt,or t1�re is a legal pmceeding that may sigud'scantly affect Lender's rights in the PcoPertY(such as a
<br /> ..Rl�. .� .. �,', . . -.
<br /> =��;.;-�r„;;::,;T�:� pmceeding i�bankrupuy,pmbate�for condemnatioa or forfeimne or to enfo�e law3 or regutatioas),thea Lender may do aad .
<br /> -- .��", pay for wha�ever is necessaiy�w pmtect the value of the Property and Leader's rights in the Property.Lender's aciions may
<br /> � � „�, -- iu�ctai� y,�"��-+�.�3 �".,,�'.,�i�.=3i���c1� °°-�rt�:#;-�tt�-�cs�ity � P . ��?xs*,;�'-cr.m, Paying �
<br /> -'��{�-.��,,,�";�� , � ressonable attoraeys'fees and entcring on tIIe Froperty to mako repaus.Althongh l.eader maY taYe astioa�uader thia paragraph
<br /> "�--�----� 7,Lender does not hava ro do so. � � � '
<br /> ��'�� Any amouats dlabursed �y Lende��ander this,paragraph� s�tall bec�me additlonal de`�t'of Bonnwer secuied b�v� -
<br /> _��__;:;'�!` Security Iasuument.LTntess Ba�wer aad Lender agiee fo other tetms oY paym�ta.#itese amounis sba11 bear�nteiest fmm tfie .. -
<br />:���,,'-��<���� cfl�e of disbu�sement ai the Note rate and sbaU be payabte.,arlth interest, t�Po� �miiae from Lendez to Bon�wer requesting
<br /> _ -_�,�.,--- gay�. y � �
<br /> :�''�"�<= S.Mortgage Instuance.If Lender re�uired mortgag+e u�uaa�as a condidan of�aking the loan secured by this Sea�ity
<br /> r.„�„��..,� . -
<br />- ->:r��,:.�, Insuument,Bonrower shall pay the premiums required to ma9ntaim d�.mnrtgege iasurance in effect. If, for any r�asa�a,�.iu�e .�
<br /> • ,:. . . mortgage insurance coverago required by L�ender lupses or ceas.rs to be in effea,.Borrower sbaU pay the prenuums r�,guired{io
<br /> '��,;�� r�• ' t►bta9n coveTage substaa'm^1t�equivalent w t�s mong3�insurance previausly ia��ect,at a cast substantialEy equivalent to the
<br /> IE
<br /> ��`�'�';,`-;.�: cost W Borrower of the a�*�age;*+m�,�:�„c�prevlausly in effect. fram aa elt�tn.ate mongage insurer app�ra�vea by Lentier. 1f ,
<br /> .�`z�`�:.:°:;`c�;R.;;;::, su6staatially equivalent mortgage ins►�coverage is nnt availahle.Bomower shaU pay to Leader eacD month 0 sum ec��.to --
<br />-°�r�-.�:::.�:•,=-t'� u' ane-twelftb of the yearly mortgage insu�ce piemium being pa3d by Borrower ahen the insurn�ooverage lapsed or o�-3 to
<br />- ;..,; .:..:;,•,�: :
<br /> ''�:;�.:�:';. �, � , be ln.effect.Lender cvill ac�pt.use aad retain these paymeais as a toas reserve in 1leu of tnaz�gage insvrasce. Loss re�.,*z've
<br /> ,_., �- -��-:� �aaa� -- -
<br /> —'::r:�.�.. e—_
<br /> {s�, �'� ��-BtdG'1���aa� vaa.awe . anws�w� �--
<br /> ��i�". 'k , ' . \ . , �;
<br /> �:'�, . '��,i.��!,i�+�.::��}.:; - ' � � � - . .' . • ' -� .
<br /> 1'� ��'...
<br /> r�Q;.':<�: `�i1.1:�F�,�r`�i�. • '�':
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<br /> .y�(ara.. , . . { . . i'r?��eL��t�.. � . .. , 'jl��.���, '
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