.a�,,' � . .e�cr� • .;� . „y� }z1J ��,e;;sz .��;�� f�;r:4,��i•, .` . ti�` ' _ _ ' _ �` i _.
<br /> .0 � 'i� Sx�'�i r' . -t. �
<br /> - ��� - , c���� ( � s �( � . .P- - �t .` � 'i t -
<br /> �• � �� :'t `.�. F 42� fi '4 i�f . s ,� 4�, -
<br /> L. � ..0{.: r, � . . :' v . V �-, f� f� '�.i1.tC i� ��.
<br /> _ � '% . �t_ . ` r` S ; v� •c• , ; -`t,�• �
<br /> � �Y� \�„�•.'B� � - - r F ' �.v 1 t. �,., � ;� i'<=�
<br /> �r �
<br /> � °. , .. . � � �t�COttD�D � , <<:�z
<br /> ;t.." _ft`r,' � �. . ..
<br /> -- - �:,�. , � , .���������i�� '9�°�����'
<br /> - ' s, payments tmiy ao longer be�nr�.ai the opsttanbf�LEUde�if mnrt�a,,e incner►n�e OOV8�6�the an¢wnt and faY the p�ad
<br /> � � ,` ��... ��` ' � � tbat L,ender nequiies)Pmvided by aa inscsner appmvecl by Iaader again beoomes aveitaDle as}�is obtaiaeA.Sorrower sIw11 pay
<br /> - � `< �,° ��, ; � the premimms r�u{red to maintain mos�ge insurance in effoct.or w pmvide a'toss r�scrve.untU the cequic��t fui taott�age '��. :
<br /> — ` � � ,; :,.": ins�aance eads ia acco�ce with aay v�rittea ngceement tsenv�Botrower and LEnder or applicable IAw. � � ' ,,r,.A
<br /> , �` � �Iusp�ediaa Lender or its age�t may mat�e rea�onable entries upon,aad inspestloas of tha Ftaperry. L'enQgr sltt�ll g(va '
<br /> � � :�;,; .�`�� ,-� .• Boimwer nndoe st the time of or piior.to aa iaspe�lon sp�ciPyin$reasonabls cause for the iasp(�t{oa. . . �
<br /> �. �.,-; :. :`<,. � 10.Cond�mattan.The�mceeds of suy awa�d or clsim far dama,ges.'direct.or conseqnential. ise Connectfon witb aay
<br /> — '' '�i ;`. ,'.—T°--. coademaation or�ather t�tdng of aaY P�rt of the Propetty.ur fo:conveyance in lisu of co�demnation�arc hereby assigned and . �.
<br /> ° - :: shall lse paid w Lender. .
<br /> ..�:�s:� �jn the event of a tatal ta�ng of t�e Frog�ty.the praseeds sbal�be�gplied cs the sums securcd 6y this 3ecurity Ynstn�meat. -
<br /> . whether ar not shen due,v�ith an7+excess paid to Bouowes In the event of a pardal taking of the Property in whicb the fair .
<br /> . .'�..'�'��'�'' � �. n�et vatue af t�e PropertY immediatety before the taI�ng ia�aa3 to'or gteater than the amauut at the sums aecured by this .
<br /> .. , , r.�ne�:�v,'r.•.:
<br /> ��_`: �'.. : �� Seruriry Iastnuaent immediaLeiy�efore the saIdng,aWess Borrower and I�ader othe�wlse s�ee in wrIting,the sums secured by .
<br /> °� -' '. "::�g�ty t„�rr��f„�,t s�al! be reduced by tt►e amouat of the praoeeds muitiplied by the follaw3a� �acttoa: (a)t�e Wtal
<br /> •�r;�:: •;�'' . ', imm�diateiY �a�ing bl► �the fair market vaIua of the Prc e immL�diatety. ,
<br /> , . � ��r�;�of the sums� befsue the ,divided @ P nY -
<br /> ;�:.•ben�ie the takuf�-�*bat�ee sLali be�ga�3 to�.�aawer.Ia the eveut of a partial taking of the Property i�wl�the fair --
<br /> ,,�;� .. � . mffikst valt�of the Property imm�y L�ar'�a�g is tess tbaa t�e amount of the suws secured immed�iately Defofe the :
<br /> :.` � tal�ng,uales�Bormwer and Lxndea o�easvas�ag�.?n writing or anless applic�ble law othetwlse provides.tTte praceeds sAa11 ,
<br /> . � � be app2ied to the sums secure8 by this Secm�t�j�~tni�m�mt whether o=not tHe su�s are thea due. f:�;.
<br /> . . If tfie ProPertY�s a6andoaed¢y Baria��,o�.i�;after notice by l.eader to Bo:rower that the c�ond�mnor offets to make an ..
<br /> '� ���
<br /> � ` �«,�. � award�r s�pEe a claim fos damages.Boae��';�aits w resyo�d to Lender withia 30 . s after the date the notice ia ven, �
<br /> .. d�Y � , �`;_;-:
<br /> 4 i/ui. .
<br /> . .. �BeT i��ii�oiized to collect aad app2�c�$�ds,ai its option,eittter to reswraHon os reputr of tha Pruperty or to t�e sums
<br /> . . ,' ' 8CL'tii£a�'i�19$P.�il[Kjl�D�2L�.t�'�u..."131�'l."Q�E 31aL I�CII d11C. :y�,,
<br /> " �' ' :�Ini�ss I�aWer anB Bor�cver at�,�s��?ee ia wrIttng,enY aPPlication of pmceeds to priacipal sbaU not e�tead or �?_:;`
<br /> -�.;.�: :._-,.;_;:.�:' . ..'.._.. - thea�a�mdof�such ts._ .. ��-
<br />- ,., - . . pestpanethe�d�edate-ofthemoatldYPaym�2sse�dtoinpaia�apl�s-l-aad2�orchsnge Paj(men -- -. .-----.���zi:
<br /> . �`r�:•..{ , .il.Bo�rower Not Rel�sed;�ar6rata�Sy Leuder Piof e W�a�Fatension of the tima for paymeat or modifit�tian �»:
<br /> ,� � •- � .- :�; of�aa of tt�e s¢ms sec�d by tbis Ses�rsty Iastra�ai granud bY Lender to a�r auccessor in interest oY Borrawer shall =__
<br /> � . '„ not cr�et�,to�iease the l�ability of the ori�taal Bormwer or Bomawer's successo�s in iniemst.Leader ehal!not be tequired to __=
<br /> -�•= i.� . �, `; � _ sncaessor ia interest or�fase to extend dme for or otherarIse madi amortizatlon . ---
<br /> - �t�.�&g��►: _ -
<br /> " .: .. ;�: ..;+� ` - of t����ms seaued iry tt�is Se�a�ity Insuumc�.0 hy ieason of a�i demIIad made bymt�origlAal�oicowet oT Borrower's =
<br /> �<<-
<br /> � � �.`. ; � succ�in iaterest. A�r forbearmace by L�der i�eserdsing eny right ot iemedy sball uat 6e a waiver of qr preclude the =_.
<br /> ° � exen�ise of a�►r�ght ar rem�edy. � : ,
<br /> + rem ed �
<br /> _��r'•',..•.'�,'.�,.�� ..,, , � 12. Suoe�ors end As�tg�ms Bo�d;d�i s�t�Si��esal Liabflity. Cas�crs.The coveaaats�agteements of this . -
<br /> ' � • ' � • Seca�ity Insanmem shall bin,d and be�t s�e'sanaesa-s a� assi8ns of I�nder and Borrower, subject w tha pmvialoa9 of�� .
<br /> ' para�raph I7. Eo:rower's coveaants asid a�ment�sball i�joint tmd several. Any Bosxower aho co-signs this SecurIry ��,
<br /> _�� ' • � � e .
<br /> �'-.,.. � ... :�," Instrument but does uot exerute the Nas�(a)is�g�ris 5emrity 1n.SUument onty w mortgage.gram aad convey that
<br /> _ ' . •' i; �Boriower's�nterest iu the Praperty va�s th�temos of tMs Se�2�bns�umeut;N)is not petsonally obHgated to pay the sum� .
<br /> �:"�•.,:�� r-�•� '� fo:bear or
<br /> .. ;.f::.:. . _. �, secured hy thts S�a�rtry Insuument;aa�3(��J�.g�that Le�.�r aad aay�a�her Borcawer may agree so e�ttend.modifY.
<br /> . , t. ,�,;;ry�: make atry acas�nodaaions wlYb regard to tha��ams of this S�nrlty Iastiument or the Note without that Bormwer's aonsent. , - -
<br /> , :;��.� : 13.Lm�a�batigee.If th�laan�secur,,d b7►tbis Seca�"sty I�suumeat is s�bject W a law wbich sets maxImum Ioan cl�arges.
<br /> �:��,>;'' '`'�_: and tfiat taw is•5aa]Iy inte�reted so that th�fiatetest as caher toaa charges collecte4 or w be coltected in cannection with the
<br /> _.� .�.-::; r
<br /> ��,�tt ae i� ,f , �
<br /> ��_;�,:�,__<�,:�:,�,� � loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)a�Y auch Inaa cHarge sb�aU be redured ity the amouat aecessary w Yedac�tfle e�arge:
<br /> !�%�x_�:�::-°-"".:-',� ...co Bte permiuea I1mit;a�a-tb)aay►sums at�y wiI�ccea from aorravrer v�hicd�exceedea pe�nirtea�its wiS��refima6Q w �
<br /> �-�...,�.,_;�,-.� .
<br />=���.;��;„"„�r,:� Bomawer: Lender may choose w make this refimd by reducing the pr�cipal owed uader tbe Note ar by maldag a dire�t
<br />- -----_= payment co Bonrower. If a refiind ceduceu pria�ipal, t'he ieduccton wili be ueated as �partial prepayment without any
<br /> .. ��L�L.' PmPayment��uuderthe Note. � "
<br /> .��� 14.Noi�s.An}+noNoe to Borcowet p�vldEd foz ia 4hia Securiry Insuument shall be�iven by deliverhig If or iry m�iling
<br /> ��r�'•_.i i...T .
<br /> �=.��- . it.by fieat cla4s mail imlesa spplicable lavv r�c,�nu�s nse of anath�r t�etffit�d.'1$e uodce shall be directed to t�e Propnrty Address
<br /> ��•���.r�:.
<br /> ��`� � or a�y mher address�rrower designa:xs 3�y�srice w trenCer. �n�ttce to I.endcr shall Ue �iven by firat clasa mail to
<br /> �`�;:�' 1�nQe;s address suued�eip or any a��r�dch2ss l�zr d�ig��s�y nodce 4o Barrower. Any nottx prov�ded for ia this
<br /> �;� , •
<br /> _ �ST_—.e . �
<br /> � `'���.;,;,,' . Security Iast:ument shall be deemeA to hace beEn given tc►'�t�rrower ar Lender when gtven as pmvided in this paragaph.
<br />-����,:`:�'.S. 1S.Governing I.s� �everabWty. This �ecurlry Instr�ment s�xli be govemed by federal law and tfle law of the � .
<br /> �' -" ���-�=�� * � au or clanse ot this Securl Instcumettt os ihe Note '
<br /> „w,� jurlsdictlen in which the�erty is locaed.�n the event that aaY B'� tY
<br /> .z=�:�'-'�R 4,. - " , coaflIata with,epplicable lav�,�ueh conflict��i aut affecx athes pr�vtsions o8 tbis Secutity Iastrument or the Note ahiet�.can be
<br />_ _ ,,R.-_. �
<br /> �;�n;:t=-����.:��_ . - given etteos wilhout the aoa�it�ng provisian.To tWs end the prov-�io�s oFthis S�urity Insuument and the Note arm 8eclared .
<br /> '�= ^°`"�"' w be severabie.
<br /> •...�°'..,:�,E°'- .
<br /> ��� "?� ' 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower sha116e gtven or.��o�copy of t�e No*.e and of this 5ecurlty�nsuument.
<br /> = - s' :�A` ' , . iarm ao2a --.
<br /> 'i�'`•�` ~M1� :�. ��R(NElro�oc� . .. o+�.sm� °a'u� _ _
<br /> � • �.. �.,.: . ' ' �,*x:.
<br /> i� .. . . .� - . . . i,,.
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