. . .
<br /> 3-e T�- - . . � �,�:. _ _ � , � � �:_` �–
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<br /> 1. L �- ',4� ( , _ C ' ,� _
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<br /> ��. ' •i E: � -}, . . . . . : __ �YCI .�..�..�.�'.r'..., t .
<br /> _-- � , - 4 - � , • . 4. .
<br /> — �� - . c„E � . ,, RE REC0�1}� _ . ` . .. � . . .
<br /> _ .:`' _. ..� .. _ �e�i a�—� .������., ���0���'�� � <.
<br />-- ,° , ` .- � . TO�E'�HER�NfTfI all the imp�ments now or he�after eiecte8 on tite pro�etcY,and all easements.apFarte�aaoes, � :
<br /> Et�y
<br /> � '` "_ - fnmues a�w or heseafter a part of ths PmF�Y• � �F�mffits a�d addidons st�all atso bs wvered�by this,SeauitY `..�
<br /> . ..�'�,.`4 .4_...'u . p�,�� . `�t..ti
<br /> — :�•.,f� � . �•All of the fo�aing is r°`'fernd to in this S�Ity Inst�um�eat as the�+•`�Y�'� . .
<br /> = . , .�" BORROWER COVSIVAI3'�.thai Boira�rer i�Iawfiilly seised of the estate tteretsg►cunveyed and t�as the right to grant and
<br /> �`�,�`,.,:.; :�. ;;�`'`° convey the Property�d tLat the Property is aaeacumbeced.eao�t for encumbraasea of r�oord. Bomower waammts aad will `'.4.'
<br /> ,. � ` x� , defend g�ueraliy the title w the F.�opertY aP,ainst all clai�s and demaads.snb,ject to aa3+ensu�hiaaces of record. ..:
<br /> ae
<br /> ;_"_ THIS SECURiTY IIVSfiRUMEi�Pt'combines uniform ooven�ts for nazi�oQai nse�d noa-uniform cavenanss with limited °s..
<br /> �, dariations by jurisdicttan w oanstitute a uaiforat securiry fnstnimeni coveriag real F�P�Y• � , ;
<br /> —,.� :�.._:_'.__°,- .`-.: � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borr�wer and Lender weenaat and agne ss follows: �. .
<br /> _ f.�� �. l.Fapmeni.ag Fs[�adPalBntD Int�st:��eaE nnil I.ate Ci�cgm. Bormwer shall PmmpuY paY when due We ;
<br /> — . � :-�r� � P�inc�Pal of and iute�est an tlte debt evideaced by tfle Note and aay gnepayment and tate cbaiges due mader the IJote. . �°��::
<br /> -- ��::-- = �.glmuals for Ta�es aa�Insm�aao�Sab}e�to applicable Iaw ox to a vrritten wairer by Lender,Bormwer sbaU pay to
<br /> -`�`:-�-.�;'..- _- • lYa:e�u�t�N�t2� �c3 i�€utt,a sata f°F�ads`l fcr:t�1 Y�Y tsxe�s_... .. _� �
<br /> _ �,�: ,-: - Y.earIer�t�da3t�.h�y�a*e ci��t� . g -
<br /> — °� aad�srs�++�n w�tt may attaia priority over this Secwity Instrument as a lien na the Progengr:(b)YearIy leaselzo2d pay�nts
<br /> �. _ or groua�tents on ihe Pcaperty.if anY:(�)Y�Y baaard or pmgetty iasu�rance premiums:(d?Y�y flood iastirance premiums, .
<br /> "�"` , ��.`•' • ��:i, . if aay:(e)YeariY mortgage insurance premiums,if ffi►Y;sud(�anY sa�s PaYable by Bon+awer to Ixnder,in acca i d a n ce�v i W _
<br /> _—_ � the pmvisians of pazag�aph 8,in iieu.of the payment af mortgage iusuraaoe piemiums.'Ihese items are caUed°Escmw Items.'
<br />� . , : '.•.� lxadec may, ffi aay ti�e,colle�t and hold Fuuds in�amonmt not w exceed the.max�um amonat a lender for a federalty
<br />-�,�:-���: `. �
<br />��� .':,,: ..:, . re2ated mortgage Ioaa niay r�qaue�Borrowa's escmvi aa�oant under the fed�ral Rea1 Estate Seuteraent Pms�edutes A�of ,
<br /> •T�=; • ° , �' lYl4 as amsaded fmm tims to ti�;.I2 U.�.C:Se�tIon Z601 et seg. ('RESPA'),�Ies��aother law diai:�lies to the Fnnds :` ., ,
<br /> u,
<br /> �.. ..
<br /> -= ., ' . ' sets a lesser amouat. If so, Lender�ay,a�anY tnne.coIIect aud hold Fuads in an amoamt aot to eare�3 tlie Ie�er ammmt.. w�--
<br /> � ,�°, `. , . . L�nder�y es[imate�e amovat of F�mds due on the 6asis of current t1a��3 reasonable�stimates of:e�endit�ues of:famre , '':�;:;
<br /> �;,� � .F . Esctatv,Items or other�ise in ascardauc�witb syplicabie taw. : `. :'. � � . . `
<br />--�_ .: <<.';� 'e�:,f'� . . - ,
<br /> .,.�. � . . . �,��^ .
<br /> �:�unds sLal! Oe he2d in aa iastitut�an Nh9se sits are iasu�ti'sY a federal agencyr, jnsautn�ntalit�';:t� �
<br /> _�:.� :.,. .._..: .,tr� . _ �"W
<br /> .. r
<br /> ��.- . .�uz���f: , ' ...(iacI��I.�ader,-if-L,eader-issuwian.inst�tutiQn)orin.any_F���a�.Leader�tytite�Ftiads�gaythe
<br /> � b, ..-.� .. . ._._.. _
<br /> "' ' '..._.
<br /> .. �(�r� a-i . � .
<br /> �` , : . , . ���°v� -- ----- ���Pl�-O? t
<br /> — . �CliS"�.ifEIIL4,�III�Gf�8}r ISO!CL3l�B
<br /> �'� ��'��''', `. � '��-� . ou ihe F�s p �.ender w ma'ke sacH �k k
<br /> Somawer for Ito2dFng . �ds,�Y . --- -- - -�'
<br /> � • verifqin�the.EscrQw Item�,uniess I.eader pays Bn�rower interest � � and applicab�e law ermi .ender �,
<br /> ��' � ' •:. ,. ;�'� Borroarer to a one�time cbasgg for an independeat�es�+tax i�purting servtce �•;
<br /> � �° . . . a charge.Howeyer,Lender maY�4� Pa7+ �-:-
<br /> ... :��;� � nsed bg Lender iu oannecaion wish thfis loan, ��ss agpticable law pmvides otheswise. Unless aa sgreement is azade or �:
<br /> --.,. . ... ���.. � - -
<br /> .:�,� . ,.; —
<br /> ��� ,: ,. applicahle taw�equires mteiesc to bz patd;I,euu�er Ehail aot tx�r�quired to pay Boua�rer any iatere,st or eamings aa the��mds. . _ _ -
<br /> _e4c u �.�:
<br />=— . . � Bomraer and�i,endet maX agree in�S.h�a�t,that interest sbail be paid on the Funds.I.ender sball giv�to 8osmwer, — _
<br />_;�:�,. ,� , , v�ithant charge. aa��,pa:�a1 aa�umting of the F�.showing credits and debits to the�u ri d s a t���ose o�i v T�eacb — --_
<br /> ���:. ;.:..� .� ��, debit to tI�Fimds w�ma�e.'I3is Fuuds aze pt�as addi�onal seauIty for all anms s�cared by Uils Se�iry ,•np"? --
<br /> ?�'" ,, �. ' If��'imds��by Lender exceed the amouats perffitted to be held try applica6le law.Leader sbaU sscount to Botrower. —
<br /> .,�. • ,:. .
<br /> +�' ' � ,• . . � for the c�cess Funds 9n accordance wlth the cequir�meats of�licab2e law.If the amoant of the Funds he2d iry I.eafi��t aay .
<br /> '� � ' time is�ot safficient w pay the Escrow Items when&ue.I�nder may�so notifjr Bomnwer in cvrIting,and.in sach cas�lSrnrower . _—
<br /> �. .: .... '.:.�:.;
<br /> - . - s�aU pay ta I�ader t�e amn�mt ne�ssasY to m2E�up the defrciency.Baaoavcs.at�aaU make up tP�e d�frcieacy in no mure t2�
<br /> a., .,.; ��,: `;;.,r tweIve montbIY Paym�s,at l�eader's sole d�n. ; . ---
<br /> _ ;' ;;'�`�, ' A Ugan paymeut in full of aU sums sec�l by tl�is Seaui�y Insaament,Le1Wer sLaU prompdy r�f�to Bormwer any►
<br /> '&�" '' �:�`�' Funds he2d by Lender.If,imder Faragraph 21.Lender sh�11 a�cluire or sell the Property,Lender,Arlor to the acquisition or sale �-
<br /> �.... . .
<br /> _�;-::�a �;' ,�. :.::�� of the Prmperty.shall�PIY aaY�Ftmds held by I.ender at tHe tim�of acqaisition or sate as a ct�dit againa't the sums secured hy
<br /> - , . thia SecauIry Inst�ment.
<br /> — �� 3.Agy::ratton of E�y��s.Unless app2i�!e tas�p�vic�gs otheicvise>all gayments received by Lc�3er uader para�apbs �,
<br /> � � �. '�`,#�� 1 pad 2 sLali ba epplied:fust,to anY PrePaYme�i�ar�es due uader the Na�setond,to amounts pay�S°nuder p�agraph 2; . .
<br /> �.�-r.. �_
<br /> � .-.�:�?�� tHird.to interest due.foush,to principai due:and Iast.w any 1�charges�under the Nose. .
<br /> a;�;r=��":�' � 4.Cdarges:Llr�s.Bo:rower shall gay all taxes.asses�ta.charges,fl�nes aad ia��tions�:'Cr�t�table co t�14�o�eriY. --
<br /> ,�::°ti�:�`�`. , cvlilcb may aita�n psiorlry over this Seauity Iasuvm�, aud Ieaseho2d pa}'r,�ents or grotmd nats.if��. Borrowet sball F�Y .
<br /> ��;-,�� �.`.�;• - tflese obligat�ons in the marmer prov�deA in parageaPh 2.or if noi paid ia thai manner.Bo:mwer sha!l��r ei�em on time directly
<br /> ''—` :`., .. to tne pesson ow�payment.Borrow�shall gramptly furaish co Ieuder all notices of emounts to Be g�:d uader this paragrap�i. —
<br /> °[JP: .
<br /> ''�'r�,�.'.� �, '�:'' 1f Bnnrower makes these gaymeats direcxlY.Boirower eball pmmpdy fittaish�4o Lender ieceipta evtdenclF+g the paymsnts. _
<br /> ;�, , .'; . � r° $orcower shall pmmptty discharge any lien whicb has prlorIty over tbia Seauiry lustrument naless�ormwer:(a)agees fia. ��
<br /> �.'"'�'.•K.,,'� .' wri�ng W the payment of tae obSigatton securid by the lien in a maaner accepffible to Lender;(b)cont�sts in gaod faith the liea
<br /> ��r` '��. �.�; by, ot defeads agalnst enfoseement oY the Uas in. tegal pmceedinga whIcA in.the Lender's �pmioa operate to pievent the
<br /> �,.� - _,
<br /> ::•.:"'r;:`'��'� enforcement of ti�e lien;os�(c)se�ures from the Jin[der oY the lien an agteeacent sazisfactory to 1.eAder sabordinating the lien to
<br /> � ` � `" � this Secu�ry Instmment. If Leader determines tIlat aay part of the Pmpetty is subject to a itea wLich tnay attain priorlry over -
<br /> ��.. �.;�._.. :'.':.+;. --
<br /> , :.��_ ttus Scrn�'ity Iasttunient.Lender may give Bo:rawer$noiioe ide.ndfyi�the lien.Borraw�shall satIsPy the llen ar take one or �
<br /> more of the astions set fo�h above withia 10 days of tlie giving of notice. , _
<br /> � „� Form 8028 , _-
<br /> ;,. _N_ c-.=.
<br /> ••_'. ��6RtN4(9tcs1 v�s z me w -
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