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<br /> '� .."Y�� :[• t � u. `. '�.,`�. . � L 4 ''.,` ::' .''8, ts -
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<br /> -H �s -�t i.cT �. .: �' . . ,,-. . g . . . Ix '.� ' �14�r�` :�s1F.+} -
<br /> t - t . .. ` � - � �.. 5--..t!:'6°�'2�'�'+� . R��Yr='-' _- -_
<br /> .u4s�T.'. `.1't.L ._ ". �_'• _c.�„:ris.3ci.i:-.�::k''.�t�v_. .Z�i -t'`� b .'j`ti:"^.x<<s..-c..�v�- --�
<br /> � -.4"� - - � • [ —
<br /> _ ` , , . � - , � . .���... �(�5��� . __-
<br /> �aymeats may no longer he reqaimd,ut tlze optioa af Lend�r,if moatgage insvraase coverage Cm the ambunt aud for the periad ` . _
<br /> that l�euder iequar�)�rovided by�n�nsuter aPProved by Lender again beoomes available an�is obtaine@.Boauwer shall PaY
<br /> main ain II10 ►usurance in effe�t,os to pro�e a loss resen�e,until the ceciuiremen�foi ranstgaSe- .
<br /> � the piemiums required m �P'e. ment between Borrower and Lender or apglic�ble taw. .
<br /> in�en�s in acc�rda�c�e�with arry�vriuen ag�e reasonable eatries upan aad;ir,spec4io�s of the PmgsrtY.Lender shaII give . . —
<br /> , 9:fnspe�lom.Lender or its agent maY m�Ice . =
<br /> Boanwer notice�t the time of or priar w an insFPCUon sPecifYing mas°n�ble cause for t&e inspedion- . _.
<br /> iQ.�nsttoa.Ttie pmceeds of atry acvard or ciaim for 8amages.di�ect�c�n�i�ential,in connectioa cvith any —
<br /> . caad�mnstion or uther takiug af aay parc of ttie PrPF�Y.oi for oonveyat►ce in.lieo of oondemuation,are her�bY assig�� __.
<br /> slydll be paid to T�nder.
<br /> Ia the evert of a mtal tatdng of ttie Property.the pmcee�ds sha116e applied to the sams s�rured.by this Secutity In�cu�nt*. .
<br /> whethgr or uot then dne, with an}►eaccess.Aaid w Borrower.In tfie eve�of a pardal.takin�of the ProgertY in wiuch the fair
<br /> mark�vaiue of the TlnypertY immadiatelY before the tak�g is 09ua�w os gmater thazt the a�wunt of the swns secured by this .
<br /> ' ' Seauity Insonument immediately before the talsinS.unless Borrower and I.ender otherwi5e a�ee in writing,the sums secuce�by
<br /> ihis Secnrity Instrument shalI 6e rQd�ed bg the amaunt of the prooaeds mnitiplied by the fctlowing fradiQa: (a)tf►e total
<br /> amau�t of the sums secured immediateiY Ex�ore tHe talsng, divide�hy(b)the fair mazket vaFazof the Property imffiediatelY ' —
<br /> .before the taking.Any balance shall,be gai�to Snrr�iser. In ike event of a partial�o���e.Property in v�hich the feiF" .
<br /> marlcet value of the�rtY immediately before th0�g is tess than.tlie su4�nat of t6e sums secured i�iately bafoce the .
<br /> talQng.unless Borrawer and 1.e�der othe�wise•agree i�:`viriting or ante�s applicable•Iaw otherwise provides,the pzocee�ds sbal3
<br /> be spplied to the•stlms s�by this'Se;�:sity in ,m�+c wbe,ther or not the suans an�t�n du�;:"�, �
<br /> Tf the Frc{�erty is abasu�aned by Bcc�ia�ter,ai if,after datice by Le,�Wer w Bortower thzt�cv"e"�cande,mnor offers to��;t�ri :
<br /> ' i��or seatl�a ataim,��8�•Bo=tower fails t�respond tn Lender within 30 days���e the ci�tice is�1!�, -
<br /> , , � .
<br /> _.._.__ - ��,is au�orized to c�'r�F.'c ansl aPpIY the Pmceeds:�?its option,.erthe�w resto�� - , --. .._.. _. - , . . . . . `�
<br /> -.--- ar�8fthe�ropeaty or to tho;�s,
<br /> � s�aiet!by�;s�S�curity T�SCrurhent,whether or not then'due. � � .� , , •� ,
<br /> �nd $omnwer ntheiadse agee ia writing. anY.apPlisauop�'piocee�,4a.�rinc�Pa4 sAa11 aot ext��a
<br /> UnT�:� • .`
<br /> ' postgnne t`��:�dat�af tHe mon�Y Paym�ts refefred.ta in��s 1 and 2 or ch�nge th��atnawrt of sUCh paymea4s, '-`;:,:
<br /> �ll.�ori�barer Not Released;Forbearanoz$5'L�tde�'Pio3 a'Waiver.Extension of the time fof paynieat or mbdific�� .
<br /> c�amort3�atifla of the svgs sectued by this§eauitS+In.s'�m���ted by LeIIClais9�aay successor in interest of Bono�ver sh�ii
<br /> ' of the ptigina]Soaower or Borrpwer's saccessbrs in intes�st:I�ndeL sDall not be ce+quired to .
<br /> not opetate.tfl selease the fj�t+ility or othenvise madify a.r,.,r,;�ar��;
<br /> , ���.���$��t�y y��=�;.,.:,�r in interest or refuse to:e�tend time fos payment' , .
<br /> � of the su�s�;ss�red hy t�#s Sewriur.�ruinent by reason of�_demand t�� bY the.priginal Sorrower or Bortae�'•`a.
<br /> ��o���te�st,pn}1'TZbearande;:�LeaBer in exercisin8 a�►Y right or remcdy sHalt not be a waiver of ar przclude'ttie
<br /> exercise of any rlght or remedy. • ers. The covenants and a,�eements of this �
<br /> � 12. Snccessoss and Assigns Bound;Joint and.Several Lia6�ity;Co-siga� .
<br />_ ' S�urity Instrament siuill bind and bea�t ttt� sucpessais and assz,� of l.eaider�nd Borrowet. subject_t4 tbe provislons of , . .
<br /> � paragraph 17. Borrovrer',s covenants nnd"agreenaents shall be jaias and several. Any Borrower wha co-signs tlus S�i>y
<br /> � insuumeat but does not execute the Note:(a)is co-signing this SecuritY Instiument only•to mortg�ge.SSr�t and convey'�iat
<br /> Borrower's interest ln the Property under the terms of this Seauity Instruntent;(b)is not pe�sonally obligai�l to pay tbe sums
<br /> . secured by tnis Secuiul►Inst�ment+and(c)agre,es that I.ender and any otber Bflrrower m�y a�C+ez to extend.modify,fort�ear or
<br /> ' �. ,make any aoca�ons with cegard[o the termg�uf rwis Serurity tnsaus�ut�r i�,:�Iets wirhnut that Enrrocv_er's.consent• ,
<br /> � 1�.Loan C6arBes.If the taan secuned by this Seeurity Insovzneat is subjeci to a law which.sets maximuin loan chci�oe�,
<br /> � and that law is finaily interQreted so.�hat the interest or ather loan cS�arges colleeue�or to be:ceUected In.aflrt�teeaiom vntd�?:�te
<br /> ltisn r.xceeA the pemiitted limits.then:(a)any�such loan charSe.shall be reduaecl by the amaic,�.�ie�essarl+w r�dvice th��i�.f�a�$e .
<br /> ��4o the pertnitted timit:a�cl(b)any s.un.s already collect�fram Borrower w�:.cli�ceeded pe�itted Iimits v�F}t;�se rdii�l to .�;5;':
<br /> u._t�.*esx
<br /> Borrower. I.eader may chaose to make this refund bY redacing tlie principal dwed under�e Note ar by��aald�t�,,..'.. ,
<br /> payment to Bombwer. U a refi�nd redac.es prineipal. the c+eduction will be ueated as a partial prepaymeat cvf�hr�ii:,'a►ny
<br /> prepayment Charge under the Note. , �
<br /> 14.Notiees:My aotice to Borrower provided for in ttp�Securixy tnsw�ftent sha11 be 8iven by delivering it or by mail'�mg :
<br /> f�by fust class mail unless appllCable taw requires use af a�►other method.The notice shall be directecl to the Property. ,
<br /> or any�other address BorruNer desigaates by notice to Lender. Aay riotice m Lender shall he given by fits¢ class•mail to ,
<br /> Leader's�41cJsC�strated herein ar any otber addrr,�ss Lend�r desi�twtws by ao�IeC ta Borrawer.Any notice pmvided for z�s this .
<br /> ' gecurity In:��tx��,ment shall be deem:d to have baen given to Borrowc�ar Lender when given as Dtw�ded in this paiagr'ap�. _
<br />_ 15.Goveming �.�c�� SeVera6�itY..'j'his Secnrity �instiumes�t sSiaU be govcrrt� bj federal law and the law_of ths_.
<br /> ,jiuisdiction in which the Praperty is located.In the event that any pr�vision er clause o€this Serurity Iusuvmerit ar the No�e
<br /> '' wMicts witPi appl(cab2e law,snch conflict st�all not affect other provisions�f this Secvrlty+lnsu�emerit or the Nate which can be
<br /> , �given effect without ttte oonfliciin�provision.'Y'o this end•the prab�Ysions of this Securiry Ins��ment and the Note are c�zcla�ed .
<br /> to b.°.se�erable. � of the Note aad of this Security InstwmeLt: ° �
<br /> � � 16.�orrower a Copy.Bormwer s1�12 be given one confornie�copy . .
<br />- • ; ' form 8028 SlSO
<br /> � Pcgo a o18. •
<br /> � �_,.� - - -- �a'i�. .-_� --=
<br />