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<br /> �.s �+'._ �'..�"a'rTw, :r�:�y. � ` � s ,ma:�..ia�'�sr?�'�t''.^-'`�r-. .�5:r..� ����a�S� -sis�Y - �-'�a-'"t�nt+-_ --
<br /> �---"���zErc�s�a'�i�E4i Ta'`�a�-
<br /> � . � � �. � ����a�s�� � -.
<br /> � , 17.Tcansf�r oY 4�ep�operiy oF a Beaeiiciat InL�i in Boarower.If all or any parr�'�roPenY�or arry m rest in it �
<br /> is sold ar uansferred(or i�a bene&cial imeiest in Borrov1er is sold or transfemed'and B�urrower is aat a natural person)wi4haut �
<br /> ' �Leader's prior,wrltten consent, i.eAdep may, at its aption, require imm� paYment.in full of alI sums se�ued by this .
<br /> Security Instrument.Hocvever.Wis oprian shalt not be�xercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal taw as of tiie date , °
<br /> of�his�ecurity Ins�nent. ' � --
<br /> ' If Lender exgrcises�his op6on,Lender shall give Barrower nodce of accetetation.�'he notice s�ali pmvide a period of not _
<br /> `iess than 30 days from the date the natice is dalivetied or'�e�witisin which Borrower must gay aU smns se�;by ittis -_
<br /> Securiry Insttumem.If Bosrower fails to pmy ese sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke anjt,•':.i�edies'. --
<br />� , permiMed by tDis Security Tnsunmet�i witttout r notice or demaad on Barmwer. �-':� __
<br /> II8. $arro�se�''s Rigfit to Refnstate. IP Bacrocver meets certain wnditions. Eoaower•sHalt have the rig�•to have _
<br /> enfoirement of this SECUrity Iastn�eat d'ascomim�ed at any time QrIor to the�rlier of: (a}5 days(os such o�:�seriad as .
<br /> applica6le taw may spScify for reinstatement) 6efore sale of the Frogsrty pursuant�o.:�Y�power.of sale cont��,in tPus _ •
<br /> p 3ecurity Insuvment;ar(b)er}trY of a jadgme�enforcing this Secvrity Instrom_P*±t.Tirase:�aoatlitions a,r.e that Borroiveai(a)paps,
<br /> Lender all sums wluci�then wontd be due ut[der cbis Security Fnsuument 2�td the Note'as if no atcelti�iation had acaured:(G). :;�..
<br /> cures any default of any other covenanLs or agneements:(c)Pays all exp�sec incnrred.in enforaing z3is Serurity.Jasmimei�.�::::;.;;,,.
<br /> � iacluding,but not li;nited to,reasunable auoraeys'fees;an�(d)takes suc�%astion as L.eader may reasanably requ�r�to assure�':.:;:.s;.:
<br /> ' that the lien of tbis 5trurity InstYVttrent,Leader's rights in the ProFereY anc�Bomower's obligation.to pay the suc-s.�by , � ,• '
<br /> this $ewrity InS�trument shall continue anchanged. Upon reinstateaient by Borrark�i;,:�his Secnrity Instr� -� aud the . , .
<br /> obtigations secvred hereby shaSl remaia fuIly effective as�f no acceleration had accarr�;'�i�ver.•;..�i�right to rei�s'state�hall �,,:
<br /> not apply in the case of aoceleratian under�arag�gh 17. , .� .". �:` ' . ;:�,::::%. . �;':`;>
<br /> . 19.5aie oS P1ote; CGange o�Loan S�i�.�', The Nute or a yartiat interest in.t�:i►�dce�:�`�ter viith'shis Securiry�':%:::�,'.
<br /> • Instmmerrt)may,Ue sold ane or mo�times aii�!.`:prinr nat�ce_to Borrower.A sale snay�itit in a a��in We enti�j((lmown'; �.." •
<br /> " • .,as tLe"Lnan SsrvIcer")that eallerts montlily papaskn�.s dua;�er the Note and this Sec�c�•Inst�am'�:°1'here alst�'tri3y ise one '
<br /> � � � - - or more changes of the Loan Servicer unre[ated to a sale of�z:Note.-If thece is a.change e;f't��Loan 5ervicer,Bor,ro�ver.will be...:.. ..
<br /> given cvri:ten notice of the changb;.n accordsnce with p�ua�aph 14 above and apglicabl�7�;a.The nor�'as will state the name and�
<br /> • addte�s of the a�w�an Servicer•�nd the�address to which payments should 8e made. T�e aotice�s aLso comain atry other
<br /> information requ+rec�:�iY-aPPlicabl'e iaw. _•.. .
<br /> 20.Haxerdous Sabstance�.�rrower shall aot catue or p8rmit the presence,u�a,:disposal,�storage, or release of any -
<br /> Hxrardaus Substances on or.ia �Property. Borrower shall not do, aor allow aa�i�ar.','else,to do, aayshing affe�ting ihe
<br /> Prpperty tha2 is in.violation.of any Environmental Law.The pieceding two semences sfi�!not apply to the presence,use,or . ,
<br /> storage an the Praperty of sipall quantitie�of Hazardnns Subsiances that are generaliv:n�cognized to,be apprqpnate to narmal
<br /> residentiat oses and t�mainter�ce of the Property. " � •�:' . • • •.:�' �°: .
<br /> Borrower s�rali prompdy.give Lender wn�en nnttce�of a�y investi�na,ctaim, demaad,•laz✓s�4t ar other actinn by airy.
<br /> � . govemmental or regulatory agency or privata pasty involvis�the Property and arry Ha�ardous SabS�*.e or Environmental Iaw ,
<br /> of wlucH Borrower has actual knowledge. If Bomawer l�tn�H os is nntified by any go:�tt►mental os regulatory authority,that
<br /> any�?oval or other remedlation a�ar.y Hazardotis Sutsstaaa�,affecting the Property is r„�sary,Barrower shall pmmpdy take •
<br /> all necessary remedial actions in s�ordance�vith Enviroa��rc':�Law. . �; � � •
<br /> .� As used in tbis paragraph ZA: "Ha7ardous.Substances"are those substances'defi�►ed as touc Ar:�inzardous substances by�
<br /> Enviranmenta3 isw and the following su6stanoes: gasoline, kerosene. other flammable or toxic pazroteum pruducts, toxic .
<br /> • pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents.materials coniaining asb�stos or fortnaldehyde,and radioacave materiats.As used in
<br /> this pa..aagraph.20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the judsdi�an where the Property is located thas
<br /> retate fic�heatth safety or environmental pratection. ` • �
<br /> �iON-UI�IFORM COVENAI�YT5.Bormwer and Lender further covenant and agree as fallows: • �
<br /> 2l.Aaeteratton;RewedIes.]Leader shall give no8ce to 8orrower prfor to acceler�ttlon foliuwing Borcower's brea�8 .
<br /> � oP any covenant ar�greemEnt in Wis Se�ritq Inst�mtent (bnt uai prior to acceleration nnder panagrapb 17 antes9
<br /> ' appticab4e law provides otlierwise).�'he noti�shatl speci�y: (a)the deT�lt;(b)the uciton required to eure the detaol{;
<br /> (c)a date,mat tess tt�an 30 days irom the date the uottce Gs.given to Borrower,by whfc6 the detaa}2 inust�be cnrt�;antl
<br /> � (�tliat.fadlare to care t6e defauIt on or beiare the dat�;�pedfied ia tHe aotice m�y rctivlt in aooeteration aY the sams
<br /> ser�red by this Securlty Instrument add sate of tha Roperty. Thc aotice shaU.far�.h�r inYorm.Boeeowes o�`th�right tn �:
<br /> . ReinsEale aft�r 8o�'ieratlon and the�ight to bring a couri adton ta Q�sert the n�uu�i�tence�"s�defauit os a�y othes �
<br /> defrase of Besra�,r to acreleratt0n aad sale. Yf the defaWt is not c�Ted on mr 6efore the d � speei4ird iia the notice, �
<br /> � .. LendeT,at[ts opiton,may rtgiilre immedlate payment in fnlf o!all sums secured qsy thLs See�rity Instnunent wifi�ont
<br /> furtiter demund un�muy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permi4�3 by applicabte taw.Lend'er shatl be
<br /> . entitled to oallect a!I e$penses tacurted in pu�uing the remedies provtded in this���rap8 21,iracla�dtng,but not�imited
<br /> , to,reasonai�ie attormeys'ls�s and easts of title evideace. � , ,. .
<br /> �I�the ppwer af saie t�i�oked;Trus�ee shatl reoord a not�ce of defauit �n eaci�oouatv in�.:wt�lch an}t part'af t$e �
<br /> � Properiy is tocated and sbstil mail c�ptes a�.u-�c6 n�tice fn the manner prescribecl Dy appli��.�aiw to Bnrrower aud to
<br /> ` the qiher petsoms pi+�cr3beal by npplicabte la+r.Afigr the time reqaired by appllca6le law,Tnistee shalf give pubtle nrotice
<br /> -oY s�C�•SO ttf�persong an�ia We��nes prescribe�3 G3'u�.yN9icaL3e�aw.Trusiee,Eo�di�vui demmnl mr�ornaever,shaii seli � .
<br /> � the Flroperty at public auctton to the�1gHest_bIdder at t�¢i�e and pfase an�aade�the tE�rns destgnated tm N�ra aottre of
<br /> sale in one or more�aroets and in any order Trustee determines.Tn�stee may po�pone sale of�alt orany�.rcel at the ,
<br /> �P�Y by pu6lic annnnncement at the time and place oY any pmr�otcsfy sched�led saie. Lemder or iLv des�tgnee.�'. •
<br /> �urrhase thQ Ycoperty at anY sute. . .' . . � �
<br /> , ' �, •Fairm'3028 9186
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