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<br />= S. �a�rd or P�u�ty Imsnranoe.Hortotivet sball.tc�ep the improvememts now eusdng or.hereutter enaed on ttte
<br />= . Pra�erty insumd agaImst�loss b'y f�re.hazards iuclud�within the tertn °eatended wvera�e"qad anY.ather�uaazands. �nsluding
<br />� tl�ods ar Rm�ding.for wiitch Lxnder re�uires insu:aace.'1'hIs insur�ao»sP�alj be mazmazned in the�nounts and for th$periods °� ` ` '
<br /> ' that Leud.,r requi�.?`he insurance carrier pioviding the insuiaace shall be chosen by Borrawer sob}ect to Lerrder's agpioval '
<br /> = whi�h shali rtot br�nmasonably witl�lteld:If�Borcowe;fails to maintain oovera�e d�sctibeA above.Lender rhay,at Lender's.
<br />= apt�mn,.abtain cevera;e ta g;otec¢Leuder's�gpts ia the Fmgerty in a�rdance�,itb paragcapb 7. ' � --
<br /> ' All insurance�salicirs and renewals st�ali be acceptable to Leader and shali include a siaadard raoitgage clause.�Y.eadzr �
<br />- shal!have the right ta hold.the policies aad renewals.If Lender tequires,8omotiver shall pmmpdy give to Lender ait rcoeipts of •
<br /> paid przmiums and renewa!notices.In the event of loss,Bomnwer shall give prompt notice to die ipsvrance carrier and Lender. . .
<br />- Lender tnay make proof of loss if not m€de promptly 6y Borrower. ' , �
<br />� UWess Le�ader and Sorrawer othenvise agree m arriting,insuraace proceeds shall he appfied to resto:ation or r+epair of the
<br /> Property damag�d,if the restpration o�repair is economicaUy feasibte and Leader's�vrity is not lessened.If d�e restnration or
<br /> repair is noi econoinicaUy feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the instu,ance groceeds sbaU 6e appfied to the sams
<br /> secared by this Securiry F�asttument, whether or not then dite. with apy excess paid to Bortower. If Bormcvep abandnns dte
<br /> , Property,or daes not aqswer within 3�days a aotice from l.ender that the.��►�i�*+ce cazriet has offerea to satle a alairn,then '
<br />- Lender may collect the in.svraace proca�ds. Lertder may use the pmcerds to repait or resto�e the Praperiy or to pay swus
<br /> secured by Wis Se,cvrity Instn�meat,whet�Cet or aot th�n due.�The 30-day per�od wi116egin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless LRatder aad Bormwer otharwise agree in writu�g, any application af piaceeds to principal shall not extend or�
<br /> gosipone the dne date of the manthly payments referred to in para�raphs 1 and 2 or change the a�onat of ths paymen#s.If •
<br /> t�der paYagrapb 21 the praperty is acquued by Lender.Borrov�ec's rig6t W m�y inseuanoe polIcles and pmceeds res�ilting from , .
<br /> ..._... dazna�e W the Pcoperty p�or to the�acquisidon 3ha11 pa�s-t�I.esid�r to-the eidentof ihe sums secured lry thic�5e�usity Instniiuerit�---
<br /> immediately priarto the acquisition. �
<br /> � 6.Oc�pancq,PsPSei�attnn;Maintenaace.�nd Pi�ate�ttem af the Prope�ty;Baaruwea's Lua�s APFlts�ton;L�uld�. :
<br /> BorroLVer sha11 acxupy,establisb,and use the Property as Borrawer's principal residence within sixty days afte.c tfie exec;ution of '
<br /> tbis SecurItyr Inspiumept aad shall continue to accapy the property as Barmwer's principal rzsidence for ai leasi one year after
<br /> ttse�date of occupancy.uq�ess Lendel othes�vise agrees in writing,w�ti�wnsent sLall u6t be unrea�onabJy wi,tt�►eld,or unless
<br /> .'exteuttating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's contml. $orrower sUall ¢ot dQStray.,damage�ar impaii.the �
<br /> Property,;a,t�tv.ttie Pnupe�ty to c�eter=.�ate,or commit aiaste on the Property. Borrower shall be.in default if any f�-.,,;,�ture.
<br /> ' actioa or ps�ing, afiether civil cr u�'.nal,is 6egna that in Lendra's good faith judgutenC couId resvtt in forfeiEur�x�''r the '
<br /> Property or otherwise icaterially�imp�-�:���n cce�by this Security Inswment or T.ender's security iaterQSt. Eurrowej may
<br /> cr�e such a default and r�s��-�,,;��:ro�;�ad,in gz:-���h 18.by causin$the acxion or praceedin�to 6e dismissetl with a ruliag �
<br /> th?t, u►Lender's good�}�etetr�:,.�o�; preclad"es forfeitare of the Bomnwer's interest in the Peoperty or other materIal ' , .
<br /> • impairment'of tlie lien created by ths.�'ecurity Instmment or d.ender`s security intraes�.Bormwer shall alsQ be i�defaulc if
<br /> Borm�ver.dnYing t(�e toan appticatian praoess,gave materialty fatse or laaa�urate infotmation ar statements tQ Lender(or failed .
<br /> to provide Lender with any material informatipn)in connection with the laaa evidenced Qty tLe Note,including,bat not limited
<br /> - to,representations conceming Bormwe�'s oavpancy of�the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instniment is on a -
<br /> leasehn2d, Borrower shall oompiy with alt the pravisioas'of the tease. If Bo�rawer acquirc�.fe�=title r� rhp.Fra�mi=�_-_-_- - -
<br /> • leasehoId aIIS�t6e fee title ahal!noi me�:unless.Lender agrees to the cnerger in ynitidg. � �
<br /> ' 7.FroS..,�i:Ioa af i.enrkr's Rigltb i�the Property.�Yf Barrovrer fails_to perform the cove�-.,.��s aud ageementa oontaIned in_
<br /> this SecuFityr'Instiument.ar there is a�;al proa�ding that may significamtdy affect Leatder's rlghts in the
<br /> �±:�n�ceeding in baolauptcy;��bare,�for tondemnation Qr forfeiture os to enfars��i�vs or ��(���g
<br /> regntations},yhea P.�t�Qea may do and
<br /> .,..paY for whatever is nece�:�ng t�prot�ct[he value c��u�e Property a�d L-end�°s�g6rs in th��'iopertjl. Lender's actions may�
<br /> include paying Rny sum.y socured 6y�.�,�ien wlrich has.priority:�u�r this S�earrity Instruv�{� appearirig ln court, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and enterir�'�s'the Propeny to ma�e repa�is.AIthougit Lender may,take'�,tion nnQer this paragraph
<br /> ' 'f,Lender does not have to�do so. ' � . . • . .
<br /> �Any amonrlts disb�acl by LQnaer tmder this.paragraph 7 shal! becom��:¢ditional debt of Borra��,t:r secured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. iJntess Barrower ar�d Lender agee to other terms of pay-�t3:Wese aa�au.nts s�all h�intexpst from the �
<br /> date af dis�r,�ssem�ent at the Norc rdte•�d shall ba Fayable. with lnterest.u��n`r�otice fcorn°iLender.to Bo�+awer req►�e,ning . ' �
<br /> . Pnl+meat. .. • - - .. .
<br /> , S.MAY�pc,?oP LS���H'.If Les�^��.�res�u3red rszaKgage ins�rance:.s a cos�aa oY m�iag tEs4 toan sect�z��cf b�Q,is Security . °-
<br /> Instrument, BorroweT shaU pay the premiums mqunr�,d to maintain the martga,�:tnsuiance in effett. If��'�;a�any reason, the
<br /> mo�tgage insurance anverdge required'by Lender ia�pses or ceases to be.in�effec3i-�unowet sbalt pay fhe�.�niunos rcguired ro
<br /> obuun coverage subs+.antial[y equivalent to the mort�age insurance previously in e�fect,�t a r�st subsmn�ally equivaient to the
<br /> cost ta Borrower of the�mortgage ia�at.r,�ise previously in,eKect. from an aitemate mortga�:ir�surer appioved by Leader.If
<br /> substantialIy equivalent mort�ge insar'r.,r�e coverage is not availa6le, Borrower a�nll pay�to�er eath month a sum equal to �
<br /> oae-twelfth of the yearly raortgnge ias�unnce pt�emiam beiag paid by Borrower�vhen the.insurance covcrage��psed or cpased to
<br /> be ia effea.I.ender wilt aecept,use and retaia these��ayments us a loss i�eserve in lieu of mortgage lnsur�,.ncc. Loss teserve .
<br /> f�orm 3028 '�IflO
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