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<br /> U�oa.�tpi�ai�yyma�$3 0!tfls pai�<Eid.'E'svsSee s�!d �Ii�rer to the pur�raser Tivstee°s�de�9 canv�ytng th� _
<br /> Wroperey.T[`��e�s[4t��s in the T�tee'�d�d J�r#31 Qre p�fade evfdeace af t$e Sr�t��t�e b�tut�ee�ts��ffi�. `_
<br /> �astce sba!!o�AtY the prac�og th�saie.in t@e tolFoscing orc1�:(a?tn aH ca6ts ancl�e�cS�s ot exerrts3€��the�pa�ai -
<br /> t�,�t� e.u�tt1 t�saie.djtedtt��e�ym2�4 ot Qtte'�'si�ee'�t'ecs crt�aliy�.t�at�o ex� -� 690 t}.00 �'o
<br /> �t �!4l�I��R�t�I�'� � �t a�af e�s�ie attora�ys'�e�s��t� �
<br /> i,��v;r��40����y t�see�ri����c��any�ce�eo.e���n o:����y�tu�to _
<br /> tc. - . .. � ,
<br /> �t. Recoifveyaax. lfpan�aymeni of alt aur� serureA by this S�xndry List�umeni, taader shali rzquest Tnastee ta
<br /> c�ornrey t}�.FruPertY a�s�all su�rer�der ttds�+uity Instru�ent atzd a�t aotea eviQensin�debt seaued by tbis 5�cuity
<br /> dnswment to Tr�ste�.'Crt�st�shall reron,vey the Ptbpe�ty without warraniy�and withant cbarge ta•�petson at persons Iegally
<br /> entItFed to it.Sach petson or persmns shall�say any t2mrtlation casts. . �
<br /> , L'�.S�t(tufe Ta�stee. Lender,at its op�ion.may fratn time to tune remave Tiustes aad appaint a sa�ssor m�steE to .
<br /> ' any Tnasiee nppoia0�d here�Eer by an insirumeat ce�c�rded in t6e cwunty in�vt�icb this Secarity Insuumen4 is recor+dea.Withaut .
<br /> canveyaa�e of t��iperty�the su�s.or tcustee sfialt siicceed to s�ll the ti�'e,pawer au�l duties canfere�d apon.Ti�..ttee heiein
<br /> ' . �nd 6y ap Iicabie[a�s. ' . � � �
<br /> Z4.�uest[ar Natte�..Borrow�r remcesu shat copies of the naiftes of defaulcaad.sale•be�t tn Soaowe�s�s
<br /> whic�Is ttte Pcopeny AddtcSS. , �: :�
<br /> 1S.�Id�to t�[i�SectuIty.Yns�ut.If aae ar more riders aie ea�uted by Eorrower aad recorded togeiher wit6 this -
<br /> � ' •S�utitY Iqs�uneut.the wvenaIIts and agr�em�nss of each suci�rider shalt be i�oorporaYed inso and shall am�nd aud s�p�i�ent .
<br /> the�va�ar�ts acp8 ag�tt►ents of¢his Security Instrun�t as if tE�rider(s)�vere a part af tlais�etiuit�r Isisuv.me�t. ,
<br /> •tCfi.x!cr.�giisPb�ebor.{es�) . � . ' . � ...I?��-3�2A-�'=r-
<br /> . . . . . , . . .`'.,�L1
<br /> ' �Adjustable Rste Rider_ � C.�Caadncuiniva�Rider 1-d FainiEy Ri¢�r ':' ;-,s`%�' .
<br /> , �Crradnated Fay�eni Rider 0 Plana�Uuit�+eta�pmmi�P.ider �8i�:ee�1y t'a}�e�i Fttder ;' `.`,`� _ =
<br /> ' , , �Ballaon Rider • ,d Rat�Impmv�ment Rider , �Secaad Ho�e Rid:r '
<br />_ [�V.A.Rider • � � .Q�Q�s)[�fY1 . , . .
<br /> • . , . . .
<br /> � ,� � THIS INSTRUNdEI�€T i1A5 DRAFTED� 8�: NORNE$T MORTGAGE, INC., 202 �WEST�3RA; �5T,� . . .;:';;;:;; :
<br /> � �P 0 0QX t 768,� GRAND'`TSLAND. .NE. .68$020000: . • . � . �
<br /> BY'SIiiNIIVG B�IAN.Bor��r accepts'und agc�xs to the tetms and covehants ca��d in this Seeurity Insuw�ai�ts an4
<br /> ' iia any ridei(s)executed by Borrowei and recordeA with it. �'`.;"',,
<br /> .WiQresses: � ' ; � . . . :;;,
<br /> . . :�! . � : ; � ��� �
<br /> . . . , ROG ��I �O�.T�. � , ,`;a;.��. ,
<br /> � ; ' . , : � ��y
<br /> . , . ' . CAROL L �OLTZ_ ,. . . �i:�'� :�o�cower �,
<br />- � ,' �`,;r'=�'�.i. ; , . .:;,:' ' : ;;i'
<br /> .;,.,. :�'-.,;, t�, ' . , ';;;;i'' , t�y
<br /> ,ci;;,�.
<br /> ` , ,' �,,;. , .Bortowcr ' • . � . -8ot�owcr �
<br /> . • rr•.;.'s�' ; :+,, . . . ,
<br /> � ` . , ,�r,,��� . '�;:. .. r'':.; . , . . ,
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<br /> � � STA '(D'i'�N�BRASKA; ' �.=:, % • ' :;�;:,��'� . :�� �`iConn33'�s• .. •.,:,:•
<br /> '� H�1LL ��; •� �� . . t:;:��.
<br /> � . . T�faregoing instreiment.was ackttowiedgedi�efore�te th�s` 3lST' ,day of AUGiTST ��'`��55 ; . ,
<br /> � '. .by ROIGER'fl BQLTZ.AND CAROL L' 80LTZ, HFT$HANII AND WILr$ � , � �
<br /> �tness IIry A�td amd ttota�ial sesit at GRL�iD IS , iat said�o . a dace af8tesaid.
<br /> ` .� . My�ammission�xpires:. • ,�=- 'f�kj . • � '..
<br /> �� . . . . . Notary 1i� ' . .
<br /> . • . ' ,''' ��ARWRET QrL�tl • '. . . �.,, .�
<br /> �r IAY�n�+.f.��Y?.L� ; . . � ,. .
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