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<br /> ��22?�30 ' ' Asslgg13Y�4m�lt�ents `' 14F13-3170-t
<br /> ' THIS 1�FA1VIaY I�ER is made this 31 ST �►ogAUCUST • 1995 �
<br /> aud is iaon�oiate�into and shaU be dee�d to ameud and sngple�erit tae Mortga,e,Deed af'Fnist or Sesvuity .
<br /> Deed (the"SecurtlY Inst�o.meai") of We same date�giv�n by 4he undcrsig�aed (the •'Bormarer") tn sea�re
<br /> BoiYUZVer's Nmte to � , �
<br /> _ NORH'EST I�IdRTGAGE, INC. � � �
<br /> ' • - , , , (the•`Lender•� .
<br /> of the same date rind covesiag th�Pmperty d�sn'�sed in th�Securiry lnstrument and located ai: '
<br /> . ' 621 uQRTH KENNEDY �RIVE,' GR,AND ISLAND. NE 68803 , . � ` .
<br /> ` � �r�o�r Ada,�g], '
<br /> .. ........ ...------�-�— �-.: -----��-------...._......_._..._... ..----._.._......_..._._.._... .
<br /> . ..----�----....__.._ ---- - -. ._.. .---_......__..._..---- ---�--..._._....
<br /> • 1-�i FAMII.1t CQ�IFNAN'!S.Ia additioa t0 the covenan4s aad agreements made in the Security tn „r►,oa,
<br /> Barr�ower aud Lendef fuit8er caveftant aad agce as follows: .. .
<br /> A. AIL�TTYTOi�AL�iO.�Y S�1�13'HE S�C�TRI3'Y QlI�Pl1�. In a�dition to the .
<br /> �� �vpetty d�ribe�i;►tlte SecuritS+Iastrament,the'foltoavin�it�ns are added to rhe Frupezty description.ead sha.0
<br /> . . also cans6tute dse Ptop$rty oovered by the Secnrity Ipsnturaeut:buiIdiag materials�applianees artd.�oods of eve� .
<br /> natare wbatsoeyer nnw or 6ereafter toc�ted .in. on,ar used, or inteade� ta 6e used in c6na�vian wlth the
<br /> �agerty,iacluctiag,�but not iimit�ta. thmss for td�e pnrFoses o�suPPlJ!ing or d�uting h�g•�caolinS+
<br /> elecuieity,gas. water, sir aad lig�t. fire pieve�tinn en� extinguishin8 ePPat�us• se�ity aad aooess�osntYal � ,
<br /> ' appmatus.plumbiag,bath tabs, water heatecs. water ctQ�ts. sinks. ranges. stoves, refrigeraiors.dis9�washee5.� .
<br /> disposals,washe�s.drYers,awnings. sionn windnws,s2orm doars. screens.bliads. sbt�des.curtaias and putain
<br /> mds,a3tache�mirtois,c,�binets,paneUing and attached flaar coveriugs now or hec�afier attached to the Pmperty,
<br /> "'.�� all of whicL, incIuding replacements aad.�(itians ther�to, shaU ba deemed to be aad remain a part of the ,
<br /> '''':'' nctmmc�2�All of tbe fo tl1D to r with the P[o rty de�7ibed in the
<br /> . Pmpezty omreced,by the Se�urity I � � $ S� Pe
<br /> , � � Searrity Instrnment(or the�cate?�n1d es�te if the Securiry Tnsuvment is on a 2easehol�ars referr�d to i�s this 1-4 .
<br /> . Family Rides aad the Security��mumen't as the"Pmperry.„ .
<br /> ' ' � B.USE OF PROPER�;COMP�ANCE WITH I.AW.Bomower shall nat seeTa� �'2C�4 OY QIS�E:3
<br /> change In t�e u�..of th�.Fro�rty or tts za�classi�rati�n,ssnless Le�:er t�s a,zed'un writiag r(p.�he chPnge. � ..
<br /> • � Sormwer shaU cou►ply wIt� a11 laws, ordi�ances, �egolattans and i+e�uiremems of any govexst�:ntal bo8y
<br /> , a��icable to ths Property. :•. ''� � , .
<br /> • -� .C.SUBORDIIVA7'E L1ENS.Except as Pemsi.tted 4�.�cdezal tuw,Borrower sha�'i ct4t aitow any lien infer�a��:.
<br /> to't�e Seauity Inscrument to be perfected'against the Fraperty arithout Ler.dei's prtor written pesr�i5sion. ,
<br /> .•.;�;'�;., D.RENT L().49 INSt1Rl�NCE.Bo?��•cr st�a11 maintain insiiranre against ren2 toss in add��.ta the ather . .
<br /> ' ';;;::. : hazards,for wtilcb insurance is required by��Frtiform Covenaat 5. ' .
<br /> � � - , E."B�RROWER'S RLQ�i''I'�REIIN59'A7CE"DELET'ED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. .
<br /> � F BORROWER'S O�'+iJPANCY. Ua�ess Lqader and Bomnwer'othernrlse agree in writiag, the first
<br /> sentercce ln Unitbrm Covenam 6 ca[�ming Borrower's oxupancy of.the Progerty�is deIeted. All remaining •
<br /> •i�;;,; � cavenants and agreements set forW in Unif¢�n Covensnt 6 shaU�iia effect. �
<br /> ;;�:�� . ', G,ASSiGNIV�NT'OF L�ASES.Upan Lender's t!ea�uest.Bormiver shall nssiga w�l.�ader�@�eases of th9 .
<br /> . psaperty end all secuiity.deposIts ariade 3n connection q:�leases�of ehe Property.Upon the assignident,l,en�+er,
<br /> . shall ha.v�ths right to modify,extend or temunaxe the a��{:a$leases and to exrdute new teases;3n Len�e*'��Ic.
<br /> .disccetion.As used iP this paragrapb(3,the wor�•'tease'"sha11 mean•'sublease"if'the Security Instrni�ent'is r,�
<br /> a leasehold. � , . . .
<br /> ;;.: . . � • ' .
<br /> MULTiSTAtE fi FAMiIY R1DER�atu�ts Ritw/FreddN Mao Untfarm fnstr�unrrtt Cam 8t70 9190
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