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<br /> r. . <..._-�.af w�x,c-F,`'r_-E'.i� ' w°:���'j'i+�'',.-�•-? �r--�«_` -w-t,.k�r ,;j':=�"f-Er'ti}�cii, ,--'tt_-.--I �*. � '�Tb ;�±t-� -4..: f,+�Z��iir��w_:��
<br />� . . � �� : ; � , � , . ,g ` i0�9�9 � .
<br />_ ; • 19.ZhansBe�of ttee Pruger,ty or�t B�asEfIclA1 inter�st tn 6arrorrer.If all ar any�rt a�tl e Property or an�►Intemst�n it•
<br />- is sotd or transferred(ur if a ben�fecIai interest in Eoreotiver is sold ar trsiasferred aad Borrower is not u natural pQasnn)withouE '
<br />_ �Yxrtder's prior wrir.en ooasent. Lsrtdtr may,�sat its optPon. rzquire immediate payment in futl of all sua�s sesured !ry this
<br />= . � Security Iastn�n�,li�wever,tbis aPtion shall nai 6e exercised by LenBer if exercise is prohibite�by fedeial law as af the date � �
<br /> _ , of th6s Secnriry' Instrument. ' � � ° . � ..
<br /> _ � � If x.ender ex�tcis�s this option.�r shail give Borrower.datice of acceleration.T[ie nodce sh311 provide u pediod of not
<br />•• ' ' less than 30 duys fmm the date the natice is delnvered or mailed within which Borrovi/er must pay all sums secuied b�C thls
<br />; �Securiry It�trument.If Bormwer faits ta pay these.sunas priur to the enpiration of this geriod.Lender may invt►ke any remedies
<br />= permitted by this SECUrity Insunmeat v+ithout further notice or demand oa Borrower. � .
<br />- ' l�. �orrotveP's Right to ideinstu4e. if Bomawer meets �rlain concfitions. Borrower shall �ave the right to have
<br />_ ent'orocmeni of this Secucity Instrtimeni disraatinued at any time pr�ur to.the eArlier of: (a)5 days(or sach other periad as
<br />_ aPpllcxble !aw ntay sjs�it3r for r�instatemertt)taefore sate of the Ptoperty.pursuant to a�r power of sale wntsine� in this
<br />- Security Insuument;or(b).entry of a jadgment eaforcing this Se�xirity In�trument.Those oonditions ac+e that Borrotiver:(a)pay's
<br />- Lender all sums wtuch then would 6e due under this Secwfty Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurr�d:(b)
<br /> , cunes any defautt of any other covea�dnts or ag,reeme�ts: (c)pays att expeoses incurr+ed in eaforcing tbis Seauity Instrument. .
<br /> • iacludin�,but not IImited w.t+easonable attoraeys'fees;and(d)takes such aaian as'Leader may ce�sonabiy requlte to�ssnre
<br /> ' that die iien of this S�urity Inswmens.I,ender's sights in the Property aad Borrower's abligation to pay the sums securaf by , �
<br /> : tlus Sec.urit3r inst�ent sha&i ooatinug uachaaged. Upoa reinstatemeat by Bomower. tBis Security Inst�umeai aad the
<br /> obligatians secured here6y shait remain fully effec;tive as if ao accelera�an had orcurred. Hawever,thLs right to reinstata shail
<br /> not app2y in the caze af acceicratian iuider paragraph 17. `
<br /> ' 19.Sade of Not� Ctiange ot Loan Secvlcer. The IHote or a g�oa��inte�est in the Note (together with t5is Serurity
<br /> Instmment)may 6e sold one or more times witJwut prior nouce to Bom��.A saTe may result in a change in the endty((onacvre
<br /> , • as the'°L.oan Sexvicer")that co1lects monthly payments due nnder the Note and tlus Securiiy Insuvment.There also may be one
<br /> . or m�re cEianges of tiie Loan 5en+icer um�elaied ta a sale of the Note.If there is a cLange of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will 6e . '
<br /> �-- - --��given wntten�nati�of the chat�ge in aocordactce with-paragraph�14 above and applicable ia�r:-�he�tice�vWl-stace tHe natne aad-...__. ..
<br /> .address of the asar Laan Servicer and the�dness to cvhich payments�should be matte.'Phe notia�,will also coa�ain a�r o:he3 '
<br /> informatian reqv�ed by applicable law. �. •
<br /> _ _ : . ?,(!.H�erdoas�.Borrowee s6alt nat cause or germit the presem�,use,disposat, stoiage,ot relase af any
<br /> . Hazardous Substances on or.a� We Property. Borrower'shall aat do, nor,allo�r a�yon�else to do. anythin� a$'ecring the
<br /> Property that is in viotation o�any Environ�ental Law. 'Fhe preceding two sente�s shall not agply to the g�-�senoe, uss,or .
<br /> si�rage on the Praperty of�73 quandti�es ot Hazardous SubstIInces that are generally reaognized to be appropsIate to aomial � ,
<br /> residential uses and to maintenaaoe of the.t'roF�Y-
<br /> Borrower sfiall prompdy give Lender'written nodce of arry irrves8u�aiod,claim,demand,lawsvit or other actlon by.any •
<br /> : governmental or regulatory age�cy or private pany iqvola;�ag the Pcopem���d a�+��Zardous Substance or Envunnmental Law �
<br /> of wlrlch$orrovrer has acU.��Jls�owledge. Tf Borrower[�ms, or is noti5ed 6y�y�nvemtnenfat or regulatory authority,that•
<br /> any removal or other reme��ti�qf any Hazardous Substance af.fecting the Prc�r,4�i:�,a necessary,Borrower shall�rompily take
<br /> . all neces�ary remedial adions"sn accordamce�vith'Environmental Ltiw. � :
<br /> _ As ased in this.garagraph 20,"Hara�#nus Substances"are those�h�tances•��fined as toxuc:+ar hazardous spbstnnces ls�: .
<br /> Env'vonmeatal �.zw and�the following saa�ces: gasoline, kerosea,e�:�er.flammab2e or te�ic.petroteum prodacts. wxcc
<br /> : pest�cidesartd herbicldes,volat�'�e salvents,rnaterials containing asbestos•3s'fomnaldehyde.an��adioactive mate�iats.As used in.
<br /> . tt�ts paragrdph 20, "Bnviro�ntal Law" means federal'laws and laws of the j�'rwctio»where the Property,:as.located that
<br /> . retate to heslth,safery or eavironmeatal pmtection. '. � ' ' � .
<br /> � IYOIWUIVIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agres as follows: �
<br /> • 'Zl.Ac�ea�on;Remed�fes.LQadea�sha11 give notice to Hos�uwes prlor to aae2eratioa foQowing Borrower's bt�ach
<br /> � of any cov�os agreement in tt�is Security Instrumeat (bat mr�t.grriop tp acceteratfon under ParaS►�al�b 17 nt�tesg
<br /> � appiiceble lac�'g,�rcvtdes othe�tse).3'he aotice shatl spRCij'y: (a)the oTefauit;(i�)the adton sequtre�to care the defauit,••
<br /> � (c)a date,�ant t�ths�t 30�avs from the date tLe notice Ys given to Borrocve�;;ih�.�tfafch W��defantt mnst be c�ed;•and �
<br /> ' (d)that fafitnre to care t�s�'�l�:autt on or hetore thQ date spedfiec�in ti�e aot�ce may r�sWt tn acc�teratlon ot the sums
<br /> • � �sea�d�ty thls Security�a�nent aad sate oQ t�e Property.'I'6e nofIce shaU fartder inform�inrrower oi the rigtit to
<br /> reiost�3e after a�3eratton an+3 t6e rtg�.t4 kriag a coaet acilon to assert We nomesisteace of a defaWt or aay ott�er
<br /> defease of Borr�.vt�r to acce�erattom�3t��s�le. I�Y the defeult f�not�cured an ar hefore t6e dat�speclfied ta thp notfc� . .
<br /> I.ender, at tts option,may e+�aIre[ma�ate payment in fnll oY ell sums s�6y this Security insteumea! wYt�oat �.
<br /> f@t4rer demand and may�tc,��e tde power oY sate an8 any other remedte�yier�,�ed by applteab2e law.Lender s�all be"� '
<br />; enHtled to coltett�11 expez.�i:�ivrred ia p�sa8ag the r�medles pmvIde�l ta thls pacagrnpt�BD,fuclading,but nut llmfted
<br /> tfl��rasonabte attorneys'fees'�and costs of dt4e evl8ence. � �
<br />� if¢he,p¢�a;ur,OT Sd�E(9 IIIVOkCd,Trus3ee s�al�record a aotice o!defa�lt tn each county in�vt9tdr uny part pf t6e '
<br /> . 1'roperty Is tacu�c,�a�qd ahaII mail coptes of suc6 IIotice in 4he manner pmscrtbal Ay appltcabte taw to Borrower aad 2c�� :,�,
<br /> �the otker peese�,psrscaibed by appitca6le taw.After t8e'tt[me reqWred 6y a�►plicable taw,'[Yastee s6af1 give pvbtic no�tce '�� `
<br /> . � � of sa[e to the persons an�In the manner pr�escribed Dy.appftcable Iaw.Teustee,without dwnand on Borrawer,shall sell � �
<br /> � tl�e Propert�r at public anttion to the�tgttest bfdder at t6e time and plave and under tRe terms designatesl In the aatfce of � �
<br /> " sai�in'one or mnse parce[s,und fn any ordes Trustee dete�mines.Teustee msy postpone.saie of eU or any patcef oY the
<br />� Property by publlc snnouncement at t6e.Aime and place of a�y previously �cheduted sate. Lendes'or its desigiaee may �
<br /> parcfiasE t�e F�ape�ty at any sale. • .
<br /> , form3�28 9/80;-
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