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<br /> �Si +. .4.:_ �' t•_-d b�;--e�,s,���h�.��..,.laSyi�.�� "�' �}Y�s��.Yr3iatsnaa,fX�SU -,.- �+5 '7' -z-y-�r� . . . . '
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<br />. � , paymenrs�}�no lo�s be�+equired.at the op'tioa of Leader.if mortga�e insurance ceve�age(ui the amonat and for the psr�aa. .. .
<br /> t�at Le�der re�tiires)Ptavid�by an�iasuser appmved by LeBder ag�ia btAOmes avsii2able.and i�abtainsd.�Rrrowet shall�ay .
<br /> tit�preiiuums re9ui�w maintain mortga$e finsuraace m effect,or ts pro�ride a lass�resenre.watiI the r�neut formp�tgaP,e .
<br /> �- tnstuanc�ends in accordance�vith aay writtea agreement D�ween Eotrower and i.ender or appIitxble!aw_ t.eader sba11 give .
<br /> g.�oa.Lender aa iu a;ent may mske reasonable e�ies upon aad iaspectians of the Peopsrty .
<br /> gan��IIOtice at the ttme a€a�grkitr us an in�ac�n specifyi�-reasoaa6le csuse for the inspecsion.�
<br /> 24.Cmffid�t�oa The pmceeds of aay award or claim for damages,dtrect or oonsequ�ntial,in conaa,�tinn with any
<br /> . condemnattvn or athcr taking of any-Qart.of ths Pro�e►�►,or fo�canveyance in{ieu of oan�eamation,aie hereby assigned a� .
<br /> • shall be paid to Lend�t. •.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property,tfie pioceeds sh�ll 6e applied w the sums secured by this Seauity lnstrument�
<br /> ' whethei or tioE then dus,vrith an,y egoess gaid,to Bo�rower. In tLe eveat of a partial tai�ng of.ti�Propert��ia which tbe fair .
<br /> market valae of t�ProPertY inu�a�Iy before ttce taEang is eqn,a!w or�reater than she amouut of the sums secur�by this
<br /> S�ority Instivment immediateIy`before the takiag;;�mless Borrower and Lea�der ottiervrise agree in writin8�the sums secared Dy
<br /> �::,�tus 5ECVrity Instrument.sh�ll b�red�icea by t6e amoant of tAe proceeds multigli�by the following ftactiom:.(a)the toLal
<br /> tt�e fair m�rket value of the PYOg�s'eY� 9ately . .,
<br /> smm
<br /> :�:�amouat of the sums s�`immediately before the;�:ug,dividrd hY-(t►? �wbich the fair
<br /> bcfore the.taking.Any 6abmce shall be paid to:Ba��er. Ia•the event of a partial taking o�the Pmgerty �
<br /> • mark�t vaSue.of the Pmperty im.,, ;atPly.before t�talcin$is Iess t�an the amount of the snnns se�und�mmed�atet3►6efflre tp.� `
<br /> mr w�less applicabl�taw othernise provides.the�mc�eds sliatl
<br /> .tafiin�,unl�sss Burrowerand Lender othstcvise a�n�:v�in8 :.. •
<br /> s
<br />_ �::�`;`fie agpl�ed ta the swms seaued hY tiris Secarity►���whether or aot the suins are then due. :�..
<br /> � �."`" -If tbs P�y is aban�oned by Boma�rer.or,+��er IIotice by Lender�to Bflrrower Wai the tondemttaLL:�ers to�make an
<br /> .,. �award or seitle a cisim for dawag�s,.Borrawer fails tP�oad to l,�der.witbin 3il.da.ys_after ttie_date�`�tice is gi�en; .
<br />_ . .Lender is authoriz�to ooltest and app2g tbe pmceeds.at iu flptioa,�er to restorasion or repais of.the praFerty or to the snms '
<br />_ secured iiy this Security Tnstiarnrmt,whethe{ar not then due. � � _• . � ni sba31.aat.e�Read_or
<br />- � Unless Lender and��wer otliecvrise agree:�-.w�i�g, anY aPPlication of pmr.eeds-ta p� -
<br />- postgoae the due date of the mond�ty payaieMs refea�@•to in Paragrapbs l a�sd�es change the amonnt of su�h payments.
<br /> �1.I3nrrower No!Retease�r For�runce Bq�ender Not a Watver.Extenslan of the time.for��yus�or modifc�tion
<br /> of amoMization o�the sums seciue,�6y Y�rs'Secu�ifjr Instrument granced by Lender Lo.aay snccessor in inie�st af Borrawet,s�a11 ,
<br /> a �
<br /> not operate to release,the IiabDity of ttie:�ginal l3urrowec or Baaower's surcessors in interest.Lender shalf not be requu�fo .
<br />- • oommence pmceedingsaga�nstanY s¢cressoi in.�'tee�at or reii�e Co extend time far paynnent or otherwise�}r.difjr amortiz�tton : .r;;c
<br /> :::��f the sums secuTed by this Security Wstttumeut.9s}��t+eason of any demand mad�by the original Bar�;�T ar;Bor�awet'� >;:;`,
<br />�! ��'��'�sucoessors in interest. Atry forbeacane�e�y.Lender in exercising any right or rer�edy s�ajl aot b°a waiv�c��r1f•or prec�ude the
<br /> � �exero�se of any r�ght or rer�edy. •:;•�::� • . . `' �; ..
<br /> � 12.$ucc�sars aad A�igns �i Joint and Severat Y��iu;tg;,Co-�igmers. Tt�e anvenants and �greements.i�this . .
<br /> S�urit}�Iusmiment�shail�ind and��:iefit the successors aud assigas Qf L,e�z,'an�1 Harcawer.�sabject to tfie pmvisions of .
<br /> parssgiaph 17. Botcowe�'s !,�yen�is_8nd a�reemlents sball 6e joint and seY�a�� Any Borrower wiio co-si8ns this 3acarity . .
<br /> . Insm�ment but does noi�u::s�ite�:.*3ote: (a)is oo-signing this Serurity Instrumeat only to mortgage;g,rant and camrey.thst
<br /> Bormwer's interest in the Properr•.c�i�zs the temns of this Security tnstrument:(b)1s nnt personaliy obliga2e�d w pay ttie sams
<br /> � secured by this Security Instrament;s�'i�)a���t Leader aad airy other Borrower may agree to extend,modify,foibear o: •, ,
<br /> � makQ any aceomm�odations with rep,ard ta the tem�s of this Serurity Insetament or the Note withaut that Borrower's wnsea►t. � .
<br /> ' 13;Low Chaa�grs.�f tbe loan secu�'ed by,this Security tnstr�meht is subject to a Qaw which sets ma�timum toan cl�rges, :
<br /> � $nd.that law is fi�lly intespzeted so that the interest or othec loan charses collected or to 6g wltec�ted in•cona�t►oA wIt1►the
<br /> laan exoecs�ihe pe�nitted limits,then:(a)anF�toan charge shall be reduced by flie amo�,�t AecessBrY io ra3ace the c�targe �
<br /> � tu the pemutted limit;and(6)any suins already`collected fromc 1&��ower which excecded p�ittetllimits will be refu�'�sd,io:
<br /> �� • Borrawer:•l.ender may,choose ta mnlce t}ns refund by_reduci,�t���e principal.�wed�ind���:�Note os by making�a't�r�t
<br /> � paytnenf to Borrowee.',L�:a refund reduces principal, the re�tucZion vviU be ueated as a patYe�l p*epaYtnent without.auy
<br /> PreFaYmeat charge under the Note.. • �' ' , .,.
<br /> ' 14.l�Iotice�:Anq Qo2ice to Bor�ncRVer providcd foF in this Secvriiy insmiment shall•be�iven by delivering it or�by rtiaillp�
<br /> . It hy fi�st class tt�ail untess bppltcabler`7acv requires use of anotite¢,eneiltad.The uotiee shal!be�dire.,^ted to tTie Ptoperty Addr,ess
<br /> or any othes addtess Bormwer designa�es bY�U���er: Any noSce to Lender shall be glven by first class mait to
<br /> Lendet's addreSs�stated herein or atty other address II.ender designates by nacioe to Bnaower. Any notice provlded for in thia
<br /> Securlty Instniment shall be deemed to have been gi.en to$orrower or IRnder when given as pravided in thia paragraph• .
<br /> . ys Goveiaing ]Aw; Severa$i1:t�r. This S�urity Instrument shall �6e govemed by federal law anQ the iaw af tlie . ,
<br /> , jurisdictiun in whicb the Prage�ty Is tocai�•.In the event that ezy provi'sl�n or clause of tlils 9e�rIty Instinment.or the Not�
<br /> ' • conflicts with aDplicable law,sucb canflict shall not affect other�msvisions of tl�ii�Secarity Instnunent artt►e Note wlrich can bc
<br />— given effect without tT�canfllcxiag provision.To ttiis end the pravisions of this Seciuity lnsuument and the Note ai'e declared
<br /> to 6e severable. � . �
<br /> '. 16.Borrowet's Copy.Borrower shali be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. � ,
<br /> � Fotm 3028 0190 .
<br />-- � PeQOaotB ' .
<br />__ • � , . .
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