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,.�u���� . .4f f G SC''�F' S ' IN�r`• .t.t I�J C X�.Y� ...� . . G . <br /> :F A' � L'YF4�^a""" '�1 d � - <br /> _ � _.�'����� �.:. �'f`vf- f ,sy.,,,'...,�tri. yr}:^\�„�mr.,r 51- t�' :S f i�U - <br /> i __� . , c:•�' �4i r 5 fi�,� li t 4a�. <br /> .�i _ . . . -.�.........+�ut. �.,. , `^ A ��r � 4� �4 <br /> °; •�"���. ;' . . .j� . � .. � Crr •r• �t = — <br /> � ` ' � � �Cr� '°."'� <br /> 0 <br /> wr .��k �'`f -'+ � - ..� . 1 r.� � a i: _ .� <br /> "�/'�� . �,� �,.t l �- � .4 _ . s � - I r _ r. 1� <br /> .> > <br /> 1r i `° 'L`' �-ti L- . r y �� �-r .s eti 33 � f , _y,t� �i �L,w� <br /> =- � +v-+' •i � r� F �_ . T' - ...k.- � - . '+ ,d _ - - xr5' > � - <br /> �.� f v� �:. - i L j. - _� ��. J- J . , t�nc f� a �}�t` �= -_ <br /> � :;i E. ___ Y 1 _ .a �< > c.,�3 �_.c.�_.7 5. -L _ jv.i ,r n ?,7" <br /> - � ^-v `�...r-__'�'. 4_' _"r---.� t..-�. f s�°� r '•-� � n —� f-r TM� �����.�� 1la �°{- <br /> � F ''' '�.t}r- �f t t:f Tra •, �+p�;+r?'�r�� t;',` i� �: <br /> ..fT ' �T � i � . a J {y, . y; .`� -. - <br /> 'Y J,' � S1„ . j T J� . � / lY, , f, � \ift � �. t <br /> � ,{ '} �} }� � f�� L <br />_ �.�I� � 1�.r/i f s -s �4 '�k�'�� `," 't� r ,. s �S�14 � 'LT'1�i� G t..�l'f�Y��Y�b��t� rD ,����7{ .i 4 <br /> d. �4`" .t , a� ;�l,�i wJ a 'y t� .VJ /.� ��'�,}�� � � _ <br /> �t"y (� ..�y �. 'L' . � �}j �j� �i .� �`y � i`( 'M� ��11 .. ..�~;!. . at� t�� <br /> o �'� Y '4 �f° �� 1� hr `� a�� �'�tiS�.k�S �[��xv'+`U,r. '�i- ..�.r�*A'�.Pr.nt�'�.c5� . <br /> .t.. a. SY t `ra t �7'e �. <br />. l.Jcs . . . - <br />-Tt�',` ' �� ����� " <br /> ' payments may no tonger be the option of Lend�r.if mon�age insurance mverage(ia the amouta tind,far the perFod �► <br /> `� '. that Lemder i+eyuirress)provided by an insurer approved 6y�.eader again beaomes available und is o6iairced.Bormwcr shall pay � <br /> . i <br />_-_--�-�'::-'�, �p�s�s seq��r,�to�ain�sia nmrtgage insuraac�in eife�,or to provide a[nss reserve,nntii the requir�mant Fot mort�age � <br />' iasurance ertds in accordaace with any written ageement 6enveen Borrower and[.eudar or applicuble ta�v. �; <br />-�,'. 9.Imspectton.txnder'or its agent may mak�rc�anable entries upon an�inspertions af th:P�aperry. A.ender shall give _ <br /> ' �flrro�ver natice ut the time of ar prior to rin inspection epecifyit��easomble cause fot ehe inspection. — <br /> _:,� e <br /> ��:�N�. 10.Cottstet�t�tian.The procecds of any aw�d or ctaim for dartwges,dirert or come�uential._in wnttettion with any , _ <br /> ' f �. <br /> :, ��°r�- , cdndrmni�tinn or ather taking of any part of the Property. ar fqs wnvcyance in iieu of caademnazion.are hereby assigr�ed and -- <br /> . � <br />`:�--''r=`is,`�`, � 5htt11 be paid to 1.eMer. ' � <br />��"''r°�� In thQ event of o tot�l laking ot the Propeny.the pmcetds sha11 be appls'ed to the sums secur�by this S�eurity Insuumeat. <br /> "-r, ._ <br /> ::'-`�.� wttcther or acoi then due. witti uny eaees.s paid to Borrower. In the event af a partial taking of tlie Pruperty in whii:l�the fair _ <br /> _.:��:.�''�� �rket vsilue of t�c PcopeRy immediatety before the tuking is e9guai ta or gmater than the umount of the s�nms secured by this - <br /> Securfty inswmxnt immediately before the taking.untess Borrower and Lender othetwise agree in writing.the swns secured by _ <br /> °_��3y� . this Securiey Instr�ment shall be reduoed try the ainount of the pmceeds multiptied by the foUowing fiaction: (a)the total <br /> ���:;_=. atnovnt of tIte sums s�xrued immgdiately before the taking,divided by ib)th�fair mazket value of the Pc�e.ry,immediately _ <br /> �-�`�-r,. � lrefor�tke taking. Any 6alance shall he paiJ to Borrowes; In the event of a partial taking of the Pmperty in wl�ich the fe'u = <br /> "`�� ' �' �aricet valus of ihe Progerty iwacediately before the taking is less than the anwunt of t6e sums seaued immediately 6efose the � <br /> --1-�--— <br /> ::��:�. . <br />:,,,��;�: : . . _.ttikin�;�unless Boriower and-i:endes othernise-agr�ae-in writing or anless provi�b�,the proceeds._.. _... _ ..._. .. <br /> �"�� be applied to the sums secumA by this Securityf Instnunent wt�etfcer or not the sums are then due. <br /> ;���, . .If the Property is abandoned by Bormwer.or if.aftet notice by Lender to Borrower that tlte candemnor affers to make an <br /> 'award or settle a claim for damages. Enrrower fails to respoQd to Lender withIn 30 days after the date the aotice is given. <br />=�:�•s, ' . authoti�d to collect and appiy the its oprion,either to restorntion or repair of the Propertg or to'tbe sums — <br /> 1� - secured by this Security Inswment.whether or not then'due. <br /> ¢�� Unless�Lender aad Borrower otherwise agree in writing, atig applicatian of pmceods co principa!sha11 not exten�or <br /> -- -•'��'� postpone the due date of the monthly payments�efemd to in paragiaphs 1 and 2 or change the amouni of sac6 payments. ' <br />,���'r� 11.Barrowee Not Reteased;Forbearaace By i.ender Not a Waiver.Excensian af the time for pa}mient or aw�ifrcation . <br />--�a�;:��,�_.. � <br /> -`—.�1.vs.,. , <br /> �,. ., . of amortization oF the sums secured by thic Security Instrurnem graated by L.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower sh . <br />��`'`�"`T'� � not operate to ietease the lia6ility of the origintil Borrower or Borrovser's saccessars in interest L,ender shall not 6e iequired to <br />'�""`'°'a`'��' ' commence procaedibgs against any successor in interest or refuse ta ehtend time fas paymeut or othenvise moaffy amorti��..tion <br /> :-n����.� of the sn�secured by this Secunry Instrume�t by reason of any demand rnade by the origna! Borrower or Borrawer's <br />--�--- su�ccessnrs isi�atetest. Any.forbea�anre by Ixnder in eaercisinp any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of oT preclade the <br />___%"�,f_-,'sa�� ' exercise of x���c��t or.�-�y. • <br /> __-�,_� u. gar���as'a�s��igas$ouad;Jaint sud Several I.i�tc"�"nty; �o-siguetis.'ffie covenanu and agrecments of this <br /> �_,���� Security, Ins��nt shall 6inti and b�,fit the successors and assiga�s of Lender and t3otirower.subject to the provisia�of <br /> --___=''� ' parag,raph 17. Borroarer's coveaaats and agnements shal} be joim and seveml. Any Borrower who oo-signs this Se�urity <br /> -------° IInsWment but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to rtiortgage,grant and�onvey ihat: <br /> -------- Boaower's iaterest in the Property under t�e tem�s of this Sectuity Instmment;(b)is nai.perso�atly obligated'to Qay ihe s�mS <br /> ' , securer�ts����tir�Security Inswment:and(c)agm�es that 1.ender aud�y other Borrawer may agree to extend.modify,forbear nr <br /> _ �Jce i,nk,;ssra�i�modations with regard tothe terms of�his Security Ln;r,svment or the Note without thaf Borrower's conse�. <br /> ' , a3.��C�arges.If the toan secured by thi's a�urity Instrw-n�xnc is�ubject to a!aw wiuch sets maximum toan chasg��. ,, <br /> and that!aw is fmally interpreted so that the inte�Y.or other loan Fharges m��cte�1 or to be callected in cont�ecilbn witb the '`�,,.. :: <br /> -- loan exceea the permitceA limits,then: (a)any such foan charge sha11 be reducai by t�e amaunt neressary to reduce the chnrge , <br />-- --- — to the pemiit�ed limit;and(b)ciny stia�s already collected fram�rr�wer which exceeded permitted limits will be t+efunded to - <br /> - - �' Borrowc�. (�;.nder may choose to make this refund by reducirtt.lifi� principal owcd under the Note or by making a direct <br /> - _ �paymem'ta,Borrower. If a refund reduces, the redu.�fix�n will foe treated as a partial �repayment without ady <br />--- - _- prepayment charge under the Note. "?'. . � <br /> ---__-= 14.1yp�ces.Any nptice to Borrower Qrovided for in this Sa��rity Insmunent shal!be glven by dyfivering it or by mailing • <br /> --s�--�� it by fi�t•cf�s mail untess applicable taw requires use of anota,:�rx�tftod. The notice shall be direeted to the Property Address <br /> __ - or any otts�address 13orrower designates by notice to Lender.•�y noHce to Leader.shall 6e given 6y first class e�ail to <br />----- -- Leader's address stated herein or any othet addrrss L,�rtder desi�',ateg by norice to Bnrsower, Any nodoe pmvided fbr¢n this <br /> ---__-- --_ � Security Insuument shall b�`deemed to have been giv�t�SolroweY or l,ender when given as provided in lhis patagzaph. <br /> - 15.Gqveming Law; Se�+era6ility, TAis Secur."ty Instro�'.ent shall be govemed by .federal taw and the law of the <br /> --r ti�� which the Property is Iacated..In the event that any provision or clause of thts Seatrity Insmiment os:�io•Note <br /> -_=-_����� conflicts�iriti3'applicab2e law.such w�,f Cr ict shall not affact other pi�nvistons of this Secnriry tnstivment o�the Note wh�.',h s�n be <br /> :_-_°=y`�.'� given effed�without the conflicting provlsion..To this ertd the provisions of this Secutity Insttument and the Note are dBClared <br /> u= -=�� to be severable. � � . <br /> ''���� 1Qf.Borrou+er's Copy.Borcower sha114e given one confarmed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. ` <br />:��:�,���'� <br />__�� . . Porm 3028 9/90 <br />_��,��zc.l f}'� _ . Pego a o/6 . . , . <br /> �r�. <br />:(:.,:e��L11rr7: . � <br />'.i�;,+�S4r�'s .;.n� — <br />� .��:,t�-::.:. � <br /> ._�•;.-_ <br /> ----- j, � <br /> �n1��Sc. 3 �r�ww�.T'n�sf� <br /> a.. .st�t .� •• . - -, . ' . . . . , �•, • ' .s- ii��::.�,. ��"�,h -r�" . .3` � .. <br />- i�, . . . . . . . '�'_ ' ��.. n.�_ <br /> . . '. . . .. . . I �,�. • ;+'i+ , ' �� :';��.��a'', ..,: •,:.= .. � . <br /> i . ' . .•.s.. . .. ' 1 . . ' ' � .' ' 11�i�-"'� :'H�•''�i'a.. • ' a.\�. :' . <br /> . .. <br /> . � . <br /> . , : . , ;. <br /> ., <br /> . " ` <br /> . <br /> . . . . . . . ` . . •.•. .'__'.. • .�: . .. . .. � _� � _ 'I. <br /> ,. <br /> . • <br /> .. ._.__' _"_._ "�. _ .. ....._. _. .'._: ... ____ ._ _ . . _" 'L'���_ J . __ <br /> � . ;" <br /> �.' .� �� :�Ia /' � , .. - . � � - . �. . : .- .. . .. . � • . . .... tJ �l� • �� =1 <br /> .. . � ' f . • ' . .. . • 1 ''1S.y1�. <br /> .. : , ' � , . . i�r' �S �i.�.19�' A ' . . <br /> . ' .. .._ �.. :� ' . . ' �9.� 7-+ ��4,,•t, - � . . <br />- . . � . . .. . . �.. . „ " .� . . � . • ' .. . ' . � . • .�,. � . .. . , � - . . � , <br />_ ; . . .. . . . �„ � ' .. . . � .. . . _ . . _ ' , . �, . . .. ' .r,��,..... ti . . - • .• . . <br /> . . . _ ' �. .*� :..`.•: ��_i ��`�� �,w_ <br /> - ` � . _ . ._ � .. ,' . . . . .,i:u.Y.,a.* ..,. , � .... , . _ . _ _. .i'1' . . Y'� :. ._..._ .__.� .,��...�'�e�L��i,�,r,. � - .... ... <br /> '�, <br />