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<br /> ` • . (T • , .. Y� �h4 4'�� �;�Me`'c.'t`._��.;
<br /> _ , ' :,p`. ���. >Y. _ �� (.a�'� `t. ,�� i .C4,� �!-r -v"f r�'-�"��-
<br /> .f �`�., 't � --
<br /> �'�°�� 'b,. . �g� ������ ° , —
<br /> ,' 4 '�, � ..� .�� Y7.3'raa�fer of the�+operty or a Ber�efZciul lnteress in Boreatser.ff�II or atiy part nf the Propetty or any interest ua it
<br /> - . � • < � u sold or transferred{or if a bencfieia!intemst irt Borrower is sold or tronsferred und Beirowes i.a riot a natural person).without � � _
<br /> - � ` � � � Lertder's prior written cansent. L•,ndrr may. at its aption, require immediate payment in full of ialt sums secur� by this �
<br /> ,•� .r ,`,;.V_..";� . 5ecurity Instrument.However.this optinn shup nat be ex¢rcised by l.ender iiexeccise�s preShibitd by federal law as of the date p,
<br /> .___ _;L_, : � of this Sacurity Instrument.
<br /> � • � If Lcnder eaercises tt�is option.Lender shall�ive&►nower�oti�r of ucceierut{un.;Che notice shaii pruvida a periad of noi
<br /> �' �`✓""'�`' ,. less than 30 days from the date thc noticc is delivered or maited within�vhich 6orrower must pay al!sums secunxi by this
<br /> •c�����' � Securit Ins nuacnt.if Borrower fails to a these sums nor to the ea ira�i�n of this erind. Lender mn mvoke an r�emedies -
<br /> :�. .. �.
<br /> � _�..�,:�.::. . _
<br /> - .: ;�� . . permittyed by this Security Instrument without futther nouce or demznd on Borrower. p y ' �y =
<br /> • . I8. Horcocver's Rig6t to ,Retastate.`If Borrower meets certain canditions. Borrower shal! have the right to have
<br /> : �•- � ' enforcement of this Sa:uriry Instrumeat discontutued at any dme prior to the earlief of: (a) 5 aays (or sach other period as -
<br /> ','t�.' ,,;.t:�,:u{,�' applicable Iaw roay specify for reinsiateme.nt) 6efore saIe of the Ptoperty pvrsuant w any powee of saie contained in this -
<br /> • • :' � .:• • r $ecurity Instrument;or(6)enir,r of a jud�ment enforci�g this Security Instrument.Thase tonditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> '�'''�"'`�°� % ` I.endzr tdi sums which then wouTd 6e due.under this Sec�rity I�wment and the Note as if no acceteTation had ascumed;(b)
<br /> .. ,... :. :.
<br /> .�.4'�;:�• ' :,,_;i:._��'' cores IIny aefault of any oth�rnvenams or ag�emenu; (c)pays a!f expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument, , -
<br /> :,,�;h�s ;>.�.,;;,�,- including,but rtot 6mited to,reasonable atmtneys' fecs: and(d)takes such action as Lender,mayt reasonably requi�to assure
<br /> .�' ' ' that the lien of this Security Insttument. Lendes's rights in the Property and&rrrower's obligation to pay the surns secut+ed by -
<br /> '��'`+-` �.�'�'�`���• this Security,Instrument shall continue unchaaged. Upon reinstatement hy Bonower. ihis Security Insmiment ard the
<br /> -;,:�-�._::;a:�'�F.�
<br /> _ ,_,.:�,,;f obligations secured hereby shail remain fully effective as if no acceleration had aocurred. However.this right�o reinstate shall�
<br /> „`_;ru :`�;;_ :k•. nnt apply in the case of areclerarion under paragzaph 17. , �
<br /> - '� "°':"��•',.� ` 19 Sate of Not� Chaage of Loaa�ervlc�. The Note or a partial intetest in the Note (togdher with this �ecauity. �
<br /> . u°f�•'
<br /> ._�--:•.:�,===..
<br /> . InSt�e�t}may be so2d one or mare times wittiaut prior notice w Somawer.A sale may resuit in a cha3age in the entity(known
<br /> . .
<br /> ,���f:Y.: .. ..
<br /> .;,;,,;, -, ;.r i;-• � � -� � � as�h�e°Loan-Servicer")thareoltectsmo�thly payments-due under�the Note and thi�-Security instnuneni-'1'here also-may 6r one �
<br /> �;:'��,;���3� �or more changes of tt�e Loan Servicer untelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Senricer,Borrower will be
<br /> _�_-:�;�.=s�..,, given written notice of the change in accordance with ParagraPh 14 a6ove aud appiicabie law.T6e aotice w�71 sh�te the name and '
<br /> :�.��:;� �•��: address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to•whic6 payments shavid be made.The notice will also contain any oiher
<br /> -��:�,�`�_:�;=. information red b lica6le law.
<br /> � Y�PP
<br /> ��';-��"--�•=c - --20. �oas Subs�ces.-Bonower shall nut cause or permit the presence, use,-disposal,storage, or release of any
<br /> �'""'' '�'�``` Hazatdous Substances on or in the Pro �arrower.shall not do, nor allow an one else to do. an '
<br /> -•,, =_a,,..,sA
<br /> _.�.w�;;�: P�Y- Y Y�i� affecting the
<br /> ';�°�;;�.. �:f . Property thas is in violation of any Environme�Law. 19�e preceding two sentences shall not apply to the preseace.use,or �
<br /> -__',:�;: ;.,,�,. starage on the Progerty of small quantities of gYazardous Substances th�t are generally recagnized to tre appropriate to norma!
<br /> --• '``:;.;•:`, resid$atial uses and ta maintenance of the Properry. -
<br /> :=".•-",:.��`$`:�: � , ..
<br /> ;:;.,..,�,���r�`;�;�;� Sorrower shall pmmpdy give Lender wntten notice of�y invesGgadon,claun,-demand,lawsuit or other actxdri by ai►y
<br /> ;;i;�,,,,r.;., �. r;� . govemmentai or re�ul�tory agency or private party invoiving the Property and any Hazardous SubstancP or Eaviron�temal Iaw
<br /> ,.yz.;,r'':41;.', � df which Bomawez�6as actual knowledge.If Borrower teams,or is notifi�i by any govemmental or regulatory authbrity,tl�t,
<br /> ---- _= _:�.-��,�. any removal or�r'remediatian of any Ha�nus Substance affecting tize t'toperty is nese.�sary,Homi�rer shall prompity take,`.
<br /> ��;.'i:�:�.'t���_•:� . alt t�ssary cemedial aaions in accordance rc-az9r�neironmental I.aw. � •
<br /> ___=�''=�`.�". � �±k's•usec}in ttiis paragr�ph 20. "Hazardous Substances"ar�those sabstances defined as toxic or Qi�.�rdous substances by
<br /> --,.,���5�'�� Enviro�nemal Law and the following su6stances: gasoliee,.kerosene. other tlammable or toxic pe�.'�u�m producu, wxlc
<br /> '•.�..-`� ,�.<,; pesuccdes and herbicides,volatile solvents,materi�ls containing asbestos or formaMehyde,and.radioaq?:v:e��aterials.As used in
<br /> -._�'~�'.�.'t_#� .., this paragraph 20. "Emiroiutr,e�tal Law" met�t�;�federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whete the.Ls.operty is located that
<br /> _-�-=�r�..�..�::�:� relate to health,safety or environmental proteeti:on. . • •
<br /> "=`�,'���� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrow�r and Lerzder further oavenant and agree as folluws:
<br /> --��"'_'� ?:�.Acce,t�ra4fon;RemedIes.I.eader sha11 gtve notioe to Borrower p�tor to socetesatton foltowia�Bornyn�i�r's.6reach
<br /> -._.:---�=W� of a�oovemant or agreement in thLs Se�3ty Instran►ent (bnt aod prior to aoteieratton �der para�.li9 �atess
<br /> - - . applIrd6te taw prowides viherwise).Tbe uotice sliall apectiy: (a)the drfaWt;@)the action requ.�l to wre'the ddaath, •
<br /> . • (c)a date,not tess�t�an 30 days frotn the d��&he notfce is given to��;ower,by whtcb the d�CtiR musd be cnred;aad �.. .:
<br /> ' `"'� �. �'� i�t6at fefta�e to sure the defauit oa or�6�P¢+�+e:the date apecified i�a 4�te antice may result In ai�ferattpn of t[�e svms� :..:
<br /> ' s�by this Securfty Ins�trumeat aad sate c7.t$e Property.T[m aotice shall fiutt�r inform Si�arower of the rlght td . �
<br /> ----- �mf�aE afYer acceteratton und the rigM to bring a oomt aation to assert We noa-e�dstencc of a deYanli ar any othc�t
<br /> ' deY�of Eorrower to acceteratlon sad sate.IY the defaWt is nut cured on or before t8e date sper�f7ed in tl�e nottce, �
<br /> _ ._� � Letcder,at its opttoa,may rPqoire immediate paymeat in full 08 al!sums secured 6y t6is Secr�rity Instrament�vit[toirt '
<br /> _-���:��. ' fart6er Qeatand and moy invoke t6e pa�ver o8 sate and any other re�,�dles permitted by applicr,��e 1aw.Y.euder s�all I�e �.
<br /> ,__� . eniitled tu caIIect all espe�ses tacurred in p�the reaiedtes pmvEc�d in thls QaragrapD 21,EuA�udla�,but nat Llmtte�..,
<br /> --.-_-— ' to,r�asoaabte attaraQys'fee�and costs of titte evldeace. . .
<br /> ,����,�y�,,� 'U tdepa wer of sale Is invoked, Trasiee shall�sd a notite of dsfsult in�►county in wWcb any pari�of tP�e ;'
<br /> _ `° Property is t�aate�l�ad shall mail copfes of suc6 aottce ln the manaer pr�cribed 6j rapplicable taw to Borr��er an�tm
<br /> _;_.���=;� the other persoav��scrtbed bry nppltcable lass.After the tt�e required by appllrable[a�v,7'rustee sh�ll give pnbllc poifse
<br /> --- ---- of sale to she persons and tn the manner prescribed by apglIrable law.7Yvstee,wIthout demaadl an Bon+uwer,shall se� '
<br /> _—°""='� the property at publ4c auctton to the 6fghest bidder at We tiffie aad plase and uadPr the terms d�ated in the notice of
<br /> "=�� sale d�one or more is and In an order Trnstee detertnines.Trustee ma
<br /> �'r:�i*�=�r—,,� D� Y Y[��Pone sate o!�ar a�p�el of the
<br /> :�LL�L�� Pc�ea�ty��y publIa anaouncemeat at the ttme and piace oY nny previously scheduled sate.Lend�r or its desfgnee msay
<br /> - - pmcbas�the Propei4y at any sate.
<br /> _:���
<br /> �;,s,�,,:�,�- -
<br /> =_ - �� , . =-
<br /> :.�,:��'�'��;� � =
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