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<br /> �.f{��-`.f:��T:� (,Y.:` _ . ' � � ����VJi '
<br /> '��;,=.ti: ::,�`��4; S. �I878Td Or Pta[[�fy I�S�'8IICe. BOimwei silall keep the lIIlpiOVe(aent5 ¢ow eititiStiAg ai hei�i ei'2Ct2d oA (hC
<br />;`..;:,�.`• 'u�. ` Propeery iusured against loss 6y fire,t�azands inciuded rrittua the term °extended mveragE"and any other I�a7ards, incIudit+g
<br /> - . . `� tloods or ftdoding,for winch Lender requires in.�uance.This�n�•*��� shall 6e maintai�ed in the amouaits aad far the geduds -
<br /> �`� ` � that L�nder tres.Tfie iusu�suce casrier =
<br /> . •.''h..�.; :;.. �qti providYr�t�e insurarxx shal!be chosen by Eqaowu subject to Lender's approvaf
<br /> -_-_. •,=:��.��.� which shall nat be uareasoaabig�vithhsld. If�z�srrer€aiis to mainr�:R.oaver�ge descri6ed a5ove. Lestder may.a�I.�d�'s
<br /> � .`- r l` option,o6taia coverage to protect Lezder's righss a the Ptuperty in acoordance with paragrap6 7. -
<br /> -`- G��� A11 insura�ce pod��es and renewals shall 6e acceptable w L�ender and sGalt inctude a standand mortgage ctause. �er
<br /> {`�`��` �� ° shalt have the ri to t�oid the licies and renewats.if Lender ,
<br /> S� po requires Borrower si�aalt promptly�ive to LxndeE el!receipts af
<br /> ��+'��y,t•�:` paid premiwns aud recewat aotices.Ia the eveat of Ioss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to tite ins�raace carcier sutd t.�nder. -
<br /> sn
<br /> �.<<aa:.�,;�',�`:�:.r l�uder may malce proof of loss if not made pmmpdy by Borrower.
<br /> � .;:;�,,�;��. ,Unless Lender attd Barmwer otheiwise agr�e in writing.insurarice pro�ods sha116e up�plie�to cestorauon or nepair oF the
<br /> �� Pcoperiy damaged.if ahe restnration or repair is econoauplly fea�i6te and 1.ender's sec�rity is icat tessened.if the restomtion or
<br /> ..�<: �. . ,
<br /> �,�._..
<br /> :'��.��:.��;��.1'� � tppait is nae economicalty feasi6le or Lender's securiry woutd he lessene4.Ehe insurastce praceeQs shall be applIed to ihe surits
<br /> _� S - secura�by thi�securily Instnunent,wh.ther or not�h�n due.with any excess paid to Borrower: If E3Arrovrer n�tandons the '
<br /> _�=�1_?• Pmperty,or does not answer within 30 days a nori�e from Lender that the insur.�ace carrier has off'ercd to seitle tt claim.then .
<br /> _=���. ��-- I.eilder may collect the insnrance procee�ds. I,ertder.may use the proceeds ta repair or restare the Ptopecty, or to pay swns
<br />- ��v=.=,:a;�`_�:�'. � secured by tnis Sec�uity Instnunent,wheth�r or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the noti�is giv�n.
<br /> `�' �'��'y�°: UNess L.ender a�id Bomawer othern+ise a In wrian , cts� a lication of rnceed.s to p
<br /> �;.�:� - S� 8 Y PD P Princi at sha11 not extead or
<br /> ,;":;�� F' ' pustpone the due date flf the montbl �
<br /> . ,� �_ y Qayments referre�W in pa�agtapbs !aad 2 or change the amouttt o: th�paymems. If
<br /> i. *� �. ._ ...._.: ..urader�ParagaPh-21-.tUe-Froperty..is acquired�by Lx�r:Borrowes's right ta�any insurance policies�and prbr�s resuitin�fruat . . .
<br /> �'t= r�� .
<br /> �y� _ _ damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to q.ender to the extent nf the sums secured by tbis Security Instn�ent
<br /> _,�-=;�;.Y;----- immedeately prior to the acquisiaon.
<br /> _�:`__°_�„ 6.Oceaµ�.y,Peesgrvat�on,twAt ons�nc�8tld PtOtEttfOD Of the Ptope�y;Borrawer's Laan Applicat�on,Leaseho2ds.
<br /> ._...,
<br /> _ _.
<br /> --= '' Borrawer s6a1! esta6lish,and use the
<br /> �...._, .
<br /> -. ,.. - �pY• as Borrower's ' a1;esidence witsin sixty days after the exec�idon of
<br /> _ • P�P
<br /> ___-„�;��_'� this Secuiity Instrument and shaU cantinue to occupy the Propecty as Bormwer's prinstipal u�stdence for�t least oae yea�after
<br /> �9-�-��� the date of occupancy.unless I.ender ptheruvise agrees in writing. whicb�ronsent sh�ll aat h,i uaEeasonably withheid.ar anless
<br /> __f",�.��"� erctenuatin ci�c,v.autances exist which a� b' mnd Borrower s coBuol. Barc�wer shall not destro ,
<br /> _�__rK:_,. • ' y damage or impair the
<br /> eY
<br /> = -= PraperEy.allaw the Pcoperty w deteriorate� or wmmit waste an the.Prageeey. �orro�ver shall be in defaalt if a�y forfeiNre
<br /> �:"�.';. � action or rooeedin ,whqher civil or criminal is be n that in Lender's oo�faitfi" ��
<br /> _��.�;,Y"-��.�ti P . S , SII g Ju�ent could result in'forfeiture'of ths
<br /> _ . -,,:�,•..�-� , . Ptaperty or otheruvise materialtq impair the lien createcl by this Sea�rity Instmment or 1C��S;'s secarity int�rest.Bortower may -
<br /> " ' -- ---=-T_:..� cure such a defa�lt and reinstate,as provided in pazagraph 18,by,causing the action or p�cnr.,diAg to 6e dismissed aith a ra�ting
<br /> ___����_�� that, in Lender's gaiui::faith determination, preclades forfeiture of the Bormwer's inter�st�In the P�operty or other materiai
<br /> --
<br />