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<br /> , ti�:— _ _ y ,c r �_—___;--�•# ,�:
<br /> _ -—, -- .. - -- �---r--:, .�,�,.�..,�—� — - `
<br /> ,�.�' � ,.�,..�;,...: �,, £ 2
<br /> -� - -r - �, � - .. -- - - --r-=---��-- � �a � .- .,�'�
<br /> � . . .. �� Yi tri � ` '� r. _A - �� . +. . __� ��f fl �.. �c. E °� f'
<br /> —,_, '', i:..- -..."*:..�'.. 3 ; ' .F -f�`��'�i� F . . ti� � v f�'* ..f} ` � 4c Cii�� :�( :.cf4 ;,�;�s',�� � }
<br /> �-_ "`.. �t ! ` ' �s Ij..�x.& rci-. � ` �.`��~������ � IS�:
<br /> �--y,',,1,-. 'l ° �, . . substani�aity equiv�teut mortgage����*�,�wverage is no�avaii�ble.Bomower shatl Qay w Lender each month a sum eq�al ro �,,�-
<br /> , � �. ? oae-ttveYfih of the y�viy mort�e insarance premium bemg Paid bY 8onower when tbe t��,•a^�oaverage Iapsed or ceased ta S :
<br /> �- ti `° � ' 6e i�effert.Le�t$er wilt aocepi.use and retain these paym�nts as a los`s t�serve in Lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss resen+e � '=:
<br /> ' `° , pa y m e n s s maK a o l o a g e r b e c�q u i r e d.a t t h e o p t i o n o f L e n d e r.i f m a r t g a g e i n s u r u a c e c o v e�a g e(i n t h e a m o u n t a z d f a r t h e p e�i 6 d �hs�
<br /> . ' '' thsi Len$er requires)�iovided hy au insnrer appmved by Lender again becomes avai1able��nd is obtained.Bormwer shall pay ,�,"
<br /> - � `�`�� the�mmiums requ'tred to maiatain mortgage iasutaace in effe�x.or to provide a loss mserve.wctit the requiremeat for atortg�e
<br /> _� � ��• ',� �,e;... inscvatice ends in ac�rrdance with any written agieement betweea&�rrower aad Lender or applica6te taw. � . � :,f.',
<br /> ; ��� .. . �: , ons of the Pca Lerider shall give� � .
<br /> . . . �.tas�ion.`Lender nr its ageat may make�asonable entries upom�d� P�3+• .
<br /> , ' � ���f Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspeciioa specifying reasoaable cause fdr the inspeciioa. -�.
<br /> -.�, �. �S� ,
<br /> _ • 10.Caademnu�on.'19ie proaeeds of any award.or claim for dama�s. direct or oonsequential�in connection wit6 any
<br /> ���, ` ` �'•� `� wn�emnatioa or other taidn of aa art of the Pro yauoe in ueu of condettmation,ere hereby assi ertd , ..
<br /> g y p perty.or for conve B� �
<br /> _ _ _ ,�-� s�al1�i►sid taLend�_ - ' '
<br /> �,� f � ,.. ta the event of a tatal ta[cing of the Propetay,the.proseeds shall be applied to the svms secured by this Se�urity L4snument, ��
<br /> •• � whether or not then due,with atry eaoess paid to Bormwesr.ln the event of a partia!taking of tiie Pcoperty in whicdf dte fair ;F�'
<br /> •. �r��'.�;#'"- � market value of ths Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greater than the amommt of the sums sewred by this
<br /> e
<br /> -.�:{"°'�`g:�� ' Se�rity Insfitment immediately before the taldng,uniess Botrower and Lender othernise ag�+ee in writing.the smi�s secared by ','
<br /> . . : : _` this Se�uity Inso�ument shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplieA by the follawing f�astioa: (a)t�e total ::',:"
<br /> �`'` :': � amouat of the stu�s secure�immadiate[y before the laking,divided by(b)the fair marlcet value of the Property imine�iately .
<br /> �-� •�� -� �`- 6efoie the taldng. Aay 6ataac,e shaU be paid to Bmrowe�. In the eveat of a partiat takiag of the Propecty in wlucb the fair
<br /> ."�- , `'`; � :`; market vatue of the P[�nperty immadiaxely be�ore the tatdng is less than the amount of the sums sec.vred imm�diately beforc the �_ _
<br /> ;..�... _�: � � �r A�
<br /> . . '` taicing.wiless Borrower and Lender otherwise agcee in writmg or�ntess applicable law othecwise provides, the prooeeds shall - .,
<br /> - � . be applied to the sums se�ted by tHis Secarity Tnstn�ment whetker or not the swns are then dt�e. '`=°°-'
<br /> '4 t:= I�F W e P r o p e rt y i s a b a a d o n e d b y B o r r o w e r,o r i f,a ft e r n o t i e e b y�.e n d e r to Bomower that the condeuutor offers to make sn '�a y
<br /> �. ':�J,�..' ' � F;F. award or settle a clai�ri far damages.Bor�wer fa�s to respond to Lender within 3Q days after the date the notice is given. --
<br /> -, t r ';'' �;��*. Ixader is authorized to ool3ec�and apply the proseP.ds,at its optiori:either to restorarian or repair of the Property or to the s�ms
<br />