�'� '---` � --� ��'_:� -��� y.: L _ ` �"�'`—��" . � � � Y.N.TR>..�> �� �e- �
<br /> _��� <. �Y��.. �J� S ` . `.��Y, • . t�!C...`..--:.. � .^._ �7 � �.. c
<br /> C (. . ..{` �� . .b`"�24 �� -4 j'a 1�yf��J'• S_.
<br /> ,f � � (• ' l• � ~�� - � .� _d'�i'��9t�llRil`tKY••
<br /> "s� �4.� �.k,� c ` A�k. � �{.,
<br /> . = •,r'� ,,.5;-._ � c.i '_L.,} �� ',`4..i .'4,.. �t_ `2 .'`L_T�..c_����k--
<br /> �ti � ','k t� `'f � . . � : . 6._::
<br /> _ U� ___f.�..._._ i . p�e�
<br /> —_.,.'4. ` - :".— _ ' . ( . . ' . �I �, . � _
<br /> v�Lender written notiec oi argc,investi on.claim.3en��d, [a�w��er�ion by any
<br /> —°,";...'� � �;`• °.� `� `Borra�ver shall Q�mP�S+gi � _
<br /> "� :�•``°� :':'��;�`�`: , goverru�tent�l or reguiatorY ageacY or private patty invotvin�ihe t�rnp2rty ar.d any+�Hi�dnt�Substanee or F.nvirQnmenta!I�aw, - � _
<br /> �� - � of�vhirh Borrorier has actuiil�towledge. If 8orccswer tearAS.os is notified by'any,govemmeat�t or regula�ory avshoaity.Nat _
<br /> �.`` ` '�` �t., ,� .°` �� any�moval ar oiher reenediadoA of any Na�udous Su bstnt�ee c i f t'ect ing t he P r o y e R y is aoa�s a ry.Barrotiver.shatl pm m ptl y wke _
<br /> `,� � : . � all ttecessary remediat nctioas in a,ccor�ance with£nviratim�nfai'C.aw. : _
<br /> ;':`.,,`r'.,;•_'..��. ',F � As used.ia shis parsgraph?A. 'Huzaxdous,Subsmnoes°urc;thase substnnces defined as ta�ic or haz9rdoa�s substanoes by =
<br /> _.. : °�, ��;� Enviinnmentm! Law und ttae foflowing subsmaoes: .�liae. keraaene. ather Hnmmabie or touc petroIeum graducts. toair _
<br /> � �'��`� =� pesticides and I�rbicicles,arolatite salvr,rtts.muteria/s contaiaing ashestos or fotmaldeh�de,and radioactive materiats.As used in _
<br /> •`• ,:,,t,:, �,';� tbis Qaragrapfh 20, "Envimumeatal Laa�' means federaf lacvs unct laws of the jurisd�crion where thc Propersy is Iacated thst E
<br /> �4 ., , • retate to health.safety or enviromnental protectio�. •
<br /> � NON•LJNIFORM COVF�t�i'PS.Bormwet and I�nder furW�rwvenant and ug�ee as fal[ows: �
<br /> - �`T� -f`.-' - Zi.AcseteraYEou:�Yemedte�.la�der s8ai!�tve aotice to��iurna�r p�tos to acro�erattan[a4inwtng�orrosv�'s 6,� ;:
<br /> . . F of s�q cmvenaat or ag�+e�atent fa tmis�usit9 InStrum�t (Dut ao! pstar to aca�iera�Qader Pa*aSra�nS� 1? unl�ss =
<br /> ,.�``':'�` agpllr�pie 1aw pravtdes o2henvise).'i'h2 YtatEce sbsil spedfy: (a)th�defe�ait:(b)the uctioa�otred ta care tt�detnuit; -
<br /> ;. :,�,�;_, � Qc)a d�te.aot[esv tlma 39 days f�am the date the aottce!s given to Barroteer.6y wt9tct�!he�fae�It must be curPd:and � -.
<br /> ��f::F=`.. '. _ . : (�tGat fc►tt�e to aare the de�aWt a�an�6ef�re t�e da4e spedited ia the aot[ce muy result ir:aaoete�atlon af t€te sums _.
<br /> � `.'. s�cured by thi9 SecapIty imtrumeat ets�sale of the Property.Tfte aotiae s6al!tLrther inimrm Batra�ser oY the rlght to =
<br /> .:=� �y f -- rdns4aie after�erasfan and ihe right to brtn�a murt ac�ion to asSest th�non�fsteace of e d�auit or ang othPr -
<br /> " `- �';:,`:°:� defens�o�Bnnower to acc�iesatioa an�sate. �t the defunit ts noi wesd oa ar 6efare,the date s�idfetf in the aot�ce,
<br /> ' L�ader,at[ts o�iou,iaaY reqnir�immediute payment tu tL11 of all sums sec�d 6y thLs Setrorti�r InsOn�ent�Ithout =
<br /> ,'�,�'.,� ,`_�, farther demaad sead way iavoke tke poEV�r of sale�ad aay oiher remedies per�itP.eed by epplicabie[aw.Lender sl�ail @e 5 • _
<br /> ea t
<br /> . �",�'.:�`.;;� �titted to cafTect alt expeAses im�red In pu�rsvtng thQ remedi�prov[dedl in tbfs parageaPb 21.lnducl[ng,bat aat timiYed
<br /> '' �t: .�: � =:! ' ta,re�.sona6le attaraeys'f1�s an�cests of tltI�evtde�ce. • °
<br /> _ .�.- , ,.'.':'�'�° if ttze pawei oY sate is invoke�.TrQStee s�saIl reoord a aotfee of defaWt ta each caa�nty in wHich mry purt of tbe
<br /> ',;.,,. �:. ,� saIl
<br /> �"� `:;=� F,-'�� Prop�ty fs ta��at�d and sbalE�al1 wpics of suc�aotioe fn the manuer pnestnib�6Y epP�Ica63e taw to 8orrmver urW tc� _
<br /> � ° -`:`. � � ,`� the at�er peraar�ptesw�bed'6Y appltssbte taw.AR�th�time�hy apgtica6Se law,Tsustce s�al1 gtve publIc nbYtoe =
<br /> �:;�:. *:�� ���`,;r- '� o�sale to the p�soa4 and in t�e�aer p�by aPPflca6te Iaw'fi tvst�,whhout demand on Bare�wer.st�afl se�l -
<br /> " , . .. �.; . . . . .
<br /> -: •.. ; '_ -=.��-.�.�. the Properiy at gu�tc sudioa 4o t�e6ighESt 6idd�at the tIme�ad pl�tce an$�mder the tesms�fg,nate�in tlie uotice of
<br /> -� sa4ein onr-or�m�re-paY��e�-in��nry ard�r TcasteE'tdetem�t�2s.-'6Yustee�y Qosepnne-sale-uf.
<br />_ .- . .. .�. : : .__ . . Ar..t�_. ....... ._
<br /> .or any.pacsci
<br /> �, r. -
<br /> ��'�` ` Y'irope�4y by pnb9fc anrco9asem�t at the time and place of s3n,y ps�evtoBSly scheduied sate.I.�nder ar its destgaee�ay
<br /> �,;;'��:,�,,"�,.,r,� , purtbase ihe Fr+aperty,at any sate.
<br /> : .;°:;���';;'j� _ Upon receip! of�aayutent of the pr[ee bld, Tr�sEE�e sY�aD deliaer to the pmcE�aser�Trusiee's deed c�tveyfng the _
<br /> _ ' .;'•,; ,:;'° , . Fro�erty.l�e c�eattaLs iri tlie Trastee's dad shall 6e prdnua tac[e e�idenoe of the tru4b of the staiements made.lheaein.
<br /> �t.:..�'r:::f;.s:.�
<br /> ...: ...... ..:.� Zlivstee s�at1 aPg�tY the P�aceeds of the sale in t6e foIIowfng order:(a)to aU cbsts�nsl eage��.s of es�We power of
<br /> ,��``:;':�:,:`-r.: � sal�.a�sd the satQ.�ta�ludinS�l�Y�cnt ot the Sntstee's fces a�aally�ncun�d.aot to esceed
<br />- - ;�,;-.::� ...�: � , tfie�of $SO.QQ or '�°
<br /> ., ,.,-�..;
<br /> • `,�,.:`,,��: : .. • of the prtrx:igal aFUa�t oY the aoEe at the time of the d�o�of defaait,and reasonable altoraeys'fces sts pe�'mitte8
<br />_➢���a�'.�iN':.��:��: � [ry[aw;(b)to al1 s�s secm�d by Wis Sscariity Iastr�e�t;and(c)any exee�to the person or pessoas tegaDy�tiEled W •
<br /> , ,F�; ,::�.�:: i� , .
<br /> . � t:.
<br />�'s :a�';�,. , �`'• �_-' 22. RsrnIIVeyariCe.'Upon gaymeAt of all sums secu�+e4 by this$eCUti[y inctmment_ j�Q�shsll cequCSt T[ustEe fA
<br /> �Y e`,1bk:.,:i,',{.•,�
<br /> � , reconvey the Pcoperty and sha�lt surre�er this 5ecuriry Instivment and all notes evidene'sng debt secuied 6y this Seauity
<br />'-! '"�":'��.'''*`� ` . Instrument to Tiustee.Trt�steE shal!sec�nnvey the Prvperty without aarranty and without charge to tt�e petsnn or pezsbns IegallY
<br /> - ���•'t`- : :;�� eniitled to it.55�cfi pelson or persons s?nail PaY an3+m.cordation custs. � � �
<br /> �` `� Z3.SttbsHt�Ue ZY�tee.Lender.at its option,may from time w ume remove Tcastee and appoigi a suooessur uastes w
<br />_ ��; � ..- , any'd'rautee appointed hereunder by an insuument re�orded in the cowuy in�wtrieb this�auvity InsUetunsnt is reoardzd.Without •
<br /> � ■ , coavepance of th�Propeny,the s.uccessor tiustee shall suoceed to all the dtle,power a�d duties confermA agan Tzuste�herein
<br />" ' °�'•" and by apptlsabie law: ' �
<br /> - =A"-^°�� t4.Iiegn�ior l�ipt[ces.Sorrower requests B�ai capies of th�aotioes of defantt�ci saIe be sent m�orrower's a�d�s
<br /> ;;�'�`�'.�� whieh is the Property addre�s.
<br /> - , ?S.Itidgsa to tWs Securitq Iastrnment.If one or mone riders are exerated lsy Bo�ower and m,carQeA togeiRar with this . -
<br /> Sea�rity Inspniment,tt�e coven�3s and ag,reEments of each such rider shall be incarporated InIo and shall amend and suppieme�2
<br />- the covenaais and�reanenta of t�ris Secarity Insuameni as if the rider(s)were a part of this Secarity InsWment.
<br />- [Check applicable bax(esN ,, � • ' , ,
<br />_-- ---- (�Adjnstable Rate Rlder ` � Condominium Rider d.l-4 Fam3i�IYtider� . ,
<br /> _ _ -_- - �Ciradnated Payme�Ri�e. ' � ' �.�Planned i ln3t Development Rider 0 Biweetcl3�Paymem Rider �
<br />-- ""-= 0 Batloon Rider [�Rate In�r�:rement Rider 0 Seound Horise It�der ,
<br />- °. ,� 0 V.A.Rider (S�Othei(s)�[Speeify] .
<br /> .,z
<br /> ' NOTIC� OF DEFAUL�•:• � ' • .
<br />�� . . �
<br /> � , ,
<br />�� f�,� . . , � • � . ; ' . '
<br /> - �:.�� BY SItiI�111V(3 BELOR►,Boriower accepts end agrees to the terms and covenants oontained in this Security Inst►ument and
<br /> in an}+dder(s)txecuted by Borrov►er and recorded with it. . . '
<br />_:,# WImesses: � ' • .
<br />���, ��, s . . (�) .
<br />_ � ��r�J ' E SCHUTZ ,_Barraa�cr
<br />_" .i S E'.� i _
<br />'�. .;�rj,- y:.�?,� v+'+"'`'". ��f� . ,
<br />_ t,tit::-...-;,�.,r AI�ET B S Z .�otrovmx
<br /> �'Y:�c;• " �,
<br /> 4�.;?''Y':: ,'�. � . . ' �
<br />�.:.
<br /> ����� •' � � ��� ���� .
<br /> —=zi:�,r� �.'.'.� ,
<br /> '�^�`� ' •��'i-.� , . -BOttOwCf -BOffOWLt
<br /> 3r�e�Fq:.�<.4"a . • � , , .
<br />—_��'-'r;'yar.:*i�,�.tk' , . . .
<br /> ,.., ;•..;:., .'.. �.. STATE OF NEBIdA5KA, _ � . gg�L Couaty sg: � . _
<br /> '� : Tbe foregoing insuument was acknowledge6 before me this 14tb day of pIIGIIST • 1995 • =
<br /> ::. � by CLAY E SCHUT2,6 J�1N$T 8 SCHUTZ,. HIISHAND & T� � . . �
<br /> . �:A ,. Witness my hand and notarial seal at gp�� I��, g�' in s ' ounty.the date aforesaid. _
<br />--- ' _ _� _ ;; �mmissialrE . FI3SRIIE6ItY-I4 �998 � ' . -
<br /> _ �9 ��' s
<br /> � ' Notary Pubfic
<br /> , ' . , . . , G�lI�R��QIai��i93hb6�1�laY� .
<br /> _ . _ .� • . � l3�t��.E[aF�t�� � �
<br /> . . veQoama Farm308D 9190 _.
<br /> �i ,
<br /> • , .0 ' . ' �
<br /> °- . . . r ... , • —
<br />