4...... . ..� . , , . : � ,i .
<br />__ ... . .__ ! �-S�'..a.�l� . T\ "__ _ � .•'` ��..6s-+s� � _ .� ' . • - � _.
<br /> p .,. �i! 'w_ "-�!
<br /> 1.�.,....;Z y�� �.. ' � _ ^ ' :' . ^Q.`: xT: .t f` `i"'�,'+ [.
<br /> i C 47 . � , � . ' . .�. �. _
<br /> � �,� ,<.— t :`.-�f-' �i:�:< - . . ' ti t: ..F'�. '�.FF(` 4t� �'. �' ��7�-�
<br /> ` .�, �� 4 � �� � l � . �� sc .
<br /> �4—` .:�- `�^' , � . . V— � � � . , • _.. . � �, .
<br /> _ ,��=��. � ��5 9,���� ��. . _
<br /> �1���u`'. ° ' ` 't'��'� T6e Funds shai! be held'in � institntion wrhose degosits ace insuted by a federal ugency. insnvmentality. a�ei�titY ,'�,.-`.�•-
<br />- ��
<br /> '� � �(inciudiog Lender.if.l.Ender�S se�sh an institntfion)or in nny Fadera�Nome Loan Ha�k•L.ender shall apply tbe Faads to pay the ���;,,;°
<br /> '•`.r� �� `�'� Fscrow Items.Leader may aat charge�osro�ver for holding�upplying the Funds,aanually nnalyzing the escraw accaum.ar ..
<br /> '� ' verifyiug the Fsc�aw Items..unless Leader pays Bosr�wec interest on the�unds.andap�lipble law perQUts Lender to m�e s.�ch
<br /> '.� E` ',`` , ' B cbarge.However.Leadcr m�y nequire Borroa�er to pay a one-tims charge for sui indepeadent r�il estate t�repor`ting servioe `
<br /> � ` �' � useei 6y Lender im m�nertios� with this loan.unless upplicable taw pruvid Borrower any inierest or aamings on the Funds. ``�`.:',_
<br /> '< ` . � �� ..t' applicable 4aw reqoires interes�to he.paid. [annier shatl not 6e r�quired to pay. �
<br /> Borrower and Lender atay agree in wntin�.howevei.that interest shad!6e pa►d on the Funds.�ndet sl�atl give to Borrowcr. .�•;, �°•'
<br /> :<�;�'�.;', �,<�: ,. �': ' without ctiarge.an ani►ua1 accounting of th$Funds.showing credits and debits to the Fiuids and the pur�ose for whtd�each r,.'.
<br /> �._r_-. debit tn th$Fuads was made.The Funds aie pI�B��additionril security far a!1 sums secureA by.this Serunry Insmunent. . o ,
<br /> _ if the Furtds held by Lender exoeed th�amounts p�rtnitted ta be helc!by applica�sle Iae1.l.Qader sl:ail account to Sarrawer .
<br /> � ��c + y, for the excesg Funds in acaoNance with tlis�quirements of applicabte law. If the�mount of the Funds hetd by Lender at any
<br /> � ;,�.•�. time is not sufficient to pay the Fscrow Ctems whein due.i�nder may so norify Borrower ir�writing,and, in auch case Borrowar
<br /> ,'_��^;�...°=;�'�� shall pay to Leader the amount nece.ssary to meke up the defsiency. Borrower shall malce up the defcccency in no atore than
<br /> � '� twelve momhly payments:at Cender's soie discretion. �
<br /> ` Ugon payment in full of ap sums,secured by this Security Inst�nment,1�der sftall prompdy tefund ta Eorrower any ;
<br /> -. : "'`�. .`� Funds held by Lextder.If.under paragraph 2I,Lender shall acqnire or sell the Property.Le�cdet.Prior to the acquisition or sate , : :
<br /> I an Funds he2d b Lender at the tim�of a uis�tian ar sale as a c�edit against the s�ms secured by � '
<br /> •,�,,� ;� . of the Property.sh�l aPP Y Y Y � � .'� `
<br /> . .,,. .;'�: �`:� this Securi t y Iastrumetu:. ��payments reoeiv e d by L e n der u n d e r para g r a phs -x
<br /> ` . � 3.Applicatlon ut Paym�ts.Unless applicable taw pruvid�,atherwise,
<br /> _. - I aad 2 sha91 be aptslied:first�to anY P�PaX���aue uAder the Note: secoad.to amounts payabte under paraga�h 2; , �,
<br /> `� �' late charges dus undar the Note. . �=��
<br /> �:``'�.� tiur�,to interest d�te:foarth.to principal due;and last,to auy
<br /> fr_
<br /> ' ` ' �:� 4,Chatges;Ll�ns.Bosower shall gay all taxes,assessmeats,chargrs•6nes and impositions atuibutable to the Property ��; _
<br /> � if Borrower shall pay �`""-
<br /> ... �.��r, ;.x which maX attain priority over tLis Seatrity in�-.m-snt; and leasehold payments or gcaand rents. anY• .. -
<br /> these obligations IA the mam�er providefl inparagraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,B��a�er shail pay t6em an time directly �""`�.
<br /> - � w the pe�son owed payment.Bomawer sizal pi mmptly fwnish to Lender all notiae.s of amQU�s to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> . .�a .,.,?. r malces these direeily.Borrower shaU promptly firmish to I,ender�eceipts evidencing tT�e payments.
<br /> •����'�..:�•�` :: Borrowe in �-'''.
<br /> ._.. _ _
<br /> , , If F Bomaw .
<br /> '' ..;
<br />- ..,. :'....: .,, .,; . � . -Borrower�shall pmmptlydiscbarge ang�en wluch has.priority.auer.thls Sscurity Lpsvnine F�� _ a� . . ����<:�:
<br /> n nt �' a
<br /> :.,�.. ;'. `��.' � writing to the payment of the o6ligatFon secured by the lien in a marmer acceptable to Len�er(b)contests in gaod�falt7i�tiie lie[1 --�,;�,
<br /> .,., �,: .�;�',�4 � by, or defends against enforccment of the lien m, legal pia�ce�ings wrich in the Lender's ap'snion operate w gravent the =--
<br /> f' � ' enforoement of the liqn;or(c)secures from the holder of the tien an.agreement sadsfactory to Lender s+ibond�n�°�e lien to -
<br /> �.-,��, �g�urity Instiument.,ff�,endez determines that aay part of the Pcoperty is subject to a lien wluch may attain p�iority over -----
<br /> r '. �� ' this Security Insuumen� Lender may giue Borrower a aouce identifying the iten.Borrower shall sattsiy the i3en or take one or =--
<br /> << • �'�':� -. � more a�the acdons sei fdrth above wit6in 10 days of the giving of notice. , --
<br /> ,-. �,' � ��or�irOpp,riy �raacg. Borzower shall 1�u;p the improvements now euisting or hereafter ereste� on the
<br /> , .;'`';.�" . .' ' msured against loss b fre.hazards included ariehin the term "exteuded oover�e"and any other hazar�s,a�luding ..
<br /> �..:�,r�;``.� Ptpp'�' Y
<br /> `','F-- �i���`h,.�:.'�: :, floads�r flooding.for which I.ender requires insuiance.Tf�is.insurance shall be maintained in tfne amowns aad far m1L pedads
<br /> -: ;�"` . : tt+at�Lender requires. The insqtanc�carrier prt�vidiag the insu:anoz shalH�e chosen.by Borrower sa6ject to Lender's approvai . .
<br /> .. '= �".
<br /> �.•«.� `' whidh shall not 6e nnreasonably withhe!@.If Borrower faits to maintaia covera�e descrihed above.9.�rcder ma}r. at I.ender's •. __
<br /> -,, .; ;z .:.�.: optio�e,o6tain covetage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accordanee vu�th paragrapA 7. . �
<br /> �.r�:::�:::,:.• •. :. .
<br /> - _ ;,�;, - . A,1 ins�rance palicies a�d renewals shall6e acceptabl2..o I.ender anc1 shall include a standard mortgage clanse. Leader
<br /> ...,..�r,� . r v P.
<br /> �-`"�.��=�;:`�:^` . �• shaEL��ve the dght to ltold the policies and renewats.If Lee•.�requires.Borrower shall promptly gi e to Leader afl0�ei �S of
<br /> �!-����r�;:�° p���.:ar�minms and renewal not�ses.In the event of to�.Berr�wer shafl give proinpt notice to the�nsurance c�rrieT cu�Le�aei•
<br /> � 1 •.. .! b Borrower. ,
<br /> ,� • �� . .Len�er may make proof of Ioss if noi made pro�'°y Y,_
<br /> `;�°� �<-,:,.�.n r• (Taless Lender and Boaower otherwise agr�a m wnan8+insu�anre Proceeds shall be applied to r�ararion ot repair of the __
<br /> -'-'�°`.�..:,.;�-r .�� • pcopeity c�amaged.if the mstordtion or repair is�nomically feasible and Lender's secvrity is not les��.If the restnration or
<br /> .��'x'"".`� ? . repais rs irot economically feas3ble or Lender's seauity wQt1d be IesseneA,the insurance lrroceeds sha12 be agplied u�the sums
<br /> -"�I'."�^��` secura�by�his Se�uity Instrumant, whether or not then Q�.:,with anY excess paid tra�onower. If Bo�roa�r�:dons the
<br /> rr + _
<br /> � � r ° • property,or does not answer wifhin 30 days a ttotice ftom i.°ader that the insurance�.".3er has offae�to settle a�rwEJtn,thcn .
<br /> - ",{� Lender may collGct the insurance proceeds. Le�der may use the proceeers to repair or rrswre the L�':apercy or m pay sums.
<br /> _-
<br />