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<br />- - [S�ae Aeove 1M�ldae For Heom��8.�1'
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<br /> ::,. ;.;;: , �Yf�2z3 9/��6�7� �_
<br /> ;'4::�.>.:�. : I)EEI) OF T�UST .�r a �. ,�, �.
<br /> ����'< .�;� • �IQRWEST @ANft NEBRRSi� � =
<br />.�'`,:.; � ; : FOBOX34�8
<br /> -L� �'`;;::,'; �h?AHA,NE 68]U3 , .. �0 �.;
<br /> _ - :,��� ` RTiN:JFANNETTE BROWN • —��N
<br />;�,;:s�,:,'. , -
<br /> "�;`�r`'�� . THISDEEDOFTELUST,(�JR�WI�/��.��jl$I�'dP.�A nYW�7.L 14, 1995 • . ilic��t�$
<br /> �:.:`:�,��� CLAY B SCfiIIT2 AI9D JANBT 8 SCHII'PZ, HIISBAND AND WIPB . � ` -
<br /> --_.-v-,.:
<br /> i.
<br /> .,. n , . ,
<br /> .. .._ .. - - - - --. . ..- --. .. . . ... � .. _ . . . . .. . . . . . ... .. ... .. _.
<br /> _ 1:��� . , ' ' ,
<br /> _°T-� f"Borrower").'!'he tnistee is� , .
<br />�i�Y�� . ' ` . ' •. , �, � � . . � � _
<br /> .,_�4�*i:A . , (�TUS1�.'�.�IB f3CIIC�Cl3T�1 IS ' � - , . ' .'�` r—
<br /> -•-��•' � HOflW$ST'SAHI� NSBRASSA. NATIONAI. ASS4CIATION . • � '• ,', _
<br />-�:;��,__� , ' s8� � THS iJNIT�D STATES �F AAI�RIGA '
<br /> =.` <^v. �aicd�is o end extstIn aader the Iaws of ,and w6ose
<br /> A
<br /> .�=:"�'.;� � �idress is 202 W83'� TSIRD STRBHT, GRAND ISL9NDs NSBBASKA 68861 . �
<br />-_:is�i-<-:-�•• . .
<br /> :_,�;��_�.�, . . ,. (°Lender"):Borrower a�s I.ender the principa]sa���3�
<br /> �;�. ; . , , :
<br />`u.�,f .,Iy _ , ;.
<br />��.nlwAT..tJ,�T_�_ '�'�RTY FO�It T�iJSA�ID THBSEi HUNDRI3D SIxTB�] & 82li00sE**&�xBoUarsN.S:�.���4,316:82� -,�..��,
<br /> --�4���:;�. �us'debt is evidenced Q�y �orrawer's�note dated the sam� date as this a�� 1asv�ment.("Dlote"),wiuch provides for
<br /> ;r}��� m�cD�II]`IY Puy�is�vVith�:ff�ll de6t.if�tat paId eailler,due eIId paysb2C o11 �GIiST 20, '2000 '
<br /> ,,.�,,�:, �� , � 77►is 5ecurity i�+,_ �f++ene sec"vres to Lender.(a)the repayment of We de6t evideaced by the Note,atiRL inierest,and all renea�i,�s;
<br />'�:�:.�= entens�ns�ad-zaodifications of the Note; (b) the payment of ail ather sams, with interrst, a��nced nnder paragaaph 7 to �
<br /> ...=='w'��� protect the s��iity of ti�is Security Iasuument;and(c) the�rformance af Borrorret's cave.�.its and a�menta Por this
<br /> =�=•�y-�� se, Eorro�ver i�zevocabl ts aad conv s to Trustee, in nvst,wiW a�c of sale, thz fo910
<br /> ��Y�:o:��;:a� P� Y S�► eY. Pa wiq�dk�n'bed property ,
<br />-_--_�= f�.,,�ted in HALL ��►ry,Nebr�sYa:
<br /> � _ T�E �,�`F�IIR {4) FBST Q•�.�,aT ONS (1) ANb A�L 4F L+DT �I,iO.'(Z).��CR TWOi (2), .
<br /> _ - _ . , . ' �. , , � � ,, � . ' , .
<br />---_-`-- ' , ' ' • , .:,'r
<br /> '°--�_�"� Nebiasks the adrlre�ss af 31G e 21 ST GitAND ISLAND . � . [Saee�,Ciry1, � i.
<br /> �i;_��� 68801 , ("pmPertY Address"); ,
<br /> -- tz�p caael . . .. . .
<br />•--= TOGETHER WIR'H al��the improvements now or hereafte;erected on the gc+a�erty.and all easemenis..appurtenaeices.and
<br />-_----- fixdizes now or hereafter a part of tke p=o�erty. AIl replacemenss and addi�c,s�s s1ia1! also be covered by tflis.Securiry '
<br />-�""�� Itw�uument.All of the foregoing is referncxl to m this SeCuriry Instn�ut as the"PropeRy." �
<br /> '`�`';'���-� 80RROW�R COVENANTS that&�zrower is lawfiilly seise���g the estate hereby conveyed tmd has the right to g2�rc.r�d • -
<br /> `:" convey the Property and.that the Frope.�-�is uneacumbeted,exoer�;for eacumbrances of record. Borrower warrnnts an�r wiU
<br /> ,t�: �',� defend generally the titte to the Pmperty against all ct�and desands,sub}ect to�y encumbrances of tecord. =
<br /> -_-=° THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENf wmbines a�i:'�:^m covenaats for natioa�t�se artd non=uniform co��:;tiT,;s with limlted
<br />..�,�r;:}��r� � .�.
<br />-.-• ::�.r.,+�: .� variations by jurisdlction W canstitute a uniforn5 secur^�,inswment cavering reaT�roperty. _
<br /> '�' � '' � U1VIFt?�.�lS COVENAIVTS.Borrower and Lendet eon+enant r.tr�2,�ee as foltows: �
<br /> �,�. •.,`��'" °
<br /> 1. P�yt�c:�t of Prinrlptil t�ad Interesh, Pnepayment anQ I�Lr� Chsuges. Boriower sha11 prompUy pay when due�e � �`
<br /> . g
<br /> _» , � ' ' princJpul of art��aterest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any Qrepayment aad Iate charges dae under the Note. ��
<br />"�'=_�;-='�`= Z.F�mds for�'axes anti Insuraaoe.Sntrject to appficab2e law.or to a wrirten waiver Dy Lender.Barrower sha11 pay to
<br /> =��?�--.-__�� Lender on the day montlily payments are due under the Note,uatil the Note is pai&in fiill,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yenrly t�es �
<br />:�.i.�",,. , end essessrcents whIch may attain priority over this 5ecurity Ins�rument as a llen on the Property;(b)yearly IeasehoId payments
<br /> r�t..•::.-. :
<br />-,; ' '''�" . or ground reats on the Property,,if arry:(c)�eazly hazard or properry�insnrance premiums;(d)Yearty tIood insurance premiwns, �_
<br /> z:=r:::�:...
<br /> -"w;v, if any:(e)Yearty mortgage instttanse prettunms,if any:and(�any sums payable by Eorrower to Lender.in accordance witb -
<br />-,�'�F . �:,�r . the provisions qf paragraph B.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranre premiums.These items are ralled"Bscrow Items." `
<br />���:��::.•.':�� � Lender may. at anyr time, wllect and hold Funds in en amoune not to exoeed the maximum amount�a lender for a federally
<br /> ' related•mortgage laan may teqnire for Barrower's�scrow account under the federat Rexil F�tate Sextlema►�t Ptocedures Act of
<br /> �' ,;.'� ' 1974 as amended 4'ram time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq..("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> '..�. sets a lesser amount. If so.Lender may, at any time.collect and hotd Funds in an arttoant not to eaceed the�esser amount.
<br /> : - _- . T�er.tt�r may c�isutata ttt3�t a€F�s duc o�t i3ie tsasis o�cu�.eYU datat s�td r�wtt�'vic estinrntes af exp�endit�ues of futare -.- �
<br /> � � Escrov�Items or otAerwise in acoordance with applira6le law. .
<br /> � ;' . � .
<br /> • . • ��EBAASFtA•Si�gta Family-FarWs MnolFrcdmo Mac UBHFORPJ!INSTRUR!!EM Farm 3Q28 918U '
<br /> ,� �N�1ZY971'JITO . VtdPM0iRf3AGEf0A?AS�f3121293-8t00•f8001S]�•�29T vapo�o�d ' � Aman�od6/91
<br /> _ .. ,
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