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<br /> <,.'' , 5. 8�zard ar Pro�erty Insurr.isaoe. Eorrocver shall keep tite improveruemts now �ng or 6�eafter erectod oa ths -
<br /> ,.;; :, nsu oe --
<br /> � °� Property ins►u�ed against lo�.s by fire,hazards iacluded within the term"extende�coverage'pad any other hazani5,iactuding . _
<br /> " ;�' � fldads or flewding, fur wluch Lender requires iasarance.T6is insnraaoe sissil6e wa�ntained ia�We amounts and for rhe pariods =
<br /> 4r`-�=_��.� that l.en�er reql�ire�.The in._wianee carrier providing the insar�nce shali be chcuect i�y Horrtiwcz subject m I.ender's appmval . W
<br /> w�hic6 shail not 6e unreasonably nrimhhetd: If Borrowee faiLs to��a�ntain GpYCi8gC dGSC[ID� �JOVC. L.ender nnay. at Lxnder's °.
<br /> .���: .
<br /> _'. " � , option.obtain coverage m prot�t l.ender's rights in the Property in accaidance with patagiapb 7. _
<br /> ::�;;-- .
<br />-��*,.:m. � All`inswartee�ollcies amt cenewats shail be acoept�'ute to L,eader and shall include a stattdard mortgage clavse. Ieader _
<br />°_;�- °."`•:`Yi,,� ` sSaII 6ave she ri t to hold the ol�cies and reuewals.If i.ender Boaower shall rom d e eo i.ender a!1 recei of _
<br /> . h S� � � �4�• P P Y&�+ .en� pts
<br /> :s.•4:�r_'�' Y. paid p�ums snd reneaval no�oes.In thp event of Ioss,'Bormwer shali give pmr�i notice to the insurance carrier aud I.ender. � —
<br />-...4'i ur>..;:. s:. c . -_
<br />-._;;�:�,�_�., � L�cader may makc praof of loss if eot made proaiptly by Bocmwer. .
<br /> ti=':�.'=��;�:• Unless Lender aad Borrower otherwise agree in wridng.iasnranoe prooeeds sba11 be apglied to reswratian or repair of the �
<br /> :-.�h':,J!r:,-s.L i.,
<br /> --�"_�s�t���=;+"; Property damaged,if th�restoradon or re�air is economically f��te and Y.ender's security is not Iessened.If the�esiorattnn or,
<br /> repair is not econoinirally'fettsi'bte pr Lender's seauitq would be lesse�cl,the insaranoe pmce�ds shall be applied w t[es sums'
<br /> � r9 `�y tm.f
<br />,=-��iV����� secuied by tlus Sewrity Instrument,whcther or not thea�due, with any excess paid to Borrower. if BorrovvEr abaadnns the
<br /> .�yr,��a--- , ,. Pmperty,or.does not answer wittdm 30 days a notice from Ixnder thai the insurauce carrier has offemd to seitle a claim,theu
<br /> �-�;;.���;.��,� , + Lender may wltect the insoraaoe pmceRds. Letider may use the pmceeds to repair or restore the Prope�ty or to Qay sucas
<br /> .;:.:�::. .,..,.
<br /> +:��, ���' . secam.d by this Securit}i Inshument,whettter or cr�then due.The 30-day gepied a+ill begin when ttae nouce is givea.
<br /> �.����-
<br />_�=����'`' . Untess Leader a�Bmm��tanse a�e in writing, �y aggt�oa of pmcetds w prinsipal shail a�'L�tend or
<br /> -�������� _
<br />___..�._ .. .postponeth�-due�date-oi-tth.��u;�wpaymenis�refe�red-w��ax-�ragra�,'��..�.and-2-or-�haageWeamount-of�the-g�nts. If- . .. . ...
<br /> _- �:.n•���,.,, under paragtaph 21 the Property is�tqnir�by Lender.Bor�u�n,a�righs ta�y i.+�,ra�polic�es and procx,ads re�Etiug fmm
<br /> --= damage to the Fmperty grior to the acquisition sha�ll pass to Lender to ths e�of the sums secnred 6y this SecuriYy�In�t
<br />-
<br />